This story has many hints of sexual and intimate acts, just a warning beforehand.
Chapter 1: One Way Love
The ellth stood in front of the king like everyone else as he commanded everyone to not leave the gates without his permission.
Their prince was currently spending time in the Kingdom of Gondor visiting King Aragon and Queen Arwen. It had been twenty years since the destruction of the ring. She had been living in the Mirkwood kingdom for about five hundred years now, the first fifty years of her life she had spent with her mother, her human mother.
It was known throughout Mirkwood that she was a pedehil, but the king had accepted her entrance into the kingdom when her father approached the king, informing him that her mother had died and she was but an elfing, that she could not survive on her own.
Her mother had died at the age of seventy six, Zalar herself was only fifth years of age but in human eyes she was no more than the age of nine.
She had watched her mother age and die right before her eyes, but that was the life of an elf with a human parent.
One could not tell that she was a pedehil unless they asked her. Her father had gifted her with all the gifts Valar gave to the elves, immortality, beauty, and strength. Her mother gave her, her dark complexion of hair and skin.
She was one of the regular guards, a soldier in the fifth division. The soldiers that simply guarded the borders.
Her family were right in the middle, her step-mother that she addressed as nana, and her older brother. Her father's family accepted her in every way, they never thought of her as anything different from them.
She had made sure not to bring shame to her father's name.
But there was one thing that would destroy her ada and nana's heart if they found out about it.
As evening descended on them even through the caves one could tell the sun had left them for the day. She made her way through the back passage as she did every night. Her form was hidden under a large cloak and hood. No one could find out about this, she would not be able to face her family if her secret was found out.
Zalar went through the dark cave path into the palace, she looked back to make sure no one was following her.
Zalar made one light knocking sound against the hard frame of the door with her knuckles, waiting as the noise travelled through the door she could hear the answer back a simple locking sound to the main door.
She pushed the door slowly to reveal her commander for the night.
As her violet eyes laid upon the mystic creature in front of her, she could not help but bow her head and reveal her face to him.
"Your majesty" her voice was but a whisper within the king's chambers.
"Zalar" the voice of the king was strong demanding, she had seen it many times throughout her life.
His anger was something everyone in Middle-Earth feared, he was not a kind man. They say he was kind only the very early ages of his rule, when his wife was among the living, and when his son was an elfling.
As she kept her eyes to the floor and her head bowed, she could feel his presence in front of her. His hands moved as he moved pieces of her hair out her face.
"Are you injured?" his enchanting voice became gentler as the king disrobed her cloak to reveal the silver night gown underneath.
"No, your majesty" She would never address him by his first name, he had given her permission before but she gave him her reasons why she would not, and he would not ask her again.
There were a few times where his name would escape her mouth, but only when she could not control her actions and thoughts, when she is consumed in pure desire.
They had moved to the king's bed, as he disrobed himself and pulled off her night gown.
She was his distraction when he called upon her, his amusement and servant when he needed her to be. She was no fool it was very simple as to why he choose her to have intimacy with, she would not talk. For the simple reason that she owed him her life, with one word of this man that claimed her night after night, she would lose everything she held dear.
So when he asked her to become his companion at night, she responded the only way she could.
As his lips descended on her's the night of entertaining the King of Mirkwood began.
As Zalar laid in her bed, trying to get some rest before the day started, she could not stop her mind from wondering. Lately it had been happening a lot, so much so that she became injured from her carelessness during one the spider hunts. Her shoulder had been pierced and she was bed ridden for a week, an entire week where she could not see the king.
She knew very much the word love had no place in the agreement she had with the king, love was for fools, she thought. Love brought nothing but despair to her mother, love for a wood elf, in the royal guard at the time. Her father's position had since then moved he was now training the new soldiers of the woodland realm.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knocking sound on her door. As the door slowly opened to reveal her older brother, he looked like every other wood ellon, blonde hair, green eyes, and a bright smile. He was four hundred years older than her, but he acted like the younger one at times. He was in the third division he is almost in the royal guard, but he had failed the entrance twice already and had given up hope. He was not very skilled that is what he always said, that she was ten times better than him.
"Breakfast is ready" He declared as he sat next her on her lavender colored sheets.
"Very well"
The two siblings walked side by side as they entered into the dining area. She could see her ada and nana talking while eating fruits, as the children approached them they smiled.
Her entire family looked exactly the same except that her nana had orange tint to her hair, but anyone could tell they were a family. She was the black sheep the outsider no one could tell that they were related to her.
The elven family she received from being her father's daughter was a good one, they treated her as their daughter nothing less.
As she watched her ada and brother conversing, she could see her nana looking at her with a bright smile that reached her yellow eyes.
"Yes, nana?" Zalar asked plopping a grape into her mouth.
"There has been a rumor about you" she held her breath and started to control every single piece of her body.
"And what is it nana?" Her mother gleamed at her taking hold of her left hand smiling brightly
"You have caught the interest of Lord Claude, my child"
Lord Claude the captain of the royal guards?
"It must be a mistake nana" She gave her mother this look that said she had gone mad.
The boys started to listen once the older female said her daughter caught someone's interest.
"Ahh no she is not, Zalar, I heard him talking about you the other day" He brother stepped in
He was making it worse
"Really? Tell me tell me, what about our beloved Zalar was he talking about?" Her nana could not contain her happiness, after all it was the first time they had heard an ellon having interest in their daughter.
"I just heard it passing by but he was asking about her name and age, when the guards declared that –" He made eye contact with his sister they did not say the word in the house, half breed. "He declared it did not matter as long as she was as beautiful as she is now"
She could feel heat rising to her cheeks, no one ever said that to her except for her family. Not even the king, he did no such thing as to compliment her or romance her. He did not have to, he was king, what he said was law no questions asked.
"Do you hear that dear? You might get a marriage proposal" Her nana was ecstatic, she wanted nothing more than to have her daughter married off to a good ellon.
"Yes, nana it is good news" She did as she always did to keep her family happy, nodded and smiled.
What would she do if someone did propose to her, it never entered her mind after all. Elves did not want to marry a pedehil.
Her current actions would surly cause her some troubles in the matters of marriage.
She laid next to the king as he drank some wine in his bed, his arm resting against his knee as the other leg stretched out. His chest exposed to the air and her violet eyes. She played with the pillow's edge as she was thinking, they never talked much in between their breaks.
The king was not someone you could have a normal conversation with, plus she never tried to it would become complicated she thought.
"Are you in pain Zalar?" He looked at her as he set down the empty cup of wine on his bedside table.
He laid next to her as he started to play with her black hair. The king ran his milky smooth fingers through her hair as he massaged her neck gently.
"No, my lord" her response was short, she did not speak much she never really liked too, her thoughts always remained silent.
"What is it then?" She could tell by his voice that, he would not ask another time what was wrong with her.
"I am thinking, my lord" she could feel softness of his lips as he pulled slightly against her bottom lip as he took several kisses from her.
"About?" His blue eyes starred into her violet set searching for his answer
"Something silly, your majesty" she simply kissed him again, as the king positioned himself above her to start another round of intimacy.
It had been three days since the conversation about Lord Claude came about. Her nana kept bringing it up throughout the current days. She thought her family had lost their minds, the only one that did not talk about it much was her ada, thankfully, he was silent most of the time but he did listen closely, she observed.
As she was walked to her guard duty in the dungeons, which to her was stupid, they had no prisoners. Oh well she would have a piece of mind and some quiet.
She walked into a hard chest, she stepped back and apologized immediately with a bow.
"No apology necessary my lady, it was my fault" His voice was strong but gentle
She looked up to see the man that was the topic of her house.
Captain Claude of the royal guards
"You are Zalar, correct?" He has brown hair, with light brown eyes to match.
"Yes, my lord" She answered truthfully
"It is a pleasure to meet you lady Zalar, I have been wanting to talk to you" He smiled looking at her
Wanting to talk to her, what for?
"I do not understand lord Claude" She could see how the other guards around her gave her dirty looks as the captain conversed with her.
"Let me clarify then, are you currently on duty?"
"I have guard duty in the dungeons lord Claude"
"Then I shall accompany you lady Zalar." He smiled as he motioned for her to make her way to the dungeons.
As they made their way to her destination, the walk was quiet.
Captain Claude sat on the steps as she stood next to one of the empty cells. His smile did not disappear from his face the entire time they were in each other's presence.
Honestly Zalar did not know what to do about this ellon, she had heard the other ellths talking about him. His charm, his features, build, and skills as a captain. He was well known he got a good name as being a captain of the royal guards.
"You are beautiful" He declared as he leaned on his palm that was resting on his knee, a smirk evident on his face.
Her eyes widened at his statement.
"You are embarrassing me lord Claude"
"Claude, you may call me by my name" His demeanor changed a bit, smile dropped and his face was serious.
"That is inappropriate lord Claude, I am simply a guard in the fifth division" she declared, stating the obvious ranking positions present
"I am giving you permission Lady Zalar"
"I still believe it is inappropriate lord Claude"
"If it is our ranking you are worried about worry about it no more, I would like you to join the royal guards under my command"
The royal guards? She would shame her brother if that were true.
"For what reasons Lord Claude?"
"I believe you hide your skills"
"For what reasons would I do that?" Only an idiot would hide their potential.
"That I do not know, but I am ordering you to join my command" Claude said as he stood up and walked up to the ellth.
"Is that all, lord Claude"
"It is not" he took hold of her hand as her rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles and fingers.
She became nervous this was a position she was not used to.
"I would like to spend time with you lady Zalar"
"I…I…can you please clarify lord Claude" her breathing hitched as he held her hand in both of his hands.
"I wish to court you my lady"
I hope everyone enjoyed this, I want a story that I do not have to make too much back story. Please let me know what you think.
Please Review!