Blue rosé

Chapter 1

Rein woke up on a strange sound and was wondering was that's? I got off from my bed and walked at the window. But I didn't see anything, until suddenly there's a dark shadow passing by. My eyes went wide and shocked. So I bent over to see it clearly, but this time I don't see anything anymore. Maybe I'm still dreaming.

Suddenly I felt my mouth dry, so I run down the stairs and walked straight to the kitchen. I picked a glass and fill it with water, I drink it slowly up while I turn around, there's a tall figure suddenly standing in front of me.

Immediately I spit my water all over to that person and I almost choked to death.

"what the hell", I heard from that person saying while I support myself from a table.

I look over to that familiar voice. 'S-Shade, what are u doing here? 'Oh my God, you scared the hell of me.'

'What, you spilled water all over me,' while he clean himself up with a towel that I don't have any idea where did he get that.

'Anyway how did u get in here' Rein said nervously. 'well sweetheart, one of your window didn't lock well so I climbed in. You need to be more careful next time' Shade said while smirking. You could ring the bell, like a normal person do then climbing someone house window, idiot' Rein said embarrassed.

'I don't want to wake you up, you know. So I sneaked in.' Shade answered back.

'So what are you doing all the way here?

Uhm…I come to crash tonight. Actually it would be good for a couples of days' Shade casually said.

'What, Why?! Rein shouted back. 'Well, I have a fight with my dad again and I can't stand around him, so I walked away' Shade replied nonchalantly.


I have known Shade for almost 3 years. He is the son from a rich family, his father is a president from a big design company. (Which I never met him before till now) His late mother was a role model, but she died when Shade's at the age of eight in a car accident, when she's rushing for an important show. And Shade doesn't like to talk much about it. I learned it a couples of year later when I met George for the first time, which is Shade's personal Butler or servant. His sister Milky was only five went that incident happened. She can't accept the fact that her mother has passed away. So Shade's father send her in an all-girl boarding school. And that makes Shade really sad. That's why he always got a fight with his father. But luckily, can Milky always come back home, when it's summer vacation.

'Hey~~~! Earth to Rein, as Shade is waving his hand in front of me.'I've been calling you the whole time, maybe your still in dreamland. Drooling for me for sure' Shade said smirking.

W-what of course not. W-why should I? Rein stuttered while blushing slightly.

'Anyway, can I sleep here tonight?' Shade asked yawning.

'What can I say, you've come here all the way. I guess u can sleep at the guest room. You're lucky that my parents aren't here for a couples of weeks, otherwise they will certainly call your dad to pick you up.

But Shade didn't listen anymore, he walked in the guest room like he own this place and let himself fall on the soft bed and drive to sleep immediately.

I sighed as I whisper goodnight before I closed his door and walk to my room and felt slightly asleep afterwards.

The next morning

Rein take a quick shower and preparing the breakfast already, when she making the omelets, she shouted Shade to wake up. That's when she hear a slightly footsteps coming down.

'Good morning, Miss sunshine' Shade greeted and flash her a wide smile. 'Good morning, take you long enough to come down' while Rein is busying flipping the omelets right in place. When she turn around she saw Shade only wearing his pants and his hair is still slightly wet. Rein almost make her spatula fell off, but manage to grab it on time before it really falling down. She was staring at his hot torso until shade say: 'like what you see, Miss sunshine' while smirking. Rein blushed immediately and put her omelet into a plate. 'Y-you could at least wear a shirt' Rein said while her face is still red. 'Naah, I know you like the view' Shade said teasingly. W-who would like it!' Rein stuttered and give Shade a lightly slap, before she give him a plate full of toast, omelets, bacon and some orange juice.

'Oh my God! Your meals are the best. That's why I love you so much' Shade said while munching the food with delight. 'Arghh! Eat the thing and be quit for once' Rein said while her face is still red as a tomato.

'Where are your parents by the way?' 'Urgh, I told you that they're having business overseas for a couple of weeks' Rein repeated again. 'So I can stay for a couples of weeks too? Shade said happily. 'Not a chance, you've a big house were many servants who can serve you. And besides your father might be worried about you' Rein replied back.

'Auww, don't be like that. It's dangerous for a girl living alone right now and besides I can protect you' Shade sounded firm. His eyes looking lonely and straight at her. That makes Rein blush and couldn't refuse his gaze. 'Please, Miss sunshine~~' Shade asked pleaded.

'O-okay, Rein accepted it without thinking. 'Yay, then I can eat your meals days and nights' Shade happily sang. But then Rein cut off his happiness and say: 'Only on one condition'.