"Have you ever heard of a pocky game?" Cu asked, munching another stick as he studied the colorful box. It had been a few months since his residence at the church had become something close to permanent, but it always amazed him how many things there still were that he didn't know about yet. Mostly just types of food or forms of entertainment he didn't need to know to get by. Because really, was it necessary for a Servant to know all the different brands of cup noodles there were? Or the different flavors of chocolate bars? It wasn't really important information, but it was kind of fun- if there was always something new to learn, life would never get too boring.

Gilgamesh paused in his rummaging, turning away from the cupboards to give Cu a withering look, which stated very clearly, 'I have been here for over ten years, of course I know what that inane thing you just mentioned is, you mongrel'- his usual response to stupid questions. Cu took another bite, enjoying the chocolate coating. He liked chocolate. It hadn't existed in his homeland, when he'd been alive, so he'd never gotten a chance to try it until now- and he definitely loved it. Putting it on cookies made it even better.

"What is it?" Cu asked, reaching into the box for another piece. He'd snagged it on his way back from work, when he was picking up cigarettes. He'd gotten his paycheck a few days early, and decided to just grab what he needed on the way home. He liked chocolate, and he liked cookies, but he'd never seen them in stick form before, so he'd decided to splurge and give them a try. So far, he was enjoying them.

"What is what?" Gil sighed, looking back at him, seeming impatient. It was a rather cool day, a fresh breeze flowing through the house, but Gilgamesh was still dressed down, wearing a t-shirt instead of his usual long sleeved, or a jacket. It was always a little weird seeing him all casual- even if Cu had seen it more than a dozen times by now, it always seemed a bit alien. Gilgamesh was just a naturally formal person, he supposed. Even that biker jacket he liked to wear was more stylish than anything Cu owned.

"The pocky game. How do you play?" He asked again, shaking the box a bit. On the back, it had said something about being 'perfect for the pocky game', but it didn't give any further description. Gilgamesh came over to the table, looking at the box.

"It is a game for children. Or teens, I suppose." He pulled a stick from the box, and placed it in his mouth, biting down gently and letting it stick out, pointing down at Cu. "It is a game for two. Both parties bite down on one end, and try to see how close they can get without snapping the stick in two."

"Aaaah, it's one of those kissing games." Cu grinned, chuckling. He'd heard of those sorts of things, stuff like 'spin the bottle', games kids made up as excuses to get closer to each other. "Cute. Didn't know they made snacks just for that."

"I doubt they were made with a game in mind." Gilgamesh tssked, crunching the pocky in his mouth. "Children simply saw an opportunity to humiliate one another, and took advantage of it."

"That's a real negative way to look at a game about candy, Gil." Cu snorted. Awhile ago, he might have been annoyed by the man's attempts to twist such an innocent thing into a 'dark look at humanity', but at this point it was just amusing. He was used to it by now. Gilgamesh chuckled a bit, drawing another piece of pocky from the box. As Cu glanced down, he realized it was the last one. "Oi, put that back, you got your freebie."

"You've eaten the entire box on your own, Lancer, you won't let me have more than one?" Gilgamesh smirked at his stinginess, not making any effort to put the pocky back.

"I paid for this with my own pay check, I can eat as much as I want." He grunted, about to snatch it back. Then, he got an idea, and grinned. "Alright, I got it, how 'bout we split it?"

"How generous of you, Lancer." Gilgamesh replied sarcastically. He made like he was going to snap it in half, before Cu grabbed his wrist.

"No, not like that." He shook his head, snatching the pocky back before Gil could give him hell for touching him without permission, or something like that. Then he stuck it between his teeth and grinned. "Like thish!"

Gilgamesh stared at him in the same way he would stare at an actual dog- unamused, and a little annoyed.

"What sort of fool do you take me for, Lancer?" He asked. "Do I look like a teenager to you? Or do you still have the mind of one?"

"Oh come on, don't be a stick in the mud!" Cu laughed. "It'll be fun. Unless you're scared of losing at a game for kids?" He smirked. Gilgamesh was not taken in by this challenge- he looked an unfazed as before.

"If that was your attempt at riling me, you'll have to do better than that." He mused.

"Alright then, I guess I'll just finish this myself. I'm sure Kotomine still has some tofu in the fridge that'll taste just as good." Cu sighed, giving Gilgamesh a knowing look as he reclined back in his seat. At this, the king finally faltered. Cu had seen him going through the shelves, looking for anything that wasn't the usual slop that served as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even if they didn't need to eat much, it was the thought of the stuff- the taste and scent that lingered everywhere after a while, that really got to you. Try as he may to be above it, even Gil wasn't safe from the red hell of mapo.

"Alright then, dog. I will play your game." Gilgamesh sat down across from him, and leaned forward without another word. Trying not to grin too much, Cu followed suit.

It was a bit more difficult than he had anticipated. The pocky was fairly brittle, and easy to snap if he moved his head around too much. If there was one thing this was good for, it was shutting each other up. Though he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to get Gil to play it with him again, after this. He didn't seem to care for games that weren't of his own invention, from what Cu had observed. Especially not games where the purpose was to make him do something silly and childish. But if Gil could get his kicks by putting Cu in uncomfortable situations, he didn't see anything wrong with a quick role reversal.

Gilgamesh was good. Cu had expected him to just snap the thing in half on his first bite, to get it done with and make off with a snack, but he was taking it slow, carefully breaking off bit by bit, getting closer. It was a bit weird, Cu realized, having their faces so close to each other without actually doing anything. They had kissed plenty of times by now, but whenever that happened, they didn't typically linger in place, staring at each other without movement. There wasn't really any acknowledgement of the closeness, and if there was, it wasn't for long. Gilgamesh did not look particularly uncomfortable, either. Cu wanted to step up his game, but he wasn't exactly sure how to do that- or if he could even have 'game' at pocky. Worst of all, he realized, he could feel his face starting to heat up, as things continued to not go his way. Trying to ignore the embarrassment by focusing on something else wasn't helping either, considering the only thing he could see right now was Gilgamesh's stupid face. He swallowed what bit of pocky he had bitten off, and glared.

"You could cut your losses now, Lancer. I wouldn't judge you." Gilgamesh mumbled quite eloquently around his half of the stick, looking rather smug. How the hell could this guy turn something as simple as the pocky game into a battle for dominance? Nevermind the fact that Cu had started this challenge. Gilgamesh had already claimed it as his own.

"What losses? You think I'm afraid of a little kiss?" Cu replied, speaking carefully, so as not to snap the cookie between his teeth. "You're acting like we've never done somethin' like this before."

"Am I? Then it must just be the lighting that is making your face appear so red." Gil smirked, and moved closer, before Cu could retaliate. His ear were burning. Even when he thought he had the upper hand, he always managed to stumble before he reached the end goal. Could anyone really blame him, though, when his opponent was Gilgamesh? He should have known that a silly little kissing game wouldn't be enough to fluster the guy.

Cu nibbled carefully, not wanting to lose any ground. They kept on getting closer, but the whole time, Cu noticed, Gilgamesh did not take his eyes off of him. He wasn't sure if he should meet his gaze, or ignore it. There was hardly anything at stake, yet Cu was determined not to lose. He wasn't timid about this sort of stuff, he'd been the one to invite Gil to play with him to begin with! The pocky was starting to get soggy between their mouths, the chocolate melting, and Cu knew that soon, they were going to have to make the final move. Unless one of them were to snap it now, the only logical next step would be the last one. Cu swallowed what was still in his mouth, and moved in.

There wasn't any more space in between them. Their lips met for only a moment, brushing softly against each other, before Gilgamesh's tongue darted into Cu's mouth. Cu tried to make some sort of sound, startled, as Gil grabbed him by the shoulder, kissing him deeply. Cu could feel the edge of the table digging into his back, as Gilgamesh pushed into him, tongue sliding against his.

For a moment, Cu just sat there, stunned by the suddenness, letting himself be pushed against the table as the man kissed him fervently. He managed to rise from his stupor, though, and pushed back, grabbing onto Gil's head to hold him in place as he returned the kiss. His mouth still tasted of chocolate, and crumbs from the pocky stick lingered here and there, as their tongues pushed into each other. The middle bit of the cookie, Cu realized, was still in there, getting mushy as they went back and forth, hot breath mingling between them. If he'd felt flushed before, he was worse off now, trying to at least sit up straight, but struggling against Gilgamesh's weight. He pulled back, wanting to catch his breath, but Gilgamesh followed, deepening the kiss even further.

Cu bit his lips, planting one hand against the table to push himself upward, pushing Gil along with him in the process. He needed to come up for air, but Gil didn't seem interested in breathing, licking the roof of Cu's mouth before biting at him. It wasn't that hot out, but Cu felt plenty warm, sweat beading while Gilgamesh kissed him. He couldn't remember a time he'd ever been the recipient of a kiss this fierce. He couldn't remember if he'd ever given a kiss this fierce. Gilgamesh all but had him pinned, and Cu was feeling lightheaded, his body prickling with heat.

Gil's tongue slid against his once more, snagging what was left of the pocky. Then, just like that, he retreated, pulling back. Cu collapsed back into his seat, confused, as Gilgamesh rose to his feet, wiping his mouth. He gulped, swallowing the rest of his snack, then smirked, a playfully devious look in his eyes as he turned away. Cu panted, finally able to breathe,

"I win." He chuckled, then off he went, leaving Cu with those two words, and a box of pocky crumbs. Cu swallowed, face still warm. He may not have won, but he definitely didn't feel like a loser.