(I have been a bit busy, but the adventure continues... enjoy.)

Macaron and Tiramie were sitting in the lounge of the Amaburi, which was docked in Japan again.

"I can't believe we've finally got our hands on them-mi..." Tiramie grinned devilishly.

Macaron smirked, "We can find out anything we want to know-ron..."

Tiramie nodded, "Who should we use them on first? Your daughter-mi?"

Macaron shook his head, "No, I want to test it first-ron."

"Good idea-mi." Tiramie nodded, giggling.

"I'm going to figure it all out, and then we can watch the chaos together-ron!" Macaron laughed.

Moffle walked in, "What are you to laughing about-fumo?"

"Nothing, Moffle." They replied.

"Whatever, there is a meeting soon-fumo." He shrugged.

A few minutes later, some staff gathered for a meeting.

"Everyone, it is getting late, but before everyone is dismissed, I have an announcement." Kanie began.

The room was silent, and he spoke, "We will be hiring more staff."

Everyone was pleased with this news, "But, Kanie, we have no money for that... We don't even have the funds for the Diggeries and Rubrum, but you hired them." Moffle mentioned.

"We have just recieved an influx of cash, thanks to Dornell's collection..." Kanie explained, remembering having to literally pry some items from Dornell's hands.

"So we can get some more help? I might have to hunch over!" Tricen laughed.

Everyone was excited, even Sento.

"Who knows, someone might even be gunning for YOUR job." Tricen teased Sento with a nudge.

Isuzu's eyes widened, "Well, if they are more qualified, I will hand over my post."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at her, "I was just joking..." Tricen explained.

"Oh." Isuzu nodded, but felt uncomfortable.

"Also, while the promotional video we made didn't get very many hits, I leaked footage of Moffle's little incident, and we will have a lot of customers come tomorrow." Kanie explained.

"You're all welcome." Moffle crossed his arms proudly.

"Ha, if not for my editing, people would not see you as a hero." Kanie laughed.

Moffle sighed.

"In any case, we are going to be busy in the coming days, and we need more staff." Kanie declared.

Everyone nodded, and he dismissed them for the night.

That night, Sento Isuzu tossed in her sleep. She was having an unpleasant dream.

"Kanie-kun!" she smiled in her dream, happy to see him.

Then, Sento noticed three girls around him, fawning over him.

"W-who are these girls?" Sento tilted her head.

"They are replacing you." Kanie laughed.

"But, I've been the best I can for you, I thought you liked me as your first mate." Sento protested in her dream.

"Ha, you are alright, but who would want YOU when these three lovely ladies are willing to attend to my every need?" Kanie chuckled in her dream.

"But- I-" Sento started to cry.

"What are you still doing here?" Kanie asked, "We don't need you anymore."

His words echoed in her mind as she fell into blackness.

Come the next morning, Sento was getting breakfast in the staff dining area.

Macaron walked up, "Hey Sento, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." Isuzu replied, still haunted by her dream.

Macaron nodded and sat ate together for a minute.

"So-" Macaron began, "Oh! There's Kanie!"

Macaron pointed, and tricked Sento into looking behind herself. In a swift motion, Macaron slipped a green bean of some kind into Sento's food.

Isuzu turned back to face Macaron, "Where did you see Kanie-kun?"

Macaron shrugged, "I suppose he was just walking by, oh well." he lied.

Sento shrugged and ate some of her food.

Macaron then asked, "So, is anything bothering you lately?"

Sento nodded, "Actually, I am afraid I'm not good enough for Kanie-kun-" When she realized what she was saying she covered her mouth.

"I don't know why I said that... please excuse me!" Sento ran off.

Macaron giggled devilishly, "It worked-ron."

Sento ran to the office, where she thought she could be alone.

'What is going on?!' she mentally screamed at herself.

Kanie stood up from under his desk, he was trying to fix a wire connection for his computer.

"Hey, Sento-san." he greeted.

"Ah, Kanie-kun!" she exclaimed, surprised by his presence.

"You alright?" he asked.

"No! I mean- no!" She gritted her teeth and smacked her head against the wall.

"What on earth are you doing?" Kanie raised an eyebrow.

"I'm trying not to tell you-" she smacked her head against the wall again, covering her mouth.

Kanie was a little weirded out, "Ok, well, try to get it together for the interviews today."

Sento's eyes widened, remembering her dream. She nodded, covering her mouth, and ran off.

Sento got ready and headed to school. The day went by lazily. As she walked to the bus stop after school, an acquaintance approached her.

"Hey Sento!" The school girl smiled.

"Hello." She reluctantly replied.

"You work on the Amaburi, right?" The girl asked.

"Yes." Sento nodded.

"Is it fun?"

"There are many problems, especially with Kanie-kun." Sento began, "I want to help as much as I can, but he is so friendly with Latifa..." She growled, and then covered her mouth.

The girl laughed, "Sometimes people are inconsiderate to your feelings... that's rough."

Sento shrugged, "I suppose so."

"I'll have to go there and see you working sometime." The girl waved, and kept walking.

Sento was becoming increasingly confused as to what was happening. She began thinking back to when her day began to feel strange.

"What? You fed Isuzu one of the 'heartsleeve fruits'-mi?" Tiramie asked, sitting with Macaron.

"That's right, but I haven't gotten to see it in action too much-ron." Macaron explained.

"You know, if Isuzu figures it out, she'll kill us-mi!" Tiramie giggled.

"We could have some fun and test it out though-ron." Macaron chuckled.

Tiramie grinned, "We could even ask her how many times she 'itches the ditch' per week-mi..."

Macaron snickered, "Oh, that's evil-ron!"

The two heard the click of a gun's hammer behind them.

"Damn you." Sento growled, and shot them both.

The mascots writhed on the floor, and cried out in pain.

"But, Sento-" Tiramie protested, and got shot again.

"How many times-" Macaron tried to ask, but got shot again.

Sento Isuzu breathed heavily, glaring at them both.

Kanie walked into the staff lounge because of the commotion.

"What is going on in here?!" he shook his head.

"They slipped me a heartsleeve fruit, and now they are asking me vulgar questions!" Sento explained.

"Vulgar how?" Kanie raised an eyebrow.

"Like how many times I itch-" Sento covered her mouth and struggled not to speak.

"Alright, i don't get what is going on, but we need to calm down." Kanie rubbed his head.

Isuzu nodded, "Please give me sick leave..." she begged, "or I might let slip these weird feelings i have-" she stopped herself again.

Kanie raised an eyebrow, "You look healthy to me..."

"But when i'm with you, my body feels-" Sento squinted as she slammed her head against the wall.

Kanie laughed nervously, "Sento, could you stop doing that?"

"I'll do my best, Kanie-kun... after all, I want to impress-" she started bashing her head against the wall again.

"Alright, we have interviews soon." Kanie reminded her.

"I'll be alright." she nodded.

Kanie and Moffle had gotten themselves set up to interview potential staff in the meeting room. Isuzu walked in quietly, and sat down beside Kanie.

"Alright, let's bring in the first person." Kanie called to Okuro, who promptly brought in the first contender.

An old man wearing a mayoral sash sat down to interview.

"Hello, who are you?" Kanie asked.

The man burst into tears, "I lost the mayoral elections, and I wanted to start over here!"

The interviewers were very confused.

"I will one day become prime minister if i can get back on my feet here." The man said hopefully.

"No way that is happening..." Sento shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, you are hired." Kanie smiled.

The man grinned happily, and thanked them.

"What?!" Moffle questioned.

"His ambition will motivate him." Seiya explained.

Moffle shrugged. Next came a highschool baseball player.

"I threw a crazy pitch, I need this job!" The young man threw himself on the ground in a bow, sobbing.

"Hired." Kanie Seiya nodded.

"Why?!" Moffle exclaimed.

"A high-schooler's tears can move you." Kanie explained.

Sento Isuzu nodded, "It is important to emotional move our guests."

Moffle face-palmed, "I didn't realize we were this desperate."

The next person came in, a masked man, who was also hired.

One after another, strange people came for a job. Then, a man in an astronaut's suit came in.

"This is the first useful person!" Moffle exclaimed happily.

"So you are an astronaut." Seiya smiled.

"Well, no, I want to be... i've never been in space though." The man replied.

Moffle sighed, and Kanie hired the man.

Then, the first normal candidate walked in. Her brown hair framed her face and she sat down and bowed her head politely.

Sento's eyes widened. The woman was one of the girls she saw in her dream.

"Hello, what is your name?" Kanie asked.

"I am Adachi Eiko." She replied.

"Nice to meet you, now I see on your resume that you have acting experience. That is impressive." Kanie noted.

"Thank you, I am not sure if you can use my acting ability, but I want to help however I can." Eiko explained.

Seiya nodded, "What kind of acting were you involved in?" He asked, trying to remember if he'd seen her on tv.

"I am an actress in several AVs." she smiled.

Sento felt like throwing up, and Moffle and Kanie's eyes widened.

Kanie coughed nervously, "I see, um..." He wasn't sure what to say.

"Define 'several'." Moffle crossed his arms.

"Oh, i've done about 20-something AVs." She clarified.

"Over twenty..." Kanie mumbled under his breath.

"Ask her for her stage name." Moffle whispered in Kanie's ear.

"I'm not doing that!" Seiya hissed.

"You said you wanted to do anything to help out?" Moffle raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure." Eiko nodded.

"She said it'd be her 'Pleasure', Seiya!" Moffle whispered excitedly.

"Don't tell me you are going to hire this... dirty woman..." Sento blushed as she whispered in Kanie's ear.

"She does seem very kind, and we need the help..." Seiya shrugged.

"But she's an EXPERIENCED woman!" Sento hissed, worried, "What if she seduces you? I am not experienced like she is-" Isuzu covered her mouth and smacked her head on the table to silence herself.

"She could steal you from me-" Sento started to speak, but she shook her head and ran out of the room.

"Anyway, you are hired." Kanie smiled.

Adachi Eiko bowed, "Thank you so much, i won't let you down!"

"You hear that? She said she won't let you 'DOWN'." Moffle whispered.

"Shut up." Kanie blushed and the next candidate walked in.

"Hi, I'm Bandou Biino!" The energetic schoolgirl greeted.

"Hello, have a seat." Kanie nodded.

Sento walked back in, and her eye widened at the new candidate. 'Another girl from my dream?!'

Isuzu sat down next to Seiya again.

"So Bandou, why do you want this-" Kanie's eyes widened, "Are you- bleeding?!"

The girl shrugged, "Only a little, it's alright."

"A little?" Moffle asked, noticing her clutching her shirt in an area totally soaked in blood.

"You need medical attention!" Kanie exclaimed.

"No, i'm alright." Bandou insisted as she kept bleeding.

"Get Bones." Kanie told Moffle, who ran off immediately.

"Look, we need to give you first aid and send you to the hospital." Kanie explained.

"No! Please! I can't leave without this job!" She declared.

Seiya sighed, "If i give you the job, will you get help for your wound?!"

Biino nodded.

"Fine! you're hired then!" Kanie explained.

"Thank you!" She nodded and went to be helped.

"Kanie-kun, she is cuter than me, how am I supposed to compete for-" Sento banged her head on the table.

Seiya raised an eyebrow, starting to pick up on what was happening.

"She is adorable and helpless, and the Adachi woman is so experienced, I don't have a chance-" Isuzu shook her head angrily trying to stop talking.

"Here." Kanie handed her a bottle of water.

Sento nodded, "Thanks." Her lips gently kissed the lip of the bottle, and she drank some.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, "Kanie-kun, is this your water bottle?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, but you seemed to need water to calm down."

"Thank you, but you... your lips..." Sento blushed as it dawned on her that she shared his bottle.

"Oh, sorry..." Kanie shrugged and Sento handed the bottle back.

"It's alright-" Her eyes widened as she watched Kanie drink from the bottle.

"What? I don't care, you aren't dirty." Seiya stretched.

"I see." Sento tried to hide her red face with her hands.

Moffle walked back in, "Alright, Bones is helping the girl, she'll be alright."

"Good." Kanie nodded as Moffle sat down.

Next came in a little girl.

"I-i'm Ch-chuujou Shiina!" The colorful-haired girl smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Kanie smiled back.

Sento started to freak out internally, because Chuujou was the last person from her dream.

"Kanie-kun, she's a loli!" Isuzu hissed, "I can't-" She shook her head and smacked her head on the table.

Moffle shrugged, "She's nervous, should we just hire her?"

Kanie raised an eyebrow, "You want to just hire her?"

"Honestly, after all the weirdos that i've seen, I don't really care anymore." Moffle sighed.

"Alright, you're hired." Kanie smiled.

"R-really?" Chuujou asked.

"Yep, there is no need to be nervous, just do your best." Seiya explained.

Chuujou was able to calm down a bit, "T-thank you!"

"That was that." Moffle nodded.

The mascot and candidate headed off, since interviews were over.

Kanie had caught on to Sento's feelings for him, after all, he was rather observant.

"Sento-san, do you want to tell me what is up with you?" he asked her.

She shook her head, "Please don't ask me."

Seiya nodded, "You are really neccessary, you know."

Isuzu looked at him, confused.

"Look, no one can replace my first mate." He assured her, "You saved everyone, including me."

She looked down, "Yeah..."

Kanie felt bad for her, and he wasn't sure what came over him, but he hugged Sento tightly. Her body trembled, and she looked into his eyes with surprise as she gulped.

"This is the first time you've noticed me..." Isuzu sighed.

"You know that isn't true, Sento-san." He chuckled.

"So you... think of me like that?" she asked.

"I'm not sure if it is possible for anyone to not think about you in THAT way." Kanie complimented.

Sento blushed, and hugged him tighter.

"We need to focus on taking down Takeya right now..." Seiya explained.

Isuzu nodded, "If you need someone, I will be by your side."

Kanie smiled at her, and she returned the secret, loving gaze.

The captain and first mate broke their intimate embrace and headed off to work on other things.

Kanie checked his computer, and smiled. His marketing ploy had worked incredibly well.

'We are going to have a lot of customers tomorrow...' he thought with a smirk.

(Well, that was the long awaited 7th chapter, I will try to be more frequent. Bye!)