Word of warning, I am a bit confused on the Korean way of first and last name so I am figuring they do the same thing that Japan does (Last name, First name) so I'm sticking with that.
Plus some last names are two words so there will be a "-" to show its one word but in reality it's two. I do this to keep things simple for me and I hope you all understand.
Summary: Lee Naruto is the younger brother of Lee Na, a Wild's Guard for Wild's High a prestigious school for females that promises great things for its graduates. Once Naruto reaches of age he is asked to enroll into it and becomes one of the first two males to ever enroll in the previously all-female school.
While there he meets his friend Yoon-In Gyi and her friends as well as other girls of Wilds High and numerous things ensue.
Fox of the Wild
Chapter 1
Lee Na scowled as she left school and headed home. She had been accepted into Wilds High two years ago as a 14 year old freshman almost immediately, which she was thankful for as it was a great school that would help her in the future.
She had long blonde hair and piercing purple eyes that had scared many who tried to mess with her. She was tall for her age and had a very good figure considering the workout she did.
She was an orphan as her parents had died when she was 11 and her brother was just a new born baby. She was still thankful that her brother was such an easy child to raise.
She truly loved her little brother.
She wasn't one to smile or even show emotion outside of the house other than annoyance or anger and even in her house she only opened up to one person.
"Sissy!" She heard a child yell as she felt weight tackle and two small arms wrap around her legs. She was unaffected because of her training but she looked down and smiled at the source.
He was her little brother. He was five years old and the source of her happiness for the last five years. He had spiky blond hair that he got from their father and had two spiky bangs that framed his face. His eyes were dazzling purple like dark amethysts that he got from their mother much like she did.
His name was Lee Naruto and due to their situation he saw her as a mother and a sister.
She smiled as she picked him up and hugged him close "How has your day been Little Naru" She said as she twirled him around making the small boy giggle.
"Really good!" He said as he nuzzled into her neck "I played lots of games at school and had fun!" He said as he started recounting his day to his big sister.
Lee Na smiled and listened to her brother as she carried him into the living room. She was able to raise him comfortably in a modest two bedroom house due to the fact that their parents were heads of two prestigious companies.
Her father Minato, who was the brains of the family founded the Namikaze medical corporation that created amazing medical advancements that led to the curing of numerous would be deadly diseases.
Then there was her mother Kushina, the brawn of the family. She founded the Uzumaki Corporation. They created world renowned training equipment that was used in every professional gym all across the globe. Even her school used the equipment.
The current heads of both corporations understood her situation as they were close family friends, in fact they were their godparents Gama Jiraiya and Senju Tsunade. They would send deposits of her shares into an account for her to use though she didn't want to spoil her brother which was why she kept their house modest.
They would even send her reports on everything they were working on as Lee Na was quite well versed in their fields.
She ruffled the hair of her little brother and smiled "I need to take a nice hot bath as school was rough. Want to join me? I bet you need one" she said as she picked him up and tickled his sides making him laugh uncontrollably and squirm.
"Sissy stop! You're tickling me," Naruto said in-between laughs "I'll take a bath just stop tickling me"
"That's my good boy" she said as she laid him over her shoulder making him giggle more.
After the bath and dinner she laid him down to bed "Now it's time to go to bed Naru, you have school tomorrow plus I believe you have a birthday party to go to, I believe it's for a certain Yoon-In Gyi" she said with a smile.
Her brother made friends with people easily and through school he had made friends with the heir of the YK Corporation, which was an ally of their companies. Naruto made friends with the small girl Yoon-In Gyi quite easily and even protected her from some bullies even though he knew she could handle herself.
His reasoning for helping made her smile. She still remembered the serious look on his little face as he said "I will not just stand by and let those guys be meanies to her. She once said she can't hit people because of home so I took her place and hit them just as hard as she would".
She was proud of her little brother. She had been training him for the last year or so. Nothing big, just small strengthening exercises hidden as chores. He would help her carry laundry in from outside and each time it would get a little bit heavier. She wouldn't go into the more intense stuff until later.
"Okay Sissy, I still need to draw Gyi's card" Naruto said as he rubbed his eyes and laid in bed before holding his hands up to ask for a hug.
She smiled and hugged her brother as he kissed her cheek "Love you Sissy" he said as he smiled at her.
"Love you too my little Naru" she said as she kissed his forehead.
She truly did love her little brother and she would everything in her power to protect him.
-Ten Years Later-
A tall 15 year old blond man looked out at the large school in distance in front of him. His spiky hair went down to his shoulders but he had it tied back in a ponytail. He looked down at the letter with his darker purple eyes again to make sure he was heading to the correct place.
"Dear Mr. Lee Naruto,
We hereby invite you to our prestigious school the Wilds High.
You will be one of the two first male students ever to join this all girls academy.
We chose you because of your relations to Lee Na, our strongest and best Wilds Guard.
You will be a special case in where your grades won't be a too important matter and neither will your attendance. The most important thing will be the way you interact with the girls of Wilds High.
We know you will do us proud as your sister was a wonderful student
Sincerely, Charles Wilds"
Naruto sighed as he pocketed the letter.
He had heard of the stories of Wilds High from his older sister Na but he never expected to go to the school. He had only been here once before and that was when Na took him for Sibling Day, it was a funny day especially when his overprotective sister guarded him from the other girls.
He straightened his uniforms tie with a frown. He never liked dressing all fancy but his sister forced him for the first day of school.
He was about to walk towards the school but then a large limo pulled up and he instantly knew who it was.
"Gyi, do you really need a fancy limo like this? I'm sure a regular car will work just fine" he said as his childhood friend Yoon-In Gyi stepped out.
She had long blond hair that was lighter tone than his and his sister's. She had soft lilac eyes and currently wore the female uniform. She was also known as the Queen of the Wilds fighting league.
Yoon-In Gyi looked at her childhood friend with some shock, though it was hidden. She didn't expect him to be at her school. She heard that two men were coming into the school and was dreading it but now that she knew one was her friend Naruto maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"You know I don't like taking it. My driver forced me and not like I rode all the way to school" she said as she pointed to the driver who waved them off.
Naruto chuckled as a girl on a bike came to a screeching stop. She had pink hair done up in a messy bun and light pink eyes. She was wearing an all red track suit. "Queen, told you I could keep up" the girl said in between pants of exhaustion. "Who's the blondie?" She asked pointing to the new guy.
"Lee-Moon Young, this is Lee Naruto, who is a childhood friend of mine" Gyi said as she kept walking.
"Nice to meet you Lee-Moon, just call me Naruto" he said as he waved to her and followed Yoon.
"Uh okay, nice to meet you too?" she said confused as she followed her friend. "So how long have you known Queen?" she asked as she rode her bike alongside the new blonde.
"Since I was very young, she's been my friend for years but I haven't seen her in a while due to her being the Queen and her family stuff though we kept in touch via texting" he said as he put his hands behind his head and smiled. "It is good to see you Gyi"
"Yes it is good to see you too, I'm surprised Na let you enroll since it is an all girl's school" she said with a smirk.
Naruto paled a bit "Yeah normally she would be over protective but since she works there she's okay with it" he said with a sigh. His older sister was all kinds of over protective. She disliked girls being anywhere near him. She was only okay with Yoon because she's like a sister to him.
"Wait Na? And your name surname is Lee. Oh my god you're related to Lee Na the strongest Wild's Guard!" Young yelled in shock as she raised her wheel up just as another guy walked out from the side alley.
Naruto watched as the guy collided with Gyi and him fall to the ground. He had to hold in his laughter as he got a towel from his backpack and handed it to Gyi.
"Ooo Queen is going to kill you" Young said with a smirk as Naruto rolled his eyes as he helped Yoon wipe her uniform off as best as he could.
"Relax, it was partially our fault" Naruto said as he helped the boy up. "Ah you're the other guy joining Wilds High, Song-Jae Gu if my memory is correct" he said as Queen walked up to him.
"150 for the uniform and 130 for the shoes. Only fair since you hit us" she said narrowing her eyes at him.
Naruto sighed and pinched his nose as he watched it play out. Gyi wasn't too good with guys considering how most treated her in elementary school.
He watched as Song-Jae Gu gave her 280 dong before running off. Gyi was about to stop him but Naruto stopped her "Just let him go I can pay for it, can we please just get to school?"
In-Yoon Gyi frowned but nodded as they continued walking to school.
"So are you really related to Lee Na?" Young asked as she kept riding her bike next to them.
"Yeah, she's my sister" he said with a smirk. "She trained me since I was about seven. Real hard stuff but still fun" he said as they kept walking.
"Wow I can't wait to see you fight" Young said with a smirk. "You think you would be interested in joining the Boxing Club?" she asked.
"Lee Na doesn't want him joining any clubs, too many girls in them" Gyi said with a small smirk.
She liked the older girl and her protectiveness of Naruto. Lee Na even asked her to watch over him at school as well because like her In-Yoon Gyi wasn't too fond of girls flirting with her brother.
"I worry for if I'm even going to be allowed to compete" he said with a sigh as they continued into school.
The school was massive and sparkling clean, if he didn't know better he'd say it was brand new.
He had to split up from In-Yoon Gyi and her friend since they were his upper classmen of one year and then he left for his class
He found his class a bit intimidating.
He stood in the front of class next to his teacher, a woman with long, wavy brown hair that ended below her shoulder blades with two parts around her face shorter giving a frame of her face. Her fringe parts towards the left and covers her left eyebrow. She wore a white lab with a white dress shirt, black tie, black mini skirt with black high heel shoes. Her name was Jun-Soo Min and she also doubled as the school nurse.
He wasn't intimidated by the bubbly teach but by the girls as they stared at him like an animal eyed their prey.
"I do hope you all welcome Mr. Lee Naruto into your class and into Wild's High" she said as Naruto waved to them with a sheepish smile.
"Please sit down and we can start with our day" she said as he nodded and sat at an empty desk in the middle of the class.
He sighed as the girls continued to eye him as he sat in class, making sure to pay close attention since he knew if he didn't his sister would have scolded him.
Naruto sat in the garden outside of the school with his lunch box as he ate.
School was going great in his opinion. Class was easy, the people were kind and his teacher was interesting.
He was brought from his thoughts as his phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a "Wild's News" bulletin and as he read it he worried for the safety of the girls if his sister got the bulletin as well.
It read
"-Wild's News-
Our proud Wild's students, this is Wild's News!
As you know by now, our school has become co-ed for the education of your emotions.
We were worried about the transition but we had two male students apply to the school.
Students! Wouldn't this be a great opportunity to increase your 'maiden-like' personality? The experience would account for a large amount of the school's graduation honors.
For example, "Through a good experience with Song-Jae Gu or Lee Naruto, one of the two male students at Wild's High, I've realized my normal, but hidden emotional side…" or something similar to that!
Students of the Wild's…I wish you the best of luck".
'…I am so dead if the girls catch me or if Lee Na does' Naruto thought as girls turned their attention to him with a predatory glint in their eyes.
Quickly putting away his lunch box he jumped off the bench, over one girl, as he weaved his way through the hoard of female students.
Just as he made a jump towards the open window a female dropped down in front of him.
He quickly raised his foot to push off the window's frame and flip backwards to avoid crashing into the girl.
Dusting off his pants he looked towards the girl to find her very particular.
She was rather short. She had dirty blonde hair that was short and went down to a bit above her shoulders with two small cat like ears on the top of her head.
Her eyes were a soft brown and her lips were puffy and pink as she smiled at him as she, with an impressive burst of speed, appeared in front of him.
She acted fast as she quickly grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in towards her, aiming for his lips.
Only to end up kissing his hand.
"Sorry 'bout this but my sister would kill the both of us if a kiss was stolen" Naruto said as he untangled her hand from his collar only to dodge a fury of strikes from her.
"How dare you! What kind of embarrassment was that?!" she yelled as she tried to flip him only for him to break her grab and back pedal to put distance between them.
"Sorry trust me when I saw this is for the safety of both of us" he said as she was about to charge him only for a familiar voice to speak out.
"Oi, Dal-Dal Choi let Naruto go unless you want the Queen and a Wild's Guard to kill you" Lee-Moon Young said as she smirked at the small girl.
"Why would a Wild's Guard do anything, I'm not doing anything against the rules" she said as Naruto sighed.
"Well considering you nearly molested the brother of Lee Na I doubt it would go unpunished" she said as the girl, now known as Dal-Dal Choi, paled a bit.
"W-Whatever! I'll still see you in the Wild's League" she said as Young chuckled and appeared in front of Choi in a burst of speed with her fist mere inches from her nose.
"We'll see about that shorty" she said before pivoting on her foot, tucking her hands in her pocket with a smirk.
"Come on Blondie, Queen sent me here to get you so she can guard you from the girls. Plus we should probably get back before anything happens with that Song-Jae Gu boy" she said as Naruto nodded and sighed.
"I really don't know what the principal was thinking trying to get girls close to me. He should know better than that considering he knows how my sister Na is" he said as he slung his bag over his shoulder with a frown.
"I saw a bit of your evasive skills and I have to say that way you stopped from crashing into the small fry was pretty impressive" Young said as Naruto chuckled.
"Well being trained by my sister, who doesn't skip anything, has taught me an awful lot" he said as they went up to the second floor to see Song-Jae Gu storming out of the room with a red cheek.
"Well this doesn't look good" he said as he entered the room to see Yoon-In Gyi with a broken look on her face and immediately hugged her as she hugged him back.
"Am I a monster?" she mumbled into his chest as he shook his head.
"No you aren't Gyi, whatever happened is most likely a big misunderstanding" he said as he rubbed her back.
Lee-Moon Young stared at the sight in a bit of shock. She heard from Queen a bit at how they knew each other from a very young age and how he was her first friend and still was.
"Come on lets finish up lunch. I'll even give you some of Na's cooking. That always cheers you up" he said as he pulled out his lunchbox and scooted another desk close to the one where her lunch was sitting on.
"Come on Lee-Moon, you can have some too" he said as the pinkette smiled a bit as she sat down and continued to eat the food.
Naruto frowned as he could still see doubt in Gyi's eyes as she ate some food but he decided he'd be there for her and not push since it would only make her revert into herself.
Naruto sighed as he took his shoes off at the entrance as he entered his house. "Na, I'm home!" he said as he heard rapid footsteps as his sister burst in the entrance way.
"What did I hear about you almost being kissed and being chased by girls" Na said in a cold tone as her eyes narrowed making Naruto shiver in slight fear. She was wearing black jeans and a long sleeve blue shirt and an apron and had a wooden spoon in her hand as she was most likely getting an early start on dinner.
"The principal sent out this bulletin thing about getting closer to me for a grade and the girl tried to kiss me but I blocked it with my hand" he said as he handed her his phone so she could see the bulletin.
"And how did you hear about the kiss thing?" he asked as she looked at him with a raised brow.
"I work there and I have people watching you. Hell my friend is your teacher Naruto" she said as she gave him back his phone.
"You have friends?" he said sarcastically until he was hit upside the head with a wooden spoon. "Ow! Okay you can't blame me for that, you left yourself open to it" he said as she stared at him blankly.
"Shut up and get cleaned up. I want to hear everything about your first day and how you enjoyed the school" she said as he nodded and kissed her on the cheek before rushing off to the bathroom.
She let a small smile grow as she looked at him as he went upstairs. But it grew to a frown as she now had to worry about protecting his innocence. 'Watch out girl, I won't let you have him without earning it' Lee Na thought as she walked back to the kitchen, shattering the wooden spoon in her hand like a rice cracker.
-Dal-Dal Choi's House-
Dal-Dal Choi sneezed as she felt a cold chill go down her spine but shook it off as she continued to make plans to win over the heart of the new boy Naruto.
Even if he refused her kiss the skill he showed by dodging and evading her advances.
She was completely unaware of the protective sister that spelled doom for her
-Chapter End-
I am a major fan of "Girls of the Wilds" by manhwa artist HUN/ZHENA and there are like no crossovers with Naruto and it. Except for one.
Naruto will be paired with Dal-Dal Choi or Lee-Moon Young. I haven't really decided.
I don't know how many of you know of the Korean manhwa but I definitely recommend you read it. It is action, adorable and a great manhwa (Korean equivalence of manga or comics)
Naruto doesn't have chakra or anything but he was trained in an interesting practice and his fighting style is still the Frog Kata. He will be shown fighting in later chapters so don't worry.
Naruto is a close friend with Yoon-In Gyi (Queen) almost like an older brother and often talks to him when she is troubled. Either him or Lee Na, someone who is like an older sister to her.
Dal-Dal Choi and Lee-Moon Young will get more development but this is the first chapter, meant to set things up and whatnot.
I hope you all enjoyed
Until Next Time
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