Chapter 104: Cresselia and the New Evolution!

Last time on "Pokémon Sinnoh Journey", after parting with Barry, the four trainers have finally arrived at the Canalave Gym, where Hikaru and Ash's sixth Sinnoh Gym battles would take place.

However, as they headed there, there was a loud scream, followed by a man who worked at the Canalave Gym. The condition of the man looked suspicious as he claimed that he's been having nightmares ever since he had arrived in the city.

When asked where the Gym Leader was, the group received news that the Gym Leader was training in Iron Island now, making it impossible for a Gym battle. After the challenge denial, the group walked around the city, only for it to look deserted.

Officer Jenny, who seemed sleepy as well, explained the news about a Darkrai and Cresselia coming around in the island. However, what they discovered wasn't Darkrai's nightmare work, but Team Rocket's nightmare machine instead!

Ash and Hikaru immediately destroys it with Pikachu and Monferno, but at night, the nightmare still lingers. After getting to the conclusion that it could be Darkrai, the group and Officer Jenny headed for Iron Island to find Cresselia.

Little did they know that they were being followed once again by the evil trio.

As they approached the island, Officer Jenny pointed it out. "Fullmoon Island, dead ahead!" Officer Jenny pointed out. "The Fullmoon Island... Where the Cresselia lives in..." Ash whispered.

"Pika..." Pikachu whispered out in agreement. Hikaru bit his lips, while Monferno remained nervous. They never had a night like this, where they would probably have to face two mystical and legendary Pokémon at the same time.

Soon, the boat moved into a narrow ravine. "Looks like the whole island is surrounded by cliffs!" Brock pointed out, looking at the many boulders and cliffs guarding the Fullmoon Island.

"So, how are supposed to get and up over them all?" Ash asked, looking around. Officer Jenny made the answer, pointing ahead. "That's how! Everybody, take a look up ahead!" Officer Jenny called.

The four trainers along with their three Pokémon saw an opening that led towards the island inside. "It's a cave!" Ash pointed out in amazement. "Pika..." Pikachu agreed. "Looks like we found our entrance..." Hikaru stated.

"Mon..." Monferno replied in agreement. Soon, the boat entered the cave, right to where the group could land on. On the ground were some stairs that looked like it led towards the top. "Wow... Would you look at that?" Dawn replied in amazement.

"Pip Piplup..." Piplup agreed. The officer pointed to where the entrance of the Fullmoon Island could be. "The entrance to the island is up ahead!" Officer Jenny pointed out. She pointed towards the opening towards outside.

At that, the Kanto trainer seemed determined to find Cresselia. "Great! Then, I'm going in!" Ash called. "Pikachu!" Pikachu said in agreement. As everyone headed out to the entrance, they were soon walking on a thin walkway of the cliff.

"When it comes time for Darkrai's visit, it's said that the Cresselia perches itself on a little shrine on top of the cliffs!" Officer Jenny explained. She held the lantern high in the air to see where they were going.

Suddenly, as they walked on the thin walkway, Hikaru blinked, noticing something glowing. "Wait... What's that?" Hikaru asked. He pointed to a glow, where it seemed to be surrounded by small rocks.

He and Monferno walked ahead, picking something from the rocks. It seemed to a feather, which looked very similar to the fake Lunar Wing that Team Rocket had made. "Is this... a Lunar Wing?" Hikaru asked.

He showed it to everyone else as his Fire Type partner inspected it more closely. "Mon..." Monferno breathed out in amazement. Brock took the wing and inspected it with his magnifying glass.

"Now... Yep! I'm sure that this is the real item! It seems to me that Cresselia must've dropped it here, and not too far in the distant past either!" Brock explained. Dawn grew a bit excited at that.

"That must mean that the Cresselia must've come to the island!" Dawn guessed. "Well, that's only a theory. You can't be sure unless you see it for real." Hikaru reminded, sweat dropping. "Monferno..." Monferno agreed.

Just then, Piplup got onto Dawn's right shoulder and gave the Lunar Wing a sniff. "Piplup!" Piplup cried out. He hopped off of Dawn's shoulder and sniffed on the ground as well. "What... What is Piplup doing?" Hikaru asked.

"M-Mon..." Monferno snickered a little, thinking that the Water Type was acting quite funny. Despite the snickering, the Penguin Pokémon kept sniffing around as everyone else watched.

"Pip Piplup!" Piplup called, motioning everyone to come over. "Piplup's got the scent!" Dawn exclaimed. As she said so, everyone began to follow, with the Twinleaf boy not believing this news.

The search continued until Piplup had tracked the scent all the way to a group of small rocks on top of one another. "Pip! Piplup!" Piplup cried, gesturing to the small rocks. "Piplup! Over there?" Dawn asked.

The Water Type smirked with a nod. "Pip Piplup!" Piplup agreed. Suddenly, as he said it, a Psyduck rose up from behind, staring at Piplup sleepily. "Psy?" The Psyduck asked, shocking Piplup.

The Penguin Pokémon yelled in fright, while everyone else fell over. "Uh... That's the wrong scent..." Ash chuckled nervously. "Pikachu..." Pikachu agreed. "I don't believe this..." "Ferno..." Hikaru and Monferno grumbled, as they both face palmed.

So, at this point, both the Twinleaf trainers summoned one of their Pokémon to do the sniffing. "Luxio, come on out!" "Swinub, I need your help!" Hikaru and Dawn called. Both the Electric Type and the Ice-Ground Type appeared, seeing their trainers.

"Swinub nub!" "Lux! Luxio!" Swinub and Luxio cried out. The Twinleaf boy crouched to their Pokémon level and explained the news. "Luxio... Swinub... We have a favor to ask of you two." Hikaru started.

The request made the two cock their heads as Dawn giggled. "Well... When it comes to tracking scent, the two of you rules! You see, we want you two to use the scent of this Lunar Wing to find Cresselia!" Dawn explained.

The Spark Pokémon and the Pig Pokémon both nodded in response as they sniffed the feather for a moment. "Lux... Luxio!" Luxio cried out. She ran ahead, with Swinub following behind. "Looks like they're hot on the trail!" Dawn giggled.

"So, let's stay close behind!" Ash called. Everyone did so as they ran after Luxio and Swinub, as the female Electric Type took the lead ahead, jumping on rocks that led to the top, with Swinub behind her.

Soon, the two Pokémon managed to get onto the top. As they did so, Swinub jumped up and down, jumping towards a shrine that looked like a crescent moon sitting on top of the shrine rocks.

Luxio watched down, seeing her human brother and his friends managing to get to the top. They all climbed up, much to their dismay and exhaustion. Once they were all at the top, all five of them were panting with all the running and climbing they had to do.

"Huff... Huff... Is this the place?" Hikaru asked, looking ahead. "Luxio! Lux!" Luxio responded with a nod. She nudged her human brother to hurry it up as she and Monferno helped Hikaru up onto his feet.

"I think Swinub found something!" Dawn stated, pointing ahead. Ash blinked in surprise as he saw the shrine. "H-Huh!? Jenny, is that it?" Ash asked. Officer Jenny looked up, seeing the crescent moon shrine as well.

"Sure is! We're standing in front of Cresselia's shrine!" Officer Jenny answered with a smile. "Then, this must be where Cresselia should be, right?" Hikaru asked, dusting himself off.

"Mon..." Monferno replied in amazement. As Hikaru asked, glowing, colorful lights shined down, catching everyone's attention. At the same time, a glowing ball of light floated down, revealing a figure inside the light.

It was a pink and yellow Pokémon, who seemed to be a Pokémon that was born from the moon. "Is that... who I think it is?" Hikaru asked in amazement. "Yeah! I can't believe it, but it's Cresselia!" Brock pointed out.

"Pika..." "Lup..." "Luxio..." "Nub..." Even Pikachu, Piplup, Luxio, and Swinub were amazed to see the beautiful sight of the legendary Psychic Type Pokémon. "What a beautiful Pokémon..." Dawn commented.

At the same time, Hikaru took out his blue Pokédex, scanning the legendary Pokémon. "Cresselia, the Lunar Pokémon. Shining particles are released from Cresselia's wings like a veil, and it is said to represent the crescent moon." Hikaru's Pokédex buzzed.

Suddenly, a net was sent flying, and it was headed straight for Cresselia. Hikaru gasped as he tried to warn the Lunar Pokémon. "Cresselia, look out!" Hikaru yelled. "MON! Monferno!" Monferno screeched in warning.

Cresselia turned in surprise, but was too late to dodge it as she fell into the trap. The Lunar Pokémon shrieked in surprise as she was slammed to the ground, unable to fly by the net.

"Cresselia's trapped!" Ash exclaimed in shock. "Oh no..." Officer Jenny breathed out in surprise. "Well, let's not just stand there! We have to help her!" Hikaru called. "Right!" Everyone agreed.

The four trainers and Officer Jenny ran to try and free Cresselia. Pikachu, Luxio, Monferno, and Piplup followed, while Swinub could only watch in surprise. Suddenly, a giant Magikarp machine jumped into the air, and landed on the ground.

Everyone backed away in surprise, as the culprits of the net were none other than Team Rocket! "Of course, it was Cresselia we came to take!" Jessie giggled. "But both Pikachu and Monferno are both icings on the cake!" Meowth added, sneering.

"You never change, do you!?" "Pika Pika!?" Ash and Pikachu snapped together. Meowth laughed and took out a remote. "HAH! Of course we do! Now we're beating you!" Meowth cackled.

He pressed on the button, summoning four more nets! Everyone gasped as they were caught by it! Brock and Officer Jenny were caught in one, Dawn and Piplup in the second, Ash and Pikachu in the third, while Hikaru and Monferno in the fourth.

"Aw... Catching old and new friends warms my heart!" Jessie taunted. Pikachu, Monferno, and Cresselia could only watch as they glared at the evil trio with disgust. As everyone was captured, the Magikarp robot formed mechanical arms!

The evil trio looked as if they were planning to capture both Monferno and Pikachu first! Ash refused to allow it as he turned to his Electric Type. "Alright, Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt, quick!" Ash cried.

Pikachu nodded and started to aim Thunderbolt at Team Rocket, until Brock tried to stop his friend. "NO! Ash, don't do it!" Brock yelled. Suddenly, the Thunderbolt that was launched for Team Rocket actually hit Ash instead!

"AHHHH!" Ash screamed as he was shocked by the powerful Thunderbolt, due to the net he and his partner were caught up in. The Kanto trainer fell to the ground, groaning in pain, much to Pikachu's surprise.

"Pika!?" Pikachu gasped. "Argh... Watch what you say next time, Ash!" Hikaru scolded. "Mon..." Monferno sighed in disappointment. Jessie laughed maniacally at that, seeing their enemies shocked instead of them.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Nice shot!" Jessie taunted with laughter. "Shut up, you stupid witch! You're sounding like one of them right now!" Hikaru snapped angrily. That grew ticks all over Jessie as she started to turn red.

"What... did... you... say... TWERP!?" Jessie bellowed angrily. She looked as if she wanted to attack the group right away with anger and vengeance for the insult that she was forced to take

Meowth and James yelped in surprise as they grabbed ahold of Jessie. "Come on, Jessie! Don't take in the twerp's taunts!" James warned, as he tried to hold her back, much to he resistance.

"Remember! We're here to steal Pikachu, Monferno, and Cresselia! Don't you understand our mission!?" Meowth yelled. Eventually, Jessie calmed down, as James turned to the captured group.

"You see, the past experiences has taught us one thing! It's best if you keep your attacks to yourself!" James taunted. The arms started to head for Pikachu and Monferno as the two starters gasped.

Suddenly, something bashed into the evil trio's machine! Everyone turned in surprise to see that it was Swinub and Luxio! The Pig Pokémon was tackling one of the mechanical arms with Take Down.

And the Spark Pokémon was using Iron Tail to stop the other mechanical arm cold. However, the two attacks didn't seem to have any effect as they were slammed away to the ground. "Swinub, no!" "Piplup!?" Dawn and Piplup gasped in shock.

"Luxio! Are you alright!?" "Mon! Monferno!?" Hikaru and Monferno asked desperately. Immediately, the two of them recovered, standing back up. Swinub blew steam out of his nose, as Luxio gritted her teeth, with electricity sparkling around her.

"Okay, then! Swinub, go in with Take Down, quick!" Dawn called. "Luxio, pay them back with Thunder Fang!" Hikaru yelled. At the orders, both Pokémon nodded as they charged towards the Magikarp machine.

Luxio and Swinub together struck the mechanical arms once again, only for it to slam them back! "What!?" "Now way!" The Twinleaf trainers gasped. James sneered and wagged his finger in a taunting way.

"Naughty double Pokémon!" James scolded teasingly. However, that didn't stop the two as Luxio started to grow more angry, while Swinub grew more determined to defeat the enemy. Together, the two of them attacked with Take Down and Thunder Fang!

Once again, the two moves hit at the same time, only for the same results to occur. Multiple times, both the Electric Type and the Ice-Ground Type Pokémon tried to strike the mechanical arms, hoping to make some damage.

But, no matter how many times they try, it proved to be futile as the machine didn't take any damage. "No... This is... If they keep up, they'll be the ones taking damage, instead!" Hikaru gasped, as his eyes widened in shock and desperation.

Dawn could only watch as the two struck at the robot again, only for the damage to recoil on them. She started to grow teary, as she wanted this to stop. Soon, after both Luxio and Swinub were slammed back down again, both the Twinleaf trainers couldn't hold back their pleadings anymore.

"STOP! Swinub, that's enough! Please!" Dawn pleaded. "Luxio! Stop this! You don't have to do this anymore! Don't get yourself hurt so much! Stop it... Stop it right now!" Hikaru yelled, as he started to grow a bit teary as well.

However, despite of their pleadings, both Luxio and Swinub weakly got back up, preparing to attack once again. This time, Meowth grew furious as he angrily prepared a hard punch for the two persistent enemies of his.

"HEY! Since you don't want to listen to your twerp and twerpette, I'll help you! With THIS gentle pat!" Meowth snapped angrily. He slammed Swinub away with the fist on his stomach, while Luxio on the cheek.

Both Luxio and Swinub yelled in pain as they were smashed to the ground this time. "SWINUB! LUXIO!" Everyone cried out in shock. For Hikaru, this attack cracked him. He gritted his teeth, as his eyes turned only yellow in anger this time.

"You... You... filthy... idiots!" Hikaru breathed out with anger. He clenched his fists, while gritting his teeth even more. At the sight of Luxio, his Pokémon sister getting hurt badly by the enemies, this was something he could never, NEVER forgive.

Monferno noticed this and held onto Hikaru's right arm, pleading for Hikaru to calm down. "Mon! Monferno! Mon!" Monferno pleaded, shaking his head. But to no avail, Hikaru didn't listen as he grew more furious.

Suddenly, as everyone could watch except Hikaru, both Luxio and Swinub managed to get up, as they were even more weaker than before. As they got up, they let out their last cries, before the two of them started to glow.

That snapped Hikaru out of his anger as his anger calmed down and his eyes returned to normal. "W-What?" Hikaru breathed out in surprise. "Swinub and Luxio! They're..." Dawn gasped in surprise.

"The two of them are starting to evolve!" Brock pointed out. Everyone could only watch in amazement as both Luxio and Swinub started to grow bigger, and looking stronger. The glowing stopped as the evolution gave the two new forms.

The form that was once Luxio looked like a fully grown lion, but with black fur. It had yellow eyes, with red sclera. The tail was the same, with the looking of a four shaped star. Swinub's form was quite different, too.

The brown fur nearly covered every part of its body, including the eyes. Only its feet, tusks, and nose had shown. The two had become a Luxray and a Piloswine! Luxray roared while Piloswine yelled in battle cry.

Everyone smiled and were in awe to see two evolutions at the same time. "Wow! That's amazing!" Dawn exclaimed. "Luxio... No... You're... Luxray!" Hikaru replied in amazement, as Luxray just glared with a curt nod.

Ash, Brock, Officer Jenny, Pikachu, Piplup, and Monferno were all amazed while Team Rocket were shocked to see new forms of their enemies. "Gah!? Those are the twerps' Pokémon!?" Jessie shrieked in shock.

Hikaru took out his Pokédex, scanning Luxray while Dawn scanned Piloswine. "Luxray, the Gleam Eyes Pokémon, and the evolved form of Luxio. Luxray can see clearly through walls to track down its prey and seek its lost young." Hikaru's Pokédex buzzed.

"Piloswine, the Swine Pokémon and the evolved form of Swinub. Piloswine's entire body is covered with fur, which makes it hard to see, so it uses its nose to sense its environment instead." Dawn's Pokédex buzzed.

Suddenly, both Piloswine and Luxray turned, glaring at the evil trio. Luxray growled deeply, while Piloswine looked as if he was ready to take charge. Team Rocket gasped as the two let out battle cries.

Piloswine first charged ahead, smashing the front of the Magikarp machine away into the air! Team Rocket screamed as they were sent flying into the air. Then, for Luxray, she shot blue electricity that shocked the evil trio multiple times.

"Wait, what's that!?" Dawn exclaimed in surprise. "That's Discharge! Luxray must've learned it after she evolved!" Brock pointed out. "Luxray... That's... amazing. You learned Discharge..." Hikaru whispered in amazement.

"Mon..." Monferno was in awe as the machine exploded, while Team Rocket was sent flying towards the air. As they were sent flying, James asked a question, looking around. "So, is this a real blast off is it just a dream?" James asked.

At that, Jessie blinked, looking around. "A dream? Who knows! Perhaps it would help if Meowth and I pinched a few cheeks..." Jessie suggested. "Well, I'm game!" Meowth agreed. At that, the two began to pinch each other!

At the results, nothing was going on, as both of them called the results. "ARGH! No dreams!" Jessie and Meowth grunted, much to James' surprise. "AND WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Team Rocket screamed as they were soon out of sight.

When they were gone, Dawn ran over to her newly evolved Piloswine. "Piloswine! I can't thank you enough for saving all of us!" Dawn thanked. She rubbed her Ice-Ground Type's fur as Piplup smiled at his newly evolved friend.

"Pip Piplup!" Piplup agreed. "Pilo..." Piloswine grunted with a smile. "Now, no matter what lies ahead, we'll all face it together!" Dawn assured. "Piplup! Piplup!" Piplup cried out, jumping and down, cheering.

Hikaru smiled at his girlfriend's happiness for Piloswine. So, he and Monferno walked over to Luxray, who was staring off at the cliff. "Luxray. I need to thank you, too. Because of you, we're all saved! Along with Piloswine, that is!" Hikaru thanked.

"Monferno!" Monferno replied with a smile. But then, just as the Twinleaf boy was about to pet his Gleam Eyes Pokémon, Luxray glanced at Hikaru with a glare and growled lowly, much to Hikaru's surprise.

"L-Luxray? What's wrong?" Hikaru asked. Brock and Ash looked over, seeing the tense situation between Hikaru and Luxray. The Twinleaf boy tried to touch his Electric Type again, only for Luxray to shock him with Discharge!

"AHHH!" Hikaru screamed as he fell to the ground, almost paralyzed by the sudden attack. "Mon!" Monferno gasped as he ran over to his human brother. "Hikaru!" Ash and Brock called as they ran over to their Twinleaf boy friend.

As they helped him up, Hikaru glared at Luxray with hurt and shock. "L-Luxray!? What was that for!? I was only trying to thank you for helping us!" Hikaru snapped. Luxray only growled back, before she scoffed, turning away.

"No way... Luxray?" Hikaru breathed out in disbelief as he frowned sadly. Officer Jenny and Dawn came over, along with Piplup and Pikachu. "Brock, what's going on? Why did Luxray just do that?" Ash asked.

"Well... You see, when a Luxio evolves into a Luxray, the trainer must be able to tame it enough in order for Luxray to become much more friendly and comfortable with its trainer... But..." Brock explained.

"That Luxray is much more fierce than the other kind..." Officer Jenny finished, frowning. "Does that mean... Luxray doesn't like Hikaru right now?" Dawn asked, feeling worried. "Pip Piplup?" Piplup asked in worry.

Hikaru could only watch, as he sadly took out Luxray's Pokéball. "Luxray... Return for now." Hikaru called. He managed to get the Electric Type back to her Pokéball, before he looked at it with a frown. "Luxray... What happened to the sweet side of you that I know?" Hikaru asked.

"For now, I think it's time we help Cresselia." Officer Jenny reminded. "Right! That's a good idea." Brock agreed. So, with that agreed, everyone except Hikaru freed the Lunar Pokémon from the net, as she shook her head.

Cresselia then glowed, saying her thanks silently, before she rose above her shrine. She glowed brightly, much to everyone's awe. "So pretty..." Dawn commented, as Officer Jenny made the request.

"Cresselia, I'm begging you, please save the people of Canalave City from all of their awful nightmares!" Officer Jenny requested. At the request, the glowing stopped as Cresselia let out a cooing sound, before she flew off.

Everyone watched as Cresselia looked as if she was headed for Canalave City. "Cresselia!?" Ash called. "It looks like that Canalave City is where it's exactly headed!" Brock stated. Hikaru frowned as Officer Jenny made the suggestion.

"Come on! Let's go as well!" Officer Jenny called. So, everyone ran back to the boat, following the Lunar Pokémon back to Canalave City. As they arrived at the city, they kept following the Psychic Type, as it floated to where Team Rocket's Nightmare-Maker Machine was.

As she got there, she glowed, surrounding the whole area with bright light. At the bright light, one dark creature was disturbed as it rose from the shadows and revealed itself. It was none other than Darkrai!

As everyone arrived at the spot, they were all shocked to see the Pitch Black Pokémon facing off against Cresselia. "It's Darkrai!" Everyone cried. Hikaru took out his Pokédex, scanning the Dark Type Pokémon.

"Darkrai, the Pitch-Black Pokémon. Legend has it that on a moonless night, Darkrai will lure people to sleep and unleash nightmares upon them." Hikaru's Pokédex buzzed.

"Of course! Then it was Darkrai after all!" Ash exclaimed. "Right... But why did it show up now?" Officer Jenny asked. Hikaru frowned as Monferno scratched his head, trying to think up a reason.

But then, as Darkrai floated around, circling something, Officer Jenny gasped, noticing of what Darkrai was surrounding. "Ah! Look at that! It's what's left over of Team Rocket's Nightmare Machine!" Officer Jenny pointed out.

Brock then realized the truth of Darkrai's appearance. "It's all starting to make sense! Darkrai's here now in such an unusual time, because the electro-magnetic waves from the Nightmare Machine must've lured it here!" Brock explained.

That gave Officer Jenny, Dawn, and Hikaru disbelieving looks as the officer sighed. "I still don't believe it..." Officer Jenny sighed. Dawn looked up, even more confused. "But, that doesn't really explain on why Cresselia is here!" Dawn reminded.

Hikaru blinked as the battle between Darkrai and Cresselia was about to begin. Ash made one guess to this. "The only reason I could think of is that Cresselia must've sensed that the island was in danger!" Ash explained.

"That could be one reason... But Cresselia's true purpose here is to defeat the nightmares with her powers, right? That has to be the second reason on why she's here..." Hikaru reminded with a frown.

At that point, after the conversation, it looked as though the battle was about to end. Cresselia let out a battling cry as she filled the area filled with light, causing Darkrai to be startled, before he retreated back to its shadow.

It disappeared into the ground of the darkness, and out of sight. Once Darkrai was gone, Cresselia floated down, gazing upon the four trainers and Officer Jenny. "Cresselia, thanks so much!" Officer Jenny thanked.

At the words, the Lunar Pokémon glowed, as she cooed before disappearing. It's most likely that she was headed back to Fullmoon Island, except that no one knew about it. "Wow! I wonder where Cresselia is headed off to next!" Dawn wondered.

"Yeah, me too! Probably somewhere we never even heard of!" Officer Jenny guessed. "Well, that's fine, as long as Cresselia will be in peace now." Hikaru stated. "Mon! Monferno!" Monferno cried with a nod.

"Thanks to Cresselia, everyone will be able to get a good night sleep!" Brock assured. "You can say that again!" Hikaru chuckled, realizing that that was true. With the nightmares gone now, people in Canalave City could get peaceful dreams now.

But for Ash, he was more interested in having his sixth Gym battle in the Canalave Gym. "Get ready! Because the Canalave Gym training starts tomorrow!" Ash exclaimed. "Pika Pika!" Pikachu agreed with a grin.

Hikaru and Monferno nodded along, before the Twinleaf boy took out Luxray's Pokéball. "Luxray..." Hikaru whispered in worry, as Dawn turned, seeing her boyfriend troubled by his newly evolved a Electric Type.

She smiled sweetly, kissing Hikaru on the cheek, much to his surprise. "Wha..." Hikaru replied in surprise. "I thought that might cheer you up! Hikaru, there's no need to worry. I'm sure Luxray will be just fine with you after for a while." Dawn assured.

Hikaru blinked, before he gave a small smile. "I guess you're right..." Hikaru agreed as he nodded back. So, with the nightmares becoming to sweet dreams, tomorrow is when the real training begins!

To be continued in VOL. 3!

Hikaru's Team:

Monferno: (M): (Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Mach Punch, Close Combat)

Luxray: (F): (Thunder Fang, Discharge, Iron Tail, Hidden Power)

Dragonair: (M): (Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Thunder Wave, Safeguard)

Buizel: (M): (Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Water Gun, Razor Wind)

Togepi: (F): (AncientPower, Protect, Metronome, Attract)

Gardevoir: (F): (Psychic, Thunderbolt, Teleport, Magical Leaf)

With Prof. Rowan:

Leafeon: (F): (Magical Leaf, Shadow Ball, Synthesis, Leaf Blade)

Next chapters:

VOL. 3:

Chapter 1: The Old Gateau in the Old Chateau!

Chapter 2: VS Rotom! The Electric Prankster!

Chapter 3: Luxray and Piloswine! Big Problems!

Chapter 4: A Friendship School!? A New Bond!

Chapter 5: Byron VS Roark! Father VS Son!

Next volume preview:

Hikaru: Luxray, what's wrong with you!? Why won't you listen to me!? Are you really becoming a wild Luxray that's difficult to tame!

Ash: Something's going weird on Iron Island! Look! There's Team Galactic! Barry and Team Rocket are there, too!

Hareta: Hey, everyone! Looks to me that you're all working very hard to become top trainers! I just can't wait to battle with you guys!

Dawn: So, Piplup is about to evolve?... Huh!? Wait, Piplup! Don't you want to become much stronger than Kenny and his Prinplup!?

Paul: How pathetic... You rely on luck to win your battles... And I don't plan on making the same mistake that my brother did!

Reggie: Because I haven't found my inner strength, I decided to retire on becoming a true Pokémon Trainer.

Lucas: The last time we fought, I wasn't ready to win! But this time, in our battle, I'll be sure to bring out! Let's go, Torterra!

Hikaru: You asked for this, Luke! Infernape, let's show them how much power we've got, and how strong our bond is!