You wanted a happy ending.

My eyes scan my bedroom; it's the same bedroom I've slept in since I was born. I have refused to mover rooms because this is the room my mummy put me to sleep in every night, tuck me in and kiss me goodnight. She died knowing I was safe in this room. It has changed colours over the years, currently a pale blue. A large double bed, a 16th birthday present, now sits on a platform of white aged wood in the corner of the room, the "sleep alter" as my dad calls it, shrouded in a gossamer canopy. My mother would tuck me up each night in a little iron framed bed, with lilac sheets.

I look at myself in my full length mirror; I have my mother's looks. Aqua lagoons for eyes that had once belonged to my mother, a kind face with a soft gaze and wide smile. My hair is brown with autumnal shades, naturally waving unlike my mother's golden curls. I am tall and skinny but with hints of my mother's figure but that is mostly hidden by my oversized pastel pyjama top, my long legs covered in blue flannel bottoms. "Darling time for bed" Dad puts his head round my door "Into bed" he smiles and comes in. I climb into bed and nestle in the mounds of soft pillows. Dad pulls my duvet over me and kisses my head. On his way out he turns off the light. Even though I'm 16 I allow him to do everything for me if he wants. It makes him feel better. I drift asleep the light of my fairy lights blurs into grainy orbs.

I'm wake up startled, the lights are on in my room and someone's running across my large room. I'm still half-asleep when the mystery person throws their arms around me. I wake up quickly and see curls before my eyes. I know who it is. I start to sob into her shoulder, I can't believe this. I move my leg so that she can kneel on the bed and hug me. "Do you know who I am?" she asks me.

"Mummy" I breathe into her ear.

"Yes" she sobs. I feel another weight on the bed and another arm hold onto me. My family held onto each other and sobbed.