"Finn, we're done. I am sick of tired of your lies and thinking that I am stupid enough to believe them. I feel so trapped when I'm with you, like I have to be there with you all the time and be on your side all the time, but its over now. I know you cheated on me with Raven, and she only did it because you told her we were broken up, but now she knows, I told her and she told me. Looks like your are out of luck with both of us," Clarke raged. Finn took a step back from his previous spot, and stared at Clarke.

"I...I'm sorry Clarke, you were gone,,,"

"I was at my dad's funeral an hour away Finn! I was there for 3 days, thats it!" Clarke cut him off screaming. He sighed and ran his fingers through his long hair.

"Well, maybe we weren't meant to be. I was never happy with you anyway, always boring," Finn said and left Clarke in the coffee shop.

She wanted to clear her mind but she had too much work to do. She cleared off the last few tables and happily checked on the old couple in the back of the shop. Afterwards she moved back to the main counter, and laid her head down, trying to push all negative thoughts away.

The bell on the door rang and caught her attention. She looked up and locked eyes with Bellamy.

"Hey, was that road rage idiot Finn I just saw?" he asked chuckling. When he seen Clarke wasn't in the mood for jokes, he pressed on.

"what's the matter princess?" he stepped over and pushed a few blonde locks her face, and seen she was crying. He pulled her into a tight hug, the embrace already making her feel better.

"Finn and I broke up," she mumbled into his shirt between tears. He rested his chin on top of her head and smoothed her hair out. He hushed her, trying to comfort her the best he could. Clarke explained everything to Bellamy, and it made him angry.

"Next time I see him, I'm going to beat his ass," he said, making a fist. Clarke smiled at his protectiveness and rested his hands over his fist.

"No violence, I'm fine, I can take care of myself. Im over him, really, I finally feel free to do whatever I want without him practically controlling me," she sighed, continuing to hug her best friend.

"Okay, well i'm going to head back here and get a muffin," he said, slipping through the door that lead to the kitchen. Clarke shook her head at him, and rolled her eyes when again, the bell caught her attention.

This time it wasn't just the bell that caught her attention. it was the girl that came through the doors. She had light brown wavy hair, pulled in a loose ponytail, and breathtaking blue-grey eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hello, welcome to Abby's! What can I get for you?" Clarke asked. The girl hummed and rested her finger on her chin.

"Um, just a Coffee. Wait, do you have Raspberry cream?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, we do," she grinned wildly and asked for it to be put in her coffee. She leaned cooly against the counter and waited for her order.

Clarke made her way into the kitchen, only to find Bellamy chowing down on his second muffin. She shook her head at him and began brewing some coffee.

"Customer?" He asked. Clarke nodded and he leaned to look out the small round window in the door.

"Damn, she's hot," he commented. Clarke elbowed him hard, but then shrugged.

"Yeah, she is really pretty," Clarke added. She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but it was too late.

"Clarke has a crush on the new girl," he laughed.

"Oh my god, Bellamy, stop, shh," she hushed him. he reached over and threw a raspberry muffin in a paper bag and handed it to Clarke.

"What's this for?" she asked. He nodded towards that door.

"Give her a muffin on the house, earn some brownie points," he winked at Clarke and she rolled her eyes. She fitted the lid on the coffee,and then peaked out the door.

"Excuse me ma'am, what's your name?" Clarke asked the pretty brunette.

"Lexa," she smiled. Clarke nodded and neatly signed Lexa onto her cup. She then moved to the front counter, and slid the coffee and the paper bag to Lexa.

"How much?" she asked expectantly.

"It's on the house," Clarke insisted

"You're a new customer right?" Clarke added, trying not to sound too suggestive to anything. Happiness shone on Lexa's face but there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes. a small smile spread across her amazing lips, and she said a quick, shy thank you and left.

Bellamy then came out, holding a paper bag of his own. Clarke sent him a knowing look.

"Will your mom mind if I take a muffin to Octavia?" he gave Clarke puppy dog eyes.

"No of course not, go ahead. How is she any way?"

"She's better, still has the flu but the puking has been pretty non-existent," he nodded and pursed his lips. He kissed Clarke's head and said as he left the shop and Raven entered,

"Hey," she said sadly. Clarke gave her a small 'hey' back and gathered her things, going upstairs to her apartment. Tired, Clarke laid down on the couch and thought about her break up. It really hurt her, but she was good at hiding emotions. Slowly, her eyes drooped, and she fell asleep, dreaming about the most beautiful girl in the whole world; Lexa.