I just realized its been almost a year since I updated this story and I am so sorry about that.

Well enough of my nonsense please enjoy the long awaited update


Chapter 16: Hero


The hood of her cloak hid her form from wondering eyes as the ellon's hand on her back escorted her through the more abended paths within the mortal city.

She could hear the voices and shouting as the humans battled against each other for food and water. This was one of the more secluded villages one filled with criminals and liars.

As the brunette ellon opened the door to the place they would be staying in for the night she had to cover her nose with her hand to keep the reeking stench to enter her nose making her feel more sick to her stomach then she was already feeling.

"We will stay here for two days and then your brother and I will switch and take you more north." Captain Claude whispered as he poured some water into a cup for her as she tried to slowly sit down.

The ellon rushed to her side as he helped her take a seat being fully aware of what a difficult time the ellth was having with all this traveling and always looking behind her shoulder for one the scouts of Mirkwood.

As he gave the cup of water to drink she smiled sadly at him muttering a low thank you for his kindness.

His eyes fell on her form hidden under the cloak but he could still see it clear as day the reason they were running for so long now. Three years, he had escaped with lady Zalar and her older brother exactly three years ago.

"You should rest while you can Zalar" she nodded slightly trying to get up towards the wooden bed.

"Aghh!" she held her stomach tightly as he held onto her shoulders.

Lord Claude tried to ease her pain not being able to fully comfort since this type of pain he could never compare it to any injury he had ever acquired in the battlefield.

"He's here" She looked at him frightened worry and sadness filling her violet eyes and yet he could still see it.

The want the woman he loved so dearly had to see him again to feel his presence. The captain would do anything in this world for her to forgot to make the nights where she cried out his name while she slept to go away…..and to change the fact that the woman in his arms was carrying the child of the Elvenking.


The hooves of the horses filled this ratcheted village as the sindarian prince holding back the reigns of his horse as he smiled slightly at his friend sitting very uncomfortably on a pony.

"I hate horses" Gimli muttered as he growled trying to get the pony to listen to his commands to halt his movements.

"You have gotten better over the years, my friend" Legolas smiled as he looked as the red headed dwarf being a friend in a long journey to find what his father so truly desired.

Three years you have been gone, how much longer will you last lady Zalar.

As the majestic beast came through the small group of ten royal guard elves, their king riding the largest animal within the group the great elk. The elk that belonged King Thranduil, the ruler of the silvan elves.

"Go on foot search the city!" his command was harsh and unkind to his kin.

He could feel her, she was in this village he was sure of it.

"Father you should have left this to me" the young prince voice was stern and filled with concern the king had been feeling unwell as of recently but no ailment befall on him.

"Legolas and Gimli you are with me" the king left the elk with one the younger soldiers to stay with the animals as the searched the village.

She is here I can feel it.


Zalar held tightly against the captain's hand as they tried to move slowly against the narrow dark paths of village trying to get to one the horses in the stables.

The dark haired elleth had to bite onto her lower lip as the pain increased, she could feel it something was going to happen tonight.

Please let my child be safe….

She held onto her stomach with her other hand as her feet moved to the back of the village finally being able to reach the stable.

The captain could hear the of elves travelling on foot in the city two were positioned exactly three houses down on top of the roofs making sure to cover higher ground.

His hands moved against it nuzzle, "We need your help, she needs your help" the male horse seemed hesitant at first but then calmed as he noticed the young woman holding onto her enlarged stomach.

Lord Claude helped Zalar onto one the darker colored horses trying to speak to the animal quietly.

He could hear the footsteps coming closer, "We need to hurry" the ellon lifted himself onto the horse making sure the elleth had a strong hold on him and horse ensuring her safety was priority.

Because if she was forced to return that wretched elleth would have her in arms reach once more.


The doors of the stable were being opened as the ellon held onto the reigns tightly and immediately dashing out as the two elves saw them.

Zalar held onto her stomach tightly as the horse dashed out of the village making it into the wild lands outside of the village.


"Hold on Zalar just a bit more" he wished it was the truth but he could already see him. The Elvenking sitting proudly on top of his elk with the elven sword out of its sheath the tip pointing downwards as the prince held arrow towards him and the dwarf his large axe.

He pulled the reigns back halting the horse they were surrounded. Zalar was clutching onto her stomach tightly.

This was bad the baby should not have been coming now.

"Return her to me!" Thranduil shouted as he looked at the younger ellon.

But before any other words could spoken between the males a loud screaming erupted from the girls lungs.

The captain immediately tried to get the elleth down of the horse laying her slowly onto the floor.

"You need to calm yourself concentrate your energy and focus onto the child." She held his hand tightly.

Thranduil was immediately by her side trying to see if any harm had been done upon her.

Her eyes watered, he knew the captain knew that she wanted to see him…to see the man she loved so deeply.

"We have to travel back to Mirkwood" Legolas said as he looked at the elleth in pain laying on the cold grass.

"No!" Thranduil shouted as the captain and prince were about to argue.

They had no choice this baby was ready to enter this world. He would have to tell them the truth for Zalar's safety.

"Her mother is in this village she will help us."


Thranduil watched as her mother told her what to do in the confines of the only inn in the village. Her older brother was also present as he assitated his mother on delivering the child safely.

The hold she had on his hand tightened as she did as her mother told her too and pushed with all the power she possessed.

The sound of the babies cry filled the small room filled with too many people.

Her mother gave the baby to her brother to clean. How long had it been since her heard the cry of a child filling his ears.

His heart filled as he could feel the baby reaching out with its feá searching for its mother. Thranduil immediately concentrated and reached out the child feeling his own feá inside of the child.

"You need to keep pushing Zalar, one more is on the way"

Legolas reentered the room after making sure everything was done correctly and feeling something connecting to his father's energy and soul.

When his blue eyes landed on his father he was holding a bundle of grey cloth in his arms as the elleth's mother was doing the same holding a bundle of grey in her arms.

Zalar reaching to touch the object inside of the gray blanket.

Thranduil eyes traveled to his son a smile evident on his face as he looked at him in the eyes and said, "Come meet your sisters Legolas."


In next chapter I will tell you all how Zalar got away from Thranduil.

Please Review and let me know if you want this story to continue!