For a long time, Soi-Fon had been known as being...'anti-social'. However, very few of her fellow soul reapers knew the two reasons for this. She was actually one of the few soul reapers who visited the living world quite often, she just did so in secret. The reason for this secrecy was one good friend, and two secrets she had held, one for seven years, the other for five.

She had a son.

Many years ago, she had gone to the world of the living. She had been smart about it, making sure to come back frequently and sneak off to the world of the living when she was going to be gone for prolonged periods of time.

Her reasoning for entering the world of the living so much? She had fallen in love.

His name was James Potter.

Naturally, if anyone found out, she would be executed or tried for abandoning her post so much, but, as they say, 'Love is Blind to all problems', and so, after two years of courting one another, with midnight rendezvous and the like, she had gotten pregnant. She had to confide in someone, and since Yoruichi had been declared a traitor, her old teacher was out, so that left Retsu Unohana, or as Soi-Fon had discovered, the woman who was once known as, Yachiru, the First Kenpachi, and so, with Unohana's help, had hidden her preganancy from everyone. Unohana was also one of only three people that knew that she had had a child, not including James, or Lily.

Lily was her best friend. She had met her in the living world when she had fallen in love with James. The two had been inseperable.

And so, when she had finally had the child, she named him Harry, like James wanted. Then, she had him sent off to James, against her wishes, but it wasn't safe for him in soul society, with Lily acting as his 'mother', covering for her.

When she had heard the news that Lily and James had died, she cried for hours. The first time in years she had shown vulnerability. Then, she went to find Harry, her son, all that remained of her lover, James, and best friend, Lily.

She never found him.

It was the fourth anniversary of James and Lily's deaths, and four years since Harry had been hidden from her. She knew he was alive, as she had kept in contact with the Potter Accounant over the years at Gringrotts. They were one of the three that knew she had a child and that it was Harry James Potter. The others were Unohanna, and finally, Kisuke Urahara. No one else knew that she had had a child, not even her teacher and mentor and surrogate mother figure, Yoruichi Shihōin, which panged at her heart, as, she knew that Yoruichi would have been happy for her. Well, actually she would first find it hard to believe, and then, she would want to meet him, which at the moment was a problem. Anyway, every year, the Goblins had said they were getting closer to Harry James Potters current living place, but, they had yet to find him. Hopefully, this time would be different, she hoped, as she made her way out of the Senkaimon and into a special room of Gringrotts that was for her use only.

Soi-Fon took her seat and sighed, waiting for the news from the goblins regarding her son. Just then, a goblin ran into the room, an urgent expression on his face.

"Lady Fon! We found him...But there's a problem!"

Soi-Fon's eyes widened at the mention of them finding her son. Then they narrowed at the mention of there being a problem...

"What kind of problem?" She asked neutrally.

"You see, Lady Fon...One of our men has seen him through the window of Number Four Privet Drive, in England...I trust you remember the Dursley's?"

Soi-Fon scowled. Vernon and Petunia, two of the most detestable people on the planet...Her eyes widened in horror.

"No...Don't tell me...My son is living with those...those BIGOTS?!" She roared out the last part, and the goblin flinched.

"Y-Yes...And...they..." He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the inevitable outburst. "They're abusing him, Lady Fon..."

Soi-Fon immediately growled. "They will pay with their lives..." She said. She would leave little Dudley for that cow, Margesomething, she couldn't be bother to remember the bitches full name. "Have your men clear the way, and make sure local law enforcement stay away. Use my personal account to pay them off if you have to, just make sure its untraceable..."

The goblin nodded but remained where he was standing.

"Is there something else?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in an arch.

"Y-yes, there is..." he hesitated to answer.

"Well then out with it!"

"Albus Dumbledore has allowed the blood wards to continue to exist around Harry by having him around the house." The goblin replied. Soi-Fon's eyes widened.


The goblin winced, something that didn't go unnoticed by Soi-Fon.

Soi-Fon immediately glared, "What else are you hiding my dear friend?"

The goblin, again, winced, "From what records we could find..." He paused. "Harry has never been to the hospital, had a check up, or vaccination..."

Soi-Fon turned and stormed out of Gringotts, the goblin following close behind.

"Tell me where they are." She said curtly.

"N-Number Four Privet Drive..." The goblin stuttered.

"They're as good as dead..." The young woman spat. "I'm going to F*CKING KILL THEM! AND I WILL MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HOLLOWS DID IT TOO!"

The goblin knew, right now, it would be best to stay out of Lady Fon's way. And to provide any aid she would need.

~~~Song begin now: Two Steps From Hell - Fire Mountain (Colin Frake On Fire Mountain)~~~

Soi-Fon was a mother on the war path, as she used flash step to make her way from London, to Little Winging, Surrey, every step she took left an imprint cause of how much force she was putting into her flash steps.

In a mere five minutes, she was in front of the Dursley household, piping mad and ready for a little revenge. She stormed over to the door, and was ready to kick it down, but she froze when a sound cut through the night air.

The sound of a screaming child.

The sound of HER screaming child.

Soi-Fon peeked through the window, and saw Vernon, the fat bastard he was, slamming a baseball bat into her son's ribcage hard enough to break and splinter the bat.

That did it. She snapped. Screw subtlety, and the front door. She smashed through the window, drawing her sword and holding it to Vernon's throat from behind. "Make a move, and I let my blade slip, understand?" she said as emotionlessly as possible.

Vernon had no idea what was going on, but he was fully aware his life was at stake here. With a soft whimper, he nodded. Without another word, Soi-Fon grabbed him and threw him across the room, intent on getting to her child.

Soi-fon hugged her child, who was unconscious,and then glared at Vernon. "Get me everything. The letter that old bearded bastard no doubt gave you, his toys, everything." She snapped when she saw Vernon hesitate, "DO IT NOW, OR I WILL CUT YOUR USELESS BALLS OFF YOU FAT OVERGROWN WALRUS!"She shouted with so much venom that Vernon flinched visibly. This was not a woman to piss off, even he could tell that much.

As Vernon stumbled to his feet in terror, Soi-fon turned her attention to her thoroughly beaten child, and held him closer. She felt her gaze soften looking at his beaten, injured form. Her eyes traced all the blood, bruises, welts, lacerations, puncture wounds...She felt tears flowing down her face. Tears of both sorrow...and red hot anger.

Vernon came rushing back in with a blanket, seven plushies, all worn and old, a blanky, a photo album, a letter that obviously hadn't see light in a while, and it had that old goat bearded fools handwriting. Soi-Fon glared at Vernon. "Before I sentence you under my authority as head of the Punishment Squad, know this." She paused, taking a deep breath. "Harry isn't Lily's son." She said, then grinning maliciously. "He's mine!" She then took out a small capsule, and threw it on the ground. "If you're wise, you will run from the place, and never return. Take Petunia and your son with you, if you wish, but know that this place will never be safe to you again..." That little capsule was of Mayuri Kurotsuchi's creation. He had created a 'lure' to attract hollows as a way for soul reapers to test their strength, and also as well as to lower the hollow count in the world.

Vernon growled. "Like bloody hell we're leaving our home!" He snapped. "We've lived in this house since we were married, and we're not going to give it up just because one psychotic BITCH thinks we should!" Soi-fon kicked him in the face, causing him to stumble back and fall.

"It's your choice, foolish as it is. I gave my warning, your choice to follow it, or to ignore it like the idiot ass you are." She growled. "And I'm actually glad you made that choice." Without a word, she wrapped up the stuffed toys in Harry's old blanket, then picked up her son in one arm, the blanket in the other. She spat on Vernon, then stormed out the door just as the sound of hollows rang through the air.

Summoning and passing through a Senkaimon, Soi-Fon reappeared in the Squad 4 Barraks, ignoring the looks the others were shooting her, as she made her way straight to the office of Unohana.

The young woman glared forward, clutching tightly to her unconscious son. It was all that bastard Dumbledore's fault. If it hadn't been for him, her little boy would never have suffered... She growled, ready to have words with Dumbledore when she next saw him...But for now, she needed to get her son healed...

When Soi-Fon entered Unohana's office, Unohana looked up and sucked air through her teeth at the terrible condition of Harry. "Soi-Fon, what happened to him, and, wait, is that...Harry?!" Unohana rushed forward, "What has happened to my godson..." She asked dangerously, though not towards Soi-Fon, but danger directed at those who would DARE to lay a hand on her godson.

Soi-Fon snarled. "It was those DAMN Dursleys." She growled. "That IDIOT Dumbassdore decided it would be a good idea to put him under THEIR care instead of with Sirius." Unohana shook her head, remembering the stories Soi-Fon had told her about the extremely prejudiced, to the point of racism, Dursley family.

"Putting the very thing they hate under their roof..." She hissed. "How stupid can one man be? Then again, he is an old man...I suppose old age is going to his head..."

"Unohana...Please help my son..." Soi-Fon said softly. "Please..."

Unohana smiled, "Of course, Soi-Fon." She said, "He's my godson, and your son, and ever since he disappeared, to be frank, you've been irritable..." Before she could continue, Soi-Fon cut her off.

"Yes, I know. We can't waste anymore time talking. I want these injuries gone...Right away." Unohana blinked, then nodded.

"Well, of course." She said calmly as she took Harry from Soi-Fon's arms. "I will have him back to perfect health in no time." And with that, she calmly turned to enter the medical room.

Soi-Fon watched Unohana leave, then sighed and collapsed into a chair.

How was she going to explain this to the head captain?

Soi-Fon then suddenly realised,"Harry's 'relatives' were not actual blood relatives, and on top of that, they abused him. I am only his only blood relative a sense, and his mother on top of that... If he DARES to refuse me raising my son, I will have the other soul reapers rebel. After all, he is ONLY A CHILD, not some threat to the society!" Soi-Fon made her plan in her head, When she was satisfied, Unohana came back into the room. "He's asleep, but stable. I have made it clear that none of my subordinates are to make it aware a Ryoka is in the soul society, and they know that if they should betray me, well, it will not be pleasant..." She said ominously.

Soi-Fon nodded. "Thank you, Unohana...I'm grateful to you for healing my son..." Unohana smiled.

"It was a pleasure, and an honour, and a must." She replied. She looked into the black-haired woman's eyes gently, able to tell exactly what she wanted to do next. "And I can tell you want to be by his side." Soi-Fon blushed and looked down.

"Y-Yes...That is true..." She replied. "C-Can I go inside and sit by his bed?" Unohana nodded.

"Absolutely. I feel you should be the first thing he sees whn he wakes up." Soi-Fon smiled, and rose from her chair.

"Thank you..." She walked past the older woman, then entered the room to see her little boy, now looking to be in much better condition, sleeping soundly in a hospital bed, the blanketful of plushies being held tightly in his tiny arms. Smiling warmly at the sight, Soi-Fon gently took the blanket out of his hands. She unwrapped the plushies from the blanket, and placed them next to her son. Subconsciously, Harry sought out his favourite toy, the Bumblebee stuffie, and held it as tightly as he could, she smiled at that, as she knew who that one represented, even if he didn't.

Sitting at his side, she looked around, making sure no one was around before begining to hum/sing a tune that had been sung to her when she was young, and had sung to Harry when he was young before his father and Lily had gone into hiding.

~~~Song begins here: 'Inuyasha's Lullaby (Full)'~~~

She could see Harry relax as he heard the song that haunted his memories... in a good way, but yet he could never place it. Originally, Soi-Fon had sung it to him, but when she had to give him up after only three weeks with him, she had taught it to Lily as it kept him calm. As a result, she could see him smile in his sleep, probably having his first good dream in four years, and then she stifled a giggle as she saw him cuddle the soft fuzzy bumblebee all the more in his sleep. She never even noticed the person who came into the room behind her. As she sang, she remembered all the happy moments she and James had had, before that damned prophecy, and James and Lily going into hiding with Harry. She would make Voldemort suffer... She had been the one to find out that, while his body had been destroyed, his spirit was still running around in the world of the living, not quite dead somehow, and probably waiting to use some evil magic ritual. Soi-Fon knew the difference between dark, and evil magics, and light, and evil magics that paraded as light magic. She knew all magic was grey, and that the 'light' or 'dark' could be used to kill or save lives. It was all about how it was used. And so, as she sang, she thought, and remembered, losing herself in playing with Harry's hair with her fingers as she sang her favourite lullaby. For Soi-Fon, she was in her own world with Harry at the moment. All that existed was mother and son, the past, and the hopeful future, and a family that should be, but hadn't due to Soi-Fon's superior. As a result, she was unaware of the person watching her from the doorway, taking in the heart moving scene before them, and the song that Soi-Fon sung beautifully, never having thought she could sing like that before.

~~~End song here~~~

Head Captain Yamamoto raised a brow at the young woman's behaviour. It was rather baffling how she had brought a child into the Soul Society, and was now singing a lullaby to him. What was even more baffling was that her singing voice was surprisingly beautiful... Still, he had a few things to say regarding this. He cleared his throat.

Soi-Fon's eyes widened, and she blushed as she snapped her had over to the doorway. Her heart stopped when she saw the head captain standing in the doorway with a raised brow.

She was so surprised, that when she stood up, in her haste, she tripped over the chair. Groaning in pain as she slowly untangled herself from the chair, she slowly stood up with what dignity she had, and looked up at the Head Captain. "Sorry, I didn't know you were there Head Captain Yamamoto," she said, bowing and trying to hold in her embarrassment.

"Well, I am here, captain Soi-Fon." Yamamoto replied calmly. "And I must admit to being rather perplexed by what I am seeing right now. Why have you brought a child into the Soul Society? And why is he in the medical room?"

Soi-Fon's eyes darted back and forth like a frightened lizard's. How was she to respond? Should she lie, or tell him that he was her son?

Soi-Fon sighed as she decided to tell the truth. "He...He is my son." She said, wincing as Yamamoto sucked on his teeth in surprise. "As for why he is here, he was beaten by those who many believe to be his blood relatives, but are not... And i refuse to leave him there! He will live with me, I will fight you if I have to Head Captain!" she said, glaring at him as she drew her sword half way.

Yamamoto stared at the young woman impassively, and she glared back viciously, refusal to allow him to take her baby away from her in her eyes. Yamamoto sighed.

"Of course you realize that bringing a living into the soul society is a serious offense."

"I don't care. I'll leave the soul society forever if I have to. I won't let you take him away from me. He needs me." Her heart was beating a mile a minute, but she would not let her fear get the better of her. She would fight to the death for her child.

Yamamoto sighed. "I can't let you leave. As he is your son, you will have to publicly proclaim who he and his father are, your realise this, right?"

Soi-Fon cringed, and Yamamoto raised a brow. "Is there a problem?" He asked calmly. Soi-Fon mumbled something under her breath. "Don't mumble, now. I can't understand you."

"...His father is a living..."

Yamamoto sighed. "I guessed as much. Now how would that be a problem? You're a noble, and as much as I hate to bend justice, you could use your position to your advantage." Yamamoto said, disgusted by the idea. "But, before I give the OK to do so, please, tell me why I should grant this child citizenship other then that he is your son."

Soi-Fon glared. "Two reasons...One...The man I had him with was a wizard. He has an immense amount of magical power that could prove a valuable asset to our society. And two...He needs me now, more than ever. The people that he was sent to were horrible...They're the reason he's in here right now. I'm certain he would be dead if it weren't for his magic..."

Yamamoto pondered the information he was just given. "You're leaving details out..." He countered, "I must know the full situation to have a clear view of it."

Soi-Fon sighed, "As much as it pains me, Harry's father is dead, Harry is his name, by the way, his father, my lover, was James Potter," She said, clearly pained at remembering James, something that always happened when she remembered the joy he had brought for her, seeing as he had been the first person, since Yoruichi to be able to make her laugh, have a good time, relax and just 'chill out' as the kids these days called it, and when he died, her world had darkened once more, with its only ray of hope being her missing son, her last piece of James, and a piece of her. Combined, he was her joy, but also her last link to James, and she would treasure Harry for all time.

Yamamoto sighed sadly. "And how did the father die?"

"Murdered," Soi-Fon replied, "And said murderer's spirit is somehow able to roam freely in the human world..." she said, sounding quite angry at that and making Yamamoto cower a bit inwardly, feeling a bit sorry for the one who had angered Soi-Fon.

"I see." Yamamoto said, "It disturbs me that a spirit is able to linger in the living world and yet still be considered 'active' to an extent."

Just then Unohana burst into the room. "Soi-Fon, it took a while but Mayuri came up with something that..." She trailed off when she saw Yamamoto was there and was looking at her curiously. "Um, ahem, Head Captain," she said, bowing.

"Captain Unohana." Yamamoto replied coolly.

"I must admit, I...uh...was not expecting to see you in here..."

"Yes, well I wasn't expecting to see Soi-Fon singing a lullaby to a child. Today certainly is full of surprises." Unohana gulped, while Soi-Fon blushed at being reminded that she had been caught singing to her son.

"Sir, please tell me you don't intend on getting rid of my godson..." Yamamoto raised a brow at Unohana's words. "Because if you are...I'll...have to attempt to stop you..." Soi-Fon shot her friend a grateful look as she stood by her side.

Yamamoto sighed wearily, "I am going to have to give you two a shared nickname," he said, his face neutral. Both women arched an eyebrow.

"A nickname, sir?" Unohana asked curiously.

"Yes," Yamamoto said, before his lips twitched for the faintest moment as a ghost of a smile appeared before disappearing just as quickly."The Stinger and the Tooth, The Twin Queens of Soul Society." He said, a hint of amusement heard in his tone. Soi-Fon smiled, as did Unohana. They both got the references. "Now, Unohana," Yamamoto said, "I believe you had something to share with Soi-Fon in regards to her child," He finished, "Once you have finished, come see me for his citizenship in the Seireitei,"

"Actually, Head Captain," Unohana said. "It is probably best that you hear this, as it is very serious..." She said, clearly worried about what Mayuri had uncovered. Yamamoto arched an eyebrow but remained where he was to hear what she had to say. "Mayuri discovered from the scans I sent him, that there is a horcrux inside of Harry." Immediately the other two captains were on alert. "I know how foul they are, Soi-Fon, Head Captain, and have told my entire unit to prepare the Horcrux chamber for emergency use, as I refuse to allow my god-son to have that bastard's soul fragment inside him!" Her words made the Head Captain raise his other brow at her use of foul words since usually, she was known for staying away from curse words and showing anger, both of which she had just used and portrayed. "I apologize for my foul language Head Captain, but, me and Soi-Fon know who murdered James, Harry's father, and he was the only one depraved enough to have created a horcrux," she said.

Yamamoto took a seat in a nearby chair. "Do go on, then." He said calmly. Soi-Fon took a deep breath and told him all about Voldemort, how he murdered almost everyone she loved, and how it was her best friend, Lily, and Soi-Fon's infant son, that had put a stop to his reign of terror.

Yamamoto sighed as he pondered what he had just learned. "With Rukia currently on assignment in the human world investigating Karakura Town, we will have to send Soul Reapers abroad to search for this 'Voldemort', though I doubt that is his real name." He said, catching both women's interest with his words. "In the meantime, I await word from the House of Fon about a new addition." he said, giving Soi-Fon a look that she was to tell her father that she had an heir, and that his existence was to be made public. "One last thing," Yamamoto said, as he looked at Soi-fon as he had begun to turn to leave.

"Yes, Head Captain?" Soi-Fon said respectfully, wanting to return to watching over her son.

"Actually, two things." Yamamoto said, "First, you're a beautiful singer." He started, making Soi-Fun blush crimson. "And secondly, you realise you will have to make me his godfather, right?" He said, with a small smile, which, for him, was the equivalent of a big one.

Soi-Fon stared at him blankly. "...What."

"I'm sorry, perhaps I didn't speak loud enough." The old man replied, amusement in his tone. "I said I wish to be his godfather." Soi-Fon was stunned. She barely interacted with the Head Captain, and now he wanted to be her son's godfather?

"Can I ask why, sir?"

Yamamoto smiled. "It would help to ensure he is protected. After all, I am not the Head Captain for nothing you know." He said, smiling still. "Secondly, I am sure you have need of one. Should you and Unohana be called away, someone must look after him, and its not like I get called out to the field that much you know. Besides," And he suddenly gained a weary and tired look, "Paper work is dreadfully boring!" He sighed, not realising he had just cracked a joke many old people of various universes could agree was true.

Soi-Fon smirked. "Well, it's not like I can actually argue with the Head Captain." She replied. "Then I accept you as my son's godfather. ...But if you do anything to hurt him, anything at all, I won't hesitate to strip you of that title. Fair enough?" There was a notable threatening undertone in her voice.

Yamamoto chuckled, "I would expect nothing less from the Heir of the House of Fon." He said. "I shall do my best to protect him. However, you do realize many groups will be interested in him, don't you?" He asked, figuring that she hadn't really thought that far ahead yet and she would no doubt groan in annoyance when he pointed it out.

And groan in annoyance she did. "Well, if any of them want to get to my son, they have to go through me first."

Yamamoto grinned, "And what about when you start getting marriage proposals for him, in the form of arranged marriages that won't come into effect for years to come?" He asked. Being the head of a family himself, he was aware of what was to come for young Harry and his mother, not to mention that Harry would have to be educated on high society manners and etiquette.

"Er..." Soi-Fon said intelligently, having not thought THAT far ahead to be honest. "I-I know it will be expected that I have an arranged marriage for him after his family ties are announced, but I will have to see who offers before I can accept any of them, and I must consider all of them. wWhile my father may be the current head of my family, that is only due to me being too busy to take on that duty myself personally." She responded diplomatically, or at least as much as she could.

Yamamoto nodded. "Very good. You have a week to announce his family ties." He said, shocking both women with such a low amount of time that he had given them. "Before you say anything, I know its not a lot of time, but, you must understand, given who his mother is, there will be many questions about him, and best to answer them soon, rather then let rumors have too much room to be birthed." He said, speaking wisely.

And with that, the old man turned and left the room. "Good luck, Soi-Fon." He said calmly before closing the door, but not before whispering so that only he heard, "You will most certainty need it...". Unohana, who had remained silent as the Head Captain talked to Soi-Fon, turned to the other woman.

"I assume you want to spend time alone with your child?" She asked. Soi-Fon smiled.

"If you don't mind my friend." Unohana giggled.

"Of course." She left the room. "You'll be a wonderful mother." She closed the door, leaving Soi-Fon alone with her child.

Soi-Fon smiled, and went to pet her son's hair a bit, brushing it out of his face. While the scars had been removed, the wounds to his emotional and mental states were still there. Suddenly, Harry stirred a bit, slowly waking up. He blinked a few times, before everything came into focus and he squeaked in terror, clutching the bumblebee plushie to him like a lifeline as he pushed himself as much against the headboard as he could, shaking in fear. This brought a tear of sadness to Soi-Fon's eyes. "W-w-who are y-y-ou?!" he stammered in fear, "W-where am I, where is u-uncle Vernon?" he asked, he was absolutely terrified that he would be punished for whatever had happened.

Soi-Fon wordlessly pulled her son into a tight embrace. He flinched at first...but relaxed when he realized he wasn't being injured, and now just seemed confused. Soi-Fon kissed the top of his head and ran her fingers through his messy dark hair. "It's okay." She whispered. "Mommy's here now..."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise and shock. "B-but, aunt Petunia told me, that mommy and daddy were drunks, drug addicts, and died in a car crash, and that that's how I got my scar." He said, while pointing to the one on his forehead.

Soi-Fon growled. "They are not your aunt and uncle, Harry." She said, trying to remain calm so as not to freak her son out and scare him more then he currently was. "I AM your mother, Harry. You know your plushies?" she asked, waiting for him to respond.

Harry looked at the cuddly toys that surrounded him. They had been the one thing he loved in his life. Vernon had tried to burn them, but the freaky stuff always kept it from happening. He looked up at the black-haired woman and nodded shyly.

Soi-Fon smiled sadly. "You don't know what they mean, do you?" She asked, knowing he didn't, as the only ones who could have told him were Lily, James, Unohana, and Soi-Fon herself. Harry shook his head. He had no idea his plushies meant anything. "The stag, represents your father, who could turn into one using magic!" She began, getting Harry to gasp in surprise that she had said the 'm-word' as Vernon had called it and that his father had apparently been able to use that to do something amazing. He looked down at the stag plushie now, then back at the woman claiming to be his mother. "The deer is Lily, my friend and the woman who became your second mommy after I was forced to give you up to protect you. Like your father, she could use magic to turn into a deer." She continued. "The wolf represents your uncle, Remus 'Moony' Lupin. He was afflicted with a terrible disease as a child and is forced to become something he hates once a month every month, but, we, me, your father, Lily, and your other uncle, all respected him still, and never held what he turned into once a month against him." She said, trying to make it clear that Remus Lupin was not to be hated for what he was forced to become cause of an enemy of his family biting him as a child. "The black dog represents your uncle, Sirius Orion Black, who was your 'dogfather' as he liked to say it." She said with a small chuckle, considering she didn't know what happened to him, and why he never looked after Harry. He was no longer to be Harry's godfather until she got a full accounting from him for his actions. "The bumblebee you seem to love so much, is me, and represents my special sword and its spirit," she said, "The shark, is your godmother, Unohana, who patched you up after I brought you here," And then she came to the last one.

"Finally, the purple cat, represents my old teacher and mentor, Yoruichi. She would be no doubt thrilled to know of you, if she were aware..." She said sadly at the memory of her old teacher who had turned against and left Soul Society years ago. She then looked at Harry. "Are you glad to know that, even if I couldn't be there in person, you had some form of me with you at all times, even if you didn't know it?" She asked, hoping that he would say yes, but dreading that he may say no.

~~~music starts here: Emotional OST Collection: Affections Touching Across Time II~~~

Harry stared at the woman, eyes wide with shock. He looked at his bee plushie, then held it tightly against his chest, tearing up. "Are...Are you r-really my mommy?" He asked in a pitifully soft voice that tore at heart strings. Soi-Fon teared up and smiled as she knelt by his side.

"Yes...I am." She replied, placing a hand on his cheek. Harry looked at her.

"M-Mommy..." He sobbed. Without warning, he threw himself against her, wrapping his tiny arms around her in a tight embrace. He let out all of his pent up pain and sorrow, crying softly into his mother's chest.

Soi-Fon held him, and together, they sat there, for what seemed like hours, just holding one another while Harry cried his heart out. When he finally managed to stop crying, he began to hiccup every so often, exhausted and out of tears. He looked at his mother. "C-can we g-g-go home?" He asked, almost sounding afraid to ask. Soi-Fon smiled joyfully, shedding a few tears.

"In a moment my son." She said, filled with joy that her son now would get to grow up with her, unlike with how she had feared he would grow up before. "I just have to clear it with your godmother first, ok?" Harry nodded.

"Ok, mommy," he said, before yawning tiredly, at which point Unohana came back in.

"Oh, he is awake is he?" she asked.

"Yes, though, he is tired again, bit much for him you know?" Soi-Fon replied, smiling, looking at Unohana with her unasked question.

"I know I shouldn't but, yes," she said, sighing in defeat, "He can go home tonight, BUT," she said, stressing that last word, "First thing tomorrow, you get his cute butt over here for the procedure, understood? Otherwise, I will go over to your place and drag you both here, doctors orders, got it...?" she said dangerously, to which Soi-Fon nodded eagerly. "Good, see you tomorrow Harry," She said, shooting Harry a smile as his mother walked past his godmother while carrying him, already having packed up all his stuff back into his old blankey. It was a twenty minute walk from where they were to where Soi-Fon's family home was. As she stood at the door, she took a deep breath before knocking. Her father would not be happy with what she had done, but, he would have to accept it for what happened, or he would have no grandchild or heir that would be standing by him, and so, she knocked on the door, only waiting a few minutes before it opened...