Scott is a true alpha, Derek was an alpha and lost his alpha spark and then killed one of the Alpha pack and become alpha again and Peter is alpha again after he killed the Demon wolf and they all have one common goal they have want to protect Stiles. After what happen the three alphas' talked about how they were going to protect the human of their pack "Stiles doesn't want the bite and I don't want to give it to him if it could kill him." Scott said as Peter sat next to him dropping his arm over his shoulders

"Oh poor pup you really do love him." He cooed

"Shut up Peter." Scott growled as he tried bite his hand, the older alpha wolf chuckled and pulled his hand back

"Any way Stiles would have a higher chance of surviving the bite than most people." Peter told him, Scott looked at him oddly as if he was asking 'what the fuck are you talking about.'

"He means Stiles spark Scott, Stiles had a spark it would give him a bigger chance of living though the bite." Derek told him trying to lay it out simply for the True Alpha.

He groaned as he lean back on the sofa and looked at them "He still won't want the bite tho." He said after a couple of minutes, Peter just grinned and nodded to his nephew looked at him

"We do have one idea but Stiles would have to 100% willing." Scott sat up right and looked at Derek waiting for the wolf to speak

"Well?" He asked

"We take Stiles out into the woods on the first full moon of the month and we will knots him each one of us in turn." Derek tells him. The teen's mouth had dropped hitting the floor as he just looked at Derek as if he had grown ears and a tail. Peter laugh rang out though the loft as he looked at Scott's dumfounded look

"Y…You mean have sex with him?" He gasped

"Well durrr, Stiles will have the scent of three alpha all over him inside and out that smell alone will drive other unwelcome beings away from our human." Peter says as he pushes the book in front of Scott.

The alpha looked down at the page open to him to show an alpha screwing the human of his pack and how Scott knows that they are pack is because they both have the same tattoo. "Oh yea well need Stiles to get our mark." Peter added, again Scott looked confused and looked towards Derek to explain why. Rolling his eyes the 20 something alpha started to explain

"The Hale pack mark and the McCall pack mark I guess you have an idea in mind. I saw you look at tattoo magazines the other day." Scott nodded and looked back at the book

"Stiles doesn't like needles."

"Well pup it's either that or we bite him." Peter grinned "And personally I would rather sink not only dick into him but my teeth as well."

"Yeah we know I know you offered Stile the bite once before." Scott murmured, Derek looked at his uncle who just smiled at him and shrugged his shoulders

"You were missing and he is fuckbual." Again Scott looked at the older alpha and then looked at the second older wolf

"I will not have him sexing Stiles up if he's going to be like that!" He pointed to Peter who just mocked hurt

"I have you know I put Stiles safety above very one in this room."

"Gee thanks Uncle." Derek said with a smirk and only got a smirk as a relay.

They knew Scott won't read the book they placed in front of him and they left out something important like if they knot Stiles the teen's spark will started to create life. Both born wolves talked about it at length with each other about if they should tell Scott what will happen, but Peter being Peter told Derek it will be much more fun when Scott found out. So they left him talk it over with Stiles who reached like they thought he would.

Stiles spun around in his chair, the room was a blur and he liked doing this it somehow made everything more clearly. Since his bump to his head everything has been a little overwhelming and he was looking forward to just a couple of days maybe weeks of normal. While he was spinning around he saw a blurry image of his best friend, he stopped his chair from spinning around and looked at his friend "Try to feel normal?" Scott asked.

"Yep." Stiles smiled as his vision corrected itself "Please don't tell me there supernatural mess out there?" Stiles pleaded

"No nothing like that… I ummm want to ask you something." Scott blushed as he sat on the bed

"I'm not giving you my jeep so you and Allison could hump like bunnies." Stiles said with a dull voice. Scott shook his head his cheeks still red.

"No me and Allison are….taking some time a part but what I need to ask you….Okay I will start at the being because I am getting myself confused." He said, Stiles chuckled…it's not that hard to do… he thought. "Okay so I am worried about you Stiles I know you not the only human in my pack but after what happen I got scared so I ummm asked Derek and Peter if they knew away I could protect you without turning you?" Stiles looked at him as if Scott grew to heads

"And what did they say?" He asked

"That we should take you to into the woods on the new moon of the month and-and knot you." Stiles blinked at him not sure what to say "And you would have to have the Hale tattoo and mine." He whispered as he fiddled with his hands

"So let me get this straight you, Derek and Peter want to knot me? In other words have sex with me to protect me." He said after a few minutes of nothing

"Ummmm yeah that is tall and short of it." Scott said "You need the alpha's scent all over you and having Derek and Peter's scent will help boosted the protection over you."

"Will it be a onetime thing?"

"That depends on you, you will be known as the alpha's mate it would make it hard if any of us want other relationships." Stiles frowned at him

"What about you and Allison? You still want her? I don't want to stand the way?" Scott stood up and walked over to Stiles and pulled him up from the chair and into a hug

"I don't care about her I just care about you." He whispered.

He agreed to Scott relief Stiles said yes to him tho he was worried about Peter being there but the true alpha promise him that Peter will not hurt him if he did Derek and him will kill the older alpha. The first thing Stiles had to do was get tattoo and as he hated needles he went in half drunk and passed out as the tattooist worked on the area of Stiles' belly button. When Stiles did wake up he was back at home on the bed with Scott running his fingers though his hair.

Over the next two weeks before the new moon of the month the alphas did what they could to making Stiles comfortable with their touches. Peter one night comes to Stiles with a small bottle Stiles looked at him oddly as held up the small bottle to him "For your tattoo to help heal quicker." He smiled. The teen nodded and rolled his eyes as Peter gave him a smirk

"Alright find you can rub it in." Stiles sighed as he laid down on the bed pulling his shirt up above the tattoo and let Peter rub the green look cream into his stomach. He took the cap off and scooped out the green cream before he gently placed it on the tattooed area and started rubbing the cream in. Stiles gasped at the coldness and the buzzing feeling that was happing "W…What did you say this cream does?" He whimpered

"Reduce the redness and heal it quicker." He smiled as he stared at the boy's stomach "I know you worried about next week but there is nothing to worry about, this is common among wolf packs to protect their humans." Stiles looked at him at Peter as the wolf looked lustful at his stomach

"Does ummm knotting hurt?" Stiles asked

"Can do if and it might for you as your taking three once after another."

"Oh gee thanks Peter, is there anything else I should know?" Stiles asked, Peter looked up at him

"What had Scott been telling you?" He asked as he pulled his hand away from Harry's stomach, the teen pulled his shirt down and sat up on the bed. He was trying to put some dissents between him and Peter at least for the time being.

Scratching his head Stiles looked up at the eldest Alpha wolf in the pack and spoke "Well he said that you three will become well my mates of sorts and that you lot can't date or see other people." Peter looked at the soft blush on the boy's cheeks before letting out a bark of laughter this made Stiles glad that his dad was at work he didn't need to find one crazy wolf in his son's bed room.

"Foolish boy, I gave him a book to read god knows what he's done with that most likely to prop up his table. Look only of use will have full claim over your and it will be whoever knots your first the rest of us will just be there for added support." He grinned "Any way this is about your protection and bringing to packs together." He smiled softer this time. Stiles nodded at him and looked up at him

"Urrrh my stomach feel's funny." He said

"Ummm I'm sure it's something you ate." Peter chuckled as he got up and leaned over and placed a kiss on Stiles lips. The teen froze for a moment as he felt the hot lips burn his cool ones.

The kiss was mind blowing, it was the best he's ever had well the only one he's ever had like this, it was searing and it made him feel breathless as Peter stole his breath. When the kiss ended Stiles open his eyes in a daze and blinked at the slightly burly image of Peter smirking down at him. "See you soon beautiful." Peter grinned before leaving though the window.

"Oh god I'm dead." Stiles said as he fell back against the pillow his boxers and jeans were just little too tight. After Peter left Stiles had low dull stomach ache that was uncomfortable to sleep in the end he got up and decide to sit and watch TV while on his laptop with a cup of hot chocolate.

Derek was the next one to turn up, Stiles jeep had broken down and was in the shop to get fixed up and Scott was going to take him home but instead Derek took him home. Stiles stood there and looked at the tall dark haired wolf leaning against his car with his sun glasses on looking not just sexy but hot and sexy "Don't worry Scott I got Stiles." The young alpha looked worried to Stiles before looking at Derek "Don't worry I will get him home." He purred as he warped his arms around Stiles shoulders and pulled him towards the car

"Umm dude if you hear from my dad before me you know why." Stiles said as he got into the car.

He didn't know why Derek took him spot where the three alphas were going bonk him, the teen looked at the clearing that was covered in purple little flowers "Why are we here?" Stiles whispered

"I wanted to show you this place and I wanted some alone time with you. " He smiled as walked over to him and warped his arms around his waist and pulled him into his chest "I heard Peter came to see you to rub cream into your stomach." He whispered into his ear. The teen felt his face light up bright red as Derek slide his hands to the teen's hips "You have beautiful hips I just want to sink my teeth into them and mark them up."

"D…Derek?" Stiles whimpered as he felt the scratchy beard against his skin

"I wished I didn't have to wait until next week to have you but I will be your first."

W…What did you…you guys do drew straws." Stiles gasped and panted as Derek nipped his throat up and down the long column of pale flesh. Derek chucked and spun the teen around to look at his honey whisky eyes

"No I told them that you were mine." Stiles next sinful kiss was his doom and waned to be torn apart by his three alphas and then put back together with their kisses and cum…god what's wrong with me… he thought as Derek took his breath away.

….Night of the new moon…..

Scott drove Stiles up to the sight, they hardly spoke as they walked the rest of the way. Stiles kept fiddling with his hands as he chewed on the end of his hoodie string. "I… umm stretched myself." Stiles whispered, he knew Scott heard him as he looked at him from the corner of the eyes

"You spoiling the fun." Scott smirked, Stiles looked at him wide eyed and cocked his head to the side "New moon makes wolves horny as hell." Scott said with a groan "Do you know how hard it was not trying to jump you in the middle of School." The true alpha sighed as he and Stiles reached the clearing and met with two very naked Hales

"Oh god."

There was a rustling of clothes and Stiles found Scott almost ripping his clothes off as his eyes turned bright blood red. "Stiles." Came the dark purr making Stiles turn to look at the voices owner and blinked "Here drink this our little mate this will help you relax." Derek smiled at Stiles shocked blushing face.

"I…don't want to relax I want to be as horny as you." Stiles pouted, Peter chuckled as he licked Stiles chin as Derek handed him the cup

"This will make you horny as us love, you will being us all night long." He whispered into his ear as he nipped it as Stiles tried to drink the rest of the cup.