A/N: I received several requests to write the make-up sex fic for Densi's first fight. So here it is. Rated M for language and well, sex. ;) And because this is really long, I split this into 2 "chapters." I don't own NCIS LA or the characters.

She almost feels his body next to hers, the heat of him seeping into her back, his body curling around her, his strong arms surrounding her and pulling her closer. She almost feels the ghost of his lips on her skin, lazy kisses trailing down her neck and across her shoulders, sparking the flames of desire. And she almost feels his warm hands traveling over her body, searching fingers leaving fire in their wake as they touch, caress, tease…

But when she finally opens her eyes, she's alone. The other side of the bed is cold. The stark contrast to her dream is enough to snap her into reality. But the reality is her body is alive with desire; she's wet, worked up and turned on and the man who'd be more than happy to give her what she needs isn't there.

And that's because it's the morning after. The morning after spending their first night apart since going 'All In,' which ironically had come about in part by surviving their first fight as a couple. Yesterday morning had started with communication issues. Surprise, surprise. Deeks hadn't understood her concerns and she admittedly hadn't explained herself very well. But at the end of the day, it was her boyfriend that offered up a night apart, and she had jumped at the opportunity.

The fact that he had eventually recognized and respected her need for some space meant more to her than she'd probably ever be able to express. Those first few hours alone had been just what she needed, but by the time she had crawled into bed last night she wanted nothing more than to have his warm, preferably naked body next to her. After all, surviving their first fight was cause for "celebration," as Deeks had put it, with a slight smirk.

Right. She'd cracked that code immediately and now she's kicking herself for not having given in during their midnight phone call to his persuasive attempts at starting their reconciliation early. She should have told him to hurry up and get his gorgeous ass back into her bed, instead of putting it off until tonight. Because she's most certainly in the "celebrating" mood this morning.

What's the saying; Absence makes the heart grow fonder? She can attest to the fact that it definitely makes you horny. Sighing deeply and throwing the covers off her body, she drags herself into the kitchen for coffee and then back to the bathroom for a cold shower. Does it really make sense, she asks herself as she waits for the cold water to cool her raging libido, that one night apart would have her practically panting at the thought of seeing him again.

Whether it makes sense or not, she needs to see him alone, before work, so she doesn't end up jumping him in front of all their co-workers. She just needs a kiss or a hug, a touch. Although she definitely wouldn't turn down a quickie; being bent over the arm of his couch for a quick fuck sounds perfect right about now.

Pull yourself together, Kensi.

She's about to text him to let him know she'll pick up coffee and something for breakfast and meet him at his place when her phone pings with a message. It's Deeks, texting her that he had decided to go surfing this morning. Which is great, she tries to convince herself, because he really hasn't gone surfing in the early mornings since Christmas. And she knows it's probably just what he needs to help clear his head and settle his emotions.

It's just not what she needs. Geez, Kensi. Stop being so selfish. Try to think about something other than your throbbing, wet pussy.

Maybe she can still catch him in the parking lot at the Mission. It's not going to give her exactly what she's craving, but she can at least steal a private moment with him. But even though she still arrives early after picking up coffee, she spots his truck already parked in the lot. Really?

She has a sinking feeling that she's not going to be getting anything she wants until tonight.

Walking into the mission, balancing drinks for everyone, Kensi can hear Deeks' laughter mixed with the usual bromance banter belonging to Callen and Sam. Great, everybody's here. She has no idea what they're talking about, nor does she care; all she's focused on is the sound of Deeks' voice. Normally the man could drive her up a wall with his incessant babbling, but not today. Today is different. Today, it's as if his voice is teasing her, reminding her how she didn't wake up to him huskily whispering in her ear.

She rounds the corner to the bullpen and nearly trips over her own feet. Holy… Deeks is casually leaning against his desk, arms folded over his chest. He's smiling and looks relaxed and refreshed... and ridiculously hot. He catches her eye and raises an eyebrow at her, silently questioning if she's okay. She realizes too late that she's come to an abrupt halt, stopping and staring, in the middle of the bullpen.

But how could she not? He's wearing one of his white v-necks, the material clinging to the still damp skin of his broad chest and strong arms. His hair is still slightly wet and unruly and she has to physically stop herself from walking over to him and running her fingers through it. And to top it all off, he's wearing her favorite jeans (the ones that hug him in all the right places).

Snap out of it, Kensi. You saw him yesterday, for god's sake. And he's going to be back in your bed, gloriously naked, tonight.

She recovers enough to walk to her desk and set the drinks down as she drops her bag on the floor. She casts a quick glance in Deeks' direction; he's still watching her, this time with a smug smirk on his face. Damn him. Sometimes she hates that he can practically read her mind. He pushes off his desk and walks slowly over to her, smiling broadly the entire time. She picks up his coffee and hands it to him and the jolt of electricity that sings through her body at the touch of their fingers is enough to wet her panties.

This is going to be a long day.

To make matters worse, it's a relatively calm day with no new cases, which means she, along with rest of the team, are stuck behind their desks filling out reports. But that also means virtually no opportunities to be alone with Deeks; no tracking down leads, no stakeouts, no trips to the boatshed. So when lunchtime arrives, Kensi enthusiastically offers to pick up food for everyone, knowing Deeks will volunteer to go with her. Except he doesn't.

As she drives away, slightly pissed off that he's not in the car with her, she can't help but think it's probably for the best. With how keyed-up she is, she wouldn't put it past herself to find a camera-free zone, yank him into the back seat and ride him until her body begged her to stop. And while it might solve her immediate problem, it's not her brightest idea.

When she finally returns to the mission with everyone's food in hand, she steels herself to face the rest of the afternoon. If she can just get through the remainder of the day, she can drag him home and close themselves off from the rest of the world and have her way with him. It's only a few hours, Blye. Lock it down.

Halfway through the afternoon, however, she desperately needs a distraction from staring over at her boyfriend. No, partner; we're at work. He's caught her a few times, each time shooting a cocky grin in her direction and shaking his head. She really wants to wipe that damn smirk off his face, preferably by attacking his mouth with hers over and over again. But she finally reaches her limit when, while ogling him yet again, his tongue peeks out and runs across his lips as he's concentrating on a report. She instantly slams her laptop shut and announces she's off to the armory.

Cleaning her gun typically calms her and always manages to keep her physically and mentally occupied. And occupied is something she desperately needs right now, otherwise she'll just keep obsessing over doing her hot boyfriend. She becomes so lost in the instinctive, repetitive motion that she doesn't see or hear him approach. He's leaning into her space before she senses he's there and she actually jumps when he breathes in her ear, "Are you avoiding me, Agent Blye?"

She turns in her chair and looks up at him. Big mistake, Kensi. God, those eyes. "Me avoiding you? I think I should be asking you that same question, Detective."

As hard as she tries, she can't look away from his intense gaze. Her heart threatens to beat right out of her chest as he innocently traces a pattern on her forearm with a single finger. "Maybe… I'm just trying to act professionally."

She huffs, "Who says I'm not?" She pulls her arm away from his treacherous finger and stands up quickly, sending the chair rolling behind her. She needs some space; if not, she's going to do something completely unprofessional. But as he closes the distance between them, she finds herself trapped between his hard, muscular, intoxicating body and the chair she was just sitting in.

He brings his hand up to her face, his fingers tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear while his thumb gently grazes across her lower lip. She almost whimpers from the contact of his skin against hers. "I don't think those looks you've been sending me all day would exactly be described as professional."

"I… I don't know what you're talking about," she stammers. Why are you tormenting me?

He draws one step closer to her and she can feel the heat radiating off his body. "Oh, I think you do. And don't believe for one second that I've forgotten about our plans for tonight."

That's it. She's done. She's literally going to combust right here in the armory. Her body is aching for him; the coil in her belly is wound so tight she can barely breathe and the unrelenting throbbing between her thighs is all-consuming. The need to touch him is overwhelming and she moves to close the final shred of invisible space between them, not caring one bit about the potential for being caught.

"Hey guys," Nell's voice rings out from the hallway. Deeks quickly jumps several steps back from her and Kensi sucks in several deep breaths, attempting to refocus her scrambled brain and calm her trembling body. Shit. At least she had the decency to say something before she walked in the room.

Casting a glance at the clock, Kensi softly moans when she realizes there's less than an hour to go until they can leave, provided no new cases pop up. Please no, she pleads to all things holy. Looking over at Nell and Deeks, both with somewhat amused expressions on their faces, she realizing her moan must have been loud enough to be heard by both of them. She swiftly exits the armory and ducks in the nearest bathroom to compose herself and splash some cold water on her face.

The last hour ticks by the slowest, of course, and by the end of the day her morning prediction has come true and she is beyond frustrated. The tension radiating off of her is so strong, she wouldn't be at all surprised if that's the reason why everyone has been avoiding her. She grabs her bag and rushes off, offering a quick goodnight, not bothering to wait for Deeks to walk out with her.

As she's about to pull out of the parking lot, her phone pings with a text from Deeks. He's stopping at his place to check on Monty and dropping him off at the neighbor's, then he'll pick up dinner on the way.

Dinner. Right. Who the hell needs food. And that's when she knows she's officially gone insane. She wants to tell him to hurry the hell up and that he was right, that she wanted to do some very unprofessional things to him at work. But now she's free to do whatever she wants to him, just as soon as he gets his ass to her place.

Instead, she replies with a simple, "K."

She manages to pull herself together long enough to drive home safely. Stripping off her clothes as soon as she locks the front door, she heads straight for the shower. Having spent the entire day with her body turned on full blast, she doesn't feel especially fresh. And even though she has every intention of getting hot and sweaty very soon, there's no reason to start off that way.

Relaxing under the warm spray and lathering her body with the organic, all-natural (and safe to consume) body wash that Deeks now keeps stocked at both of their apartments, Kensi's thoughts slip back to that moment in the armory. The moment she thought she would finally rip his clothes off and throw him down on the nearest table, consequences be damned.

And all the heat, all the lust that had built up in her all day suddenly comes rushing back. Her head begins to swim, her heart is racing and the wetness between her thighs has nothing to do with the water from the shower. Maybe it would take the edge off if she just gave herself a little bit of relief. Just a little...

Kensi nearly jumps out of her skin when Deeks' voice echoes through the bathroom. "Kens, I'm here; dinner's waiting." She hears the door close and she waits, expecting him to join her. He's rarely able to resist a naked, wet and soapy Kensi.

But he never pulls back the curtain, never steps into the shower with her. Huffing out an exasperated breath, she rinses off the bubbles and turns off the water. Wrapping her body in a towel, she steps into her room to get dressed; well, as dressed as she's going to get. She slips on some delicate, lacy panties then pulls on one of Deeks' button downs, leaving the top few buttons undone. She'd carefully managed to keep her hair out of the shower spray, so she fluffs it up a bit, lines her lips with a hint of tinted lip balm and smoothes on some moisturizer.

She's spent all day lusting after him, barely containing the powerful urge to drag him into some dark corner and ravage him. But they're finally alone. It's time to celebrate, Marty Deeks.