Warnings: Sex Scene


Chapter 6

It was just before nine in the morning the next Saturday. Buffy was in Spike's kitchen with Dawn and Lilly sitting down eating breakfast. A breakfast that Spike had cooked. Over the past week Buffy had spent more time over at Spike's place than she did at her own house. Both her and Dawn had some clothes here, it made sense when they were here five nights in the past week. It was completely natural to them. Dawn would come here after school to do her homework and see Lilly. Buffy would have already been over here helping Spike get things organized for Lilly's birthday and he had been busy with the Council and getting Lilly sorted out for her schooling. Ever since that little giggle that Lilly made last week they had both been working hard on getting her to say more sounds and eventually words. Lilly had been trying and she was learning quickly what sounds she could make. She was also all too happy to please her Daddy and Mater with her hard work. For the first time since Lilly had come to Sunnydale, both Buffy and Spike were feeling confident that Lilly would be able to talk soon.

Through all of this domestication, Buffy couldn't help but notice how she wasn't bothered by any of it. It should have freaked her out to be around Lilly so much. It should have freaked her out to be sleeping in Spike's arms every night she was here, but it didn't. She found that when she did sleep alone, she was having a harder time sleeping. She was loving being here in this house, on the estate. She loved the time her and Spike spent at night sitting on his private patio looking at the stars and either talking or sitting in a comfortable silence. She found that she needed that after being on patrol and dealing with her life. Those couple of hours of complete quietness in the night to just sit and relax. Spike was showing her a whole different world, a world that felt like home to Buffy. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she felt this at ease and at peace with herself.

She didn't even know where to start on her feelings for Spike. Before Glory, before her death, just the idea of being around Spike was enough to make her skin crawl. He was her mortal enemy who she couldn't kill because he couldn't fight back. He was this annoyance she had to put up with whether she liked it or not, because Spike didn't seem too interested in leaving town. Then things with Glory started to happen. She found that she needed his strength to protect her mom and Dawn. She found herself needing him around to help her fight against Glory. She found herself counting on him to just always be there and on her side when she demanded it. She knew that Spike said he loved her, she didn't believe he was capable of love. She knew he cared for Drusilla for over a century, but according to Giles that wasn't love, but devotion to his Sire. Then there was Dawn, but again Giles explained that it was just Spike's obsession with her that trickled down to him caring for Dawn to earn points with her. It all started to change when he was willingly tortured by Glory to protect Dawn's secret. He didn't tell her anything, even after being tortured for hours he didn't say anything. Buffy knew that being faced with torture, going through it would break most people. She knew Giles wouldn't have talked, but only because of his Watcher duty to protect the world and not to protect Dawn or Buffy's feelings. She knew Anya would have talked and she couldn't say with any confidence that Willow and Xander wouldn't have either. She wouldn't have blamed them, they weren't designed to take torture, they never should have to. Spike though, it wasn't that he couldn't handle it, he was a Master Vampire, he could have handled a lot worse than what Glory did to him. It was that he chose to go through it. He chose to go through the pain and possibly die just to protect her sister and her. That was when Buffy started to question if what Giles said was truly right. Spike's actions didn't speak of someone obsessed with someone. It seemed like genuine love for her and for her sister. It was that realisation that she had no hesitation to have Spike fighting beside her. To entrust her sister's safety and life in his hands should she die. And even with the slight doubt inside of her that Spike would take off if she died, he still proved her wrong. He stayed and helped raise her, he patrolled to keep the town safe. He did all of that while being treated like shit by her friends and continued to do so after she was brought back. He never pushed her to talk. He never pushed her to get back into being a Slayer. He was a silent support that Buffy didn't even realise how much she had come to depend on.

He was also different to what Buffy had suspected him to be. Underneath the rough shield he put around himself, he was truly a kind and sweet man. The love and care he gave Lilly was deep and real. He genuinely loved her and would die to protect her. He was smart too. He knew a lot about history, but also literature and art. Buffy found herself interested in learning more about demons and the history within the community and Slayers. She never found herself bored like she did with Giles. Buffy could easily forget that Spike was a vampire, but at the same time she never forgot how much of a warrior he was either. Spike seemed to be the perfect blend of both vampire and human. It went against everything Giles had ever taught her and what she knew about vampires. Yet here Spike was, completely unique and rare. Buffy didn't expect for any of this to be happening, but she could honestly say she was happy it did.

"Do you have everything you need Luv?" Spike asked, snapping Buffy out of her thoughts.

"Yes. Are you sure you are ok with me going?"

Buffy wanted to go so badly, but she also felt a little guilty over leaving Spike with not only Dawn and Lilly, but patrolling as well.

"For the last time yes. Stop worryin' over it. Go introduce yourself to fun. It's been a long time since you've been mates." Spike lightly teased.

"Shut up." Buffy said with a smirk. "Fine, I'll stop asking. Any requests of things I should bring back from Vegas?"

"Oh they have really pretty turquoise bracelets. Janice was talking about them and showed me a picture. She would die if I got one before her."

"I'll look and see what I can find. We're gonna do a little bit of shopping and then the spa before dinner and party. There also happens to be a Disney store there for a little princess I know."

Lilly giggled with a big smile on her face. She had recently started to watch Disney movies and she was quickly becoming obsessed with them.

"What about you?" Buffy asked, looking at Spike.

"Nothing I could say in front of the kiddies." Spike said with a smirk and gave Buffy a wink.

"Eww." Dawn automatically said.

Buffy couldn't help the shy smile that spread across her face. She quickly turned her head to look out the window as tried to fight the blush that was creeping up her cheeks. She wasn't embarrassed at the idea that Spike was implying, quite the opposite actually. She had been thinking about what it would feel like to be kissed by him again. To feel his hands on her. She had a feeling he would be amazing at it. The problem was he wasn't the type of guy to make the first move. Normally he would be if she was just some one night stand, but he loved her. He would wait and let her make the move if and when she felt like it. He would be too afraid of the rejection, not that Buffy could really blame him. She would have to be the brave one and make sure there was no doubt about what she wanted. She just didn't know how to go about doing that really. Maybe she would ask the girls what their thoughts were.

"Your ride is pullin' in Luv."

"Ok, I'm off. I will see you all tomorrow morning."

Buffy placed a kiss to Lilly's head before giving Dawn a hug before grabbing her small overnight bag and heading out. She walked over to where Krystal, Jenny and Macy were waiting for her. They all had a huge smile on their face and Buffy knew they were loving the house. She put her bag into the back as she got in.

"Oh my God." Jenny said.

"I know, trust me I know. Do you know how he got it?"

"No, we just heard that he was living here now. How did he get it?" Jenny asked, as Krystal started to drive so they would have enough road for them to go through a portal to Vegas.

"He was offered a permanent seat on the Council. Spike figured with Lilly now here he should take it. The house was given to him as a sign of respect. Spike is also going to open it up to weddings and special events like it used to be used as. My friend Anya has already booked her wedding in June for it."

"How is Spike liking it?" Krystal asked.

"He was shocked, but he seems to be getting used to it. He's lived in rundown places for so long that it was a shock to him. He's doing good now."

"A place like that would take some getting used to for anyone. It's gorgeous though. How are you liking it?" Macy asked.

"Oh we don't live together. Though I spend most of the week there."

"Did you now? And where do you sleep?" Krystal said with a playful smile

"In his bed, but nothing happened."

"Boo, no fun." Jenny said.

"Why has nothing happened?" Krystal asked.

"Do you want something to happen?" Macy asked.

"I do actually. I have for awhile, but he hasn't made a move."

"He probably doesn't know you want him to make a move. He's being respectful." Jenny said.

"I know and I appreciate it, but we've been sleeping in the same bed for over a week now."

"Why does he have to make the first move? You should totally make a move on him." Macy said.

"Ya, girl power. Make a move." Krystal said with a smile.

"Ya, but how? I've never had to."

"Nothing says I want you more than some sexy lingerie." Macy said.

"I've never done that before."

"Lingerie is the best way to make a move. And he won't expect it." Jenny said.

"I don't have any though."

"Oh we can so fix that. We are going to Vegas." Krystal said with a smile.

"Ok, but you have to help me. I know nothing about lingerie."

"We got you. Spike won't know what hit him when he sees you." Krystal said.

"And you have to tell us all about it. We need dirty details." Macy said as Krystal stopped now that they were outside of the city.

Buffy smiled as Macy opened a portal and they were off to Vegas. She had no idea how well this day was going to go, but she was feeling pretty good about it. Today was all about fun and tonight when she got back she would finally make her move.


It was just before it was time for Spike to go on patrol, but he had to speak with Dawn first about Lilly. He had been debating on if he should be telling her this or not, but he figured with Dawn being around Lilly more she deserved to know. She also needed to know just in case someone ever came for Lilly and he wasn't here with them. While Lilly was finishing up her dinner Spike pulled Dawn into the living area.

"There's something you need to know about the Biscuit."

"Ok, is something wrong?"

"No, nothin' like that. I've been keepin' somethin' from you about her. I didn't know if it would be safe for you knowin', but now that we're here and you are being around her more, it's too dangerous for you not to know."

"Ok, what is it?" Dawn asked, concerned for what was going on.

"The Biscuit is a Guardian. They are very old and ancient. They were created by the Powers to protect the Slayer line. They are extremely rare and powerful. And if the Council ever found out about her they would never stop trying to capture her. Keep her locked up and run experiments on. They've done it before with other Guardians. Glinda, Demon Girl and Big Sis know about her, but that's it. It's important you don't tell anyone about her Little Bit."

"I won't, I would never put her in danger."

"I know you wouldn't, but it had to be said." Spike said with a warm smile.

"So is that why she can do magic and the whole energy eating thing?"

"It is. It's also why she doesn't talk. It's the last thing Guardians learn cause they can do it telepathically. She'll start talkin' to you that way now too. I wanted you to know cause other demons can sense or smell her. No one can get you or her on this property, but if you are out with her and I'm not there you'll know to be careful."

"I'll be careful. I promise." Dawn said with determination in her voice.

"Are you ok with her bein' a Guardian?"

"It doesn't matter to me what she is. She's a little girl to me. Besides hello, not one to judge here about being different."

"You thought more about what Big Sis said, you coming to one of the demon parties."

"Ya and I'm good with going. I like meeting new people and making friends. Besides, having to hide this huge part of yourself from everyone really sucks."

"That it does Bit. I gotta partol, are you sure you're ok with bein' here alone?"

"Totally. I'm good don't worry about us. We're gonna hang out here and we'll stay inside. I'll get her bathed and ready for bed for when you get back."

"Alright, I won't be long. Make sure all the doors are locked."

"I will. Be safe Spike."

"Always Bit." Spike said with a wink and then he headed over to Lilly to say goodbye before heading out.


It was just after two in the morning when Spike woke up at the sound of his front door being opened. He was up in his bedroom, but with his vamp hearing it was easy to hear the lock being turned in the dead of the night. Spike looked over at the clock and saw that it was only just after two. He was shocked that Buffy would be back already. He suspected for her to stay out until four or five in the morning. He was hoping that her returning early wasn't a sign of a bad night. Spike rolled over onto his back as the bedroom door opened. He couldn't help the whistle as Buffy walked into the room in her new party dress. She gave him a warm smile as she closed the door.

"You like?"

"Luv a bloke would have to be blind and dumb not to like this view."

"Oh trust me, a lot liked the view." Buffy said, as she went over to the chair and placed the bags down into it.

"I bet. How many hearts did you break?"

"Only a couple, but I let em down easy."

"Good girl. You're back earlier than I thought. Everything go ok?"

"Ya it was great, amazing actually. The club closes at two and the girls were heading over to the hotel for an after hour party, but I wanted to get back. I didn't want to be out all night and be too tired for the girls tomorrow."

Buffy grabbed a black bag and headed into the bathroom to get changed as Spike spoke.

"You didn't have to worry about that Luv. I have em."

"I know you do, but I like being there in the morning for them."

"Well haven't we become domesticated." Spike joked.

"I know right. Even sleeping in my own bed feels weird. I've decided I don't care though. For the first time in my life I feel whole and at peace. I'm done listening to people claiming to be my friends, but all they do is judge and try to control what I do or think. I'm going to be me and follow my heart."

"That's the best thing you can do Luv. You only get one life, only you can live it. Especially you Luv. You've died twice for this world, if anyone gets to live their life how they want it, it's you. Whether you wanted it or not, you got another chance at life. Make sure it's one that leaves you with no regrets."

"Oh I plan on it." Buffy said with a smirk as she opened the bathroom door.

Spike was instantly left speechless at the sight of her. There she stood in a black lace bra, with black panties and a black garter belt that was connected to stockings. It was all completed with a black pair of stiletto shoes. Spike was not expecting this sight to be greeting him on the other side of that door. He was expecting her usual pajamas.

"Wow, I've managed to actually make you speechless."

"Oh bloody hell."

"You like?" Buffy said with a smirk, as she turned to show Spike the back. It was a very tiny g-string.

Spike gave a groan at the site. As badly as he wanted to go over to her and touch every square inch of her, he also needed to make sure she was sure this was something she wanted. They had been growing closer in the past couple of weeks, but she hadn't shown any interest in anything sexual between them. That was fine with Spike. He was more than happy to just hold her all night long.

"You sure about this Luv?"

"Do you not want to?" Buffy asked, geeling the first bit of self-doubt creeping in.

"I want to. More than anything in this world I want to."

"So do I. I'm sure Spike." Buffy said with complete confidence.

That was all Spike needed to hear. He tossed the covers off and made his way towards her. Buffy gave him a smile and he knew that she did truly want this with him. Things between them had been changing ever since Lilly came into their lives and he couldn't have been happier for it. He didn't know how long this would last, but he had every intention of enjoying it while he could. Spike placed his right hand on Buffy's neck and gently pulled her in. The second their lips touched it was fire. Spike pulled Buffy even closer to him and she wrapped her arms around Spike's neck. The kiss turned heated very fast and it wasn't long before Spike was running his hands down Buffy's back and grabbing her ass. Buffy moved her hands down Spike's bare chest to his sleep pants. She easily pushed them down and moved her hand between them to run it along Spike's hard shaft. Spike let out a moan as he brought his hands up to the clasp of Buffy's bra. He easily released it and Buffy moved her arms so it would fall to the floor. Spike then put his hands back to Buffy's ass and picked her up, Buffy wrapping her legs around Spike's hips as he walked them over to their bed. He gently laid Buffy down on the bed before he got on top of her, Buffy opening her legs so Spike would fit right on top of her. Spike started to rock his hips again Buffy, causing her to moan. Spike began to kiss down Buffy's neck, working his way towards her chest. He used his left hand to unclip the garter so he could remove the black panties that Buffy had on. He quickly removed the panties as he sucked on Buffy's right nipple. Buffy let out a loud moan as she felt Spike's finger rubbing her clit. Spike kissed his way down Buffy's body until he reached her core. He gave it a long lick and moaned at the sweet taste flooding his mouth. Buffy couldn't help, but moan either. She had never had a guy do this to her before. She had always wondered how amazing it felt and now she knew.

"Oh god, don't stop."

Spike sucked on her clit, sending jolts of pleasure surging through her. Spike continued to lick her sweet pussy while he fingered her, getting her ready for his large size. Buffy was a moaning mess on the bed and it was only a matter of minutes before she was cumming with a deep moan. Once she stopped pulsing Spike kissed his way back up her body.

"I could taste you all day."

"I would let you." Buffy said with a slight giggle.

"We can stop here if you want. Take it slow."

"Hell no. I want to feel you deep inside of me. But first." Buffy pushed against Spike's chest to push him back so he was up on his knees.

Buffy moved so she was on her hands and knees and looked up at Spike as she gave his shaft a long lick. Spike gave a deep moan and watched as Buffy took him in her mouth. Spike threaded his hand into Buffy's hair and watched as she took him deep.

"Hell, just like that Kitten."

Buffy moaned around him, sending vibrations throughout his body. Spike moaned as he watched Buffy sucking him off. He had never expected for any of this to ever happen, no way was he going to risk missing any of it. When he felt himself getting too close he gently pulled Buffy's head back and brought Buffy up to him, kissing her hard and fierce. Buffy returned the kiss just as fierce, loving the way Spike felt against her. Kissing him felt right, more right than any other man she had ever kissed. Spike guided Buffy back down to the bed and Buffy opened her legs for Spike to easily fit in between. Still kissing, Spike slowly penetrated Buffy, making sure he went slow so he wouldn't hurt her with his large size. Buffy moaned into the kiss, loving the feeling of Spike stretching her. Once he was balls deep he paused to allow Buffy some time to adjust. Spike moved to kissing Buffy on her neck as he spoke.

"What's your pleasure tonight? Slow and sweet or hard and fast Kitten?"

"Oh god, hard and fast. I want to feel all of you."

"Oh fuck yes."

Spike didn't need to be told anything else. He pulled almost out of the way before slamming back in. Buffy moan and wrapped her legs around Spike's hips as he continued to pound into her. She matched him thrust for thrust loving how full she felt. It was like they were made for each other. Buffy couldn't believe how amazing this felt. She had never felt like this before, not even with Angel. The way Spike moved, the way he made her feel, it felt new but also like they had done this for years. It felt like coming home. They were both a moaning mess on the bed by the time Spike reached his peak. With a final thrust Spike gave a growl as he came inside of Buffy, Buffy right along with him. Spike placed his forehead against Buffy's as he could feel the both of them still pulsing. Both were breathing heavy and feeling very good. Spike placed a soft kiss to Buffy's lips before he spoke.

"You alright Luv?"

"I'm very much alright. Though I think I prefer Kitten over Luv."

"Do you now?" Spike said with a smirk.

"Yes. You call lots of other girls Luv, but you don't call them Kitten. It feels more personal."

"It's a British thing, it doesn't mean anything with others when I call them that."

"I know that. But I still like having a name just for me." Buffy said with a warm smile.

"Kitten it is then." Spike said before he lowered himself down to kiss Buffy again.

After a few minutes of gentle making out Spike slowly moved off from Buffy and looked over at the clock.

"What time is it?" Buffy asked, as she rolled over and curled up on Spike's chest.

"Almost four."

Buffy gave a groan before she spoke. "Totally gonna be tired tomorrow. Totally worth it."

Spike gave a small chuckle to that. "It was good tonight though?"

"Oh you are amazing."

Spike gave another small chuckle. "Not what I meant, but I'll take the compliment. And for the record so are you. I was talkin' about your day."

"Oh man it was amazing. We did some shopping. I didn't buy too much. I was able to find Dawnie her bracelet she wanted and a belt. She's going to die when she sees them and it will make Janice jealous, which trust me as a high school girl that is everything. I also got Lilly a few things at the Disney store and a few lingerie items that the girls help me pick out."

"Those three birds are my new favorite demons."

Buffy gave a laugh to that. "They are pretty awesome and totally told me to go for it. They will also want to hear all the dirty details. It was a really good day and the spa was beautiful. The party was insane, but I got a lot of business cards and I got rid of all of mine. I'll have to get Anya to print some more off for me."

"Once word gets out about you everyone will be wanting you to do somethin' for em. You'll be rich before you know it Kitten."

"I don't care about being rich, I'll settle for no debt. How was your day?"

"It was good. The Bit had the Biscuit outside for most of the day playin'. Patrol was dead, only three vamps and no one new. I did talk to the Bit before I left about the Biscuit and what she is."

"You told her? I thought you were trying to keep that as a secret from everyone."

"I don't want the others knowin', can't trust where that information would go. But the Bit is going to be around the Biscuit a lot and I don't want to put either of em at risk because the Bit doesn't know. She needed to know so she could be prepared in case somethin' happened. She's been treating the Biscuit as a little sis, I don't want that secret between em."

"No I agree. Lilly shouldn't have to worry about saying something to Dawnie mentally and getting in trouble for it. She should be able to talk with her, especially with them being alone so much and playing together. It's good you told Dawnie about it. Now she can be fully prepared for the potential danger and connect with her more. How did she take it?"

"Didn't even hesitate. Just said cool and that she wouldn't say anythin'."

"She's good like that. And she won't say anything, she would never put Lilly at risk like that."

"I know she won't. I still have to talk to the Biscuit about school."

"You need to do that soon so you can get her registered. Which one are you leaning towards?"

"Originally the public school, but I've been second guessing that. What do you think?"

"Pros and cons. I do have to say it would have been nice to have gone to a school where I didn't have to hide who I was. It can be so tiring, especially when you hit those teenage years. That pressure to be normal, but knowing you are anything but. You've said it before and I agree with you, I don't want her feeling like she has to battle both halves of herself against each other. She should love all of herself as a whole and not just half during different times."

"And that is what I'm worried about. Her growin' up feelin' like she has to hide what makes her special. At the demon school she wouldn't have that issue. She could still learn how to talk normally, but if she didn't know by the time school started it wouldn't be devastating for her to talk mentally to someone. I'll talk to her today about it and see which one she prefers."

"That's the best thing you can do. Talk and see which one she would be more comfortable with. I'm sure there are a lot of parents out there that would love to have her in the demon school. She seems to be loved by everyone."

"She's very important. I was lucky to find her."

"She was lucky for you to find her. It's weird, it's been less than a month and yet I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. Not seeing her every day. I missed her like crazy today and I was only gone for the day. I have no idea how you were able to go for months without seeing her. It must have killed you."

"It was hard, but there wasn't much I could do about it. Now I don't have to worry about that."

Spike snapped his head towards the bedroom door and Buffy knew he had heard something.

"Is it Lilly?"

"Someone's knockin' at the front door."

Spike got up and Buffy went to as well, but Spike stopped her. "There's no threat. Stay in bed, I'll be right back Kitten."

"You sure?"

"It's fine, probably just someone from the Council. I'll be right back."

Buffy just gave a nod and Spike headed out. He poked his head into Lilly's room on the way down and was happy to see her sound asleep. He wasn't too sure who was at his door, especially at this hour but he was hoping it wasn't anything bad. So far they were safe from freeing the girls, but eventually someone was bound to get pissed off about it. Spike knew it could very well have started a war. Still, he wouldn't go back and change it. Those girls didn't deserve to be treated that way and he would never feel guilty or apologize for doing the right thing. He opened the door and saw Derek standing on the other side.

"A little late for a social visit mate." Spike said.

"I know, I'm sorry. But I wanted to tell you right away. We found a way for you to be in sunlight. It's not going to be easy on you, but we figured it out."

"Come on in." Spike moved back to let Derek in.

Spike closed the door and turned to look at the hallway when he heard someone walking towards him.

"I'm sorry to wake you up." Derek said to Buffy, who had put on some pajamas.

"It's fine, we weren't sleeping." Buffy said.

"I said you didn't have to come Kitten."

"I know, but I can't hear you back there so I wouldn't know if something happened. I'm not used to the house yet."

"Nothing bad has happened. I needed to get to Spike before the sun came up. We've found a way for him to be in the sunlight."

"That's great, how?" Buffy asked, as they all went into the one living room to sit down.

"It's in Africa, we have a witch that can teleport you there and a way for you to teleport back. It's a demon trial though."

"Bloody hell."

"What does that mean? What is a demon trial?" Buffy asked, not liking how it sounded or Spike's reaction.

"A demon trial is something someone with demon blood in them can do. They are held by only a small few high ranking demons. These demons are as close to Hell demons as you'll ever get. They have the power to grant you anything you desire as long as you pass their trials. It's basically enduring torture for however long the demon deems it necessary for what you are asking for. Being able to be in the sunlight again, probably a week of one trial after the other." Derek explained.

"No, there's no way. There has to be some other way he can be in the sunlight. What about a spell or a spelled object that he could wear?" Buffy was not happy about this. She didn't want Spike to be off in Africa for a week getting tortured just so he could be out in the sunlight. There had to be another way.

"There are no spells like that, if there was vamps would always be outside. The trials are the only way that we've found so far. We could keep looking, but there's no telling how long it could take or if we ever find something."

"And how do you know this demon would even honor the agreement?"

"They have to. It's a blood agreement, they can't go back on it ever." Derek explained.

"Need a minute mate." Spike said so he could talk to Buffy alone.

"I'll be at Mickey's place. We know no one is going through a trial right now. If you want this, then you have to do it now. Otherwise there is no telling how long this chance could come up again." Derek said, as he stood.

Spike gave a nod and Derek headed out.

"There has to be another way." Buffy started.

"There isn't."

"You don't know that. We're talking about you going to Africa to be tortured for an unknown length of time. We have no idea what could happen to you."

"It'll probably be a week and it's not torture exactly. It's trials, it's fighting different demons that type of shit. These demons are just ones you don't ever see. Older breeds that are almost completely wiped out, but they have weird abilities. Like turning into bugs or acid skin. They're not fun to fight, but if you want it badly enough you can win."

"I really don't like this. Even if it is just fighting, I don't like you fighting on your own. And I know you've done it for over a century, but anything could happen. There just has to be another way."

"There might not be one and demon trials are always busy. Demons all over the world try to find one to change their life. I want to be able to take the Biscuit to school on her first day. I want to chase her around outside and take her to the beach. This is my chance to be out in the sun with her. I have to take it."

Buffy let out a small sigh. She knew this was very important to Spike. Being in the sun was a nice thought before Lilly, but now it was a necessity. She could understand that, but she didn't like the risk he would have to take to make it happen. Spike could fight there was no arguing that, but just one wrong hit and he could be taken out. He wasn't on his own, he had Lilly to think about. He had Dawn to think about. She wasn't happy about this, but she also knew that Spike was going. She had to support him in this, just like he has done with her so many times in the past.

"You fight smart, don't dance around like you always do. Fight to kill and make it quick. You get in and get the hell out."

"I promise. I haven't lived this long by being stupid. I'll be back, you're not gettin' rid of me that easily."

"Good, I just got used to having you around. What about Lilly? What do I need to do with her?"

"I can talk to Derek and he'll probably have her for the week."

"Really? I'm sitting right here. I can take care of her."

"I didn't want to put that stress on you Kitten. Between patrollin' and your mates."

"She isn't any stress at all. Me and Dawnie can stay here with her while you're gone. I told you, I'm here for her, that doesn't start if you die Spike. You don't have to do it alone. I have her Babe."

"If you're sure."

"I am. So tell me what she needs."

"Just the usual. I'll kiss her goodbye, but I'm not gonna wake her. Just tell her I got called for a job. I don't want her to worry. She'll need energy probably tomorrow. She was fine today, but it's been a couple of days."

"Ok. Don't worry about her. I got her and Dawnie will be a huge help with her while I'm patrolling. You just focus on coming back to us."

"Always. Don't be surprised if Derek shows up to see her. He'll know you have her so he'll come by to try and help. I'll leave him my key just in case you need something."

"That's fine. Don't worry about us, I got them. You better go and get ready, you only have so long before the sun comes up."

Spike just gave a nod and he got up and headed upstairs to kiss Lilly goodbye and finish getting dressed. If he was honest with himself he was slightly worried about the demon trials. He knew he could fight and he knew he could survive pain, but the trials could go either way. All it would take is one bad hit or one demon to get the upper hand over him and he could be killed. He was going to make sure that didn't happen, but Spike knew that each and every fight he has there is always a chance it could be your last one. It was why he learnt all the different fighting styles that he knows, just so he would have an arsenal of techniques to pull from for any type of situation. He was going to come back here to be with Lilly, Dawn and Buffy. He wasn't going to leave them or let them down. They were his to protect. His to take care of and he wasn't going to fail them.

After getting dress Spike headed into Lilly's room and over to her bed. He stood there looking down at her. He couldn't help but notice the warmth that flooded into him at just the sight of her. He was risking a lot to be in the sun with her, he knew that. But he refused to be limited in what he could do with her. He refused to have her suffer by not having him around when she got out of school or when she played at the park. He wanted her to have all of him and not just all of him, part of the time. He wasn't going to fail her. He would be back and the first thing he would do is take her to a beach. Spike kissed her on her head before he quietly made his way out of the room and downstairs. He saw Buffy standing there waiting for him by the front door. He took a moment to look at her. She didn't appear to be mad at him. She stood there strong, it was a strength for him to feel. She was supporting him on this, even when she didn't have to. She had his back, no hesitation. Just like he has done for her in the past. This whole situation was surreal to him and he knew that once he got back he would need to take the time to actually think and process what they had just done. For now he had a demon trial to survive.

"Lilly still asleep?"

"Like the dead. You should get some sleep yourself Kitten, she'll be up within a few hours with her belly all growly."

"I will. You focus on coming back to us. I mean it William."

Hearing his name coming out of Buffy let him know just how much she meant it. He placed his right hand against her cheek and brought her into him and placed a sweet kiss to her lips. After a moment he pulled back slightly as he spoke.

"I'll be back. I give you my word."

"And when you do, you owe us a beach trip." Buffy said with a warm smile.

"Is there a sexy bathing suit in one of those bags?"

"No, but there could be."

"I best hurry back then."

"You better." Buffy said, as he moved in and gave Spike a more passionate kiss.

After a moment they pulled back and Spike knew he had to get going.

"I love you."

"I know Babe." Buffy said with a warm smile.

"One more very important thing before I go."


"You can wear my duster, but don't get it ruined."

Buffy gave a small chuckle before she spoke. "I promise your duster will be safe with me."

"Hey I've had that coat for decades. It's like my second skin. I'd be wearin' it now if I wasn't worried about it gettin' ruined in Africa."

"Well I promise it will be just as you left it when you get back."

Spike gave Buffy a quick kiss once more before he stepped back fully and Buffy spoke.

"Be safe, be smart and get your ass back here where your girls will be waiting."

"I'll be back and then I'll take my girls to the beach for the day. Maybe I'll even be able to convince you to miss a night of patrollin' and we could spend a night at the beach too."

"Ooo a mini vacation. I like it. I'm gonna hold you to it."

"I'll see ya soon Kitten."

"See you when you get back Babe."

With one final kiss Spike headed out of the house and off to join Derek so he could get to the demon trials. Spike arrived at Mickey's only a few minutes later and he walked right in. He saw Mickey and Derek sitting in the living room waiting. They knew that Spike would be here. They knew he wouldn't pass up this opportunity to be in the sun. The demon trials were brutal, but if you passed you would have what you wanted granted without any repercussions. Spike would be able to be in the sunlight as if he was human.

"Buffy going to watch Lilly?" Derek asked.

"She is. She's gonna stay at mine with her and the Bit." Spike took out his key and handed it to Derek as he continued. "Just in case."

"I'll check in and make sure she doesn't need any help with them. I'm sure Dawn will help with Lilly while Buffy is out patrolling. I'm sure she will be fine, but going from looking after a teenager to a small child can be very different."

"She should be good, but the support would be nice. Hopefully I won't be gone that long. How am I gettin' back."

"I have a portal talisman that you can use when you are ready. It will open to your home. Are you ready?" Mickey asked.

"Might as well get this over with. Is it dark there?"

"You'll be in the cave where the trial is so you won't have to worry about the sunlight." Mickey answered.

"Right, let's get on with it then."

"Be safe brother." Derek said.

"Remember what you promised me." Spike said as he looked right at Derek.

"I gave you my word and I always keep it."

Derek could easily remember making the promise to Spike that should something happen to him he would be there for Lilly, Dawn and Buffy. It was a promise he didn't make or take lightly. He knew how much those three girls meant to Spike and after everything Spike had done for him and his family, it was the least he could do for him. Mickey opened the portal and Spike took an unneeded breath in before he walked through, it closing behind him.

"He'll be fine. He's Spike." Mickey said confidently, hoping it would make Derek feel better.

"He has to be."

Derek knew that Spike could survive almost anything. He had seen it himself. The demon trials were different though and he was hoping Spike wouldn't be gone that long and this worked out for him. He deserved the chance to have a normal family without any restraints.