Because I couldn't get out from my head a fanfiction prison AU, I decided to write one as well.

This work is inspired from "In the Box" by Narise Konohara.

Warning: unbetaed and grammatical errors.

I don't own Kuroko no Basuke

Chapter one

Akashi asked himself why he didn't use his power to evade his verdict, instead to take responsibility. But he was too prideful to declare his innocence (in short lying) or to ask for clemency to the jury. Doing so would have meant admitting remorse for his act, and the redhead clearly didn't regret any single hit to that con man Imayoshi Shoichi if its was his real name. Try to swindle the heir of the Akashi, he asked for it.

The prison guard, a tanned man with dark blue hair, led Akashi to his work position. There was a dead silence. The prisoners couldn't speak during work.

The guard called someone "Head section, come here".

A prisoner with blond hair and a cheerful air? In this desolation? Came near them.

"This is the new entry of the prison, teach him his job and tell him his place during lunch. He will be allocate in your cell."

"Yes sir. So new entry-chi your job is to sew these cute and soft stuffed toys! And do you see the person over there?"

Akashi was taken back by the positive energy that the head section was emanating. This was a prison, not a summer camp. The blonde was definitely mental. The red haired man looked at the point indicated by the head section and saw a boy with sky blue hair and a delicate frame. It was so weird, Akashi always imagined prisoners with big built and scary face, but the boy's quiet aura clashed with the surroundings. What crime did he commit? He looked so weak for having to do with violence. A thief? The red head only hoped he wasn't a swindle because he didn't stand any of them.

"Sorry you can't see anything, right? Try to focus in that point!"

"I see a blue haired boy, why did you indicate him?"

"Oh, you can see Kurokocchi! Because he has a weak presence he didn't get much noticed. Next to Kurokocchi is the place you will sit during the meals. I envy you, I also want to sit next to him!" and the head section began to cry. For Akashi, the jury made a mistakes with the blond, he had to be allocated in a mental hospital.

"Prisoner 0807, why there is always ruckus when you are the head section! Shut the fuck up!" the prison guard ordered.

"Guard-chi is so mean!"

Akashi ignored the blonde and sat to his work place. Only a year and he will leave. He looked at the sew materials. He had never sewed before, would it be difficult? An Akashi had to be absolute independently the situation. Why stuffed toys? A bulky criminal with a peluche in his hand would have been funny if the situation wasn't so tragic. What would think the parents if they learned that their innocence children played with toys crafted by blood stained hands?

Akashi began to sew a rabbit, but looked like the goddess of the needlework didn't like the man very much. Not only the rabbit didn't look a rabbit but the white material changed to red. A blood stained toy by blood stained hands. Hewould have laughed darkly if it wasn't for the fact that he was surrounded by dangerous criminals and possibly murderers. Akashi clearly needed lesson about humor, and how to sew too.

The tanned guard went to Akashi "Redo it".


The time passed slowly during work, but finally dinner time arrived.

Akashi searched for the blue haired teen in the tables and when he found him, he sat next to him. It was forbidden to talk during meals as well. Akashi sneaked a peek to the person near him.

The blue haired teen looked so innocence and cute but the red head knew that appearances could deceive. Akashi tried the food and he used all his will not to puke. He, who always ate five stars foods, how could he eat this stuff for a whole year?

Now Akashi really regretted for the first time his decision. Why he impulsively beaten the con man in board daylight? He could have hit him when there weren't witness!

After dinner there was free time for the prisoners before to go back inside their cells.

Akashi didn't know how to pass the time. He didn't want to get close to anyone. They could try to blackmail him in the future because he was rich. My reign for a shogi board, and after a sigh, he settled to read a book. The crimson man felt observed and raised his eyes to meet the aquamarine orbs of his dinner seat mate. Weird eyes, those eyes were dead but seemed to hide a strong determination, such a paradox.

"Go back to your cell" a guard yelled. The prisoners moved and Akashi, from the afternoon talk, learned to be in the same cell with the mental challenged blond. The redhead searched for him and where was him? Attached to the blue haired prisoner with a Koala grip. Akashi didn't know the boy personally but he was sure that prisoner had a very big patience.


Akashi was allocated in a six man cell with a bathroom and a TV. Akashi was a bit happy for the TV, he could stay up to date regarding economy and politics.

Akashi observed his cell mates. There were the mental prisoner, the blue head prisoner (Akashi was glad although he didn't know why), finally a prisoner who fitted the stereotype of the criminal, a giant (and Akashi wasn't envious ), and a surprising normal person apart the green hair and a bandaged hand.

"We have a new cell mate! We must do the presentations! I'm Kise Ryouta and I'm in for murder or to be more precise extreme legitimate defense! I was a model and this crazy fan tried to kill me! I'm 23 years old"

"I am Haizaki Shogo. I'm dealing with drugs. If you want some I could get it for you, just ask. I'm 26 and within two years I will be gone from here."

"Ne Kise-chin, must I do it?" Kise glared at the giant. "Okay, I'm Murasakibara Atsushi, I stole food from a lot of restaurants because I was hungry. I'm 25."

"My name is Midorima Shintaro, I'm not a criminal! I was falsely accused for indecent exposure. I'm also 25"

"If you walk in public wearing visible lingerie I would also call you a pervert" Haizaki added.

"That was my lucky item for the day! Oha Asa said so! The jury didn't believe me and because I didn't admit to be a pervert they thrown me here"

Akashi was dumbfounded. This guy ended in the prison because the horoscope. The green haired man could join Kise in the mental hospital.

The red haired man waited for the blue haired teen, who picked his interest the most. Said person stayed silent and kept to draw in his sketchbook.

"Right, Kurokocchi doesn't like to talk very much, therefore I will speak for him. His name is Kuroko Tetsuya, and I don't know what crime he committed, anyone doesn't know it, but in this prison there is an event for the first and second grade criminals to go seeing a movie and Kurokocchi goes with me, so it's probably murder. I also learned Kurokocchi came here when he became twenty, and before he went to a juvenile prison. Now he is 24."

Akashi was astonished the boy/man looked youthful like a teenager, but had his same age. The red head gave a kick to himself. This was a prison for adults. It was logical. Also the man probably was the most beautiful and dangerous criminals in this cell. This fascinated Akashi. He would find everything regarding the man as new hobby. He had a year after all.

"My name is Akashi Seijuurou. 24 year old. I am sentenced for excessive violence. A swindle tried to trick me and I saw red. I'm really happy there is none in this cell. I will be here for only a year."

" Nice to meet you Akashicchi! Now I must tell you the rules.

1)Every cell is like a group, if you get reprimanded or punished they remove point to the whole group and we lose privileges like TV and I can't live without my soup opera! So you must behave yourself.

2)You must fold your prison cloth and tidy your futon.

3)You can't have more of your week quotas.

4)The head of the cell changes every week a rotation. Next week is Midorima. Because you are the newcomer you will sleep near the toilet and toilet cleaning will be your duty. Don't worry, it's only for a week. There is a rotation for the duty too."

"You are lucky that Tetsuya was the last in the toilet duty, he is the only one able to erase the smell" Haizaki added.

"Experience" was the only word muttered by the teal head with a deadpanned tone. Akashi liked this person's voice, soft and pleasant.

The tanned guard walked between the cells "It's time to sleep". When he passed near their cell he also added "Night Tetsu".

"Good Night, Aomine-kun".

Akashi was dumbfounded, the blue prisoner was also buddy with the guard? "Why did the guard greet you for the night?"

Kuroko with a poker face, answered "Because we get along" and added no more. Kuroko Tetsuya was a real mystery.

"Quickly, get in your futon, I don't want any troubles" Midorima glared at them.

All of them fell asleep minus Akashi; the futon was too hard and cold for him. At least the toilet doesn't smell, but soon Kise started to talk in his sleep. Akashi felt the urge to kill the blond but that would lengthen his sentence and more important, he would lose the TV.

The red head spent the night imagining to stab Kise more and more times.