Wally stretched and yawned he knew it had to be very early even if the black clouds were blocking the sky, he'd just woken up and immediately started trying to remember a rather enjoyable dream he'd just had, but he couldn't put his finger on it, he rubbed the rest of the sleep out of his eyes and realized all he had was a shirt on, being who he is there was only one way Wally could react to something like this, he shrieked like a small child and tried to cover himself up with his blanket, as he grabbed it and pulled it towards him, as he yanked it back he saw a sight he would never forget. His Pokemon was laying there her body covered in what he knew was his dry cum, worse even than that, he could see it dripping out of her as she shifted to a sitting position.

"Good morning master." She said sounding extremely tired.

Wally looked down at his feet and didn't speak.

Gardevoir frowned, he was acting so much differently than last night, she felt horrible for having taken advantage of him while he was sleep walking, she was just about to beg forgiveness when all of the sudden...

"I'm so so sorry Gardevoir, I don't know what happened I was asleep, but at the same time i knew exactly what I was doing, can you ever forgive me." He said quietly.

She cupped his face and pulled him close, "Master Wally, I enjoyed making love with you,(Wally looked up into her eyes mouth open in a silent gasp) I love you Master." She shed a single tear and kissed him deeply. He closed his eyes and started talking to himself, 'I can't do this I just cant I cant take advantage of her or Karen for that matter, the more he thought about it the more he started to realize, maybe they want to be taken advantage of, he thought back to all the stuff Karen had done to him over the years all the times she'd slept in his bed with him, all the random kissing attacks, and then there was the whole Gardevoir thing she had wanted him specifically to help her relieve herself even when there was another girl she could have asked, it finally dawned on him, they wanted him, not just as a friend but as a... a lover, when he finally opened his eyes she was still kissing him, before he could finally join in she backed away smiling.

she stood up and grabbed her blanket and pillow before heading off to one of the other rooms, he heard a soft click as the door shut behind her, he tried to follow her but felt something holding him back he looked down and saw Karen snuggling his leg in her sleep, he smiled, she used to do this type of thing a lot when they had first become friends, she even still slept with stuffed animals at her house, he nealt down and stroked her hair a few times.

Wally then noticed something, as she shifted in her sleeping bag he got a real good, though accidental, look down her nighty, his eyes opened wider when her saw her uncovered Breasts, Wally sighed, he was about to do something dangerous something stupid, something he'd wanted to do for a very long time...

He leaned down and kissed her, her eyes opened slowly at first, but as she realized what was going on they bugged open. Wally didn't stop, his tongue pressed up against her teeth pleading access to her mouth, finally she relaxed and went with the flow, and why not she wanted this even more than him in some ways. She pulled him down and rolled them so she was on top, this didn't help her much though, he wrapped his arms around her so tight she grunted, but did not say anything for fear of scaring him. She felt herself start to dampen, she silently cursed at the fact that she had ditched her panties so she could masturbate to Wally and Gardevoir's 'fun' earlier.

"Hey Wally, Are you still asleep, like with Gardevoir?" she asked.

"No Karen i'm not, I am doing this all of my own free will." he said whispering into her ear, he proceeded to nibble her earlobe something he knew she loved, to be honest she just loved being nibbled on it didn't really matter where it was, her earlobes just happened to be extra sensitive. She squirmed and tried to escape, but he had too good of a grip on her, she felt her Scent running down her legs and tried to get a hand down there to ease the rapidly growing 'fire' down there.

Before she managed to do so, Wally had beaten her to it, It seems like he decided to skip second base and go straight to third, he stopped nibbling her ear and returned to kissing her, while he was rubbing her his hand slipped into her Pj's, he felt how warm and damp it was inside, he decided to just go on and act like he had planned for this to happen, she was obviously into it as she immediately spread her legs.

He froze when he felt the very edge of her lower lips, as he heard her breath hitch and face go completely red, he smiled causing their kiss to break.

"What's with that big grin on your face for huh?" she asked beaming despite her red flushed cheeks.

"It's just, you have no idea how long i've wanted to do this, and now that I'm actually doing it, I don't know it just feels like a dream or something."

She stared into his eyes before sighing, she gently took his nearly soaked hand and pulled it out of her pajama bottoms, "well knowing that I think I'm gonna have to make you work just a little harder for it then." she smiled deviously.

"Oh come on please I know you want this to happen even more than I do." he said.

"nope, before I let you admire all this(gestures towards lower half)I want you to figure out whose house this is, if you can do that than you can do anything you want to me." she said challengingly.

"Anything? Oh well then, challenge accepted.

sorry for this stupid ending, well It helped me solve two problems I was going to have moving forward in the story, but anyways please if you liked reading the chapter let me know in the comments, or if you just wanna talk feel free to PM me I answer all PM's