"You look like you could use a drink."
Eponine looked up from where she was sitting. Her back was pressed against the wall and her arms were wrapped around her drawn up knees. She was at the barricade, determined to be with Marius if he was determined to die.
"I bet you say that to everyone," Eponine replied.
Grantaire nodded in agreement. "Touché. But you do."
"Don't we all?" She pulled her hat down lower.
Grantaire cocked his head. "I don't think I know you."
"I'm no one important," she whispered. "Just a girl in love with a boy I can't have."
Grantaire took a swig from the bottle and held it out. Eponine took the offered gift and took a deep drink.
"I'm no one important either," Grantaire admitted. He slid down the wall. "Just someone who's ignored by the one I… care for."
"You and me both," Eponine replied. "It's like… like he doesn't even see me, you know?"
"Oh I know," came the reply. "Because there's always something more important than you, something more time consuming I…" He took a swig from the bottle. "I can't even say it. It sounds… in hindsight…"
Eponine took the bottle. "I'm only here because he's here and if he's going to die I want to die with him."
Grantaire nodded slowly. "It's a good cause but a doomed one I think, but who'll listen to the drunk, right? Anyway… As long as I support the cause I'm here and I can be around the one I care for."
Eponine smiled. "And maybe, in the end, we can show them how much we care."
"Bleed for the cause and bleed for them, right."
Eponine smiled. "In the end that's all that matters: that we die with them." She held out her hand.
Grantaire took it and his eyes held the same pledge. "To death at the side of the one we love; for without them there is no life."