How are you all doing? Here ya go. Levi asks Eren out on a date.
Eren turned his head around to look in the mirror. He observed the curve if his butt covered with the fabric from skinny jeans. He turned his body to the side and frowned. Was his butt too small? Is it big? Was he cute?
It had been a month since school started. Eren's relationship with Levi was static, and yet fun. The sophomore always gave the freshman company during their gym class together. He was never too rough on the brunette, but he didn't go easy on him either.
The brunette turned to face his booty to the mirror. He bent over and looked at his butt through his legs. He shook his butt and watched it jiggle. He started twerking to his mirror. Plumped flesh moved up and down in a teasing motion. His door opened, and Mikasa was standing right there, looking at her younger brother in disgust. Eren lifted his head to look at her.
"Eren! What-"
"Mikasa! Does my butt look cute?" The brunette questioned as he turned his booty to face her. "Is it? Or is it too small? Too big?"
"You have never had image problems... what's wrong? Your ass is beautiful and perfect," Mikasa replied with a heavy sigh.
"It's just that... it's been a month and... Levi hasn't done anything. Am I not cute enough?" Eren inquired with teary eyes.
"Dear god, Eren, I'm pretty sure that he likes your ass. Every time he walks by, he literally gawks at your ass. Calm yourself down," Mikasa told Eren with a roll of her eyes. "I'm sure that your just oblivious to his advances."
"Really?" Eren asked with hope.
"Yes, now hurry the fuck up. We're going to be late," Mikasa grumbled as she walked away. "I am so done with you."
"Well," Eren rushed to grab his backpack off his bed. "I'm sorry that I also want a nice and loving relationship!"
"Stop being a lame loser," Mikasa rolled her eyes as she walked down the stairs.
"Why you gotta be so mean~?" Eren sang out.
"Because you are far too lame, bruh," the raven haired girl replied as she slipped on her shoes.
"No I'm not," Eren pouted as he slipped on his shoes too.
The two siblings walked out the door. Mikasa locked it and headed for the corner. A nice, loving corner with no hard working people on it. The yellow bus slowed down and stopped in front of them. The doors opened and Eren greeted Hannes with a smile. When the brunette looked at the seats, his face fell. There weren't any open seats. He was that one kid who had no friends that rode the same bus as him, except for his siblings.
Truthfully, it made sense that the seatings are changing now. People, freshmen and transfer students, had finally settled down into their own cliques. Which meant that some people were also estranged. Nile Dok, for example, was the captain of the tennis team. He smelt bad and looked greasy. It was as if he never took a shower. It didn't surprise Eren when he saw him sitting by himself. Dok may think that he's cool and intimidating, but really, he was just a douche that no one liked. That was a characteristic that he couldn't see in himself, which was sad.
The green eyed brunette walked down the aisle. With a racing heart, he didn't know where to sit. Should he sit next to the girl with a questioning bag of white powder in her hand? Or the boy who's looking at him as if was a piece of meat? Or the kid who looked constantly sicked? Why were those two girls looking at him in disgust? Who should he SIT NEXT to? He didn't really want to sit next to Levi. What if he bothered the older boy? However, the young innocent boy blushed at the thought of sitting next to his crush. He bit his lower lip. He wanted to sit next to him.
Hesitant eyes looked for those stormy eyes before he could change his mind. They found their target on the right side on seat six. It was weird. Levi never sat that close before. His bus stop had to be a little before Eren's own if he was that close. Either way, the raven haired boy was sitting by himself. No one sat with him since they feared him.
Smooth tan legs brought the brunette to the older boy. Stormy eyes turned to look directly at him. Eren bit the inside of his cheeks as his face flushed. The boy gripped the seat as he gathered up his courage. With trembling lips… he looked at Levi behind his eyelashes.
"Um… can I sit… next to you?" Eren asked in a quiet voice. All his spunk he had in front of the mirror was gone. No more would he twerk his little booty. At least, not yet.
"Sure," Levi replied in an indifferent voice and turned to the window.
"Thanks," Eren smiled even though Levi wasn't looking at him.
The freshman heard the sophomore grunt in response. The brunette gave out a soft giggle as he sat down. He sat on the edge to give Levi more room. He turned to look at Levi's back. Even through his shirt, Eren knew that Levi had muscles. His arm were also well defined, but not bulky. In the past month, Eren had witness countless times why the older boy was feared. He was really strong.
The two remained quiet as the bus ride continued. Eren was dancing inside his little gay heart. Just being next to Levi made him feel giddy. He saw Mikasa roll her eyes at him and he pouted in return. More people kept getting on, so the front was totally packed. The other students started heading for the back. As a big guy was making their way, Eren observed how his arms whacked other students because he was just that huge. The brunette covered his head before the guy came by.
However, he didn't feel any pain. What he did feel was a cold hand grabbing him by his right elbow. He was pulled to the right with a force strong enough to make him squeal. He cheek landed on something. The brunette looked up and saw Levi staring at him.
"Um… sorry," Eren mumbled with a red blush. Before he took away his hands though, he made sure to remember what Levi's body felt like.
"Don't be a stupid brat. Why would you let yourself get hurt?" Levi growled.
"Huh?" Eren inquired stupidly as the bus started to move again.
"There's enough room here for you to move away," Levi scoffed.
"Oh… Thanks," the brunette replied as he freed his wrist from Levi's grip. The brunette felt his wrist burn with a lovely sensation.
"Hey," Levi recaught Eren's attention. He grabbed Eren again by the wrist.
"What?" The brunette looked at the older boy with anticipation.
"You know," Levi made a sideway glance as someone walked by. He shifted his grip to grab Eren's hand. He brought those caramel fingers to his lips. Eren blushed harder as he looked at those stormy eyes in a closer view. The raven haired boy smirked. "There's a dance in the next week. I have to be there, but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. Well… I guess the correct phrase is 'would you please go with me?'"
"Um… like a d-date?" Eren stuttered with a fast beating heart.
"No," Levi replied. The brunette looked crestfallen. Levi chuckled at his reaction. "More like… a trial before you decide if you want to go out with me."
"What?" Eren squeaked in a breathless voice.
"Or do you not want that?" Levi gave Eren a knowing smirk.
"I… do want that," Eren answered in a small whisper as he covered his blushing face with his other hand.
"Then you'll go with me?" Levi questioned.
"Y-yea," Eren pursed his lips together.
"Good," Levi kissed Eren's fingers and stood up. "Time for school, bright eyes."
Eren smiled coyly as he stood up. Outside the bus, he waved goodbye to Levi. Students swarm around, talking with one another. The brunette walked towards his group of friends with his sister. He couldn't wipe off his big smile.
"Can you stop?" Mikasa grumbled as they approached their friends.
"What? What happened!?" Sasha exclaimed.
"Yea, Eren, tell us," Connie said. Everyone stared at the bright eyed brunette.
"Levi asked me out to the dance next week," Eren squeezed his burning cheeks.
"What?! THE Levi Ackerman?!" Reiner yelled. "I always knew you had it in you to get him. Pay up, Jean."
"You've got to be kidding me?! Are you for real, Jaeger?!" Jean screeched as he brought out his wallet.
"Um… excuse me? Did you two bitches make a bet about me?" Eren looked at them as if it was preposterous, but really it wasn't that unbelieveable.
"I told you it would only take a month," Mikasa said to Annie, who shrugged in response.
"You guys too?" Eren pouted at his sister.
"Hey, I didn't participate in this," Marco pointed to himself.
"Thank you, Marco. I'm not even going to look at you, Armin. I know what you're thinking," Eren blew a raspberry at his blonde best friend.
"That you're so easy? I mean… pfft, you did just fall in love with him in one second. You're like a princess who fell in love with a prince at first sight. Though… this prince is a bit short compare to the traditional ones," Armin laughed.
"How can you be so mean? You're short too," the brunette pouted.
"But apparently, not enough for you," Armin smirked.
"You are such an evil friend!" Eren blushed. "A true wolf in sheep's clothing."
Needless to say, everyone teased the brunette because it was just amusing. Throughout the day, Eren saw Levi in the halls. The boy always smiled shyly at him. The older boy would nod his head in return. In gym, the two played badminton together. Despite not being a sport student, Levi was very active. After class, they were still changing. When it was only the two of them left, Levi walked up to Eren.
"Yea?" Eren inquired.
Levi took a step forward. Eren, confused, stepped back. Their movements repeated until Eren's back hit the lockers. The brunette contracted himself, feeling vulnerable. Eren stared at Levi with questioning eyes. The raven haired boy just trapped the younger boy, placing his hands against the lockers.
"I was wondering… if I could get a kiss right here, again," Levi used his right pointer finger to tap his own cheek.
Eren blushed and then nodded. He looked at Levi nervously. He leaned forward and pecked Levi on the cheek. When he did so, Levi kissed him right back on the cheek, making the boy flinch in surprise. Eren rubbed his cheek with a blushing smile.
"You're so cute," Levi grumbled as he sighed. He placed his forehead on Eren's. "You should sit with me in the mornings. If you do, I'll give you more kisses."
"Okay," Eren responded as he gave Levi a kiss on the nose too.
"Cute brat," Levi grunted.
As the next week came, Eren started to freak out. He didn't know what he was going to wear at the dance. He pestered his mama to go shopping with him. The theme was a Fairytale, so he thought he just had to look magical or a character from a book. Eren settled with looking like Peter Pan.
The brunette stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn't tell if his tights were too tight. He turned around and looked at his butt, yet once again. His shirt covered his butt, so he supposed that it didn't matter. His mama knocked on the door and came in.
"Honey, are you sure you don't need money?" She questioned.
"Yea, Levi said that he could pay for everything," Eren replied.
"I know, but he's also just a student," she sighed. "I can't wait to meet this boy."
"He's very nice, mama," Eren smiled at the thought of Levi.
The both of them heard a knock on the door. Carla squeaked with anticipation. She had been hearing about Levi all week. She was so excited for her baby boy. When Grisha came home, he would be getting a big surprise from their boy. Carla walked down the stairs and opened the door. Eren followed her. Mikasa was in the living room with Annie.
"Hello, you must be Ms. Jaeger, Nice to meet you. Is Eren ready?" Levi greeted politely.
"Oh geez, a boy with manners. That's so nice. Eren's right here," Carla presented Eren and then walked away to give them some privacy.
"Hi," Eren smiled at the older boy.
Levi was in black, unsurprisingly. The ravenette had pulled his hair back. He was wearing, Eren was positive, black contact lens. When Levi smirked at him, Eren saw fangs sticking out. It was undeniably hot.
"Are you suppose to be a vampire?" Eren questioned with a giggle.
"Yea, I am. I'm guessing your bright self is suppose to be Peter Pan," Levi scoffed.
"Yep. Aren't I cute?" Eren questioned with the most confidence he had ever had in front of Levi.
"Of course. A perfect prey," Levi smiled darkly.
Thanks for reading. Luv ya all! :D