Okay. This is 'Help' by Hurts. It's a FEM27 as usual. Enjoy! Bold is Song Lyrics by the way.
Take my hand and lead the way
Out of the darkness and into the light of the day
Mukuro is a dark person. He knows he is. He is very aware that the things that are normal to him, the things he could and would do are considered twisted and wrong by society's rules.
He is also very, very aware just how lucky he is that Natsume Sawada found him.
Just how lucky he is that Natsume had looked at him, had seen the darkness in him, the twisted parts of him, and decided to love him anyway, decided to reach out and take his hand and show him that no matter how dark and jaded he may be, the world was still capable of light and love and happiness, that he was still capable of happiness and loyalty and love.
And take me somewhere I'll be safe
Carry my lifeless body away from the pain
Mukuro couldn't even begin to describe exactly what he felt the day he realized Natsume had stormed the Vindice Water Tank holding area and carried his wet, cold, weak body away from that place.
That she had stormed into the abyss, that she had stared into the darkness and won, that she had gone in for him and carried him home…
'Cause I know what I've been missing
And I know that I should try
He hadn't quite realized exactly how much Natsume Sawada meant to him, exactly what had been missing from his life, until that moment.
But there's hope in this admission
And there's freedom in your eyes
She was his light.
His life.
His Sky.
She was freedom given physical form to him.
And we cry away
Natsume Sawada couldn't begin to tell you why exactly she had taken one look at Mukuro laying on the ground, bruised and defeated, and oh so very angry at everything including her and decided he was hers.
He hadn't even known that even as she had watched him get dragged away in chains after their very first meeting she was making plans to free him.
I'm sick and tired of being afraid
If I cry anymore then my tears will wash me away
Mukuro had learned long, long ago that crying never solved anything, that fear was a state of being, that he needed to be the things in the dark, to be the biggest bad ass in the room, even if that meant doing things that everyone else would consider dark and twisted and unspeakable.
He had learned that the only respect he would get was fear so he had learned exactly how to cause it.
But when I hear you call my name
He had never expected anyone to reach into the dark and touch him.
He had never expected a small but fury spirit with large doe eyes named Natsume Sawada to reach through his darkness and tell him 'You're twisted, and dark, you do things I will never understand, but that's okay. I can accept all of that and I love you anyway.'
I whisper the word that I never thought I'd ever say
That acceptance, that unconditional love was one of the reasons he knew with absolute certainty that he would fight through Hell for that woman, that he was and would always remain loyal to her, that he could whisper "Help" and that she would drop everything and listen without thinking him weak, or trying to take advantage.
And I hope to God you'll listen
And you'll keep me safe from harm
It kind of blew Mukuro's mind that Natsume would step between any threat and him.
He had never had that, not even as a young child. It had always been himself he had to rely on, especially after he ended up in the Labs of his childhood.
And here was the slip of a girl that had taken him in, and was vicious in her defense of him from anyone who thought to harm him verbally or physically.
'Cause I found what I was missing
When I fell into your arms
He had found light with her.
He had found hope and joy and love.
He had found happiness.
And we cry away
And he would be vicious in his defense of it.
People called him a monster, a killer, sick, twisted, jaded….the list was a long one.
It was kind of startling for him how the only real thought he had on the matter after Natsume came along was "If they touch her, if they threaten the life she has given me, I will show them a true monster. I will show them horrors. I will show them fear."
I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
Sometimes Mukuro was sure that the darkness in him would swell so much that he'd drown in it, and that kind of scared him, because while Mukuro is a dark person and will do quite a number of things most would even think of, the idea that one day, he would stop caring how dark and twisted the things were, that one day it might not matter to him who he was attacking…
Call my name and I'll come running
'Cause I just need some help
But Natsume would call for him, would welcome him with a smile and a kind word, and Mukuro would remember he had a personal light for the darkness.
I can feel the darkness coming
And I'm afraid of myself
He was dark, and he would always be a dark man, but Natsume was his light and she kept him sane, kept him focused.
Call my name and I'll come running
For her he would channel the darkness in him. For her he would also step back into the light. He would become her long shadow. He would be the darkness that hid her from harm, and the darkness that hid the assassin for her enemies.
'Cause I just need some help