The Tazmania

Duck Invasion

Disclaimer: I came up with this while reading through my fic 'Fun Times With The Flash' for the first time in awhile and I honestly wish I had thought it up around the time of Laurel's death. Apologies if the use of certain abilities from Cisco at this point is too soon as I don't really remember when exactly he got around to doing portals and vibes. I'm also probably getting other certain details wrong too so I apologize for that. Now, let's get it on!

Summary: In the aftermath of Laurel's near death experience at the hands of Damien Darhk, the HIVE leader learns he has no idea of the consequences he's incurred.

Shortly after news of what had had happened to Laurel at Iron Heights Prison at the hands of Damien Darhk had spread through the small community of Heroes, a plan of action was made. One that those involved felt would show the man he'd finally screwed up where they were concerned. Sure, Laurel was gonna be okay but consequences needed to happen! Plus, Barry hadn't annoyed anybody in awhile and the fact Cisco was involved made it even better! And after a bit of speedy happenings and a piece of Ghost armor was acquired, Cisco had been able to learn a number of helpful things through his Vibing ability. Things that would ensure Darhk would learn damned well after all was said and done. The best part is, once Barry and Cisco were done harrassing the Hell out of the long lived man, ARGUS would get to sweep in and take care of the aftermath.

It had taken the two about a week, along with the help of Ronnie, Jesse, Wally, and the two Jay Garricks to get things ready for the big event. Even Wells of Earth-1 was involved since he rather liked Laurel as it is. "Payback my friends… Is ever so sweet." Muttered Cisco happily as he and the others stared at their handiwork after it was all over and done with.

Of course the Meta Engineer had to resist the urge to cackle like a mad scientist! He got nods of agreement from the others as Barry flipped a switch to activate their handiwork. Causing a humming noise to be heard as power brought their creations to life. With that, Cisco grinned widely and opened a portal. "Group 1, you have a go!"

And once the group of 15 all went through the portal, he closed it down and started up a new one and repeated the process several times. Leaving him a bit on the tired side too unfortunately. Not that he was gonna let that stop him however! "Good thing we popped that Popcorn for this." Wally said aloud as they quickly got to the Main Cortex to watch the fun begin as the others nodded in agreement.

Barry fired off a text to let Oliver know that the time was now and wrapped an arm around Linda and got comfortable.

Starling City, Casa Darhk

The bright blue portal suddenly appearing in her room had startled Ruve quite considerably as as far as she knew, her darling husband had ensured such things couldn't happen! Though that was of the magical variety and clearly this wasn't of that. Which was damned annoying! What came out next was rather surprising as 15 large things that resembled that Tazmania cartoon fellow came and made themselves at home. Even damaging a few things in the process thanks to the size and numbers! "What is the meaning of this!?"

"Lady, you and your family are DESPICABLE people! Simply despicable!" Declared all 15 of the Tazmania Devils with a Duffy Duck voice.

Causing her eyebrows to raise at that. "I don't know what you mean."

"Of course ya don't! They never do! But lady, its payback time for Black Canary! WOO-HOO-HOO!"

And before she knew it, chaos was now rampant in her home! Even finding herself tied to a chair and being told to stop hitting herself with a fish! "YOU WILL ALL BE DESTROYED!"

"No way, no how, lady! Hashtag it! Justice for the Pretty Bird! WOO-HOO-HOO!"



Faintly, she could hear Nora screaming above the chaotic noise but try as she might, she just couldn't get free as the damned Daffy Duck sounding Tazmania Devils destroyed her home and practically tortured her with a smelly fish!

Ghost Base 12

"SOMEONE STOP THESE THINGS!" Shouted a Ghost before finding himself getting knocked out courtesy of a wall.

Said wall being cleverly painted as empty space by one of the Taz Ducks.


Underground Dome City

While all the places connected to Hive had about 15 Tazmania Daffys each, HIVE's domed underground city had roughly 40 of the things causing absolute chaos much to Damien's ever increasing rage. His face was a bright red as he tried valianty to destroy the damned things. "When I find out who sent you to screw with me, they will pay GREATLY!" Roared the man as he used his magic to pull apart one of the Taz Daffys.

Only to have it pull itself back together moments later. "Not on your life you despicable punk! WOO-HOO-HOO!"

Damien's eye twitched as he sent it flying. "I DON'T EVEN HAVE A JETPACK!" Yelled the creature as it flew through the air.

And then started to spin as it crashed into a part of the main area of the city that housed a few important things. Helpfully destroying it in the process and setting back the underground domed city's purpose a few years. "Black Canary and friends are all avenged and stuff! WOO-HOO-HOO!" Declared one of the menaces as it bounced around.

Even doing so several times on top of 'poor' Malcolm Merlyn's back. "FORE!"

Damien's eyes widened as one of the menaces used a Golf club it'd somehow gotten to send his Idol flying. A torrent of water hitting him in the face kept him from being able to save it from getting smashed by an overly large Baseball bat. "That's definitely gonna need glue and I do mean a lot of it, you despicable man!"

"I'll show you despicable!"

Unfortunately, ol' Damien wouldn't get to show what he meant by that as one of the menaces from Hell stuffed him in a large barrel it had gotten from who knows where and with several of its fellows combining their feet together, used a powerful super kick on the barrel. One that sent it flying through the air, busting the domed glass as it did so, and continuing to go onwards. Even beginning to dig upwards through the ground courtesy of a mini rocket to keep the momentum going. A message on the inside of the barrel went as such, 'The Lances send their regards, Mr. Despicable!' much to his immense ire. Especially as it kept repeating it in a voice that got progressively annoying! "I'LL GET FREE! AND WHEN I DO! I'M KILLING EVERYONE!" Raged Darhk as he fought to escape his prison.

A chorus of 'WOO-HOO-HOO!' could be heard through out the domed underground city as explosions and the like happened all over the place. Forcing those who'd willingly chosen to follow what Darhk and HIVE were doing to evacuate the city that was meant to be what gave birth to a new and better Humanity that inherited the Earth one day.

Author's Notes: Ahh… That was fun! Hope folks enjoyed!