Hey guys! So I decided to pull this together as a last minute one- shot before I leave. My inspiration to do this was a fanfic by Wouter Jaegers called Emerald Eyes. Hehe I was so funny. This takes place after the second season, New Vestroia. Please enjoy!


No One's Prov.

Masquerade had snuck into Daniel Kuso's house in search of all his secrets. He entered through his bedroom window and approach the computer. " Finally, I will know all his secrets." He whispered to himself. He took out a computer hacking card and plugged it in. After trying to hack the computer for a while a page opened and up popped a password entry. Masquerade scoffed at this and continued to try and override the computer. After a few minutes he sighed in frustration at the computer screen. " Stupid password." He said," Humm.. maybe I can guess it."

He first typed in the word bakugan and pressed enter. Password incorrect. The computer read. " Ugh, the password can't be that hard." He grumbled. He typed in a few more words still resulting in the same password incorrect. He balled his fist in frustration and slammed his fist on the table. Then out of the blue, another phrase appeared: Clue one of the coolest people Dan knows.

He grinned and said," That's easy." He typed in Drago and unfortunately that was wrong too. " Gosh, if it isn't Drago than who or what is it?" He sat there thinking then it came to him. Could it be Shun? He asked himself. He typed in Shun and still nothing. Masquerade grumbled pulling his hair and tugging on his mask. Then if it isn't Shun then who is it? He thought. Then another clue popped on the screen, it read: Is no longer here.

He frowned and thought, Maybe it's one of those vexos. He said to himself. He sat there trying to remember the vexos. When a light bulb went off in his head, Spectra! Or is his name Keith? He typed in Spectra first and when it didn't work he typed in Keith. Both were wrong. Dang. Wait.. didn't that guy have a sister? Ugh, what was her name? Mara? Madison? Mira? Wait that's it her name is Mira! He typed in Mira, but it was also wrong. Masquerade bite his tongue as an attempt to stop himself from swearing.

He was growling in frustration when another name popped in his head. He typed in Ace but to his anger that was no it either. He then took many deep breath to calm himself down. Calm down, think who is both one of the coolest people Dan knows and has left. He leaned back in the chair as he thought. Hmm… could it be one of the original brawlers? He asked himself. It could be Alice. She left right? But would Dan consider her as cool? I don't think so. It could be Julie. No, Dan doesn't like her very much. Wait, it could be Runo. Dan totally likes her.

Masquerade then typed in Runo, but it was also incorrect. He sighed then suddenly he heard a door opened on the first floor. Crap, I can do it another time. He thought then pulled out his dimensional teleporter and left.

A few minutes after Dan entered his room and sat down at the computer. " Huh, I don't remember leaving it like this." He mumbled to himself. He looked at the screen and typed in the password, which just happened to be the one person Masquerade missed. The password was none other than Masquerade.


Yeah! Did you all like it? I hope so. Please read and review!