Ever heard of the saying "stressed, but well dressed"?

Well right now, Ijyuin Ruka was heavily stressed and grossly underdressed. Meaning, she was locked in the girl's changing room wrapped only in a towel. She's been calling for help for what seemed like ages before she realized it was useless. Her whole class had left already. No one could hear her. You could say that she brought this upon herself, but Ruka, the stubborn girl, refused to accept such outrageous claims. She didn't mean to say that Minamoto-chan had a cheap-looking dye job. Really. She didn't mean to actually say it out loud for all her friends to hear; it was supposed to stay as a silent comment. It was supposed to stay in her head. But that's not what had happened. The unsightly color of Minamoto-chan's hair was far from the golden-blonde look the girl said she was aiming for and that was enough for Ruka to blurt out some criticism.

But honestly, her highlights were so atrocious! Ruka thought. I was actually doing her a favor! My knowledge on what's fashionable and popular is unrivaled in class.

But still, Minamoto-chan decided to take a jab at Ruka's unruly red hair and dull grey eyes which was absolutely embarrassing for the former (or so Ruka believed).This is because, one, Ruka's hair was copper-red not fire red-red and each curl had been meticulously styled that morning. Two, even though her eyes were slate blue (totally different from grey) they're positively far from dull. Three, she corrected Minamoto-chan by telling her all this and four, Ruka proceeded to say: "If your bad highlights weren't proof enough, your comments just made it clear that you're hopelessly color blind."

Which is how the copper-redhead landed herself in this situation (or in her opinion, didn't land herself in this situation). Minamoto-chan and her friends had stolen Ruka's clothes and things and left her to freeze alone in the changing room. She didn't have any proof but she was sure it had been them! But analyzing it further wouldn't improve her state at all so Ruka just opted to walk around the room.

At least those harpies weren't able to take my towel, she thought. Due to her exposure to various Western dramas, Ruka had learned that you should keep your towel as close to you as possible when taking a shower after Physical Education (unless you want to be caught sneaking around campus naked which she doubt anyone would want). However, Ruka's situation seemed pretty desperate now. Those hags even stole my shoes! They're made from special leather you can only get abroad! Ooooh, wait until I get some clothes and I'll claw them!

So Ruka kept walking around, silently fuming as her feet became more wrinkled from the water puddles on the floor. That was when she came across a closet in the far back of the room. A small polished plaque beside it listed down the contents and one item caught Ruka's eye. Spare uniforms.

Ouran really thinks of everything! Ruka rejoiced. She was finally going to get some clothes and warmth! She pulled open the small closet and hurriedly unzipped a clothing bag.

It was empty.

So she tried another bag and found that it was empty as well. And another and another... Ruka's arms fell limp on her sides as she realized all of the spare uniforms had been taken too. Apparently, Minamoto-chan and her friends thought of everything as well.

"Ughh!" Ruka said, exasperated, and stomped her foot. Which in hindsight, was a terrible idea because she slipped and landed flat on her back.

"Ouuuucchhh... I give up," She said aloud, ignoring the sharp pains ebbing through her body. She felt too defeated to bother moving. "I'll just die here right now. The next class can just bury me when they find me."

So here she was, lying on the cold floor as stale water seeped into her towel then into her skin. Ruka was starting to think that it was actually kind of relaxing until she realized how unhygienic it was to lie on the floor of a public place. She forced her eyes shut and tried to go to a happy place-any place, but it just intensified the creeping sensation she felt from the chilling tiles beneath her.

Okay. Now it was just gross and pathetic and sad and...

"Ughhhhh I just want to get out of here! Someone let me out! Let me out!"

Ruka let loose a high pitched sound of frustration because, well, no one could hear her anyway. Might as well scream as loud as she wanted to, right? Things couldn't get any worse than this right?

Well. Yes and no.

Because right after her tantrum, someone starting banging on the door.

"It's stuck!"

"Here, Kaoru, let me try-"

"Guys, do you really think this is a good idea?"

"You're the one who wanted to check, Haruhi."

"You're going to damage the door!"

The conversation floated to Ruka's ears as she steadily got closer to the door. It sounded like there were two boys and a girl. Or maybe two girls and a boy? One boy and one girl? A bunch of girls? Well regardless of how many there were, Ruka was just eternally grateful for rescuers to come.

"I'm here! I've been stuck here since fifth period!" She called out. The murmurs intensified from the other side of the door.

"Told ya a girl's been locked inside!" Said a voice.

"Who would want to do this? Well, I guess even private schools have bullies..." A girl said. Although, the way she talked she sounded like a guy... Maybe it was a guy?

"It could have been a joke, or an accident, you know," a voice like the first said. However, this one was higher and a little breathy. "Maybe we should call Tono."

Ruka panicked at the thought of more people seeing her like this. This sounded like a bad joke! How many Ouran students does it take to open a door? Before she could even voice her protest, the door suddenly swung towards her and knocked her down. She flew a few feet back and landed unceremoniously on her bum, letting out a surprised gasp as she did so.

Ow... I've been spending a lot of time on the floor today, Ruka thought dryly. She tightened her grip on her towel and tried to refocus her eyes. When did those flourescent lights get so blinding? Three silhouettes stood before her then something was harshly thrown at her face.

"Put it on," a boy said, annoyed. Ruka guessed it was the first voice from before...or probably the third? And hey, wait! Why was he annoyed? I'm the one freezing to death here!

"Hikaru! Don't just toss it at her," said a girl. Ruka just managed to pull the blazer off her when someone approached. "Sorry about that," the girl said. "You should wear that soon or you'll catch a cold. Can you stand up?"

Ruka blinked and nodded. The redhead shifted to sit on her knees and then she realized that it was boy kneeling in front of her. Big brown eyes stared at her as Ruka froze like a rock.

"Uhm... You're a boy..." She said dumbly, eyeing the male uniform her rescuer was wearing. At that moment, she was highly aware that she didn't have a stitch of clothing on save for the damp towel that clung to her skin.

"Hey Haruhi! Come on! Let's call the Otaku or someone else to handle this. Guys shouldn't get too close when girls are unclothed," two voices chorused. Identical twins sauntered into the room, not dropping their line of sight to the disgruntled girl on the floor. "Besides, we were only supposed to look for your glasses," they said in unison, yet again.

Ruka's face fell. Great. They were all boys. From the Host Club. She tried not to think about how awkward this was...and failed.

The boy before her looked back at his companions."What are you guys saying? I'm a gir-"

"Haruhi!" The two auburn haired twins grabbed the doe-eyed boy and clamped his mouth shut. However, the brunet waved them away.

"You two, get out. I don't really mind if anyone finds out about my secret. And we can't just leave her," he (she?) sent Ruka a sympathetic smile. "You should go get some clothes for her," the nice boy dismissed the twins.

The identical boys stayed put before sighing and then shrugging simultaneously. They both turned to the door saying, "Whatever. Kyouya-senpai won't be too happy though." And then they were gone.

Ruka sat there for a moment, still lost in the sudden turn of events. She hesitantly draped the blazer over her front and mumbled out the first thing that came to mind.

"Uhm the one who owns this is..."

"It's Hikaru's," the boy before Ruka (or..was it a girl now?) said.

"I'm Fujioka Haruhi," he/she smiled. "I'm actually a girl. It's a long story but I owe the Host Club so I'm paying them back by hosting," she said casually. Although, Ruka noted a slight tinge of annoyance in her tone. "What's your name?"

"So...you're that plebian, right? The scholarship student from class A?" Ruka asked, ignoring the last question. She still felt uncomfortable with being so exposed that giving out her name felt like overkill.

Haruhi gave a strained smile. "Y-yeah... Here," the brunette handed Ruka her blazer. "You can tie this around your waist. Use Hikaru's as a shirt for now; it's longer."

Ruka's face scrunched up to a look of utter distaste. Tying a jacket around your waist has been out of style for years! She thought. But seeing the calm expectant look on Haruhi's face made her change her expression. It's alright. It's alright, she told herself. After all, the sons of the famous Hitachiin Yuzuha are getting clothes for me! So Ruka relaxed and gave Haruhi a smile.

"Thank you. And my name's Ruka. Ijyuin Ruka."

At that, the cross dressing girl gave a small smile back. They sat there waiting for the twins to return, Haruhi offering a bit more warmth and some pleasant conversation.

Of course she knew who they were. She had once been infatuated with the Hitachiin brothers back in middle school. Ruka was well aware of the twins' trick whenever a girl had confessed to one of them. Extensive research on how to tell them apart had been her life for months so she could be the first one to tell which one was Hikaru and which one was Kaoru.

But that was all in the past. Even now as she shrunk under their scrutinizing gazes, she couldn't point out who was who. What a total waste of time her researching had been! But still, a part of her was too proud to not even try.

If only she could get them to finally say something!

"What is it?" Ruka said as she shifted in her seat. She was currently in the third music room, clothed and dry (but disappointed that they only gave her an ordinary uniform...), and was waiting for the other hosts to come. Ruka rarely visited the Host Club. It was fun to go once in a while but she found that shopping felt more fulfilling. She never thought she'd be back in this lavish room for such hostile reasons. Apparently, finding out that Haruhi was a girl was a serious issue for them.

Why is it such a big deal, anyway? Ruka wondered. Like I would tell the secret of someone who had just helped me! How ungrateful do they think I am?

"Why were you locked in the changing room?" The twins' question brought her back to earth.

Ruka blinked. "Oh, some classmates thought it would be funny," she frowned at the memory and looked away. "I accidentally told a girl she had horrible hair and... well the rest is history," Ruka sighed.

"Interesting," they chimed together. Ruka noted that the synchronization act was getting a bit tiresome to watch.

"That's a lot coming from you..." One of them muttered.

"Yeah," the other agreed. "Your hair's all frizzy now."

And at that, Ruka became absolutely livid. "I was stuck in such a humid place for ages! Of course my hair is a mess! I knew you two were twisted but I can't believe you'd say such awful comments to someone who's been...been traumatized!"

"We got you the clothes," they shrugged.

"Guess we'll just take them back," one of them said.

"Cause we're so twisted, you know?" the other teased.

"Orrr...," they both purred. "We could do something about your hair."

A mischievous gleam shined in both golden pairs of eyes and Ruka's instincts were telling her to get as far away as possible.

"Ijyuin-san's tired. Give her a break," Haruhi came to the rescue (yet again) as she emerged from the back room with a tray of tea. The brunette set a teacup and some snacks before Ruka. The redhead was thankful that Haruhi also doubled as a distraction for the twins. This gave her time to actually drink. Ruka felt so much better after getting some warm, calming tea in her system. She thanked the brunette and occupied herself with another sip.

It was then that the doors swung open and revealed the rest of the Host Club.

"What have you unscrupulous twins landed my dear daughter in this time?!" A handsome blond exclaimed.

"We didn't do anything, boss. We tried to stop Haruhi but she wouldn't listen."

"I see," said a dark haired boy in glasses. He scribbled on a clipboard as he crossed the room. "Well we'll just have to add to your tab then, right Haruhi?"

Somewhere to the side, Haruhi cursed something about rich bastards.

Ruka eyed the newcomers warily. She knew them, Suoh Tamaki and Ootori Kyouya. Who wouldn't? They were absolutely gorgeous and a year above her, but the present scene in front of Ruka made her think that...they were somehow different from what she had always imagined. Next to join the party was ever-bubbly Haninozuka Mitsukuni and perpetually stoic Morinozuka Takashi.

The small blond rushed to Haruhi immediately and asked, "What happened, Haru-chan?" The tall stoic boy followed after at a slower pace, but not before pausing in front of Ruka to hand her a bag.

"My things!" Ruka exclaimed with joy and she started rummaging through her bag to check if everything was still there. Clothes, cellphone, shoes! Her shoes were safe!

"Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai, it's not a big deal. Ijyuin-san is from 1-B. She got locked in the changing room and we helped get her out. It didn't seem right pretending to be a guy at the time," Haruhi explained. Ruka was grateful the brunette left out the part about her only wearing a towel. That would have been embarrassing to announce to four dashing hosts!

"Yeah," said one twin as he and his brother ignored Tamaki (who was still frantic and flailing, by the way). "She didn't have any clothes when we found her."

...And now it was embarrassing.

A crashing sound made all heads turn as Tamaki seemed to break at the scandal. The Host Club president had an appalled look on his face and stretched out an accusing finger at the Hitachiins.

"You demonic twins! How dare you defile a lady with your stares!"

"Oooh, Tono. Why are you so red? We never said we saw anything. What were you thinking?" The twins teased.

"That's not nice, Hika-chan, Kao-chan!"


Kyouya looked up from his writing and merely raised an eyebrow. He started to flip through his notebook and murmured something about revenue and consequences...

Ruka was left speechless and flushed at the fact that they had forgotten she was right there! The Host Club was lost in their own world and she felt like a mere bystander. She couldn't take this anymore. "I wasn't naked! I had a towel on!" Ruka shouted. Well, that got their attention. The hosts stopped bickering amongst themselves and turned to look at her. The redhead crossed her arms defensively as she continued.

"Some classmates played a trick on me and stole my clothes after gym class. Fujioka-san was a kind enough to help me. I'm sorry if my knowing of her secret compromises anything, but I promise not to reveal it to anyone," Ruka said as she stood up. "I'm tired so I'll be heading home now, if that's alright," she told them and started to head for the door.

"Actually, Ijyuin-san," Kyouya's voice stopped her. "Your knowledge of Haruhi's true gender is quite troublesome. It'd be best if you could ensure us that you won't slip up by mistake."

"How rude!" Ruka spun and frowned at the Ootori boy. "I'm not so careless as to betray Fujioka-san's secret like that!"

"Really, guys. I don't really care who knows," Haruhi said plainly but no one seemed to hear her. The other hosts scattered to their own nooks in the room, leaving Tamaki, Kyouya, and Haruhi with Ruka.

"We just want what's best for our members, I'm sure you understand," Kyouya replied calmly.

At that moment, Ruka felt so mistreated and frustrated she could throw something. Something big and heavy at the megane before her. I can't believe I ever thought he was cool! Ughh. Is this what Fujioka-san endures everyday?

Fired up with resolve, the red-head turned to Haruhi. "Fujioka-san, I won't stand for you staying here pretending to be a boy. As thanks, I'll pay off your debt. How does that sound?"

"T-that's very thoughtful of you but the balance is still over seven million yen..."

"Just seven million? Then it's fine! I'll handle it!"

Haruhi sighed, "I guess everyone in Ouran is rich...but I can't accept such a large amount, Ijyuin-san."

"What do you mean you can't? I insist!"


She sighed. Seemed like even commoners knew how to play hard to get. "Is there another way to get you out of this then?" Ruka pressed. It's not that she was cold-hearted, but Ruka usually only did things to suit her whims. So she was quite pleased with herself that she was sticking up for a commoner.

"You could designate her as a host," Kyouya supplied, his glasses glinting as he adjusted them. "If Haruhi gets requested a thousand times, then her debt will be settled. You'll be able to help her and we'll be able to keep an eye on you."

Ruka felt like she was being manipulated...but there was nothing else she could do so she went along with it. For now, at least.

"Fine then," Ruka sniffed. "Fujioka-san, I'll see you tomorrow," she told the harrassed-looking brunette.

"I appreciate your help, Ijyuin-san. You can call me Haruhi since you'll be a customer," she told Ruka.

"Then you should call me Ruka," Ruka smiled.

"How wonderful! My daughter has gained a female friend!" Tamaki pranced with joy. "Now my precious Haruhi will grow to be more like a lady with your guidance, Ruka-hime!"

"Good grief," Haruhi commented, a twitch in her eye.

The blond kneeled before Ruka and offered a rose. Ruka brightened at the gesture. She's never received a white rose before...and from such a good looking boy too! "T-thank you, Suoh-san." How lovely...

"You can call me father!" The blond said excitedly. And now it's weird. Ruka just forced a smile and nodded as she made her way (quickly) out of the room. It was beginning to be too much for her. She was so tired. It felt like the Host Club had drained her energy. All she wanted to do was sleep and handle all of this tomorrow. But still, she had one more matter to take care of.

Ruka bid them goodbye as she passed Honey and Mori having cake at a table and once more to Haruhi. However, instead of heading straight out the door, Ruka walked to the direction of the twins engrossed in a portable video game on the couch.

When she reached them, she bent down to study their faces. Hikaru and Kaoru looked up from their game and were about to make a snide comment (or what not) when...

"Ow! What was that for?!"

...Ruka suddenly stomped on one twin's foot.

A triumphant smile graced Ruka's face. "Oh, good. I didn't get it wrong. That was for embarrassing me earlier, Hikaru-sama," she said the honorific mockingly. Ruka smirked once more at their identical startled faces and left.

Oh she knew they'll try to get back at her or retaliate in some way. But for now, victory was hers.