Hello people of the interweb! Anyway, this is my first Snape raises Harry story though Harry is female in this. This story have no relation and is not intertwined with my other stories, this on rides on its own. This is also my first time writing in the character of the Malfoys and Snape, so please keep with me as I attempt to portray their character without completely murdering them. Help with that is appreciated, though I am reading other fanfictions to help. This is the first chapter of my story and I will update as soon as I can! Let me know how you like it! I'm curious!
Warning though, OOC may happen from time to time, because like I said, I'm still trying to learn to understand the way of the Slytherins! But what fanfiction doesn't have OOC from time to time? Also, NICE Malfoys! Please don't be cruel, constrictive criticism welcome! I do not own any of this, it all belongs to JKR! So, let me know how I did and Review, Favorite and Follow!
"You wanted me, Albus," The doors to Headmaster Albus Dumbledore's office swung open to reveal the Potions master, Severus Snape- a man with shoulder length black hair and brown eyes that were so dark that his students insisted they are black.
Albus looked up, "Ah, yes, Severus. So good to see you. Lemon drop?"
Snape eyed the lemon drop with a near ear distain and gave a small shake of his hand, "No thank you. Now what is this all about Albus, I've gotten a potion I need to attend to shortly otherwise it'll spoil."
"It won't be but a minute Severus. Why don't you sit down," Albus motioned at the empty chair that sat across from his own chair and desk, smiling cheerfully with that ever present twinkle shining in his eyes.
Snape sat down and looked pointedly at the Headmaster, "So what do I owe this pleasure of meeting with you?"
"Severus, I would like you to go to number 4 Privet Drive and check on Hope Potter for me," Albus began, but was immediately interrupted, as was expected.
"No," Snape all but spat. "I will not Headmaster, now if you'll excuse me."
"Severus," Albus gave the man a sharp look, causing the man to sit back down, "I know you do not like this arrangement, but I haven't heard from Arabella Figg in quite some time on the girl and I'm beginning to get worried."
"Arabella Figg," Snape questioned, making sure he had heard right.
"Yes, Arabella lives close to Miss Potter and often babysits the girl, so I've asked her to keep an eye on her," Albus explained, "But she has not answered me as of late."
"So that's where I come in," Snape said, mostly to himself, a soft noise of exasperation not going unnoticed, "You do understand Albus that I and Petunia aren't—shall we say, on good terms."
"I understand that Severus. So you will do it for me then?"
Snape sighed, "I will, under one condition."
"And that would be my boy," Albus responded almost immediately, glad that Severus had agreed, to some extent.
"That Lucius Malfoy is to accompany me," Snape listed his only circumstance on the matter, knowing without a doubt that it would be met.
Albus nodded with slight reluctance, "Yes, I suppose Lucius can go with you. Be sure to come to me right away if any sign of disorder or anything odd occurs, Severus."
Snape gave a single, curt nod and stood up, "Yes, Headmaster, I will be sure to do so."
"And Severus," Albus called suddenly, as if being struck by the idea rather abruptly, causing Snape's hand to rest on the door handle, "Remember, she is as much Lily's daughter as she is James'."
A rather soft, but loud pop was heard in the relatively quite mansion of the Malfoy family. A house-elf immediately appeared by the man's side, "Can I get you anything Mr. Snape?"
"No thank you, Hokey," Severus dismissed the elf, who bent into a low bow and disappeared with a sharp pop.
Severus walked towards where the dining room would be, where the Malfoy family would most likely be due to the time of day. He opened the door and his eyes rested on the pale, pointed face of Lucius Malfoy. Lucius stood up immediantly at his arrival, "Severus, what a pleasure as always."
Severus gave the man a nod, giving Narcissa; Lucius' wife, a small smile. She grinned at him in response, "Hello, Severus."
"Narcissa," He greeted in kind.
A small blonde haired head snapped up, looking away from his dinner, a wide, child-like smile taking over his face, "Uncle Sev!"
"Hello Draco," Severus greeted his godson warmly, or as warmly as Severus Snape can get.
The boy beamed, but quickly went back to 'eating' his vegetables at his mother's pointed look at his mostly untouched plate.
"Lucius, I wish to speak with you on a matter."
"Of course," Lucius guided Severus out of the room and they both sat down in the green armchairs that rested in a nearby side room, "What is it?"
"I have been asked by Albus to go and check on Potter at her home at Privet Drive. I was wondering if you would accompany me on this endeavor," Severus asked.
Lucius took a good look at the man's face, someone he considered a good friend, already understanding the importance of the situation, "Of course. When were you planning on leaving?"
"Most likely tomorrow morning, when the Muggles will still be at home," Severus defined after a moment of consideration.
"Alright, will we meet here then?"
"That would be preferable."
One thing you should know about Privet Drive was that every house looked the same, the same cars parked in every driveway, the same manicured lawns and the same whitewashed walls. The two men stood outside the door of number 4 and knocked. The door was opened and the two were met with Petunia, a rather horse faced woman, who snarled at the sight of Severus, "Vernon, come quick, it's some of her kind!"
"Good morning Petunia. I see you've remembered me," Severus said with a tight lipped smile, "Aren't you going to invite us in?"
Petunia bristled, as if personally offended at the very idea, "Of course not I—
"Mrs. Dursley, you wouldn't want the neighbors to see any of, uh, her kind would you," Lucius pointedly held up his wand, knowing that the rules were against performing magic in front of Muggles, but he highly doubted they knew that.
Petunia paled, seething, "Fine, come in then."
Vernon, a rather large man with a mustache, took that moment to walk into the room, taking in the assembly that had settled in the hallway, a pudgy five year old curiously toddling behind, "What is the meaning of this? What do you want?"
"I am here with the concern of your niece, Hope Potter," Severus drawled, craning his head in a vain attempt at looking for the little girl.
"Who," Vernon spat, acting dumb, not that he had to act that much. The slight nervous twitch of his eyebrow gave him away, "No one by the name of that lives here."
Severus raised a suspicious eyebrow, flicking his wand out, showing it to the Dursleys, a rather tackless intimidating factor, "No? Now don't make me ask you again, where is she?"
"Oi! Girl, get in here," Vernon all but screamed, face turning an ugly shade of red and purple.
"Coming Uncle Vernon," A small voice called from what was probably the kitchen.
The door slid open and revealed a small girl with a pale face covered in tiny freckles, a small red bruise surrounding part of her forehead. Large, almond eyes peered at them apprehensively from beneath her bangs, emerald depths revealing her true fear of what was happening. She looked sideways at her uncle before quickly locking her eyes onto the floor, twisting and knotting her dark red hair, "You called Uncle Vernon."
Lucius and Severus quickly tossed a look at the other.
"Yes, you see, she's right here. Now leave before I call the cops," Vernon pointed a meaty finger at the door behind them.
Both men ignored him, turning to the small child. Severus spoke first, using a soft and surprisingly gentle voice, "Hello Hope, I'm Severus Snape."
She slowly peered up at him, thick lashes obscuring her eyes, "Hello sir."
"Now, I'm here to check up with you, to make sure all is well," He watched as she shot a scared look in the direction of her uncle, clearing at a loss of what to do.
"I-I'm fine, sir," She stammered slightly.
This was when Lucius bent over, more on her level, "Hello Hope, I'm Lucius Malfoy."
The girl blinked owlishly, "Hello."
"Be truthful, is it really alright here? We have the power to take you away from here if you don't like your accommodations," He was used to dealing with smaller children, having a son of his own. Though the use of large words didn't help much.
"Really," She asked in genuine surprise before realizing what she had said, already wincing and taking a step away from the two men before her, "I mean, I'm f-fine, sirs, thank y-you."
Lucius was at a loss of what to say, trying to figure out how to make the girl either admit she hated it there or find some sort of clue as to why it wouldn't be safe for her to stay. Obviously something wasn't right here, she was far too small for her age and far too skinny, a complete contrast to the round boy watching from behind his mother's boney legs. It was Severus, however, whose eyes latched onto her arm, "Hope, what's that on your arm there?"
At his seemingly harmless wave in the direction of her right arm, Hope's hand immediately flew to it, giving the men a distrustful look. She sniffed slightly, "N-nothing -sir."
"Why don't you let me see," Severus questioned softly, crouching lower so as not to appear even more threatening then she probably thought he was. Hope nodded and slowly rolled her T-shirt sleeve upwards, revealing a black and blue bruise covering most of her upper arm, "And how did you get that?"
"I fell," She responded a little faster than normal and the lie seemed to roll of her tongue easily, "I'm very clumsy sir."
Severus ignored her obvious lie, but went with it for the sake of doing so, "Does it hurt?"
She bit her lip and nodded hesitantly, "A bit."
"Does anything else hurt, "He asked her kindly.
Her teeth forced themselves further into her lip, sure to be at the point of hurting her or drawing blood, "Um, my leg does… a bit," She glanced worriedly at her furiously, red faced uncle.
"May I see it?"
She took a tentative step forward, pulling her pant leg up to reveal a slightly swollen calf. Both men inspected her leg, taking in the fact that it didn't seem to pain her in any way to walk, but the swollen skin bothered her slightly, "And did you fall and hurt your leg too," Lucius asked, going along with the lie.
She shook her head with a look that said she wasn't stupid. Which caused the men to wonder if she knew what they were doing or if she was just as stubborn and proud as her parents were, "No, I was pushed on the playground at school and fell on my leg," At least that wasn't a total lie she thought.
"How about this Hope, a friend of ours is worried for your well-being here and he is prepared to take you away from this place if need be," Severus explained slowly, softly. "But since you're nervous about leaving, how about you just leave for the day and we can care for your leg and arm at Lucius' home. How does that sound?"
She nodded slowly, "Alright, I guess."
"Excellent," Lucius straightened up at an agonizingly slow rate.
"Where is your stuff," Severus asked, hoping she didn't catch on to the fact that he wanted all of her stuff and not just things for a day out.
"In the cupboard under the stairs, sir."
She watched at Severus disappeared with an odd look on his face, going to retrieve her things, so she refocused her attention of Lucius, who was watching her aunt, uncle and cousin warily. When Severus did return, a furious expression marred his facial features before disappearing quickly when he was in Hope's field of vision. He patted his pocket, where he had shrunk and placed her items, "All set."
Lucius ushered the girl to follow Severus with a wave of his hand as he walked out of the door, all but slamming it shut in the shocked faces of the Dursleys. He smiled down at the girl as she watched him closely, "We will be apparating to my place at Malfoy manor."
She frowned slightly, "What's appa-apprat-"
"Apparating is a way of transport," Severus supplied for her.,"Now here, grab onto my hand and hold in your breath."
She did as told, though slightly confused, clasping the man's large hand into her own, pressing herself against the man's leg, and sucking in her breath with a gasp. Both men looked around for any unwanted eyes lurking behind curtains and beneath window shades and both disappeared with small, identical pops.