Nothing serious just for the hell of it.
Humans were a bad enemy to fight - which also made them a good enemy, for orks made little distinction between the two concepts. No matter how many humans were killed, there were always more to take their place, shiploads of them brimming with a vengeance. Humans were like a weed, like a disease, almost impossible to cleanse from a world. For a green skin that made them something more than an enemy, for a fight against a favored enemy was a joyous thing. Orks loved going to war with humans because defeating the humans meant something.
— Warhammer 40,000
In December 2016: The world made contact with an indigenous people, with pointy ears. This caused a media storm, saying how humanity had proven the existence of Elves.
But just like all things in life, the excitement passed and they were integrated into society.
One year later
We followed them, to the Human world. Just like the others before, the vermin living on the planet were weak. So we struck like we always did.
We road the great rock and spread through all the world, striking all before us, no one could match us and then it happened. Then we arrived at the first create village by sea, we killed a few, burned their homes, eate the dead, while all of them fled.
As we went deeper and deeper, we could feel it, the stench of vengeance, we had angered a beast.
Our blood boiled anxious for battle and then we heard it that marvelous word.
Dakka, Dakka, Dakka, Dakka, In an instant many of us fell dead, we charged, more died, we didn't care they died because they were weak.
Our numbers were many, with that we pushed overwhelming their defenses, then we saw them our enemy, they didn't wear armor, nor did they wear uniforms. No, they were the workers, the farmers defending themselves.
We didn't care, even as the fires burned, the fight was long and bloody, then as it began to rained they struck quicker, quieter.
Finally, when the rain stopped andvthe fires died the village finally fell, it was then that we saw them as the sun rose.
They came in ships filled with hundreds of them all screaming vengeance.
[Speech change Elf1]
The explosions shook the house they hid in. Woman and children whimpered- cried hoping for the monsters madness would somehow disappear.
Yet in all this, she could see the fierce determination in some of the children's eyes, as well as some of their mothers.
They knew they were going to die, yet they were willing to die fighting. Hoping that their sacrifice would give the younger generation time to escape.
She felt so powerless useless, for her a once proud sorceress reduced to this.
She was worthless now, she couldn't even help the man she grew to love.
He was one of the semi-dead Humans, that lived in this magic deprived world but God damn it, he was hers and she was his. She was carrying his child and yet he would leave them both behind.
Yet in all of this chaos, a glimmer of hope shined, the Orks were bleeding, dying and with their blood came their magic now released on the world.
So with what little power she could call forth, she extended her will into the immaterial realm and what she saw shook her to the core.
It was no mystery that the Humans of this world were masters of alchemy, yet the sight that she bore witness to was unheard of.
In the great darkness of space massive arrows destroyed thousands of Ork rocks, their shattered remnants collided with those untouched by the arrows, killing their passengers. Yet so many still came down on to the already injured world.
She looked upon the once blue marble now covered in fire and black smoke.
She tried to pull her sight back but the immaterial realm doesn't work that way, she had started a path and now she was forced to see it to the end.
The planet was locked in an all-out war, the once marvelous Human cities of New York, Mexico, Sydney and Hong Kong, were now locked in a war of survival.
Their once towering buildings were now nothing more than, burning pillars. Yet in all of this, what truly struck her was, just how fiercely the Humans fought back.
The city's Gangs wage a ruthless unending the guerrilla war against the Orks alongside them, the city's police launched an all-out assault meting the Ork horde, head on.
Using what little weaponry they truly had, police squad units used snipers and something the Humans called tanks in an attempt to slow the Orks down.
In the savage lands where the Humans lacked the knowledge of technology, warriors met the Orcs in battle, alongside them were the beasts known as lions, dogs, hyenas and as odd as it may seem an entire army's of ants that slew Orks by the thousands, reducing their bodies to bones in seconds.
In the once peaceful skies, Dragons fight the Humans war birds known as jets, helicopters and their smaller counterparts known as drones.
So as her sight began to fade and her magic began to dwindle, she set her eyes on the land she now called home.
But she could see none of it, all that remained were ashes, her heart sank deep fearing the worst.
She could already see the bodies of the people she once called friends now dead.
Her broken soul, cried out to the heavens, begging for him to be alive.
There was a hole in her chest a hole so dark and deep that light could never hope to shine in it.
The thought of a wold, their child would have to grow in without a father, was unthinkable.
Would what little family either of them had left accept them or would they be cast aside?
After all just because her love accepted her, didn't mean everyone else did too.
That's when she saw them ships made of steel and with them came death, Humans that knew how to wage war.
The last thing she saw was her beloved, using a machete to slice thru an Orks neck. War had come and the Humans welcomed it with open arms.
Speech change Elf2]
Her breathing was heavy, her body ached as she was now covered in cuts and bruises, all around her were what remained of the surviving Humans.
She could hear the huffing and panting, coming from each of them. They were tired, no they were beyond exhausted, the few men and women that fought alongside her, were farmers and common townsfolk.
The rain had finally stopped, leaving the now drenched defenders exposed to the chilling winds. She could see her breath, along with those around her. The white mist they all exhaled, almost made her smile.
The area they were in was their last stronghold, the Orks were attacking in every direction, there was no truly safe place.
Yet even in these desperate times, fools rose and let their people to their deaths, the invasion had only been going on for a day. But already they had endured heavy losses, most had been thru battle, but others had been by the people's sheer stupidity.
At the beginning of the invasion, their group was larger, much larger the may villages, towns ran toward the only place that seemed to have a stable defense.
Namely her home village\ town.
She wished those fools would have stayed away. Now because of them, they now had to protect the now widowed woman and bastardized children. But alas she wouldn't think like that, or at the very least not say any of it out loud.
If that man heard her, he would probably chastise her for it, even though she could clearly see that others thought the same.
She could feel herself starting to breath easier as time past, they had stopped at the ruins of a small convenience store, in order to gather food and to rest a little.
The morning winds blew the ashes of the somewhat friendly town everywhere, making whatever moisture it carried along with it, seem like oil as it ran down her delicate skin.
As she saw her comrades... comrades that thought alone made her laugh.
In the old world, before they were stranded in this magic depraved planet, the Humans around her would have been nothing more than savages. Their kind would barely be fit to run around in her pet's feces, now they were her peoples one and only hope of staying alive.
Still, despite her prejudice, she could understand and even admire their understanding of alchemy or was it science.
Their power didn't come from chants or any spirit, but the understanding of how things work.
Still, she was amassed that they were still alive and were willing to keep going.
So as she bit into the all too obvious, poisoned food known as a twinkly, she looked around and saw how her comrades eat like animals, just shoving the food into their mouths, some didn't even chew.
Their ash covered bodies had the marks of the battles they had been in, as their own red blood was mixed in with the green blood of the Orks.
Three minutes that's all the time they had to rest, they needed to secure an area and to do so they were positioning ruined cars, trucks and whatever else they found into a massive circle. While at the same time they were using the remains of the houses as markers.
It was slow and painful to do, seeing as they had to repetitively circle the entire village, killing any Ork they came across and having to send in small scout units, every time they found a breach.
The scouts always returned, in less numbers each time.
In the beginning, they were more a lot more people.
By the refugee's stories, the areas around them had already fallen. Meaning that the defenders were what was left.
So that man rose to power leading the survivors, if they couldn't run then they would hide and so they did.
But they did it in a spectacular way, her sister and her unborn half breed were left hidden away in a separate place, along with all of the other noncombatants.
With them remained some of the best fighters, she knew that he had no real belief that any of them would return alive.
The wind blew making her shiver, at that moment she felt the weight of a jacket placed on her shoulders, as she looked up she saw him standing over her, like a titan so far above her yet so close that she could touch him.
''Hey listen I know you're tired, but I need you to take a small team and give everyone back home some of the food and clothes we found. Pick whoever you want, and go tell them everything's going to be okay,'' he said before he walked away, as he handed out clothes to the people around her.
That man was her sisters, the one responsible for staining her and her unborn children. She honestly didn't see what her sister saw in him, well not until now at least.
He has weak scrawny arms, a stomach from the lack of exercise, messy hair and a weak sounding voice.
But with all these faults she couldn't help but look at him, he had led the survivors in each encounter, well the ones he gathered after he left the first group.
Yes, they were both deserters and no they were both deserters.
The first group believed themselves to be capable and charged at the Orks head on, it was them that thinned out the Orks numbers, but none of them even tried to set up a defensive wall and it was that one fatal flaw that was their downfall.
Each one group had its own leader that clashed with the others and they would often shut each other up, that alone was a huge flaw. Communication was keen in battle.
So he broke off and told anyone that would listen, to go to one of the few houses that had a basement.
The noncombatants were separated into several houses, fifteen to thirty houses filled to capacity all holding women, children and elderly.
Unfortunately, anyone that was too ill or too old was left behind, many cursed his name, even the men that fought alongside them saw him with hate.
That is until they saw several survivors, being killed as they tried to save their elders, elders that couldn't walk or move freely on their own.
Even now she saw how many of them still held looks of distrust towards him.
So as more survivors were found and were added to the defenders, he gave the order to send a small team with whatever noncombatants to the somewhat secure area.
It was this act that sealed their first betrayal, a muscular man took control of many of their allies, taking control of the defending army and he was forced into exile.
With that man in power, the defenders were left in a state of what could only be called soon to be dead.
The fool uses the walls that had been set up, to attack the Orks she was there when they used a combination of gasoline and explosive weapons, that the Humans called pipe bombs, at first it was all going well until they began to run out of bombs.
The Orks arrived in waves, an ocean of green muscle and teeth. Soon the walls were breached. The only reason she survived was that she hid on top of a roof, but when it was all over there was a road that leads clear across the once safe zone.
Again he arrived and gathered the survivors, they yelled at him and accused him of betrayal, but this time he would have none of it.
He killed all of those that attacked him, his reason was simple she didn't need to hear it.
They had betrayed him, the area wasn't for the defenders no it was for all of their women and children and because of them, they risked losing them all.
So they had to go back and seal all of the breached areas, she could still remember the look in his eyes when he looked at her, that day.
The pain and regret in those eyes, but she could see he was glad that she was still alive.
The sound of barking caught her attention, a lot of the farmers had guard dogs, dogs that now served as a protective beast for their units.
She could see him playing with a few of them all different breeds, Rottweilers, pit bulls [the original kind] and one several that seemed like a mixture of almost every breed.
She remembered when they first found a small group of survivors that had several women in ropes, in all honesty, they seemed like slavers.
So a surprise attack was sent in, but the men in the group refused to fight, saying that the women were insane.
A lot of things can happen in half day and an entire night. The women were something called feminist, to be honest, no one would have said anything had they not tried to take control.
They had learned their lesson and they were so few of their own people left, that when the situation became heated, the whole group as one force the women to leave.
By the time a third circle was made around the safe area, they found the remains of several of the woman.
A group of nearly eighty women and only two were found alive.
Yet in all of this, she couldn't help but look at him.
He wasn't much to look a, but he had proven cunning enough to let his enemies kill themselves, strategically speaking the sheer fact that when the Orks breached, none of them had found the noncombatants, that proved he knew what he was doing.
So as she looked at him, she couldn't help but wonder if she could get him to look in her direction. Still, her three minutes were up and it was time to take the supplies to all of those hungry mouths
] Speech change Human 1]
The cold wind blew, somehow making ash and water mix, the thing was the damn thing didn't feel like oil until it touched the skin.
The thing about ashes is that even if the top layer gets wet, the bottom stays hot. So yeah a lot of us were getting ashes in our eyes.
The invasion had been going on, from the afternoon up until dawn. It's hard to believe that the world changed in such a short amount of time.
His town was small, not too small to be called a village, but nowhere near the size of a city either. To be honest, today was supposed to be the best and worst day of his life.
He had just presented to his mom-dad-brothers and sisters, hell his entire family was there. Sure his uncle, aunt along with his cousins, picked a hell of a day to visit but that's how life was.
There's a lot of prejudice in his family against the Elve's, hell if someone had said to him; that the woman carrying his unborn son\daughter. Was going to be purple, have pointy ears and had a body of a Goddess, he would have said they were hie on drugs.
Thank God he was wrong because he loved every part of her. From the very tip of her ears that seem to twitch whenever he touched them, to her horrible attempts at cooking. That part still bugged him, elves were supposed to be able to do that.
Hell, he even asked her about it, that's when he found out something he didn't believe he could get over, but apparently, he somehow did.
She was a bit of a know it all, all who the hell was he kidding, she's one hell of a know it all and as odd as it may sound, he really can't imagine her being any other way.
Sure she was a little intimidating, but that was just who she was.
Everyone saw the perfect woman, be it she was purple. Personally, he preferred blue, but as long as she didn't know that he would live.
You know the kind that every time she walks, it's with some sort of grace and confidence that makes everyone turn and looked at her, yeah that's her.
The thing is, no one saw the person, who stayed up all night memorizing words, or reading every book she could get her hands on, just because the world around her didn't make any sense.
Yeah, he didn't either, until he saw her doing just that, back when he worked late, really late. The kind of late where one entered work at two and got out at one in the morning.
For an entire week, passed her and they never said a word to each other.
The thing about Elves is that they mostly come out at night and for the most part people didn't care.
So he would get out of work walke down the street town and go to sleep as soon as he got home.
That's how he did things, hell the fact that the elves were out at night and somehow made the gang problem go down, was a plus in his book.
So he really didn't care, the thing was that one day for some wonderful\ hate filled reason he said hie.
If you asked him how he ended up with her after that, well he has no idea.
No scratch that, it was probably the fact that he sat next to her, completely covered in oil by the way and asked if she was crazy for always reading all those books, every night.
Yeah now that he looked back, life was good.
When the attack started, all everyone could think of was running away. A lot of people died like that, they just ran on top of one another, then they came, dozens of fireballs falling from the sky.
Hell by that point the town was already a mess, with people fighting and cars left on the road.
Back in those houses, the ones keeping everyone important to us safe. There are at best eight, nine hundred people, maybe a little more than that and that's adding the people that made it to us after the Orks passed thru.
If someone bothered to ask him, why he left the defense team the first time, he would tell them the truth.
They weren't going to hold back the enemy, hell he didn't even think that he would still be alive, so he thought ahead.
The Orks were living tanks, but they weren't all that bright. Imagine the power to tear a car in half, but with the brains of a peanut. All he did was put up mirrors and anything shiny and they took the bait, leaving the safe houses alone.
By the time he made it back almost everyone was dead, so he helped whoever was left and they began to re-setup defenses.
He wasn't going to lie, the flipped over cars and scarcely set up walls were only things he's seen in movies, or he helped build in the past. They weren't going to hold, but they weren't supposed to their job was to help single out any Ork left in town.
That way they would be alerted if one was in the area, those things can't stay quiet anywhere. He knows this because when this all started, a lot of those things walked past him and they were all screaming for no reason, other than just screaming.
Still, things had changed.
So yeah it seemed like the initial invasion was over, they would need to remove the center circle protecting everyone back home. Dam he was already calling it home.
That thought alone worried him, anyway the plan was to use the first two inner circles, protecting the inside on the third wall. That way they could reinforce it, those things were serving their purpose, but if they got too greedy, they could risk losing everything, so they had to strengthen their hold in the area.
At least that was the plan. The thing is things change, as situation stood the only thing he could think of was may God help us all.
Throughout the entire nig, they had seen the night sky shine, there must have been one hell of a war in space.
He wished it had stayed up there, so as the third wave of Orks began to fall, their bodies turning gray before busting a pool of green blood. The sight of the sky at dawn, was forever engraved into his memory.
It happened one after another, the once orange and red sky. Was light up by
a continuous white light that took all the colors away.
Nukes, he closed his eyes and accepted it the government had decided to use nuclear weapons.
In an instant Human, Elf Ork fell, he didn't know if they were dead. Well, the Orks were sure as hell dead but everyone else was debatable.
The world had changed
Dawn of War [the warring age\ time of confusion.]
[Speech change Demeter]
Demeter was a simple Dwarf, all it took to keep him happy was a nice large barrel of ale, a good day's hard work and he would de in Heaven.
Back home he and his fellow Dwarfs had just ended their war, with those damn arrogant stuck up Elves.
And immediately they were attacked by the foulness of Chaos. That's how they ended up on Earth, the enemy was conning. Only after the Dwarfs had forced the abominations back into its hellish realm. Did they realized that they too had fallen into a trap.
Their forms began to change, it was excruciatingly painful. So they called out to any power and one answered.
The thing was whatever helped them was also was an idiot, the Warp didn't exist here, no it was more like it didn't have any hold here. So it too had no power here.
Imagine their surprise when they found Humans here and their outrage when the Humans just thought of them as another type of Human. But after a day in one of their libraries, did they realize the truth.
They were a myth in this world and so the Humans had zero interaction with the dwarven kind. That thought alone was devastating, here they did not exist, here they were mere legend. So the few women that were with them, four hundred as they may be, would be the ones that carried on their legacy with their children.
Still, three hundred men to four hundred woman weren't too bad.
This was what had survived, after the encounter with the enemy. But the people of this world loved having an over the top amount of things and loved excess.
Still, the human's government controlled everything, so many Dwarfs ended up living in small towns. At first,t they were seen with suspicion, then the people accepted them, after all, they built things to last.
So when the Humans found the Elves, they didn't like it, still it was like a piece of the home had come here.
Too bad that the elves were different, they had purple skin, long black hair and were humble. Yes, they seemed arrogant, but they were far from it. After all, when you live as long as they do, you learn a lot.
Still the Humans accepted them, just like they accepted their own kind. So insults, looks of suspicion and love was found.
Strangely, they themselves accepted the insults and looks of suspicion, after all the Humans did this to each other, so why wouldn't they do the same to them.
They were completely different to the Elves back home, those arrogant bastards could learn a thing or two from them.
Stil, he was surprised when the news showed the first Human, Elf child, back home that would have never happened.
Then everything went to hell, it was a good thing that the last news report, had been a three months ago. So now as he approached the town his brother lived in, at least he prayed he still lived in.
The weapon the Humans unleashed eliminated all of the magic in the air and killed all of the Orks, the thing was the magic had already done its job and integrated itself into the planet.
He saw when everyone fell unconscious, as a Dwarf, he was immune to magic but the Humans had no such immunity.
So as he walked did he notice, that even the animals had fallen unconscious.
Stil, he finally made it to hisbrother's town and what he saw made him smile. It was defended and someone a Human was awake.
''Hello there my name is Demeter, my brother is Therancer, he lives here!'' he screamed hoping the Human could hear him.
''Oh your Terence's brother, how the hell did you get here? You know scratch that gets over here before you get killed.'' the Human said.
So as he walked up to where the Human was he noticed that he was lying a lot of people next to each other, it was there that he saw his brother.
''When the bombs went off we all went down. He should be okay, hell I am, but the thing is if we leave them just the way they are they'll end up getting hurt.'' the Human said.
Demeter didn't need to be asked, so he immediately began to help lay the assortment of species on their backs Elves, Humans, Dwarfs a hell they were even Dogs involved.
''Hey you came from next town right, your brother told me you lived there. So what did you see.'' the Human asked.
''Ay I lived there but the town's gone. The Orks left nothing, but their all dead now whatever the government used killed them all.'' Demeter answered.
''Yeah thought so, the bombs emitted an EMP, I saw what it did to the Orks. Listen don't tell anyone your Dwarfs, at least not until we have everything in order again people aren't good with changes.''
''All of our techs is gone and everyone is still knocked out by the way. By the way, my name is John, so what now?'' the Human asked.
''Now we rebuild and prepare for the incoming war. Everyone is in confused and from what I've seen of you Humans, bad things will happen, especially now."
"You can feel it can't you, flowing in you, magic has come to this world and with it all of its dangers,'' Demeter said.
After that they worked in silence for the rest of the day, watching over everyone and reinforcing the outer wall. It wasn't until late that evening when everyone began to wake up, immediately they left a small group behind and went to go see everyone else on the inside.
So many were left crying that day.