This is a series of individual, unconnected drabbles. Here is a chapter index so you can jump right ahead to whichever fic or ship strikes your fancy.

2. Don't Be a Hero (Castiel x Lysander)

3. Exchange (Armin x Lysander)

4. Birthday Boy (Castiel x Lysander)

5. Changing Rooms (Kim x Rosalya)

6. Knowing (Castiel x Lysander)

7. No One Needs to Know (Kim x Priya)

8. Twins Aren't Meant to be Separated (Gen: Amber & Nathaniel)

9. Identical (Gen: Alexy & Armin)

10. Hot Topic (Gen: Castiel, Lysander & Nathaniel)

(Castiel x Lysander)

12. Ass-Whooping (Armin x Castiel)

13. Close Your Eyes (Castiel x Iris)

14. Family Farm (Castiel x Lysander)

15. Grief (Gen: Lysander)

16. The Comet (Candy x Priya)

17. You Fight for Those You Love (Candy x Priya)

18. Proof (Castiel x Yeleen)

19. Better Than This (Iris x Peggy)

20. Eavesdrop (Castiel x Iris)

21. It's Over (Armin x Nathaniel)

22. (Boy)Friends (Castiel x Lysander)

23. Fresh Paint (Castiel x Iris)

24. His Gaze (Armin x Violette)

25. Nothing Means Nothing (Eric x Nathaniel)

26. My Idiot (Castiel x Lysander)

27. A Moment Spoiled (Armin x Nathaniel)