I own nothing, not the characters, the space where this story exists, or even the eyes that you are using to read it. This is for entertainment purposes only, no money involved.


We had gotten a new Principle today, the guy is a total boring square, but at least he isn't an evil shape shifter. I still can't believe that Kurt and Mystique could be related. Apple fell far from the tree on that one.

Danny didn't even know that the last Principle was evil. But when we told him he didn't really seem that surprised. As if it was the most natural thing ever that the bad guys give themselves thankless jobs of slight authority, just to be close to their targets.

I still can't believe how strong Danny is. It is almost like he is just used to fighting for his life, maybe even more than Mr. Logan. I like look over and see him a little more than half asleep in our English class. Not that that is anything new. I just started to realize that I like didn't even know where he came from, or if Danny is even his real name. He seemed to be running away from the past. I like thought I would give anything to know what he was running away from.

I knew he was a mystery, but I did know the half of it. Our English class got a lot more exciting when out of nowhere someone smashed open the door with a battering ram and five guys in uniforms came hustling in carrying assault weapons. "What is this? Why are you disturbing my class!?" shouted out idiotic teacher. Either he didn't see the guns or he was too stupid to care. One of the man knocked Mr. Wops unconscious.

By this point most of the class was panicking. I was not sure what I should do but I heard Danny's voice. "Kitty don't do anything unless they attack. Hopefully we won't have to reveal ourselves."

I looked over and saw a terrified look in Danny's eyes. Then through the door came a man with graying hair, a tan completion and a black sweeter with a black trench coat over it. But the thing that stood out about him the most was an eye patch over his left eye.

He walked straight up to Danny and said. "Mr. Fenton. It is an honor to meet you. I am Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. and before we start let me just say that I am sorry for your lose."

"How… how did you find me?" Danny said looking at the man. Danny looked like his entire world was falling apart around him.

"Someone posted a picture of your scars on Twitter. The image went viral yesterday. One of our agents looked into who the person in the image was. Once we find the school it was a simple check of who the new students were. The instant we saw your name we knew who you were. You're not very imaginative are you?" The man said to Danny.

"So, my life is over because of Twitter. I swear if someone in here is Tweeting about this." Danny joked but he looked like he was going to cry. "So what do you want? You didn't come here to kill me. You don't have enough men for a job like that." People's eyes widened. Five men with assault weapons were not enough. I knew that Danny was right, but what did they want with him? And who was he?

"You're right, we didn't come here to kill you. We don't have enough men in our organization anymore for a job like that anymore. We came to enlist your experts, as the world's foremost expert in hunting inhuman creatures." My eyes widened as Fury pulled out a folder and tossed it on Danny's desk. "Usually we wouldn't contact you like this but we have no choice. We are luckily we found you when we did." He said as Danny opened the folder and looked at the first paper. "SHEILD is an organization that only deals with global threats, so that should tell you how important this is. We don't know what it is call but we believe you have had dealing with this plant like monster." He said looking at Danny expectantly.

Danny looked up defeat in his eyes. "What do you want me to do? I'm just a kid. Surely you have someone else that can…"

Danny was cut off by the other man. "It has so far whipped out the entirety of the GIW, the MIB, the Hulk Buster Units, half of my best SHIELD operatives as well as both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. All of these good men and women are dead." People were still panicking but they were starting to be curious over just who is Danny Phoenix. If the Avengers, the earth's mightiest heroes have failed, why go to Danny? "This thing is a global threat. The world needs you kid. So suit up!"

"I don't fight anymore. I am retired from the hero business." Danny said sulking.

"We are willing to pay you 20 million dollars in order for you to make this problem go away." The man said. Most people in the room started to talk about what could be done with that kind of money.

"I don't want your money!" Danny shouted looking up. Real tears were streaming out his eyes. "I just want to live a normal life. I don't want to have to fight anymore." He cried.

"We will also give you the information on where the GIW are keeping Danielle." Nick Fury said with a smile as if he had won.

Danny looked at him. All the sorrow drained out of his face. He swallowed and then began to talk. "Its name is Undergrowth; beyond the standard powers of their kind it has an unmatched regeneration power and the ability to create drones and control the rate of growth of other plant life. He captures humans alive in order to use their mental energy as a catalyst to increase the rate in which he can produce his drones. In other words your men are still alive in that thing." Nick's eye widened as Danny gave information on the target.

"Let me guess, he appeared in a woodland area on the border of Wisconsin near a summer mansion." Danny said all business.

"That's right." Nick said with a nod. 'How did Danny know that?'

"How long ago was the first victim taken and how long would it take you to get me there?"

"The first recorded sighting was 12 hundred hours yesterday. We didn't find out you were alive until an hour ago. And we have a Jetcopter that can get you there in two hours that will be landing here it ten minutes." Fury asked Danny's questions.

"Then we are going to be cutting it close. His victims lose their value as mind batteries after one day's time. After that he uses their bodies as fertilizer." Danny said getting up out of his chair. "He is difficult to get rid of. You can't cut him down or burn him to the ground like most weeds. The only thing you can do is put the area were his core is under into a permafrost and it is located in his roots deep underground. Then all the drones out the area will die and he will remanifest in a form where he can be contained." Danny said walking to the door following the agents. He stopped and looked at Fury. "If you are lying about Dani, then Undergrowth will be the least of your worries." I saw his usual blue eyes burning green.

"Thanks for the warning. We have some equipment that was confiscated from the remains of your parents' lab. What do you want us to do with them?" Fury said with a grin.

"Do what you want with it. After this last job I am done. You will have more use for it than I do." Danny said. "I never want to see a thing that those monsters made ever again."

Danny left the room leaving the population in shock. 'Logan was right. Danny was a mutant hunter.' I couldn't help but thinking. Tears came into my eye. In truth, I admired his resolve to live a normal life even with his powers. I just followed Scott and Jean's examples, but Danny was trying to find his own way. How… how could Danny be a mutant hunter? And… who was Danielle?


"Kitty what happened?" Scott asked me back at the Mansion. "The entire school was saying that Danny was taken way by a secret government agency."

"He… he was." I said. It had been over three hours but I still felt a little shocked. After word got out that someone got kidnapped in the middle of school during the day and a teacher getting knocked out school was canceled for the day. "A group of people saying they were from SHEILD came in and took Danny. They said he was the world's leading expert on hunting inhuman monsters… Logan was right. Danny really is a mutant hunter."

"I doubt that." Logan came out of the Kitchen eating an apple. "SHEILD doesn't get involved unless it is important. I don't think even Magneto was more that a small fry in their eyes." Logan just walked straight past us.

"Wait, you like know what this SHIELD is?" I said a little surprised. Logan doesn't share much with us.

"That's classified." Logan said over his shoulder without stopping. I think he said it just to make us mad. "But I will tell you this much. Casper is a good kid. He isn't a killer. Doubt he even has it in him to take another's life."

"But that Nick Fury guy said that Danny was a hunter." I said angrily.

"Why do you call Danny Casper anyways?" Rouge said curiously.

"Did you say Nick Fury?" Logan said looking back giving the first sign of being surprised. "Well if Nick Fury came himself then Casper must be kind of a big shot. What did Fury ask him to do?"

"Something about like a giant plant monster eating all his men." I said looking at Mr. Logan. "Why? Is Nick Fury important? And how do you know him?"

"You could say that Nick is pretty important." Logan said scratching his chin. He completely ignored the other half of the question.

"And Danny just went with him willingly or did he put up a fight. Ah can't imagine they took him if he resisted, even if he didn't use his powers." Rouge said a dazed look in her eyes.

"At first he refused. He was in tears begging them to go to someone else. He did care even when they offered him like 20 million dollars to do it. But then like Nick Fury said that they would tell him where he could find some girl. I think her name was like Danielle or something." I said thinking back to it. "His personality like changed completely. He stopped crying and told Fury exactly what he was going to do to stop the monster. He even like had insight on where it was and what it was doing without ever doing more than looking at the front page of the report that Fury gave him."

"So this Danielle girl must be important to him." Scott said rubbing the back of his head. "He said all his family was died. Everyone he cared about in his old life. I wonder if she is an old girlfriend or something that wasn't around." Rouge looked a little angry at that. It was obvious that she loved Danny. But how could she still love him. He was a hunter.

"If we needed to know he would have told us." Logan said, he turned and went back into the kitchen and came out with a beer in hand. The Professor usually didn't want Logan to drink in front of us but he did it anyways. "Listen because I am only going to say this once. SHEILD is an organization that deals in global security. Neither they nor any of their members exist. No pictures exist of them or any reports. All evidence that they we even here will disappear by tomorrow morning." Logan told us taking a swig from his beer. "Nick Fury is the Director of SHEILD, and is therefore one of the most powerful and influential men in the world. If you give him a reason, he will take you down."

"It is a good thing he don't know about mutants then." Jean said a little worried.

"Oh he knows about us; he knows we are here, he knows what we do, he probably knows what you put down on the last question of your midterms." Logan said. We all paled. "He watches us and if he thinks that we are a threat to humanity then he will act. But he doesn't want to draw attention to the existence of mutants anymore than we do."

"But then why did they go to Danny?" Rouge asked.

"They have been known to outsource their more… costly jobs out to others that can perform them more quickly and without drawing attention to themselves." Logan said not looking at us.

"Is that how you know them? They like asked you to do a job." I asked Logan.

"Something like that." Logan continued to drink. He obviously wasn't going to tell us anything. "The point is that Casper is strong, fast, and has good fighting skills. Someone asking him to do a favor to protect the world is not that unusual. It happens all the time with the major heroes." He waved it off like it was nothing.

"But Danny isn't a major hero. He is just a teen." Scott argued. "Just like the rest of us."

"Not really. I did a light search and found out who he is. Danny Phantom, he was a big shot in the western side of the states where there aren't as many local heroes." Logan said continuing to drink. "I'm just surprised that he is here, the reports all say he died in an accident brought about by a pair of hunters that were hunted him. I guess they were his own mom and dad that experimented on him, not that anyone made the connection. That is because he never used his powers except after changing his appearance to that white hair and jumpsuit."

"So you're saying that the Danny from our school is a superhero. Like a real superhero." Rouge said wide eyed.

"No. I'm saying he was a real superhero. He specialized in a particular breed of inter dimensional beings, only referred to as ghosts. He was a hunter of them because he would track them down and capture them before returning them to their own dimension." Logan said finishing his beer. "I'm out of beer so that is all you're going to get out of me." He crushed the can and walked away.

"Who knew Logan was good at doing research. Think he will help me on my history report?" Evan joked.

"I've heard of Danny Phantom before. But I didn't make the connection. He is supposed to be some kind of ghost." Jean said and shivered. "I guess he wasn't a mutant after all."

"But even if he isn't, he's still a good guy." Rouge said glaring at Jean. "He is our friend Jean. It's not like we have any roo