Alright guys this is my first Olicity Fic. Please go easy on me! Hope you guys enjoy and I will try to update often. If you guys enjoy or have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment. Thank you so much for even looking at my fic!

All characters and rights belong to CW's Arrow

After a rough night without much success, Oliver was no closer to throwing the latest drug lord in jail. He had surfaced about a week ago and had been evading Oliver and his team quite well. After a few hours of beating up the drug lords buyers without any new information, Oliver decided to tell his team to call it a night. Diggle had been eager to go home to spend time with Lyla and their baby girl Sara.

"So are we on again for the same time tomorrow night?" Roy asked as Oliver shut off his bike. Oliver took off his helmet and stepped off his bike.

"Yeah, I will text you if anything changes," Oliver said as he made his way towards The Foundry. Once inside, he hung up his costume on the mannequin. He then took a quick glance at the empty computer chair to see a bright yellow sticky note stuck to the computer. He looked back at Roy who had an eyebrow raised. "What?' Oliver asked Roy, questioning his quizzical glance.

Roy chuckled and replied, "I think she had some kind of dinner with that Palmer guy or something like that. That's like the third one this week." Roy saw Oliver's face fall for a fraction of a second before it hardened into a forced smile.

"Yes I believe she mentioned something like that to me.," Oliver grumbled. "Well I better get home before Thea eats all my leftovers," Oliver said as he glanced at the sticky note left on Felicity's computer. Business dinner with Palmer. Txt if you guys need me. :) Felicity

"Alright see you tomorrow," Roy said as Oliver began heading towards the door. Oliver exited The Foundry and hopped on his motorcycle. He revved his engine and then took off towards his and Thea's apartment.

While driving home, Oliver couldn't stop thinking about Felicity's business dinner. The last time she had a business dinner with Palmer he saw them kissing in her office. Riding his bike usually cleared his mind, but today all he could think about was Felicity and Palmer. He was tempted to go spy on them, but knew their dinner would already be over. Oliver knew he could never actually be with Felicity. He tried that once and almost got her killed. But Oliver still didn't want her to be with anyone else. Even though she wasn't his Felicity per say, she was still his Felicity. Seeing her with someone so soon after the kiss in the hospital really hurt him. It was like someone stabbed a knife in his chest, right through his lungs and he couldn't breathe any more. Before he knew it Oliver pulled right in front of Thea's apartment.

Shutting off his bike, he took off his helmet and took his phone out of his pocket. He noticed he had two voice mails from Felicity from about twenty minutes ago. He quickly dialed his voice mail and listened to the first message. "Hey Oliver, it's Felicity, although you probably knew that from caller ID , but anyway I just wanted to let you know I found out some new intel on that drug lord. So tomorrow I'll show you first…" Oliver heard a crashing sound come from somewhere in the background. "Give me a second, and I'll call you back. Stupid neighbors cat," Oliver heard her mumble before hanging up.

He dialed a button to hear the next message. "Oliver, I think there is someone in my house," She whispered through the phone. Her breathing was heavy and she sounded scared for her life. "I hear footsteps walking around downstairs and I heard someone breakthrough a window. Please Oliver, get here as fast as you can. "She got quiet for a minute when footsteps began to approach. She then whispered so quietly Oliver could barely hear her," I'm in the upstairs closet. Oliver, if you don't make it here in time, I wanna tell you …" Just then a sound of a door opening was heard on the phone. A scream and a gunshot were heard before the call ended.

Oliver quickly shoved his helmet back on and started his motor bike. He sped through the streets with nothing else on his mind but Felicity. What if she was shot? What if I don't make it in time? If I ever find the son of a… Oliver reached Felicity's house and rushed off his bike. He quickly opened the door and paused a second to see if he heard anything. A faint sobbing was coming from the second floor. He quickly ran up the stairs, prepared to kill someone.

He found Felicity leaning against a wall. She had a black eye and a bloody nose. He skimmed the rest of her body and saw her red dress had a bullet hole and a patch of blood on her left side. He looked around the room quickly to see a broken window.

"Oliver?" Whispered Felicity as he rushed over to her.

"Felicity, "Oliver whispered as he assessed the damage done to his Felicity. Her glasses were broken and her tablet lay cracked beside her. Her skin was pale. He needed to call an ambulance immediately. He quickly dialed 911 and told them to get there as fast as they could. "Felicity, you're going to be okay. Do you hear me?"

"Drug lord," she mumbled. Oliver took his hand and cupped her cheek and wiped away a tear.

"Drug lord? Did he do this to you? "Oliver growled feeling anger swell up inside of him.

"He said," Felicity winced, "he said this was a warning." Oliver almost blew up. Yet again Felicity was put in danger and it was his fault.

"Felicity I am so sorry. This is my fault. Yet again you are in danger and hurt because of me," Oliver said as he stared into Felicity's eyes. He heard the sirens getting closer to them.

"Don't you dare start that crap again," she whispered."Oliver I can't..." They heard several footsteps downstairs, which quickly made their way up the steps and into the room. They quickly got her up and put her on the stretcher. The last thing Oliver saw was the doors close to the ambulance before he was pulled aside for questioning.