AN: Hey Sorry my lovely viewers, apparently I didn't need a anther to finish this, I just needed the right motivation and time. But anyways this one is actually shorter because well... what can you do on a plane? like serious, lmao. But now from here on out the rest on the stories for these three months with Stiles... they are about to start getting REALLY intense! There still is a plot with a conflict and resolution and all that good stuff, but ya gotta let me get there. Ok anyways, ENJOY!

PS: Favorite and follow my story. Leave comments as well please, I like to hear feedback! ^_^

Chapter 4: The talk on the plane

Kyle POV

I sit in my chair just leaning back and relaxing.

The inside of the plane is basically like a mini living room but with beds in the back of the plane. The plane has a couch to the left along the wall and then there's a mini fridge that's right next to it. My chair is right behind the fridge, but it's twisty and recliner. I'm laying back in the chair facing the mini though. Then there's, behind me, a full size refrigerator in the corner with a little kitchen beside it. The sink, and stove with a counter next to it and tv on the other side of the stove.

Then next to it is a little booth and a table in the middle of them that seats four. And then behind that it's just a two seat row, like on the actual planes, and behind that was a 42" inch tv on a stand with movies on the side of it and the game on. It's a ps4.

I'm just in my chair relaxing as I see Lucas and Jake playing the game. I look around wondering where Stiles and Klaus are.

"Aye, Luc where's Klaus and Sti?" I say yawning a bit and get up. I walk over to the full size fridge to look inside and find myself something to eat.

"They're both in the back; I believe Klaus just wanted to get Stiles's powers under control so that way he can at least stop and use it whenever he can."

He's still focused on the TV with Jake. I nod my head while closing the door to the fridge, "I wasn't really hungry anyway."

I went back to my chair and sat in it. I reached down though and went into the mini fridge and got me some of my cranberry juice.

I open the bottle up and drink a bit from it. I put it down on top of the fridge and turn my chair around. I'm facing the way towards the big fridge and I look out the window thinking "What am I going to do with him now? I know who he's training with but in which order. It's Lucas for spells, Jake for combat, Klaus for focus, control, and basic magic control, and me… I think it be best if I only reviewed with him… no I'll teach him a bit of combat to but have Jake teach him combat with weapons, but can Stiles handle that? He's going to be broken and rebuilt right back from scratch, I hope he's ready." I sigh and shake my head.

I pull out my phone so I can make a quick call. I dial dad's number and call him.




"Hello, this is Sheriff Stilinski."

"First don't you ever answer your phone like that with me…" I chuckle, as does he with me saying that " and second save my number now, SO you won't answer your phone like that with me. ok? ok." I say laughing and I hear the others behind me snickering to just like my father is right now.

"Ok ok son I will; I give you my word." I nod my head in satisfaction with a sly smirk on my face.

"Well good. Now oh dear father of mine what was it that you were going to tell me earlier, before I had to go get that truck?"

He chuckles nervously for a bit answers me with "Oh son it wasn't that important…"

"Father you have no choice right now, that peaked my interest on WHY you're staying in Beacon Hills and on why it made you blush like you just turned into the most delicious cherry ever." I smirk and laugh. I can tell that now both the other two are in the conversation now, but just trying to hide it.

"I won't say anything to them."

Dad sighs and sounds reluctant, but he goes ahead and tells me.

"Ok son… I've set my mind on those reasons I've said before, but also because… I-I-I'm most l-l-likely going to d-date Melissa McCall." dad says, chuckling nervously.

I'm to shocked to even respond to that. I mean I'm ecstatic that he's thinking about his own happiness, but one thing is that the problem of this matter is Stiles. "how will he react? I mean that is Scott's mom, Stiles's ex-best friend."

I sigh and just think about it. "Then again Stiles still will be happy that his dad is thinking about this. I mean I'm pretty sure even Stiles was thinking about them together…"

I chuckle to myself and remember that dads on the phone with me.

"Oh yea dad, that's good I guess… the only problem about it is Stiles now, buuuut I think that he'll actually be fine with it to be honest." I sigh again and look out the window of the plane.

"He'll be fine with it dad…"

"I know he will, plus he's the one that made jokes and innuendos about it anyways," I hear him chuckle a bit through the phone.

I laugh at this, "Oh really! That's hilarious, but even so I won't tell him for now. That'll be up to you…"

He sighs "I know…. but I want you guys to get him all finished training, and then have him all settled before I walk with him about it, Ok?"

I think about it for a sec, that comes with a little pause. "That's fine dad, just don't wait too long; trust he will be pissed if you decide to Marry her just by next year and then just telling him then… no he'll be furious so tell him at least by Summer's end."

"... I will son, ok? I will."

We both sigh, "Ok, well dad I'm actually going to go check on everyone so I'll call you back when Stiles's is all settled in."

"Ok son, I'll talk to you later then."

"Alright, Love you!"

"Love you to Ky."

I hang up the phone and sigh in my seat, while looking out the window to watch down below.

"I wonder what's going to Stiles's future from here on. It comes to times like these where… when I look outside this window and observe the clouds and the whole entire sky that if only my life was as easy as this; to just float and have not a care in the world, but then to just look down at the earth... wouldn't that be something? I see though from up here that as life goes on more and more choices are made, in through life all the way to death. So now I wonder from this point on what is Stiles's choices going to be through his life?" (inspired by poem "What is life?")

I tilt my head to look and see what the two behind me were doing.

They both had their eyes still on the tv but were looking pretty sleepy, " I guess they got tired from the game… bet you they wish they were clouds."

I turn back to the window and sigh now leaning my forehead on the it.

It's been about 20 minutes now; I can tell by looking at the clock over next to the tv on the counter of the kitchen. I turn my head and see those two, Lucas and Jake, are sleep also.

"I know I had one good nap to." I chuckle to myself from that thought.

I get up and stretch; walking to the back of the plane, carefully stepping over Jake and Lucas. I enter the small hallway to each of our rooms, and go step to Klaus's room.

I open the door slowly and as I'm doing so I can feel the powerful tremendous intensity magic seeping from the room. I open the door all the way and see both Stiles and Klaus on his floor, legs crossed, sitting while holding each other's hands saying a current spell apparently.

I think about what they might be doing, "I think Klaus is kinda sorta testing Stiles powers in their mind so they WON'T blow the plane up."

I just close the door back not wanting to disturb them, and now next I head to the pilot's room

I walk passed these to sleeping monkeys and head straight to the door of the pilot's quarter.

I open the door and see the pilots just talking to his other partner.

"Aye guys!"

They both look back towards me, just scoping to see who came in. Then they both turn their heads back to the sky ahead.

"What's up Kyle?" The guy on the right, Brock, said.

"Sup boss!" The guy on the left, Tony, said.

"Nothing much, I just came here to ask how long till we arrive to Michigan, near the house?"

Brock answers in his husky, masculine voice "In about 2 and a half more hours."

"Ok thanks guys; I'll be back later."

They both respond, "Aye sir!"

I chuckle and close the door behind me while I leave the room. I walk back to my chair and plop down in it, sighing.

"A little ways to go, and…" I look outside the window again feeling a bit sleepy again, "Your real training will start."