Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that you regonize. I only own the ones that are my own. Hope you enjoy the story.

Sunshines' POV:

Ever since I sent that message to my twin brother, I have been waiting for him to arrive. I knew he wouldn't get here until about midday, so I just continued packing my things. I was moving to Manhattan to get out of Harlem, well East Harlem to be exact. I got the last of my stuff packed, and I just sat on the couch in my little one bedroom apartment. I looked around and just remembered all the good times I had here with my friends and the not so good times as well. I looked in the mirror one last time, trying to make sure the bruises on my face weren't too noticeable. I winced as I looked in the mirror. I had a black eye, a fat lip, and you could still see the marks on my neck.

I started to cry, but stopped when I heard a knock on my door. I looked through the little peep hole, and saw that it was my brother. I opened the door, and I gave him a big hug. It has been awhile since I have last seen him, and he returned the hug right back. Not many people see this side of my brother. I am one of the few people who actually gets to see him like this.

I look at my brother as I watch him walk in. He has dark brown hair, that is usually under his news boy hat, with bright brown eyes. He has our father's big ears, but they suit his face perfectly. I look at his worn out clothes and realize I should make him some new clothes, and maybe buy him some new shoes. He won't like it, but he is on his feet all day long, and he needs new shoes. I can tell that those ones that he is wearing are about to start to fall apart any time soon.

Skittery walked into my apartment, hardly looked at my face and went and picked up my two bags. I didn't have much stuff. I'm a single lady, who had a very small income, just barely enough to survive on, but I made it work. He turned and looked at me, and he opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he noticed my face and neck. He dropped my two bags and walked over to me, and put my face in his hands. We were both quiet for few minutes. I closed my eyes, trying not to cry as he ran his fingers on my neck. I hissed as he touched one spot. He pulled his hands away as fast as he could when he heard me hiss.

"Who did this to you Sunshine?" I sighed and tried to get that night out of my head.

"I don't know who it was Skittery. It was dark, I was walking home from work, then all of a sudden I got grabbed and pulled into a dark alleyway . I screamed, and then they started to choke me to shut me up, I guess, but I made too much noise, and owner of the candle shop, Mr. Jones, was out walking, and heard me. The person who did this to me ran off before he could do anymore damage. Mr. Jones took me to his house, and he had his wife look me over. They insisted I spend the night, so I did, and the next morning when I got home, that is when I wrote my letter to you."

"Well I'm glad you wrote me this letter. You are staying with me until further notice, or finding a place close by...blah blah blah."

I listened as my brother went on and on. I love him, but sometimes, he just doesn't stop talking. I don't know how the other guys deal with it. As we walked out the door, I closed the door behind me. I already told the owner that I was leaving, and they were coming up to lock it after I left. Even tho it was small, and the people who lived in the building were loud and really only spoke in Italian, I was going to miss this place. The people were very nice, and I learned a little bit of Italian from the lovely ladies in the building. They always insisted that I eat with one of them and their families. I would try to decline nicely but usually I ended up eating a nice homemade meal from one of them. I am going to miss them.

We had about a 40 minute walk back to Manhattan. I tried to take at least one of my bags from Skitterys' hand, but he insisted that he would carry them. That I have already been through too much. I didn't even bother arguing with him.

We talked about random things as we walked to his place. I have missed my brother like crazy. He is only about seven minutes younger then me, but he is way taller the I am. I look up at him, and just smile. Even since our parents died, it has only been just us. Been that way since we were about ten years old, and here we are now, at almost seventeen years old in a couple of weeks. We have both grown up to be strong, independent people, but at this very moment, I realized I will always need my brother. He is my rock.

As we were getting closer to the newsboy lodging house, my stomach grumbled. He laughed at me and just shook his head.

"Somethings never do change Sunshine. Want to stop of at Tibbys and get some grub?"

I nodded my head and we walked to his favorite hangout spot. He set my bags under the table, and we ordered food. We both got berry toast, and some water. We talked about our lives throughout the meal.

"Anyone special in your life Skittery?" I saw him give the faintest smile.

"Well, I have been seeing this one goil, and she is just something else. She is smart, kind, and she doesn't put up with me hogwash."

I love when he is around me. If mother and father heard how he talks around his friends, he sure would of got into trouble. We grew up in a very wealthy neighborhood. Our father was a bank owner, and hardly ever home, and our mother was barely ever around. I believe both my parents were having affairs. My brother and I spent a lot of time with our Nanny, and we only ever saw our parents were on Sundays, when the four of us would go to church, and pretend to be one happy, perfect family.

"What is her name, if I may ask?"

"Well my darlin' sister, her name is Lillian, but her nickname is Flower. She works in a flower shop by the park, and before you ask, pretty much every girl we are with, we give them nicknames. Don't know why, it is just something we do. So is there anyone in your life?"

"No there isn't. I have only had one boyfriend and you scared him away. Ever since then I have been too busy to be in a relationship."

"I only scared Elmer away because I knew he wouldn't be good enough for you. He was more then willing to let you work all day, and for him to just go and gamble with his friends, and you know that is true." I knew my brother was right. He is always looking out for me.

We finished eating and we paid our bills. I didn't want him to pay for me, and he didn't want me to pay for him. We didn't move from the table as we talked and talked. He tried once again to ask questions about what happened that night. I literally told him all I know. We finally left Tibbys' about forty five minutes later. We walked to the place he calls home.

As we walked through the front door, Kloppman was standing behind a long counter. My brother went up to talk to him. I have never met Kloppman before, but Skittery writes about him all the time. Kloppman walks over to me and he looks me up and down.

"Ok my dear, your brother just told me about what happened, and yes you can stay with us. The fee to stay here is $1.00 every month, and there is a small bedroom upstairs, right next to the boys room."

"Here is $3.00, I hope you don't mind me paying for two months in advance. I don't plan on staying past three months if I can help it. I like living on my own, sir."

"That is no problem at all. Enjoy your stay here my dear."

Skittery and I walked upstairs to my new room. It was very simple and very cozy. It had one bed, and dresser and a lamp. That is all I am really going to need. My brother put my bags on the bed, as I opened up the window to let some of the stale air out. He helped me unpack my belongings.

"The guys and I are heading to the vaudeville theatre tonight...want to come?"

"No thank you, I think I will just stay into tonight and read. It has been along few days, and I just need to rest."

My brother nodded his head, and we said goodnight to each other, as he was walking out of my bedroom door. He closed it behind him. He still remembers that I like my door closed.