Yo it's Ten Tailed Jacoal Of Doom here bringing you the 11th chapter. In this chapter we have the invasion and Naruto's fight with 2 legends and a snake. We also get to witness 9 legendary pokemon and the crowning/ascension of 2 God plus Minato finally dies and everyone's favorite foul mouthed red haired sound female. People I need your help deciding the content of the next chapter. I'm posting a poll to decide where Naruto goes next. Should next chapter see Naruto traveling to the world of Street Fighter for the epic battle of Shin Skins and Evil Ryu vs. Destruction Naruto and Full Demon Jinx, back to the DBZ universe for an epic battle against Beerus, or to the Mass Effect universe to help Sheppard take down the reapers? Either way it's gonna be massive and epic!

Chapter 10; Wars, New Gods, Revelations and Death of Orochimaru!

Naruto smiling at Pedomaru inside of the barrier along with Anko, Sarutobi and Minato asked "You look mad Pedomaru, did I say something to upset you?"

Orochimaru snarling said "I would take your body brat, but you're too strong and your mouth is a little too smart for me."

Naruto laughing said "I'm a god Pedomaru."

Orochimaru smirking said "So you claim, but let's see how you stand against the likes of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama."

Naruto blinking asked "Are you about to do what I think you're about to do?"

Orochimaru smirking slapped his hands together and four coffins rose up from the ground. The first two had the numbers 1st and 2nd on them. The third one had the kanji for Uchiha on it, and the last one had the kanji for salamander on it. Naruto watched as all four coffins opened. Naruto spotting The 1st hokage, the 2nd hokage, Madara and Hanzo laughed and said "Now this is a party."

Naruto turning to Anko said "Take on the 2nd, see if you can rip his soul out."

He turning to Sarutobi said "Old man you team up with Namikaze to battle the Salamander."

He cracking his knuckles said "I'll be taking on both Madara and Hashirama." He letting his doujutsu flare to life said "It's time to find out how I stack up against two gods of Shinobi." Sarutobi nodding dashed towards Hanzo with Minato right beside him. Anko letting her Nanobots surge out shot towards Tobirama. Naruto looking at Madara, Hashirama and Orochimaru turned to see Shikaku stomping down on sand ninja and slapping the stupid attacks from the sound away. Naruto smirking nipped his finger and said "I know you have a back-up plan Pedomaru, so allow me to bolster the odds." He blurring through handsigns slammed his hands down and said "Summoning Jutsu; Groudon Titan of the Land!"

Everyone gained wide eyes when a large brownish red dinosaur like creature appeared and roared. At that moment a explosion happened in the forest and a huge release of demonic chakra was unleashed. From the forest the 5 tails appeared. Naruto spotting this said "The Gobi eh. Groudon isn't going to be enough for that steam venting freak." He lifting up his hand said "Carnage release; Benevolent Offering of the God!"

Madara and Hashirama blinked when thunder rang out above the clouds. Naruto turning to Shikaku who was looking up at the sky said "Bathe in the glory of your god."

Shikaku gained wide eyes when drops of blood started to rain down on the village. Shikaku laughing loudly said "My lord has given me his blessing. I am bathing in his glory."

Everyone gained wide eyes when he then tripled in size and his sand turned blood red. Naruto closing his eyes let the blood fall down on him, loving how his rain could fall through anything. He opening his eyes could see Anko holding the arm of Tobirama with her tongue catching drops of blood. Naruto summoning a chalice out of nowhere lifted it up and let it fill up with blood. He smiling at the confused looks on Madara's and Hashirama's face said "I talk a lot of shit when I'm drinking baby. I'm known to go a little to fast. Don't mind my big sister, I know she's real crazy. But she's my favorite sister and I'm glad. That's all I'm gonna say so fucker can we dance."

He then teleporting the chalice away, let the flaming aura of Moltres come to life and blurred towards Madara. Madara barely blocking the attack smirked and said "You're strong boy."

Naruto coated in flames smirked and said "This is gonna be the best fight so far." He then jumped into the air as tree roots and snakes came soaring towards him. Naruto spinning in the air let the flames take on the shape of a wheel. He crashing down cried out "Flame Wheel!"

Hashirama watched as the flames burned not only his wood, but the snakes into ashes. Naruto standing up flexed his muscles said "Dance Fools!" Explosions erupted around him and Orochimaru was barely able to dodge the attack from Naruto. Naruto feeling Madara coming with his signature weapon, unsealed Jinx(Sword) in her base form. He swinging it felt the power of his sword clash with Madara.

Madara feeling the power behind Naruto's sword smirked and said "You're really good boy."

Naruto smirking said "You ain't seen nothing yet." His body then started to glow and the flames of Moltres tripled in size. Naruto smirking dangerously said "Flame Charge!"

Madara switching places with a log blinked as the log was turned into ashes. Hashirama dashing towards Naruto jumped planning on landing a punch on Naruto. His eyes widened when his punch phased right through Naruto. Naruto placing his hand on the man said "Lightning Style; Speed Force!"

Hashirama was then sent flying his body trying to put itself back together. Naruto clenching the handle of Jinx smirked when it transformed into a long chain like sword. He starting to spin said chain and letting it get longer lit it on fire and could feel the air being sucked above and around him. He then ripping the chain out of the suction smirked when a huge twister of fire appeared. Jumping into the air he spun and to the shock of Orochimaru, Hashirama and the excitement of Madara kicked the twister towards them. Madara lifting his war fan up slammed it down and destroyed the fire. He wasn't expecting for Naruto to appear on his war fan fist drawn back. He connecting a punch to the man's face, jumped into the air and started to move his hands at a very fast pace. When they stopped he had made a triangle with his thumbs and pointer fingers. Naruto pushing Ki through his body said "Burning Attack!"

Eyes widened when a huge orange ball came out of the triangle. Orochimaru switching places with a log, cursed as the spot he had been standing was a smoking crater. Naruto landing laughed and said "That was fun." Orochimaru hearing this looked at Naruto with narrowed eyes wondering what was wrong with this boy.

Outside of the barrier Temari was having a little trouble with Chiyo who was only toying with Temari. Temari panting was about to curse her luck, when suddenly all of Chiyo's puppets were turned into firewood. Temari moving her eyes blinked spotting Jinx in her human form glaring at Chiyo. Jinx walking over to Temari said "I really hate puppets and old meddling bitches too."

Chiyo scowling asked "Who are you?"

Jinx chuckling allowed her nine blood red tails to appear along with her fox ears. She smirking darkly at the blanching Chiyo said "I am Jinx Yoko, but I prefer to be called Lady Jinx, mistress of destruction."

Chiyo taking several steps back said "Kyuubi."

Jinx nodding said "Correct old bitch." She turning to the wide eyed Temari said "Now then Temari I believe you owe this old bitch a proper ass kicking."

Temari blinking suddenly smirked and said "Why come to think of it I do."

Chiyo hearing this gulped loudly knowing things were about to get bad for her. Kushina working with Mikoto was taking down sand and sound shinobi left and right. Kushina slashing through a sound shinobi said "This is really stupid."

Mikoto snapping the neck of a sand shinobi said "It's raining blood Kushina, nothing right now is stupid."

Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino were helping their sensei take down any sand and sound ninja they came across. Kakashi was very upset that he was forced to guard Sakura, as the girl was useless and he would rather let her die, but Gai had challenged him to see who could protect their students better and Kakashi was damned before he let Gai win this challenge. Karin and Kin were acting as bodyguards of Natsumi, who was confused wondering where her brother and foxy went. Hitachi was tossing pocky skewers at enemies killing them, making many of the konoha ninja sweat drop. Kiba was ripping into his enemies and was excited for some reason unknown to him. Shino was simply unleashing huge swarms at sand and sound ninja not worried about running out as Naruto's blood rain seemed to attract and invigorate more insects, including some leeches that attached to the sand and sound ninja just because they were covered in blood. Akane and Kione were slicing through enemy showing that they were indeed Kushina's daughters. Naruko was using a kunai to defend the civilians not really worried about anything. Ten-Ten was unleashing showers of sharpened kunai ignoring how everyone sand or sound shinobi she hit screamed very loudly. Jiraiya being protected by Yugao was wishing that he could battle and that he hadn't foolishly challenged Naruto to battle. Yugao herself was wondering why she was loving that it was actually raining blood.

Back inside of the barrier Anko laughing was using her new Nanotech release and her snakes like clockwork on Tobirama Senju who to his own shock was struggling to put the girl down. Anko was also enjoying the rain her insane little brother had summoned. To her it was like bathing in the spoils of victory and she loved the way the blood felt on her skin. She rubbing her thighs together bit her lower lip, as all of the blood was also turning her all the way on. She opening her mouth said "Nanotech Release; Iron Spider Jutsu!"

Tobirama gained wide eyes when the small robots fused together to create a suit of armor with spider like qualities. Anko jumping into the suit licked her lips and said "Carnage and Nanotech Release: Combination Jutsu; Bloody Metallic Shockwave!"

From her body a huge wave of robots coated in blood came soaring at Tobirama who screamed when they hit him. The robots started to bury not only into his body, but his very soul. Anko smirking pointed towards Tobirama with both of her arms. Cackling she said "Nanotech Release: Subcategory; Twin Ionic Cannons jutsu!"

From her two arms huge dark purple beams came soaring at Tobirama who to his shock couldn't move a single muscle. A huge explosion then occurred that rocked the area inside of the barrier. Sarutobi and Minato getting their ass handed to them by Hanzo felt the shockwave from the explosion. Sarutobi biting his lip said "Damn it Anko."

Minato trying to keep his focus on Hanzo who had this taunting smirk on his face said "Naruto may have turned her into a monster."

Sarutobi was about to say something when his instincts told him to lift his hand up. He doing so blinked when he felt something cool hit his hand. He looking at it blinked as it was a test tube with a green goo like substance in it. He looking up wondering where it came from blinked spotting a rather large blue beetle. It had glowing pink eyes for some reason. It then opened it's mouth and he was shocked to hear Naruto's voice come from it. He said "Oi old man, my guess is that you and Namikaze-baka are getting your asses handed to you by the old salamander. Well I decided to even the odds for that dated shinobi war hound. Inside the tube is the 4th successful fusion of my ultimate Carnage Release jutsu; Fumetsu no sekai no aji(Taste of the Immortal World), the base for Nanotech release, and the alien parasite Kami-nee gave me when I became a god. The parasite is known as the Symbiote and like you most likely guessed forms a symbiotic relationship with it's host. The Nanobots will act as the host instead of you, and the jutsu will grant you access to your younger body, along with three alternate versions of yourself. Drink up Old man and embrace your new life as a new minor god under the direct command of myself. Embrace your power and become Sarutobi Hiruzen the god of the Samāsara and Alternatives."

Sarutobi blinking looked at the tube and then looked at Minato getting smacked around by Hanzo. Shaking his head he removed the cork from the tube and drained it down his throat. He nearly gagged at the horrible taste and how slimy the stuff was. He shaking his head and making a disgusted face tossed the tube away. His eyes suddenly widened feeling power surge through his body. He suddenly feeling the urge to roar did so. Minato and Hanzo both turned to look at him wondering why he had roared. Minato gasped spotting Hiruzen looking like he was 30 again, no make that 24. A shiny green substance then started to cover Sarutobi's body in patches, until his body was littered with shiny green spots. Hanzo gasped when slate grey eyes appeared on the two patches on each hand. The terrifying thing about these eyes were that they had three solid black rings and were the Rinnegan. Hanzo taking a step back in fear asked "How do you have those eyes?"

Sarutobi chuckling said "I was just made the God of the Samāsara and Alternatives." Hanzo blanched hearing this and Minato gasped. Hiruzen then vanished from sight and the next thing Minato knew Hanzo was flying all the way across the roof. Hiruzen appearing where Hanzo had been clenched his fist and said "Now I feel like the God of Shinobi once again."

Naruto having witnessed Sarutobi's ascension chuckled and flipped over an attack by Orochimaru who was covered in nasty bruises and cuts. Madara sending a powerful fire jutsu at Naruto watched as Naruto sent it right at Orochimaru and asked "What are you chuckling about?"

Naruto laughing said "Oh it's just the old man can no longer be called the old man and now Hanzo is about to get a taste of a 24 year old Sarutobi Hiruzen, God of Shinobi."

Orochimaru hearing this gained wide eyes and made the mistake of turning to look in the direction where he could feel Hanzo fighting. Like I said this was a mistake as Naruto spotting an opening pointed two fingers at Orochimaru and said "Almighty Push!"

Orochimaru was then blasted away by an intense force of gravity that broke several bones of his. Naruto then feeling an attack from Hashirama coming clapped his hands together and said "Fire Style; Volcanic Explosion Jutsu!"

He then erupted in a giant pillar of flames that burned every piece of wood heading his way and the ground beneath him. Madara spotting this smirked and said "Impressive."

Orochimaru appearing with fury in his eyes said "No more games brat." He turning to the four people keeping up the barrier barked out "Expand the barrier it's time for the summons to get involved in this battle."

Naruto tilting his head watched as the barrier was expanded. Orochimaru chuckling went through handsigns and summoned Manda the boss of the snake summoning contract. Manda hissing said "Orochimaru this had better be good, as I have not received any sacrifices." O

rochimaru said "The ultimate sacrifice is right in front of you Manda-sama."

Manda looking down smirked spotting Naruto, who could tell that the snake wasn't heading Kami's warning. Shaking his head Naruto said "You must have forgotten that I have summons also Pedomaru."

He ignoring the growl from Orochimaru went through the handsigns faster than Madara could keep up with and did what was required to summon. 8 poof of smoke occurred and all eight of them were just as large as Manda. Naruto smirking said "Behold the three dogs of war." The first three poof of smoke cleared and to the shock of Orochimaru three canine like creatures the size of cars were standing there. These three were of course Entei, Raikou and Suicune.

Entei turning to Naruto asked "Are you the one mother told us about?"

Raikou staring down Manda asked "Are you the one capable of activating and using all our powers?"

Suicune staring at Hashirama asked "Are you Naruto Otsutsuki the God of Carnage, Destruction and Technology?"

Naruto nodding said "That I am and the snake you are staring down Raikou is an enemy who wants to destroy my village. You three are free to destroy the snake, his summoner and the other two."

All three legendary dogs howled and Manda found himself in an entirely new world of hurt, along with Orochimaru and Hashirama. Entei and Raikou had teamed up on Manda, while Suicune had attacked Hashirama. That left just Madara and Naruto. Madara with a smile on his face said "You are an most interesting opponent." He then activating his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan said "Let's see how you contend with the Susanoo"

Naruto blinked when Madara's legendary Susanoo appeared. Naruto snorting said "You're not the only one who has that attack Madara." Madara hearing this gained wide eyes. His eyes widened even more when Naruto activating the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan part of the Kaosugan said "Susanoo!"

From around Naruto a huge silver figure appeared. This figure at first was nothing but a skeletal system, but slowly muscles started to form along with skin. Soon a six armed three headed demonic figure could be seen hovering over Naruto. It then gained armor and six deadly scythes. Naruto chuckling at the shock in not only Madara's eyes, but Orochimaru, Sarutobi, Hashirama, Tobirama, Hanzo, Anko and Minato said "Behold my very unique version of the Uchiha's ultimate defense."

He then gaining a dark smirk on his face said "Of course it's not finished yet." Madara hearing this felt his eyes grow so big they were ready to pop out of his head. Naruto looking at the five poofs of smoke said "Allow me to introduce the 3 birds of the seasons, the guardian of the sea and mythical bird of mirage." The five lingering poofs of smoke clearing revealed, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia and Ho-Oh. All five legendary birds were flapping their massive wings and looking around.

Lugia spotting Naruto landed in front of his Susanoo and asked "Are you the new god mother informed us about?"

Naruto nodding said "Aye I am lady Lugia."

The other four birds sitting down looked at the Susanoo. Articuno moving her red eyes to him asked "Is that the construct mother said we would be able to fuse with?"

Naruto smiling gently at her said "Yes this is my Susanoo lady Articuno and all five of you can easily fuse and diffuse with it."

Moltres turning to look at Madara's Susanoo asked "Who is he?"

Naruto said "Madara Uchiha, and my opponent at the moment."

Ho-Oh looking outside of the barrier asked "After you finish the war we will be allowed to stay like Giratina, Groudon, Entei, Raikou and Suicune right?"

Naruto nodding said "Of course lady Ho-Oh all five of you are free to roam the elemental nations as you please, and like I promised Cammy-sama I'll protect the five of you with my life."

Lugia nodding said "Let us fuse then."

The other four birds nodding jumped into the air and to the shock of Madara and the others quickly fused with Naruto's already impressive Susanoo. A huge pillar of light then shattered the barrier making Orochimaru gain wide eyes. Suddenly a massive pressure slammed down on the people on the roof and everyone in or around konoha. Suddenly a giant hand reached through the pillar. Madara gained wide eyes when a complete version of Naruto's Susanoo appeared, with the addition of ten large wings, and a very long tail. Naruto standing inside of the creature had this impassive look on his face that made Madara shiver slightly. Madara then shaking his fear off smirked and turned his half Susanoo into it's complete form. Naruto realizing that the two titanic chakra constructions wouldn't be able to stand on the rooftop of battle in konoha without destroying it, used teleport and moved he and Madara outside of the village, but still within view of Konoha so everyone could watch the battle.

Madara now standing in his full Susanoo had this insane smirk on his face as he said "This battle will either cement your place amongst legends or be the end of you."

Naruto laughing said "This battle will move me up in the Bingo book from an B-rank, to a S-rank as I will have gone toe to toe with Madara Uchiha and the world will know the name of the ultimate God of Destruction." He then made the scythes of his Susanoo appear just as Madara made his sword and shield appear. The battle then began and all of Konoha even those involved in battles could see it clearly.

Back in the now reformed barrier Anko having collected the soul of Tobirama while he was looking at Naruto was kinda shocked at the power she could feel rolling off of Naruto in waves. She turning to the left decided to go give her former sensei a gift in the form of an Ionic Bomb, or maybe an Atomic Overload. Shrugging she activated the flight system in her new armor and headed in the direction of Orochimaru. Sarutobi having just watched Minato use the reaper death seal to seal away Hanzo shook his head as the man was promptly grabbed by Tsubasa and dragged only Kami knows where. He looking at the battle between Naruto and Madara said "A battle between titans is happening outside of this barrier in fact two of them are."

He shrugging decided to go see how his other sensei and former student was fairing took off towards Orochimaru's location. Said snake Sannin dodging a rather deadly looking ball of lightning from Raikou was both pissed and terrified. Pissed that Naruto was so damn strong, terrified because Raikou and Entei had burned and fried Manda alive, actually killing the snake. He was then punched hard in the face by Anko in her Iron Spider suit. He going flying flipped and glared at her. She chuckling at his face said "Hello again sensei."

He growling said "You foolish little girl, you cannot defeat me."

He was then doubled over by a staff he was very familiar with. Sarutobi chuckling said "Getting cocky in your old age Orochimaru."

The snake sannin wiping the blood from his mouth was about to ask Sarutobi who he was calling old when he got a good look at his former sensei. His eyes nearly popped out of his head spotting the 25 year old Sarutobi standing beside a wide eyed Anko. Sarutobi smirking said "The perks of becoming a god under Naruto."

Anko hearing this said "Oh."

Orochimaru still shocked asked "The brat can make people gods?"

Anko nodding said "Of course he can. I'm the goddess of Technology and Torture with a minor affinity to carnage, and destruction."

Sarutobi laughing said "He made me the god of the Samāsara and Alternatives."

Orochimaru hearing this gained wide eyes, but blanched when Sarutobi's Rinnegan appeared. Anko spotting said legendary eyes asked "Holy shit since when can Naru-chan give out doujutsu?"

Sarutobi shrugging said "The hell if I know. All I know is that I know have the Rinnegan and I am once again 25."

Orochimaru now trembling in fear tried to bring Hashirama to him, but gained wide eyes feeling his connection the man gone. He quickly turning gained wide eyes as only the dead body he had used to summon Hashirama remained. This was once again a mistake as both Anko and Hiruzen connected attacks to his body, sending him sailing across the battlefield. The attacks didn't stop there as Suicune, Raikou and Entei all fired attacks at Orochimaru. The sannin dodging landed and finally realized that the odds were no longer stacked in his favor. To tell the truth if he had paid attention he would've noticed that the odds were never in his favor and his little plan was doomed to fail. He moving his eyes tried to think of an escape plan that would let him leave this wretched village alive.

Outside of the barrier Chiyo was laid out on the ground, her throat slit and guts spilling out on the floor. A panting Temari was standing over the dying woman, while Jinx collected the remains of the 100 something puppets the woman had summoned. Chiyo trying to stop herself from dying gurgled out "Our plan was doomed from the start."

Jinx snorting said "No your plan was doomed the day it was thought up. Naru-chan without even being a god would've put an end to your plan and Konoha would still have won this little war."

She turning to the old lady said "He did after all have full control over my chakra and could even transform into me, but he was hiding his skills like a true shinobi does. Because a shinobi must be one with the shadows."

Chiyo hearing this coughed up a lot of blood and passed on, her soul being scooped up by Tsubasa who had a grin on her face. Temari once Chiyo died said "You can finally rest in peace mom."

Jinx hearing this asked "You do know Naruto plans on bringing your mother back so that you and Gaara can be reunited with her right?"

Temari hearing this gained wide eyes and turned to Jinx and asked "What?"

Jinx chuckling said "Tsubasa-sama has a contract with Naruto. If he delivers her a lot of souls, she'd allow him to revive someone. For every 100 souls he kills and delivers to her, he can revive 2 people. With this war he has delivered about 2,500 souls to Tsubasa, with myself, Anko, Sarutobi, Gaara, Shukaku and yourself being under his jurisdiction."

Temari was shocked hearing this. Kakashi spotting the stadium basically clear of any sand or sound shinobi turned to Gai and asked "How many?"

Gai smiling brightly said "Yosh I took down 250 my eternal rival."

Kakashi eye smiling said "I win as I took down 560."

Gai hearing this started to weep as he said "You win this time my eternal rival."

Kakashi still eye smiling asked "I'm sorry did you say something?"

Gai then did what was customary whenever Kakashi did that. Asuma looking at his team could see that the three of them were a little shaken up at killing so many people so he said "You three did good. You protected the village from the sand and sound shinobi. Remember that it was either you of them."

Shikamaru looking at Naruto battling Madara closed his eyes and said "Troublesome wars."

Chouji also looking at Naruto smiled a little knowing that Naruto would have said something much more rude and cool. Ino combing a hand through her hair looked at the battle between Naruto and Madara. She spotting how badass Naruto's Susanoo looked switched into fan-girl mode. This meant hearts appeared in her eyes, drool came out of her mouth and she started to swoon where she stood. She said "Oh my god! Naruto-kun is so godly."

Shikamaru, Chouji and Asuma all sweat dropped hearing this. Karin, Kinandd Natsumi sitting on Salamandra who had come at Natsumi's whistle were watching Naruto battle the legendary Madara Uchiha. Karin in the same state as Ino said "Naruto-kun is the God of my dreams!"

Kin with wide eyes said "Naruto-sama is legendary."

Natsumi clapping her little hands and having stars in her eyes said "Cool."

Kushina standing beside a wide eyed Mikoto was looking at Naruto's battle with Madara. Kushina staring at Naruto's Susanoo asked Mikoto "Tell me again how I can join Naruto's harem?"

Mikoto watching as Naruto's Susanoo summoned huge ice pillars said "Naruto-kun has to accept a date with you, and on said date he must sing to you. Then you are officially a part of Naruto's harem."

Kione and Akane with heavy blushes on their face was staring at Naruto's power as they said "Otsutsuki-sama is so dreamy."

Naruko looking at Naruto's battle with Madara with wide eyes said "I think I just fell in love."

Yugao, Kurenai and Hitachi having grouped together around Jiraiya to protect him said in union "Naruto-kun is going toe to toe with the legendary Madara Uchiha and actually fucking winning."

Hitachi said "My foolish little brother is very lucky Naruto-kun held back against him."

Kurenai said "I need to schedule some time so I can get Naruto-kun to help me get stronger."

Yugao said "Fuck that I'm kidnapping him so he can train me."

Jiraiya now realizing how truly foolish he had been to challenge Naruto asked "How in the nine circles of hell is he only a B-rank in the bingo book?"

Kiba looking at Naruto's battle said "Naruto is without a doubt not the dobe of our class."

Shino pushing up his glasses said "The God of Destruction will be a named feared by Konoha's enemies for decades to come."

Ten-Ten with wide eyes said "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I am witnessing the man I want to marry battle the infamous Madara Uchiha and win."

Sakura with wide eyes said "Okay fuck Sasuke Uchiha. I need to seduce and be with Naruto Otsutsuki."

Haku standing beside Zabuza turned to the pink haired girl and said "No way in hell is that happening bitch Naruto-sama is spoken for thank you very much."

Zabuza shaking his head said "I'm kidnapping the kid and forcing him to train me. I need to be able to go toe to toe with a legendary shinobi."

Suddenly the battle between Naruto and Madara ended as Naruto unleashing a powerful attack destroyed Madara's Susanoo and stabbing Madara ripped out the body of the now confirmed Kazekage that was the item keeping Madara bound to the mortal realm. Madara smirking as he started to break up said "I look forward to our next battle kid and next time I will be using my full power."

Naruto chuckling said "See you in a couple of years Madara. Do be ready for the battle of your life."

Madara laughing faded away. Naruto shaking his head turned back to Konoha. He releasing his Susanoo and setting the five legendary birds free said "I thank you my ladies. You are free to explore your new world." Moltres setting down on the ground shocked him when she shifted into the form of a woman with long flowing orange hair and bright yellow skin. She dressed in a pair of red jeans and a orange tank top smirked at him and said "The only thing I want to explore is a relationship with you."

Articuno, Zapdos, Lugia and Ho-Oh also shifting into the forms of human females smirked and said "Likewise."

Naruto chuckling said "I'd be delighted to date the five of you my ladies."

He then looking at the barrier said "Before I can do that I have a snake to skin and a promise to keep."

He vanishing in a roar of thunder appeared outside of the barrier shocking everyone who had gathered around it. He smirking moved his eyes to Tayuya and asked "Is it set up Tayuya-hime?"

Tayuya smirking said "Hell yeah it is Naruto-kun."

He nodding said "Good let, Anko, Sarutobi, Raikou, Entei and Suicune out."

She nodding created a hole in the barrier shocking the other three guards. Anko jumping out with Sarutobi, Raikou, Entei and Suicune landed beside Naruto and asked "What are you about to do Naruto?"

He ignoring this question for now walked inside of the barrier and nodded to Tayuya. She shutting the barrier turned to the other four smirked and said "You four shitheads are no longer needed. Destruction Release; Heart Explosion Jutsu!"

The four sound ninja (this includes Udon inside of Sakon) suddenly screamed as inside of their bodies their hearts exploded killing them instantly. The barrier staid up though. Tayuya smirking said "Carnage and Nanotech Release; Barrier of the young God jutsu!"

Everyone gained wide eyes when the barrier went from being dark purple to being as clear as the air, with small shiny specs visible here and there. All eyes could now see a smirking Naruto in front of a wide eyed Orochimaru. Naruto chuckling said "I bet you're wondering what is going on. Simple really a few days ago Tayuya-hime snuck into the village searching for Kin-chan, because she didn't believe your bullshit story about her receiving special training from some sound jonin. I just happened to be out on a date with Kin and Haku-chan at the time and we ran into her. After a little misunderstanding, Kin informed me that Tayuya-hime was one of your personal bodyguards and that the only reason she was said thing was because you killed her parents, and she needed to be high up to protect Kin and Karin-chan from the scum in your village. I then asked her to show me the curse mark you placed on her. After looking at it with my doujutsu I realized that I could destroy the damn thing."

He stopping to smirk at the rage in Orochimaru's eyes said "I did so, and she was so happy that she was ready to do anything I asked of her. So I came up with a rather ingenious plan. I would elevate her to Goddess of Destruction and Music and then give her the S-rank mission of pretending to still be loyal to you. She would also sabotage your troops and get me the blueprints for every hidden base you had. Of course I didn't send her to do such a dangerous mission by herself, because I kinda took a liking to her. So"

He snapping his fingers shocked him when several dark purple snakes appeared looking much like cobras. Naruto petting one of them said "I gave her the very powerful and potent protection and back-up of group of level 100 Arbok. The best part about this was that you wouldn't get suspicious because they are snakes, also I could relay things through them to her. So once she found out about your little barrier plan, I sent her the new plan."

He gaining a devilish smile on his face said "This new plan was to open the barrier and let whoever or whatever was trapped inside battling you out, but keep you in. All we needed was for the original barrier to go up, and then the trap would be sprung."

Orochimaru was now trembling with pure rage. Naruto chuckling said "Tayuya-hime played her part perfectly and now you can't escape your fate.(TTJOD "Band Slam!") Today your world dies and I honor the promise I made to Anko when I first met her."

He closing his eyes and ignoring Orochimaru screaming and transforming into a huge white snake with eight heads said "This attack was made specifically for this task and will not only kill the body you're in right now, but will kill your real body, and send your tainted soul to Tsubasa-nee in a to go bag."

Naruto slowly floating into the air still had his eyes closed, knowing that all eyes were now on him. His body then started to glow with this unearthly green energy that was shining very brightly. Naruto still with his eyes closed lifted up his hands and everyone was shocked when the barrier expanded and gained height. Naruto still rising in the air stopped when he was miles above the transformed Orochimaru. He slowly opening his eyes lifted both of his hands to the sky. He surging energy through his body, was now cloaked in a thick green aura. This wasn't light green either, no it was an emerald green. This aura started to get bigger and bigger until Naruto was literally in a ball of thick green energy. There was so much energy inside of the barrier that lightning, and wind were kicking up inside of the barrier and the sky was darkening above everyone. Slowly a huge ball started to form over Naruto's head and everyone, yes everyone even Sakura could feel the pure power this ball had.

This ball was dark purple and glowing so brightly the sun looked dull compared to it. To everyone's shock it kept getting bigger until it was absolutely huge. Naruto lowering one of his hands was now holding the huge attack with a single arm. He looking down at Orochimaru with cold deadly eyes said "This attacks is the combined power of my Ki, Chakra, Demonic Chakra, Nature Chakra, Godly Chakra and the chakra I gathered in my sage mode."

Everyone hearing this gained wide eyes and Jinx said "That's one powerful attack."

Naruto said "This attack is without a doubt a planet destroyer, and normally I'd be worried about destroying the planet, but the barrier is infused with not only my Godly energy, but Nanobots that will immediately absorb any excess energy from the attack."

When he said this everyone nearly choked on their saliva and Orochimaru in his snake form seemed to realize that he was in danger. Naruto said "Now die Pedomaru and go rot in the belly of Tsubasa-nee. Sūpā Kōshi Bakudan!1(Super Photon Bomb!)"

The attack then quickly moved towards Orochimaru who tried his best to block it. He failed miserably and exploded into nothingness. This attack was still so powerful that it kicked up a mighty gust of wind, that practically created a tornado inside of the barrier, which kicked up a lot of dust and smoke. All eyes were on the barrier waiting for the smoke to clear to see if Orochimaru had really just died. When the smoke cleared silence filled the air as the roof that the battle had taken place on had been obliterated and only the bottom of the barrier could be seen. Laying where Orochimaru had been was the legendary sword Kusanagi, hard proof that Orochimaru was no more. Naruto landing on the barrier, bent down and picked the sword up. He looking it over nodded to Tayuya who with her jaw scraping the ground dropped the barrier. Silence hung heavily in the air as Orochimaru was dead, and no one wanted to shatter this if it wasn't real.

Naruto shaking his head slowly walked over to the shell shocked Anko. He smiling softly grabbed her hand and placed the Kusanagi in her hand. She looking down at it slowly lifted her head back to stare at his eyes. He still with a smile on his face said "Rejoice Anko, as Pedomaru the white snake, traitor of the leaf and the man who hurt you the most is no more."

When he said this, it finally registered in everyone's mind. Naruto Otsutsuki, Konoha's God of Carnage, The Hero of Wave and youngest of the eternal council of gods, had just killed the 2nd biggest traitor in all of Konoha. Anko with tears slowly spilling out of her eyes and body trembling dropped the sword to the ground. Naruto hadn't really noticed this as he was staring at Groudon and Shikaku who were looking at him with nothing but respect in their eyes. Suddenly Anko glomped him and he was forced on his back. He turning to look at her blinked when she grabbed his head and forced him into a passionate kiss. She did this for 10 whole minutes before her need of air became too much and she ended the kiss. She staring in his eyes with pure emotion in her eyes said "I can't believe it. You actually did it. You killed him, you fucking killed Orochimaru and you got rid of my curse."

She crying happy tears kissed him again and said "I love you so much Naru-chan."

Naruto eye smiling much like Kakashi would said "I know Anko-chan and I love you more." Everyone smiled at this scene, and many people realized that Konoha had just survived and was victorious in a war started by Orochimaru and his village. The only person who had died was Minato Namikaze and he did so foolishly by sealing Hanzo into his stomach.

Sarutobi looking up at the sky and noticing that it had stopped raining blood said "The will of fire burns brightly today!" Everyone hearing what he said nodded except for Anko who was still hugging Naruto tightly not letting him go and Naruto who was just letting Anko do so.

Review or be forced to play Dr. TTJOD Happy Psychotic Homicidal Fun Time! Don't forget to vote on the poll.

1This attack is inspired by the Super Spirit Bomb, Supernova, Sphere of Destruction, Big Bang Kamehameha, X100 Big Bang Kamehameha, Super Vanishing Ball, Teleporting Vanishing ball, and the green ball Broly creates when he charges up in Broly; The Legendary Super Saiyan. So if you need help imagining it look up the Super Spirit Bomb or play DBZXV!