And now, the stunning, feels stuffed conclusion to Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Fear. My apologies for this stupid thing being so late- I've been working on and off and haven't had much inspiration.

Summary: Everyone is scared of something. But how did those fears come to be, and how do they impact the Big Hero 6?



Some people could miss it if they weren't paying attention. After all, it wasn't an overly obvious trait that could be picked up immediately after meeting them. Rather, it took many years to fully clue in to the fact that Cass and Tadashi were very similar to one another. Sure, Tadashi was a technological genius, but his scatter-brained moments came just as frequently as Cass'. The only difference was that when he had his moments, he was usually locked in his lab in the middle of the night tinkering on something or another.

They were both compassionate- this one was much easier to see. Tadashi rescuing Mochi had been proof enough of that, but Cass taking the same cat under her wing and even helping Tadashi raise the sickly cat had been a step above.

So, taking in these two traits alone, it was rather obvious to everyone that they both shared a large part of their lives with one another- Hiro.

Indeed, it was a silent agreement to say nothing to one another whenever the youngest of their family managed to get himself into one situation or another. Tadashi was Cass' sidekick in that regard- while she knew that Hiro was always building bots and fighting with them, she didn't have the courage to go drag her youngest nephew out of whatever hole he'd gone to bot fight in.

Cue Tadashi.

Her wingman, who was completely unafraid to go and haul his brother's ass out of the trouble he had no doubt found. Even though this technique frequently found them either being questioned or taken in by the police, Cass was infinitely grateful that Tadashi would bring Hiro home and usually in one piece. Occasionally, there would be the odd bruise or scrape, but she would pull him into the bathroom and patch him up. Tadashi had been the one to hold this role when they were younger, but as he'd gotten older Cass had taken the role upon herself. Luckily, Hiro had enough sense not to further raise his aunt's ire, so this period was usually peaceful.

This really only served to prove that the heart of their little dysfunctional family was Hiro. Infuriating at the best of times, the youngest Hamada was the one who somehow managed to keep them all a little sane, though Cass often wondered how that one had come to be.

After Tadashi's death, it took a long while before Hiro could smile again. Before she could smile again, knowing that her nephew was on the road to recovery. Even the addition of Baymax helped them begin the process of beginning to live again. And while some part of her would always be wounded, Cass could rest a little easier at night knowing someone was watching over Hiro.