Pokémon Sinnoh Journey VOL. 2

(I do not own Pokémon)

Chapter 1: Chimchar VS Monferno! A Fire Battle!

Pikachu, Piplup, and Monferno were sniffing the delicious air of Brock's stew as they smiled happily by the delicious smell. Brock was cooking up some stew, with some vegetables in them. Dawn and Hikaru were preparing the meal by setting up the table. Ash was sitting around, waiting for the food to be finished.

The group were in a new route, after leaving Hearthome City. They left the Hearthome Tag Battle events and Pokémon Contest behind them as they were all preparing for lunch... Well, maybe Ash is just slacking around. Ash sighed as he began to complain about the cooking food.

"Come on, Brock! Is lunch ready yet?" Ash asked. Brock turned to Ash, annoyed with Ash's complaints. "It'd be done a lot sooner if you'd help out a little!" Brock snapped. Hikaru and Monferno snickered with the scolding as Dawn glanced at Ash. "Brock's right, you know! Do something!" Dawn called.

She laid down the big, pink blanket for their Pokémon to eat. Ash grumbled and stood up. "Fine!" Ash pouted. He took out all of his Pokéballs and threw them in the air. "Okay, guys! Let's help them out!" Ash called. Aipom, Turtwig, Staravia, and Chimchar appeared, ready for the preparation.

"Cool! Great idea! Let's go, everyone!" Dawn called. The Pokéballs opened to reveal Buneary, Pachirisu, and Buizel! Hikaru smirked as he took out his five Pokéballs. "Come on out, everyone! Lunch is about to be served!" Hikaru called. Luxio, Leafeon, Buizel, Dratini, and Kirlia appeared, ready to help.

"It's lunch for eighteen!" Brock called, sending his Pokéballs out. Croagunk, Happiny, and Sudowoodo appeared, ready to help as well. All the eighteen Pokémon began to work, except Chimchar. He looked around, seeing that the preparation for the meal. Chimchar looked to see that everyone looked happy to be setting up the meals.

Dawn was doing the blanket spreading. Ash was handing out cans of Pokémon food for the Pokémon to take. Brock was handing bowls of soup to the few other Pokémon to give to the table as well. Everyone seemed to be working hard, as they were all finished with the preparation.

He remembered the time when he was with Paul. Paul had never set meals like this. He'd always give a can of Pokémon food to Pokémon to eat.


Chimchar was looking at a can of Pokémon food that Paul had given him. "Hurry up! We're way behind on training!" Paul called. He walked away, as Chimchar began to eat his short meal. Chimchar ate fast, so that he could catch up on training.

End Flashback

"Chimchar?" Ash called. Chimchar snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Ash. "Hey, what's wrong?" Ash asked. The Chimp Pokémon looked up to see Ash looking at him. Ash smiled at the puzzled Fire Type. "You must be hungry! Go ahead and eat!" Ash called. Chimchar looked down at his Pokémon food.

The Fire Type grew more puzzled until Ash rubbed his head. Chimchar looked up to see that Ash was enjoying his meal. "Oh man! No one makes a great lunch the way Brock does!" Ash exclaimed. He took a bite of the stew Brock had made. He grinned happily of the great taste it had.

"Man! Is this good!" Ash exclaimed, eating on more. Chimchar looked at Ash for a moment before looking at his food. Chimchar picked a Pokémon food and munched on one. After a few seconds, Chimchar responded with a positive attitude! Ash seemed to notice as he smiled at the Fire Type.

"You see?" Ash asked, smiling. He took a bite of his own stew again, as Chimchar munched on his Pokémon food. Hikaru and Monferno saw both Ash and Chimchar eat their own food happily. The two looked at each other, smiling at each other, before eating their own lunch again.

Suddenly, as if in a warning, Hikaru looked behind them, of where the bushes are. The other trainers noticed and stopped eating for a moment. "Hikaru? Is something wrong?" Dawn asked. Hikaru looked back closely, before shaking his head. "Nothing. I thought I heard something. Must be my head." Hikaru answered.

Ash smiled at that. "What could it have been?" Ash teased, making Hikaru blush in embarassment. "D-Don't say that! You're gonna make me feel bad." Hikaru muttered. Everyone, except Hikaru's Pokémon laughed as they kept on eating their food. Once they were done, everyone began cleaning up.

"Monferno... Could you come here for a second?" Hikaru called. Monferno cocked his head curiously as he walked over to his human brother. Hikaru whispered to Monferno about Ash's Chimchar. "Chimchar looks a bit lost there. I just want you to make sure Chimchar feels like he's home." Hikaru explained.

Monferno looked at Chimchar, who grew puzzled again with everyone cleaning up. He looked back at Hikaru, who continued. "Would you do that for him, Monferno? Make him feel home, so he can feel comfortable being with us." Hikaru asked. Monferno nodded, with a thumbs up. Hikaru smiled and rubbed the Playful Pokémon's fur.

"Thanks, buddy. You're the best." Hikaru complimented. "Ferno!" Monferno giggled, happy with the soft rubbing.


Ash thought up a decision to do some training to prepare for the Veilstone Gym. Dawn agreed with it, since she's got a next Contest going on. Brock stated that he would become the referee of the practice battle. With that, all the Pokémon cheered, except Chimchar, who still grew puzzled.

So, the practice battle started. Turtwig battled against Buneary, Staravia fought Sudowoodo, Aipom battled Pachirisu, Luxio fought Leafeon, and Buizel fought Dratini. Kirlia, Croagunk, and Happiny watched as the practice match went on. For Ash and Dawn, they were battling with Pikachu and Buizel.

Ash: Pikachu VS Dawn: Buizel

"Now, Buizel! Aqua Jet!" Dawn called. Buizel wrapped himself with water, aiming for Pikachu. "Pikachu! Dodge, then Iron Tail!" Ash called. Pikachu jumped to evade Aqua Jet. Then, Pikachu prepared the Steel Type move, jumping after Buizel! Dawn saw it coming and made a countermove.

"Buizel! Use Sonicboom to guard!" Dawn yelled. Buizel stopped Aqua Jet, to send a Sonicboom at Pikachu. Pikachu destroys Sonicboom with Iron Tail. Pikachu landed on the ground, ready for some more. "Keep it moving, Pikachu!" Ash called. Pikachu nodded, and began to charge towards Buizel.

Pikachu went from one side to another, going faster as he could. Buizel looked, to keep up with Pikachu's movements. But then, Pikachu started to go even faster. Chimchar also tried to look for Pikachu, but couldn't keep up! Pikachu then used his built speed to outmatch Buizel's speed.

Buizel widened his eyes in surprise as he desperately looked around for Pikachu. "Pikachu! Use Iron Tail again!" Ash yelled. Before Buizel could react, Pikachu slammed his Steel Type move at Buizel. Buizel screamed in pain as he was skidded back to Dawn on his back. Buizel grunted, struggling to get up.

"And that's it!" Brock declared. Chimchar grew amazed with Pikachu's speed.

Ash: Winner!

Once the battle was over, Brock smiled. "Pikachu and Buizel are both looking great!" Brock complimented. Ash grinned as he rubbed on Pikachu's head. "Nice battling, Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed. "Pika Pika!" Pikachu thanked, accepting the compliment. That surprise Chimchar. He wasn't expecting any positive words from both trainers.

"And Buizel, too! Great work keeping up with Pikachu's moves! I'm proud of you!" Ash complimented, turning to the Sea Weasel Pokémon. "And that Sonicboom was awesome!" Dawn complimented. Buizel let out a 'Bui', folding his arms with a small grin. Pikachu went over, praising Buizel too.

"Pika! Pika Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed. "Bui Bui bui!" Buizel replied, assuring to Pikachu that he would next time. Chimchar grew more stunned and puzzled. He remembered the last time he tried to feel happy about his win in a battle.


Chimchar was having a practice battle with Paul's Elekid to prepare for the Oreburgh Gym. Chimchar shot Ember at Elekid, finishing it off! Elekid fainted, due to the damages and burns he had from the battle. Chimchar began to dance happily. Paul glared at the two, not impressed. "Pathetic." Paul grunted, annoyed.

Chimchar immediately stopped the cheering, and slumped down. "That's nothing to be proud of!" Paul snapped, returning Elekid to his Pokéball. Paul looked back at Chimchar. "And until you produce that flame like you did one time, you're worthless! And don't you forget it!" Paul snapped.

Paul walked away, leaving Chimchar to be sad.

End Flashback

Chimchar slumped down, sadly remembering of what Paul had said to him. "That's nothing to be proud of!" Paul's words echoed in his mind. Monferno then called out to Chimchar. Chimchar bolted up to see Monferno running to him. "Ferno! Mon!" Monferno called. He asked if he wanted a battle or not.

Before Chimchar could answer, Ash called out to Chimchar. "Chimchar! So, how about a little battling for you?" Ash asked, giving a hand to Chimchar. Chimchar looked down, unsure of the idea. Just then, Piplup came by, ready for one. "Piplup Piplup!" Piplup called. Dawn came by and smiled.

"Well, Piplup's ready to go!" Dawn giggled. Ash turned to Chimchar with a smile. "You hear that? So, let's work together!" Ash called. Before the battle could get started, Hikaru stopped them for a second. "Now, hold it right there!" Hikaru called. Both Dawn and Ash looked at the Twinleaf boy in confusion.

"I believe Monferno asked Chimchar for a battle first, before Ash came by." Hikaru stated. "Monferno!" Monferno screeched in agreement. Dawn smiled, giving a nod. "Alright then! Monferno! You and Chimchar could go first!" Dawn giggled. Piplup grew white in despair, moaning in despair.

Hikaru, Ash, and Dawn sweat dropped at Piplup's despair. "Cheer up, Piplup! You can battle later!" Dawn promised. "Lup..." Piplup replied sadly. Monferno pumped his fist in the air, ready for a battle. With that, Ash and Chimchar faced Hikaru and Monferno. "And begin!" Brock called.

Ash: Chimchar VS Hikaru: Monferno

"Monferno! Use Flamethrower!" Hikaru yelled. Monferno shot the Fire Type move at Chimchar, which Ash countered. "Chimchar, dodge with Dig!" Ash called. Chimchar dug underground, dodging Flamethrower. Hikaru smirked at this, though. "You think hiding will help? Mach Punch on the ground!" Hikaru yelled.

Ash widened his eyes, remembering what happened when Chimchar used Dig during the tournament against Monferno. Monferno smashed his glowing fist underground! The trembling forced Chimchar off the ground. Chimchar wailed in surprise as he was forced from using Dig.

Chimchar widened his eyes as Monferno smirked at Chimchar with a big grin. "Chimchar! Quick, use Flamethrower!" Ash called. Chimchar unleashed the fire towards Monferno. "Monferno! Use your Flamethrower!" Hikaru called. Monferno shot his Flamethrower towards Chimchar's Flamethrower.

The two Fire attacks exploded, making the two Fire Types equal. As Chimchar and Monferno were fighting, the other Pokémon stopped their battle to see the two Fire Types' battle. "Chimchar! Use Scratch, now!" Ash called. "Mach Punch, Monferno!" Hikaru yelled. With that, the two Fire Types struck with their physical attacks.

Multiple times, they struck with Scratch and Mach Punch. "Flamethrower, again!" Hikaru called. "Dodge it, Chimchar!" Ash shouted. Monferno launched multiple Flamethrower at Chimchar, to which Chimchar kept dodging. All the other Pokémon began to cheer for both Monferno and Chimchar.

Dawn and Brock noticed, as they smiled at their cheering. "Okay! Chimchar! Use Flame Wheel, go!" Ash called. Chimchar surrounded himself with fire and charged at Monferno. "We'll use Flame Wheel as well!" Hikaru shouted. Monferno charged with his Flame Wheel, bashing each other multiple times.

A few minutes passed, as the battle continued on. "Alright! Chimchar! Flamethrower!" Ash called. Hikaru saw this, though and countered it. "Stop Chimchar with Mach Punch!" Hikaru shouted. Monferno quickly ran, rapidly hitting Chimchar with the Fighting Type move. Chimchar wailed in pain as he was tossed to the ground.

"Chimchar, are you okay?" Ash asked. Chimchar nodded as he stood up. "Persistent, huh. That's the kind of Pokémon that both Monferno and I like!" Hikaru smirked. "Ferno!" Monferno exclaimed. Chimchar looked at Monferno in determination. "Looks like Chimchar wants to surpass Monferno!" Ash exclaimed.

"Chimchar!" Chimchar nodded in agreement. "Okay, then! Then, we're not holding back! Monferno! Use Flamethrower!" Hikaru shouted. "Chimchar! Counter with Flamethrower!" Ash yelled. The two evolved forms shot their Flamethrower again, causing another explosion. Ash used this chance to make another attack.

"Chimchar! Use Dig!" Ash shouted. Chimchar quickly dug underground to make a surprising Attack. "Monferno! Mach Punch on the ground!" Hikaru yelled. Monferno made his chance to try to strike on the ground. However, Monferno was a bit slow this time. Chimchar punched Monferno to the air, with Dig!

Monferno yelled in pain as he was sent flying in the air! "Regain your balance, and use Flamethrower!" Hikaru shouted. Monferno attacked Chimchar with Flamethrower, as Ash saw it coming, he made his order to Chimchar. "Chimchar! Use your Flamethrower!" Ash called. Chimchar looked up and launched his Flamethrower.

The two Flamethrower was launched, as they both tried to get an advantage of each other. However, due to Monferno being the first evolution of Chimchar, he had a bit more power than Chimchar. Monferno's Flamethrower overpowered Chimchar's Flamethrower. Chimchar screamed in pain as he was tossed to the ground.

Brock had stopped the battle. "And that's it!" Brock called. Monferno ran over, giving Hikaru a warming hug. Hikaru laughed as he caught Monferno and hugged him back.

Hikaru: Winner!

As for Chimchar, he struggled to get up as he whimpered. He remembered of when he was released by Paul, for not meeting Paul's expectation.


Chimchar was whimpering, hiding himself from Zangoose's face. "Chimchar!" Ash called. Paul just closed his eyes and sighed with disappointment. "I guess that's it." Paul muttered.

On the next scene, Paul was outside of the Hearthome Stadium, releasing Chimchar. The scarred Chimchar appeared out of the blue light from his Pokéball. This meant that Chimchar was released. Chimchar looked up at Paul in confusion as Paul glared at him. "You're out of here!" Paul snapped.

Chimchar pleaded with Paul to give him another chance.

End Flashback

Chimchar still whimpered until he felt Ash picking him up. Chimchar braced himself for some scolding with harsh words as Ash brought Chimchar in front of his face. "Huh? Chimchar, what's wrong?" Ash asked. Chimchar could only whimper as he kept his eyes shut. That's when Ash smiled.

"Wow! That was awesome, Chimchar! You're really strong, you know!" Ash exclaimed. Chimchar opened his eyes in surprise, looking at Ash in confusion. "Hey! You almost defeated an opponent that was an evolved form of you!" Ash explained. Brock and Pikachu seemd to agree with it as well.

"Pika Pika Pika!" Pikachu agreed. "You used some great variations and your moves, and it was amazing to watch!" Brock explained. Chimchar grew bewildered of what he's hearing. "You looked wonderful! Your Flamethrower rocks!" Dawn complimented. "Piplup Pip!" Piplup agreed. Chimchar then looked at Hikaru and Monferno.

"I actually thought we would lose again, when your persistence had moved us!" Hikaru explained. "Mon! Monferno!" Monferno screeched happily. He gave Chimchar a thumbs up, much to Chimchar's surprise. Just then, everyone saw that the other Pokémon were cheering them as well.

The other Pokémon cheered happily, all complimenting Chimchar. Chimchar grew silent and stunned for a while. Suddenly, tears began to form in Chimchar's eyes. After a few moments later, Chimchar began to cry! He cried on Ash, much to Ash's surprise and his confusion. "What's wrong!? Everybody thinks you're great!" Ash tried to assure.

Chimchar kept crying, however, hugging Ash tightly. Ash grew stunned for a moment, before smiling at the sobbing Fire Type. "Chimchar..." Ash whispered, hugging his Fire Type. "Who knew? About Chimchar's softer side, I mean." Dawn replied, smiling, feeling sorry for the crying Chimp Pokémon.

"Piplup! Pip!" Piplup agreed, also stunned with the Fire Type's crying. "Well, sometimes... You have to let it all out." Brock explained. Dawn looked at Brock in confusion. "In the past... Chimchar couldn't show any of his emotions when he was with Paul." Brock explained. Hikaru grew solemn, feeling sorry for Chimchar.

"This... Feeling... It feels so warm." Hikaru whispered. Monferno looked up at Hikaru in curiousity. "Give Chimchar some moment, will you?" Hikaru asked. Monferno nodded as he leapt off of Hikaru to see Ash's Chimchar. As Monferno approached Ash and Chimchar, Ash began to soothe Chimchar even more.

"Chimchar... It's okay... You're gonna be fine." Ash soothed, rubbing Chimchar's back. When Ash noticed Monferno, he lowered Chimchar down, for Monferno to give some soothing to Chimchar. Chimchar hiccuped as he noticed the Playful Pokémon looking at him, feeling sorry for him.

Chimchar whimpered, still sobbing as he went into Monferno's arms. Monferno hugged his pre-evolved form, rubbing his back. Both Hikaru and Ash smiled, looking at each other. "What do you think?" Hikaru asked. "I think Chimchar is going to feel okay." Ash assured. Hikaru accepted the response as he nodded.

That night...

The group was fast asleep, after a whole day training, while Monferno had soothed Chimchar, like an older brother of Chimchar. All the Pokémon were sleeping outside of their Pokéballs. Chimchar was cuddled up to Monferno, as he began to shiver. A dream started to come to his mind.

Chimchar's Dream

Chimchar was battling a wild Graveler, who had the upper hand. Chimchar started to dodge, when he heard a familiar voice. "Don't dodge!" Paul yelled. Chimchar turne to see his former trainer glaring at him. "You've got to learn to be able to use your powers under pressure!" Paul yelled.

Chimchar didn't dodge Graveler's Rock Slide Attack as he tried to brace himself. "Your special ability, Blaze, is activated when you're in danger! You've done it before, so you should get this! Remember back when you defeated the Zangoose! And remember how your fire burned on that day!" Paul yelled.

Chimchar struggled to see his opponent. "Chimchar! Blaze!" Paul yelled. Chimchar turned to see that Graveler had disappeared. The Zangoose appeared, as it slashed Chimchar with Slash!

End Dream

Pokémon POV

Chimchar woke up abruptly, standing up. Chimchar took deep breaths as he looked around. Everyone else was still asleep, causing Chimchar to sigh in relief. "Ugh... It was all just a nightmare... Scary, though..." Chimchar whimpered. His screech managed to wake up Hikaru's Monferno, though. "Chimchar? What's wrong?" Monferno asked.

Chimchar looked at Monferno, feeling silly for waking him up. "I'm... Sorry. I just had a bad nightmare..." Chimchar whimpered. Monferno smiled in understanding as Chimchar hugged Monferno again. Monferno rubbed Chimchar's back in assurance. "It's only a nightmare. Just let it pass." Monferno assured.

Chimchar nodded as he got out of Monferno's hug. "Can we... Go for a walk?" Chimchar asked. Monferno nodded with a smile. "Good plan. Maybe we can get that nightmare out of your head." Monferno replied. Chimchar nodded as the two Fire Types left the others, heading to the woods for a little walk.


Chimchar has only been part of the group for a few days now. Hikaru and Monferno decided that he needed to get along with the others and on how they eat, and train. How will Chimchar be able to adapt through his new life? Stay tuned to find out!

To be continued...

Hikaru's Team:

Monferno: (M): (Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Mach Punch, Fury Swipes)

Luxio: (F): (Thunder Fang, Spark, Iron Tail, Hidden Power)

Leafeon: (F): (Magical Leaf, Synthesis, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail)

Buizel: (M): (Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Water Gun, Swift)

Dratini: (M): (Dragon Rage, Thunder Wave, Wrap, Twister)

Kirlia: (F): (Psychic, Shock Wave, Magical Leaf, Teleport)