A/N: Tim and Dick are having a little fun at WE.

Quit Being Such A . . . . .


AJRedRobin and JasonToddLover

Tim and Dick were just hanging out in the hallway. Both were on their phones texting. Suddenly, Tim straightens up and does a quick nod in Dick's direction. When the person got closer, Tim stared at Dick.

"Quit being such a Dick," Tim said to his older brother.

"Quit being such a Tim," Dick said back to his younger brother.

They continued to stare at each other as the person walked by with a confused look on their face. Once the person passed the two and disappeared around a corner, Tim and Dick burst out laughing.

"Oh man did you see the look on that guy's face?"

"Yeah, let's do it, again."

Tim and Dick quickly walked down the hall and found the steps leading upward. They went up a couple of flights, checking the hallway to see if the coast was clear. They walked around as if they belonged to the place and no one paid any attention. They found the perfect spot and stood against the wall and once again took out their phones and began to text. This time a lady came in their direction. Tim stared at Dick again.

"Quit being such a Dick," Tim said to his older brother.

"Quit being such a Tim," Dick said back to his younger brother.

The woman turned in their direction and gave a curious look. Once again they waited for the woman to pass and then bust out laughing. Tim and Dick quickly left the area and went to another part of the building. Once again they found the most likely spot and waited.

"Quit being such a Dick," Tim said to his older brother.

"Quit being such a Tim," Dick said back to his younger brother.

Once again they started laughing over their private joke. They were leaning against a column and trying to decide where to go next when they heard footsteps behind them. Both were grabbed by the collar of their shirts.

"You're father would like to see you," Lucius said in a stern voice. Like the teacher disciplining two students at school, he led the two into the "principal's" office.

Bruce was going over some financial reports when he heard Lucius come into the room. He knew what this was about. He didn't look up in their direction, but kept his voice even.

"Boys, I've been receiving some strange phone calls from my employees. Can you explain it?"

Tim and Dick looked at each other. "No," they both said in unison.

"We're just being ourselves," Dick said, smiling.

"Yeah, it's not like we're being Dicks," Tim answered.

"Or Tims," Dick chuckled.

Bruce groaned and rubbed his forehead. He never should have invited his sons to Wayne Enterprise. He knew they would get bored. The last time he did, they played hide and seek, driving the security guards nuts. At least they weren't getting into real serious trouble.

"Go find something constructive to do, and get out of my office so I can get some real work done."

"Haahhaahhaa! Yes, Dad," Dick and Tim said at the same time. They then linked arms and headed back out into the halls.

"On second thought," Bruce got up from his chair and went to head off his sons before they got into more mischief.
