Blue rosé

Chapter 2 –The School –

'Yay, then I can eat your meals days and nights' Shade happily sang.

But then Rein cut off his happiness and say: 'Only on one condition'.

Shade POV

I look quietly at her when she began to say: 'Only if you call you father first for permission and go to school every day from now on.' "What! Why~~? Why you always give me the hardest task to do." I said pouting. 'Stop whining like a little boy and I need to see you at school today' Rein said logically. "But I don't have my uniforms. How I'm supposed to go?"

'Please, Shade. Don't give me the lamest excuse. Just call Mr. George to bring it for you' she said boringly. 'I'm gonna get going then, otherwise I'll be late and your lunchbox is in the corner of the dining table. And if I don't see you in the class, your doomed' she said while waving goodbye and shouted the last part: 'AND don't forget to wash the rest of the dishes too!'

"Tssk!, always so smart, I said while rubbing my head. I've never washed dished in my life before." What should I do? I look confused then I started put soap in there and just spill it with water. I called George after that for bringing me uniforms and some spare clothes. He arrived right away and greeted me politely: 'Good morning Master Shade, here is the things you ordered me to do. Do you need anything else?' I give him a light nod while I take the bag from him. 'could you please take me to a "place"? "Of course, Master Shade!' George bowed and open his car door for me.

I take my lunchbox then step in the back sit while George asked me: "where too?"

'School' I said afterwards doubly.


Rein walked in her class and instantly greeted by her friends Mirlo, Sophie and Lione. "Good morning Rein" they said in unison. 'Good morning guys' Rein happily reply back. "Hey Rein, where are planning to try the new café after school. Do you want to come along, since today is Friday and tomorrow we can rest!" Lione asked me happily. 'No way! You mean the café who just opened? Of course I want to, I'm down' Rein stated back. The bell ring, then they heard some loud screaming noises and yelling voices of the girls, somewhere whispering with each other and that's I know Shade really come to school.

'Urgh, I really hate school, is just study ain't my thing. If I want, I can just hired a private tutor and still do nothing. Even so I choose to come to school, because Reins attend. I want to be closer to her and today is special, cause she made me a lunchbox. I smiled like a idiotic to myself.

I've known Rein for almost 3 years. She's a cheerful person, confidence and independent girl. Never thought she's obsess with fashion and sometimes its scaring me. But that's I love about her. She makes me smile and happy again, when I've the most depressive time. Her parents are always overseas, so basically she's always home alone and I know she feels lonely too. That's why I feel the urge to protect her. We're so much alike, maybe that's why we became friends in the first place and the girl I only love. She's dense with this thing, maybe she still don't know I have feelings for her. Actually I'm scared to confess. What happen if it didn't work out and we can't even stay friend. That simple thought can break me down. But one day I'm going to confess to her not immediately but definitely.

'KYAA! It's Shade Moon. He's so handsome. He finally come to school' the fans girls screaming loudly.

"Urgh, what a best way to wake me up" I said with a ill temper.

'Master Shade, please be careful and have a wonderful day further' George said politely. I nodded slightly and command: 'George , arrange with my father with something for me. I won't be home this couples of weeks and make him approve it. I'm staying at Reins house.'

"I'm afraid that your father won't approve, because I'm the one who saying it, Master Shade" George answered me calmly back. 'well, do something about it, I don't care' I stated back and walk in the class. "Yes, Master Shade " George said behind me while bowed over again.

I walk in the class slowly, while the bell rang a long time ago. I open the door and greet the teacher and take my seat straight away. Teacher Rin seems surprised and shock. 'It's been a while Shade, well your late so be quick. I want to start my lesson' Teacher Rin said.

'Yeah, yeah, I said uninterested while crossing my arms and dick my head in it and pretend to sleep. While Teacher Rin continue teaching. I looked at Rein, who's slightly yawning and looking tired. I feel a little guilty and I quickly grab a piece of note and a pen. Out of nowhere I begin to write something quick on it and tossed at Rein side. It fall over her shoulder which land it on her desk afterwards. She felt something and look confuse at me. I give her a signal to look at the table. She followed my lead and glanced back at her table, which she take notice of a mini note…