Hi everyone yes I am back for the time being it has been a crazy life for me but now that things are getting back to normal I hope that I get to write more chapters for you to enjoy.

Another day of School

I didn't know how I felt anymore. Was I happy for Sesshomaru or was I jealous of Kagura. I wanted what she had but also I loved Sesshomaru enough that I wanted him happy no matter what.

I was in biology right now learning how the blood veins worked with those that held venom in their bodies. This was how Sesshomaru's body was wired. He was able to produce this kind of venom I have seen him do it many times while training.

I have even studied Sesshomaru's venom first hand it was by far the most deadly in the world. My uncle named him well. But now to learn how he can produce a whip out of that said venom and still able to store that venom in his body was amazing. He was amazing with how he spoke walked and fought I wish I was as strong as him sometimes.

"Rin are you listening!" The teacher screamed at me.

"Sorry, what was the questions" Damn it was I caught daydreaming again.

"Ms. Rin would you please answer the question of how the Heart is able to withstand the venom on a demon?"

I answered with no problem as always even if I do daydream I am a book worm and with me doing self-study the classes at school are very easy for me. I just wish I could stay home so I didn't have the whole class stare at me when I was finished answering. I just sat down and breathed out and just hung my head.

Behind me I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn to see Sesshomaru behind me as he has been since I moved in with his family.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked in a low voice and I just nodded not wanting to let him know that reason I was not paying attention was due to me thinking about him.

The school day ended I was sitting on the arena bleachers with Ayame who has become my best friend. She use to be one of the wolves that would tease me endlessly but after the accident we found that we had a lot in common and she was fun to be around.

Also since our school was made up of those with extra special gifts we didn't have a football team or anything like that we had fighting tournaments every quarter and the guys were here working out and sparing with each other and I was always asked to be around since I could heal any major injury that could happen.

Ayame just hung out with me because her mate Koga was here. The one that did kill me but I forgave him long ago and since Ayame is around a lot Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have become friends with him. Well after Sesshomaru nearly killed him for what he did to me I don't think I will forget that ever.

"So who do you think will come in 2nd this year?" Ayame asked me cheerful as ever.

"Why second? I thought we should see who will be first?"

"Ya, right I don't think that Sesshomaru will ever be defeated"

I giggle thinking that he has been first the last 3 years.

"True I can't say he can lose if he even wanted to."

"Hey I have a bit of a personal question only because it's our last year and it has been driving me crazy for the last 3 years."

"What is it?" I giggle at how Ayame was acting like she never asked me personal questions. I started to take a drink of my water when she started to ask her question.

"Are you and Sesshomaru you know doing it?"

I spat out my water at this question

"Ayame are you crazy Sesshomaru likes Kagura not me. He would never be with a human you know that. We just live together and plus he thinks of me as his little sister nothing more."

"I don't think so I think he likes you not Kagura the way he is always around you and worries for you only it a big give away."

"Ayame you're just delusional as ever."

Sesshomaru POV

Rin thinks I see her as a sister. Yet the wolf girl was right I do like Rin more than like I love her I can't stand being away from. I started asking her to come to my trainings on false information to be a healer on hand.

I would never think all this would back fire. I may end up losing my mate if this keeps going on maybe I can get Ayame to ask Rin more and see how she feels about me.

No I can't even let anyone know that she I my mate not while we are school. Damn it I wish I could just come out and tell her so maybe she can tell me she loves me and this will be all over.

"I hate demon law right now" I said out lout so frustrated that I was looking for a new victim to spar with to get the rest of this rage out of me.

"Inuyasha you and me!" Perfect my little brother he needed a beating for even bringing up Kagura this morning. I will make sure you pays for even getting Rin to agree that I with the wind demon was even a good idea.

"Ok I'm going to be number 1 this year" He got ready to fight we both were well trained with swords now because of our father. But I know I was better only because I didn't need additional help from my sword I had my whip that was my actual weapon of choice.

Rin's POV

"Oh dear the brothers are at it again." Ayame said as she took a bit of her rice ball I made for us.

"I wonder what Inuyasha did this time to get Sesshomaru so mad?" I started to watch the 2 brothers that have become my own family go at each other and I saw that Sesshomaru was mad it was very hard to see if you didn't study him like I did.

"What do you mean?"

"Sesshomaru only rights like that when he is mad."

"How do you know that?" Ayame looked at me as if I just grew a second head

"I can tell by how he moves when he is enjoying the battle he is graceful when he is mad or aggravated his moves are more forced." I kept my eyes on Sesshomaru's movement every time he swung his sword I could see him forcing the sword more towards Inuyasha then this normal dance he would have with is sword.

"You love him don't you Rin?" Ayame got my attention with that question. "Oh come on Rin just spill the beans already I know you love him the way you only look at him and not any of the other boys in our class."

"Please don't repeat this news to anyone." I asked pleading to my best friend.

"Never but you do don't you."

"More than I could ever say. I love him more because he was the one that saved me from my father and also from my nightmares." I said as I looked back at the amazing demon that I know I could never have.


"What the hell is up with you today Sesshomaru"

"What do you mean?" I started to walk over to the wall to take a drink of water as my half-brother was bent over breathing hard. I wish I could kill him but then my father, step mother and even Rin would not want me around anymore.

I didn't care about everyone but Rin she was the one I didn't want scared of me.

"I'm talking about the beating you just gave me I know when your pissed and when you're just wanting a good work out." Inuyasha said as he kept breathing hard between his words.

"No reason?" I lied I would never tell my brother what the reason was.

"Bull WHAT THE HELL DID I DO THIS TIME!" Inuyasha growled at me

"Just don't meddle" was all I said as I turned and walked to the locker room.

Outside the car was already waiting for us and Rin was still talking to Ayame who I was guessing was coming over for dinner as she usually did.

"Oh Sesshomaru is everything ok?" I looked at Rin trying to figure out why she would even ask me that questions.

"Yes, why?"

"Just wondering your spar with Inuyasha was not a normal one so I just wanted to make sure you're not mad anymore."

"Now Rin how would you know that?" I asked trying to be teasing but failing as I was good at hiding my emotions and not really letting them out.

"Your fighting style changes" she bluntly said as if unfazed by anything which again I was not a smooth talker.

"Hn" was all I said and got in the car. Shortly after Rin and Ayame got in the car as well the back seats where facing each other Rin and Ayame took the seats in the middle facing the back window and I was sitting facing the front. A min later my brother joined us and the driver took off back to our house.

Ok I know it has been a long time and trust me I am so sorry *bowing low*. Work has been insane and then I was looking at moving and now I'm about to go on a trip. I have had next to know time to just myself and now that I do I am writing the stories out again.

I really hope you like the story so far I kept getting a lot of followers during this time of absents and I hope I keep this going. Thank you again for all those that love my story.

Please review and tell me how you like it so far I will try to update again tomorrow.