Gibbs strolled in at noon after Mike decided to let them go early. He could not wait to sand the boat and let his troubles melt away. Sadly he had a long wait:

Jenny was standing in the den, his sanctuary, an anxious look on her face and their oldest daughter Kate was nervous and jittery. What the heck was going on?

"Hey honey," Jenny greeted him

"What's going on around here?" he enquired

"You remember Kate's prom?" Jenny asked quietly, her hand rubbing circles on his back

"Yes, still don't approve of that jackass Steve she went with," Gibbs growled playfully and Kate was tired of Jenny beating around the bush

"I'm pregnant Dad," Kate told him and the second the words left her mouth, she felt her body go limp. She hurried up the stairs, leaving her mom to deal with him.

"WHAT!" Gibbs thundered his face changing colours.

Jenny tried calming him down but that was impossible. Jenny was suddenly regretting breaking the news to him in the den, more importantly the one room in the house that had guns including his old sniper rifle.

In all the time Jenny took to think, Gibbs had punched the desk subconsciously but the force caused the wood to crack.

"I'm gonna kill Steve," he said his eyes narrowing and moved toward the locked case of his rifle.

Jenny put a restraining arm across his chest," His name is Stan and he has left the country."

Gibbs moved toward the door saying he needed some time alone. Jenny heard the screech of his Dodge Challenger and sat down on the couch, hoping he went to Mike.

Gibbs pulled up in front of the house that belonged to his boss. He flung the door open and strolled in.

"Probie!" Mike said surprised

"Mike, Kate's pregnant," he announced flopping onto the couch

"Well, that's unexpected. So you want backup?," Mike asked with a grin

"Wanted, the bastard left the country to go to college," Gibbs told him, the anger becoming prevalent again.

"Jethro you have to support Kate, she's a child and she's gotta be confused, even lost and her old man going ballistic is the last thing she needs." Mike said, his grin disappearing

"When did you become so wise?" Gibbs asked his usual personality coming through

"Must be sleep deprived so get out, go home and support that kid!" Mike grunted

"On it Boss," Gibbs replied, suddenly excited to have another kid

"God, I hope Katie has a son," he mumbled speeding home.

If anyone wanted to say anything as Kate's pregnancy became talk of the town, they did not. It helped that her father was Leroy Jethro Gibbs so all Kate got was the occasional stare that was met with the traditional Gibbs glare.

Ziva jumped down the stairs in her soccer gear, ball tucked under her arm," Ready to go?"

"Come on," Gibbs said waving towards the door. Gibbs decided to take the truck.

"Dad, Abby says soccer make my legs look thick!" Ziva complained

"Hey kiddo, guys like a girl with a sturdy foundation," Gibbs said with a wink," don't tell your mother!"

"We are playing the boys! I'm worried," Ziva said nervously

"Are there any cute ones?" Gibbs asked jokingly, trying to calm her down a little

"NO! Who told you about Tony DiNozzo?"

"Play aggressive, take the game to them," Gibbs advised after he got over the little outburst

With that Gibbs dropped her off at practice and left. Gibbs wondered how long it would take until that little gem reached his wife's ears.

Gibbs picked Ziva up from soccer and she was quietly fuming so he asked," What's wrong kid?"

"What's wrong? You said play aggressive and I ended up spraining Tony's ankle! Now my entire soccer team calls me Queen Kong!"

Gibbs stayed quiet, teens all riled up weren't his expertise.

When they arrived home, Ziva ran in to be greeted by Jenny

"Hey hon, how was soccer?"

"He ruined my life!" Ziva yelled as she ran up the stairs

Gibbs walked in and responded to Jenny's look of confusion," I can explain,I may have ruined her social life!"

Jenny looked heavenward, what the heck?

Abby burst after dinner," Sorry I'm late for dinner but we got a flat tyre and it took forever for a Triple A to get there!"

"Please don't tell me that you called a strange person to change your tyre!"

"Then why did you give me an autoclub card?"

"That is for real emergencies! Like maybe a meteor hitting the car! Where's Michael?"

"He's at the tanning salon," Abby said flippantly

Gibbs doubled over," It hurts to hear that! I don't think you can ever rely on this guy so you are grounded until you figure out how to change a tyre."

"It's not fair!"

"Life is not fair!" Gibbs yelled at her retreating back

Jenny shook her head and Gibbs turned around asking," Where is Kate?"

"Shopping for baby things,"

"Why did you not go with her?" Gibbs asked

"She didn't want me to!" Jenny whined, put out

Gibbs wrapped his arms around her and kissed her," Honey I can't wait for another baby,"

"You want Kate to have a son, don't ya," Jenny smiled

"Yes, I do. That so wrong since you didn't squeeze out a son of me?"

"Hey that's your fault; you kept giving me X chromo zones when every cell in this body already has two of those!"

"Don't get all sciency on me, just say I'm sorry," Gibbs said smirking as he pulled her close.

Ziva run into the room screaming, grabbing Gibbs around the waist

"Hey, Ziver what's up,"

"Tony DiNozzo!"

"Sprained ankle Tony DiNozzo?"

"Yup, he called me. He said he liked the way I played and he asked me out dad! My first date, I'm gonna be aggressive just like you taught me!"

"No, aggressive is bad!" Gibbs yelled as Jenny grabbed his waist again, pulling him in for a kiss again.

"I love you," Gibbs told her

"because of my sturdy foundation?" Jenny enquired

Gibbs twisted the top half of his body to yell," SNITCH!" before focusing on Jenny again.

11 Oct 2011