Heyyyyyyyy guyssssss. I know this is weird to make a new story when i didn't even finish the Kim and Keith one, but i will i promise (feel free to check it out btw :P) I am also aware of the fact that this story should just be on Wattpad but i was afraid no one would get the reference so yea it's on here :D Anyway i hope u enjoy the story.

Our story begins with the three demigods Kimiko, Quintos and Kala:

*Battle cry* "Hyaah!" (In the O.M.D1 Factory, Hermes office) Kala2 yelled when she almost sliced Quintos'3 hair. "Whoa! Kala, you trying to kill him?!" Kimiko4 yelled as she held an ice force field to keep Hermes' things and the safe to fight. "It's alright, I'll scare her away." Quintos said confidently as he formed a lightning bolt.

*BOOM* Quintos' bolt went through the shield when Kala dodged and it destroyed Hermes' mail scepter. "Oops." Quintos said "NOOOOOOO!" Kala yelled "WHAT'S GOING ON IN THERE?!" Hermes the 20 foot God asked angrily. The three very scared demigods sat in place listening to Hermes go off about how dangerous things happen with great power and blah, blah, blah.

"Kala, Kimiko, and Quintos! You are not aloud back on Mount Olympus until I get a new scepter with a new symbol representing me," Hermes said "and Eli here will go with you." A dark shadow formed and a young boy appeared out of it. "Yes my wonderful master." Eli replied. "Kiss up." Quintos mumbled. "But, Dad-""YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER!" Hermes said cutting off Kala and leaving the room with Eli, Quintos, a crying Kala and hugging Kimiko inside.

"Don't worry, we can get help from my dad" Kim said as she formed air bubbles for Eli, Kala and Quintos and they floated down to Poseidon's underwater castle. "THERES MY AMAZING GIRL!" Poseidon yelled with glee and picked Kim up, while Quin petted Kala who looked like she was about to cry. Kim explained the situation and told them he's not aware of where to find ambrosia. "Maybe I could help." Zeus said out of nowhere. "Dad!" Quin yelled, ran up to Zeus and gave him a bear hug, while Kala looked sad again.

Here are the pronunciations of their names btw :

1) O.M.D = Olympus Mail Delivery

2) Kala= k-A-la

3) Quintos = quinn-toas (toast without "t")

4) Kimiko = Kim-me-ko

Please Review~