A/N: Hey!

Thanks for the reviews, I really appreciate all of them. This chapter is focused on Edward and Jacob for the most part.

Usual apologies

Disclaimer: see previous chapters

Jacob walked into the house, dragging a hand through his hair as he shut and locked it behind him when he noticed the noise coming from the kitchen. The shapeshifter walked over and paused in the door way when he saw Charlie taking something out of the oven. The older man looked up at him just then and smiled.

"Just in time, I just finished making dinner."

Jacob forced a smile onto his face as he walked inside taking off his jacket to hang over one of the chairs at the kitchen table before going to the sink to wash his hands.

"It smells good. Watcha make?"

"Steak and potatoes."

Jacob gave a snort, "Fancy."

Charlie chuckled, "I would've made something else, but I wasn't even sure if you'd make it. From the way you talked it sounded like you'd be with your dad till late." And then the man paused. Is that what Jacob was wearing this morning? He honestly can't remember but it didn't look the same. His shirt looked bigger. Charlie shook his head.

The teen sighed, "Things didn't go as planned."

"Yeah?" Charlie asked briefly as he took a couple of plates from the cupboard and turned to look at that teen only to frown when he saw the way that Jacob's shoulders were slumped forward, "Everything O.K?"

Jacob shrugged as he shut the tap and reached out for the paper towels, "Yeah, I guess? I'm just confused." And then he turned around to face the older man only to pause when he saw the look on Charlie's face, suddenly it was like he remembered who he was talking to.

"Its fine."


"Yeah, I'm sure." Jacob said as he turned to the drawers to take out the cutlery before setting it out on the table.

Charlie set the plates out before he set out the food, "You know, I never really asked why you moved away from the res."

Jacob paused to look up at the older man, "Didn't dad-"

"He said he wanted you to get some more exposure. I didn't mind much since well… It's nice having a little company. The house gets quiet sometimes." The older man explained with a pause before he pulled out a chair and sat down. "It's nice having you around. But Billy and I have been friends for years… you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, and I can't guarantee that I'll always have an answer but if you do want to talk, I'm here."

Jacob stared at the older man, for a moment speechless before he pulled out his chair and sat down. Charlie took the plate of the diced potatoes and started pouring himself some before he handed the dish over to Jacob who took it. The teen swallowed hard as he poured out spoonful after spoonful before-

"Have you ever been in love?"

The question clearly caught Charlie off guard as he almost missed the mark on his plate when he was setting the meat out before letting out a soft sigh and his lips twitched up in a smile, "Yeah, a long time ago." The teen looked up to stare at him and Charlie gave a snort, "Bella's mom. We got married straight out of high school, we were both young and stupid but that didn't really seem to matter back then and then after Bella was born it's like we both just came to our senses. But I still love Renee, I don't think that'll ever change. We have a child together so I don't see how it ever could."

Jacob frowned, lips pursing together in thought as he set the dish down.

"But how do you know?"

Charlie shrugged, "I can't answer that for you Jacob. You're the only one that can answer that question." The teen looked away and Charlie smiled a little more.

"So, who's the lucky lady?" Jacob blinked as he looked up at the older man and gave a sheepish smile.

"It's not a lady exactly."

"Not a lady-" Charlie's eyes went wide and he resisted the urge to freeze and gape, "Oh."

Jacob started to blush, "Yeah."

Charlie cleared his throat, "Well then, who's the lucky guy?"

Jacob paused, "Just someone from school."

"O.K." Charlie thought of the way to phrase his next words, but it was difficult, subtlety was never his strong point and he wasn't entirely sure how to handle the situation. But Billy really is his best friend.

"Is he the reason that you moved up to Forks, did Billy kick you out Jacob?"

Although that didn't really make a whole lot of sense to Charlie. He remembers what Billy was like when they were younger and Charlie knew for a fact that his best friend wasn't exactly straight. He even remembers this one guy who was always hanging around back then. He was tall and blonde with the strangest red eyes. Charlie never liked him, he always got the weirdest vibes from the blonde, but Billy would always just brush him off and call him paranoid. Kicking Jacob out because he was gay was sort of the pot roasting the kettle for being black.

"No. No, that's not why. I mean-" Jacob's eyebrows pulled together in thought, "No not really, Dad doesn't really mind him much. They get along O.K I think."

Charlie let out a soft sigh of relief as Jacob continued, "I just-… it's not like I think I'm in love with him, I mean I don't even really know him."

"Well, that doesn't always matter." Charlie said with a shrug, "Sometimes you can just meet someone and feel a connection with them. That doesn't mean you have to decide what you feel right there and then. Do you like him?"

Jacob took a deep breath, "We're really really different."

"Well, they say love is blind."

"And braindead too apparently. Look, I'm not in love with him." Jacob said softly and Charlie couldn't help but chuckle, "You don't really sound like you like him either."

Jacob shook his head and reached out for the plate of meat that Charlie handed to him, "He's perfect."

Charlie arched a brow, "Then what's the problem?"

"Everything." Jacob said before giving another sigh as he set the dish down, "It's complicated."

"Is that why you went to go see Billy tonight?"

"Yes and no. There's other stuff going on with the res."

"What kind of stuff?"

Jacob looked up at him before just shaking his head, "It's really really complicated. It's like everything's just going to shit."

Charlie frowned, "Is there a problem?"

Jacob shook his head, "I don't know. Like I said its complicated." He looked up to see the look on the older man's face and gave a small smile, "It's nothing dangerous or anything like that its just-"


Jacob laughed, "Yeah, complicated."

Complicated didn't even begin to describe what was going on.

The past few days have been confusing. Beyond confusing actually, but having Eric there with him helped him feel a bit better. It helped having someone there with him that was just as confused as he was by the sudden change in events as he was, even if they weren't confused for the same reasons.

That first day when they went to the Cullen house, Jacob was beyond anxious and uncomfortable. It started the moment that they left the doors of Forks High.

Alice grabbed a hold of Eric's arm and dragged him over to her yellow Porsche as she chattered on endlessly while Jasper walked on after them. Jacob started feeling uneasy right then. Since he phased for the first time, he was taught to believe that vampires were bad. Sam taught him that they were vicious monsters, brutal killers that they needed to take out without hesitation. Sam tried to convince him that the vampire he managed to kill the day that he phased deserved it, that he would've killed Jacob if he hadn't done it first before spreading out to the rest of the reservation.

Jacob wasn't so sure, he just tried not to think about it.

Still, the vampires were supposed to be bad. They weren't to be trusted. So, Jacob felt more than just a little apprehensive about leaving Eric alone with the vampires, even if it was Alice and Jasper.

But then Edward took his hand. The moment those ice-cold fingers wrapped around his wrist he felt himself begin to calm despite himself. Edward pulled him over to his car and they got inside.

"You wanna tell me exactly what the hell your sisters were thinking inviting Eric over to your house?" Jacob asked as soon as they'd settled into the car. Edward sighed with a pause.

"Rosalie was looking for an excuse to annoy me. As for Alice… I'm not quite sure Jacob. But there has to be a reason, Alice isn't so reckless that she'd bring a human to our house without reason."

"What reason could she possibly have to-"

"Jacob," Edward interrupted taking in a deep breath as he leaned back in his seat, "Did Sam ever tell you about the special abilities that some vampires have?"

Jacob frowned, "Abilities?"

"Carlisle calls them gifts." Edward explained as he turned in his seat to face the shifter, "Sometimes when we're turned, we emerge with special abilities that set us apart from other vampires. Special traits that become heightened once we're turned. Some can tell when someone's lying, some read minds, I once met a boy who could manipulate the elements; bend water, air and fire to his will and then there are some vampires that can even see the future. Alice is one of those."

Jacob's eyes went wide, "No way. Your sister can see the future?"

"Yes, in a way." Edward said with a slight shrug, "Of course there are certain limitations to all gifts. For example, Alice can only see possibilities of the future. It's all dependent on what the person she focuses her gift on decides to do."

"Oh." Jacob said and then the most terrifying thing came to mind, "Can she see-"

"You? Sometimes. It seems that Alice finds it difficult seeing you or anyone else in the pack. She's actually been finding it quite frustrating. Although she admitted to seeing you a few months before we moved back to Forks."

Jacob's eyes went wide, "So she knew?"

Edward looked down at the space between them and suddenly reached out to take Jacob's hand, tracing his thumb over the back. "She knew that you and I would meet and she knew that we'd be important to each other, but she couldn't tell much more than that."

Jacob looked down at their joined hands wondering when he became so comfortable with the vampire touching him when another thought came to mind and weirdly enough at that very moment Edward froze, "Do you have one?"

"Do I have what?"

Jacob paused since he could just tell that Edward knew what he meant, he could see how uncomfortable he'd suddenly become. The vampire was just stalling for time. "Do you have a gift?"

Edward looked up right into Jacob's eyes, honey gold drilling into deep brown and the shifter had to fight to stay focused, "Yes."

"Well what is it?"

Edward took a deep breath, "I'm a telepath."

Jacob frowned for a second feeling like his brain just wasn't working fast enough, "What does that mean?"

"I read minds."

Jacob's eyes went wide, "You read minds?"


"This is a joke, right?"

Edward gave him a wry smile, "You don't believe me?"

Jacob's eyes narrowed in suspicion, "If you read minds does that mean that you've been listening in on my thoughts this whole time?"

"I try not to, but I can't exactly turn it off, the most I can do is redirect my attention. It's a bit difficult with you though, your thoughts are… Loud." Edward let out a soft chuckle, "Not that I mind. You have an interesting mind Jacob." Jacob was frowning at him just as the vampire finished, "And it's quite flattering to know that you find me so attractive. Although, I always thought my eyes were more amber than gold."

Jacob's eyes went wide, "Holy shit."

Edward smirked, "Don't worry, I think you smell really good too."

"Oh my God." Jacob flushed and he lifted his hands to cover his face as he sank down in his seat with a groan. Edward chuckled.

"You really don't have anything to be embarrassed about."

"So, this whole time, you've been hearing everything?"

"Yes and for the record." Edward said as he reached over to tug on his seatbelt while the shifter continued to stew in his own shame and he smirked, "I like touching your skin too, so in future feel free to ask."

Jacob let out another groan. Edward chuckled as he started the car. "Put on your seat belt."

"No, I want to die."

Edward frowned, "Not on my watch. Seat belt now."

Jacob looked up at the vampire with a glare that Edward matched with a level stare, "You can either put on your seat belt or I'll pick you up and carry you the whole way."

'He wouldn't dare'

"Wanna bet?"

A shiver of fear ran down the shifter's spine at the vampire's tone and he slowly sat up in his seat before putting on the seat belt.

"You know, neither of us actually needs to wear a seatbelt. I heal quickly and you're already you know."


Edward shrugged as he started pulling out of the parking lot, "Force of habit. I used to do it for appearance purposes."

"So, you admit that it's kind of pointless?"

"The fact that you heal fast doesn't mean that you can't be hurt. I can't stand the thought of you in pain Jacob."

The shifter blinked in surprise as he stared at the vampire and had to look away as he spoke, "I can take care of myself, I don't need you to protect me."

"I know but," The vampire glanced up at him with a smile, "I want to."

Jacob blushed just a bit, 'God, does he always have to look at me like that'

"Sorry I can't help it." Edward said with a soft chuckle, "You're beautiful."

And suddenly Jacob felt like his face was on fire, the shifter huffed. Folding his arms over his chest as he looked out the window.

'Shut up.'

Edward only smiled. They were on the road by then. Jacob let out a deep breath. "You said your sister wouldn't have invited Eric over without a reason."

"I thought you wanted me to shut up."

"Just answer the question."

Edward shrugged, "Like I said before Alice sees the future but, she can only see possibilities of the future. If she's deemed it appropriate to have Eric close to us, then it means that he's important for something that happens in the future. There might be a decision that he's going to make or a decision that someone close to him is going to make. Either way, he's important somehow, she wouldn't have done this otherwise. Spending time too much time around humans is dangerous."

Jacob frowned, "How is it dangerous? It's not like they could hurt you."

Edward's head gave a tilt, "Spending too much time around humans' risks exposure to them and according to our laws that's forbidden."

Jacob gave a snort, "You have laws?"

"In a way. They're more like guidelines to help us exist among the humans in peace. Most of them were created by the Volturi. The Volturi is the biggest vampire coven in the world and they police the activities of other vampires… in a way. And according to their laws if a vampire is exposed to a human the vampire needs to be killed and the human needs to be killed as well."

"So Alice-"

"What Alice is doing is very dangerous, yes. She's risking our lives along with Eric's. But Alice would never do something like that without reason." Edward sighed, "I can't imagine what that reason might be but… she wouldn't risk a human life if she could help it."

"Can't you just read her mind?"

Edward gave the shifter a wry smile, "Unfortunately living with my family as long as I have, they've all managed to find ways to keep me out of their thoughts. I tried to find out what she was thinking but she blocked me out."


"I'm sure it'll be fine Jacob."

"You're sure."

Jacob said with an arched brow and Edward shrugged, "Absolutely."

"What about blondie? She seemed pretty eager to have Eric over. Can she see the future too?"

"No, that was Rosalie being Rosalie." Edward growled out and Jacob frowned, "Meaning?"

"You'll find out eventually." Edward sighed, "For now, I think it'll be best if we just take it one step at a time."

Jacob just looked out the window again with a frown when Edward spoke again.

"You know, despite all this, I'm glad you agreed to come over Jacob. I know you didn't have to since we already saw each other at school, and I know you never wanted to start going to Forks high but I'm glad I'll get more time to get to know you."

Jacob felt himself flush again.

"Well you didn't really give me much of a choice with you threatening to transfer to the res and all."

Edward shrugged, "I was actually looking forward to going to school on the reservation, I already had my classes picked out and everything."

Jacob looked up at him, "Seriously?"

The vampire's lips twitched up into a smile, "I heard the reservation high school has a uniform with a tie and everything. Is that true?"

The shifter shrugged, "Yeah."

"Do you still have it?"

Jacob frowned, "Yeah, why?"

Edward brought his gaze back to the road, "No reason."

Jacob just shook his head and looked up to find that they were already pulling into the drive way of the Cullen house. Alice's Porsche and Emmett's Jeep were both parked in the front yard when Edward parked. The house somehow looked different than it did when he last left, more daunting.

"Jacob." The shifter jumped when Edward spoke and looked up to find him staring in concern, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Jacob then popped the latch on his seatbelt and opened the door to get out of the car. Edward got out as well and they went up to the house.

Jacob's nose wrinkled in distaste at the scent of sickly-sweet bleach.

This is just something he'll have to get used to.

Edward stepped up ahead of him to open the door and the shifter got a deep breath of the telepath's scent, he couldn't help but move a little closer to take in one more deep breath before stepping inside. Edward pretended like he didn't notice.

When they walked inside, they heard Alice chattering along somewhere inside, the sounds of someone cooking in the kitchen. Jacob followed Edward to the dining room where Alice sat with Eric, with the human looking decidedly uncomfortable as he tried as hard as he could to seem like he was totally comfortable.

Jacob glanced up at the telepath, 'Can you tell what he's thinking?'

Edward gave a snort, leaning over to whisper into Jacob's ear, "He's praying for someone to save him."

'This is actually kind of cool' Jacob thought glancing up at the vampire for a moment and the telepath smiled. 'Guess I should save him' he made to walk into the room and relieve some of the pressure Eric was feeling only for Edward to take his arm and stop him short. The shifter frowned, "What-"

"I was hoping we could spend some time together before I have to share you with everyone else." The vampire said and Jacob hesitated, "But Eric-"

"He'll survive a few moments with Alice. C'mon." Then Edward started tugging the shifter along with him, away from the dining room and towards the stairs. Jacob followed, when he suddenly noticed the mural of graduation caps up on the wall and he suddenly remembered another question he wanted to ask earlier.

"Why do you go to school?"

Edward paused on the stairs for a brief moment before continuing, "Why?"

"Yeah, I mean. You guys didn't look all that comfortable when I saw you at school today and it's not like you couldn't pass for someone older." Jacob reasoned as they made it up the stairs, "I don't get it."

Edward shrugged, "It's partly for appearances, but mostly it's gives us an excuse to interact with the humans."

Jacob frowned, "Still don't get it."

"Being a vampire, it's easy to self-isolate, to just lock yourself away from the outside world. Especially since we only feed on animals, we don't really have to be around them. Interacting with human's helps us maintain whatever humanity we have left."

"You guys didn't seem to be doing a whole lot of interacting at school."

Edward smiled, "I suppose not, it's still nice… being there. Besides, we don't just go to high school. We also go to college from time to time."

Jacob's head gave a tilt, "Really?"

"Carlisle has several PhDs under his belt. I only have two."

"You have two PhDs?"


Edward shrugged just as they reached his room giving the shifter a sheepish grin, "I have a lot of extra time."

"No kidding."

They stepped inside, Jacob walked over to the couch on the left side of the room first, there was a stack of books on one end and he leaned down to pick up the one at the top. The shifter gave a snort.

"Romeo and Juliet." Edward stepped forward with his hands in his pockets.

"It's a classic."

"It's cheesy."

Edward's head gave a tilt, "You don't think it's romantic?"

"I think it takes more than just a day to decide you're in love with someone."

Edward paused, "Sometimes one day is all you need…" Something in the vampire's tone made Jacob pause before Edward just shook his head, "What kind of books do you like? Which one is your favorite?"

"Bram Stoker's Dracula." Jacob said and Edward gave a scoff.


Jacob shrugged, "Yeah, but you guys kind of ruined it for me with being real and all."

"Not quite what you expected?"

Jacob couldn't help but smile, "Something like that."

'I was hoping to see some fangs'

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"I'm not disappointed just… underwhelmed." Jacob said moving off to the side, stopping next to Edward's record collection and the vampire's head gave a tilt, "I suppose you would've preferred it if I burst into flames when I stepped into the sun."

"The original Dracula didn't burst into flames in the sun. The whole sun bad dark good thing didn't start showing up till new versions of Dracula started showing up in later renditions."

Edward blinked before he arched a brow at the shifter, "Why do I suddenly feel like I'm bonded to a vampire geek?"

Jacob looked over his shoulder rolling his eyes, "You know you never told me why you don't go into the sun."

Edward seemed to pause, "I said that I wanted us to go hunting together."

"I think it's a little soon for that." Jacob said bringing his attention back to the records to start flipping through them. Edward stepped closer, "I can wait."

Jacob paused to look up at the vampire that stood beside him and finished, "Did You ever go hunting with my great grandfather?"

Edward tensed, "No."


"When we met, we weren't exactly on the best of terms. Vampires and shifters were never meant to get along."

Jacob frowned, "Then how did all of this end up happening." The shifter said making a gesture between them, "If you didn't get along then why-"

"It's difficult to explain." Edward said letting out a soft sigh and Jacob briefly wondered if that was even necessary. The telepath seemed to smile at him briefly.

"It's a human habit that I just never lost." Edward said before turning so he was fully facing the shifter beside him, "Jacob that night when Ephraim gave me the mark… we were leaving Forks. Rosalie hadn't quite adjusted to her bloodlust yet and Carlisle wanted to avoid breaking the treaty. I ended up running into Ephraim on our last night in town and… despite our differences and the animosity we managed to come to an understanding."

"Okay." Jacob shrugged as he turned so he was facing the vampire with his arms folded across his chest, "Exactly what part of that understanding led to him making a blood bond with you?"

The vampire seemed to pause, "I was alone, I've been alone since I was turned ninety years ago. Of course, Carlisle was there, so was Esme but it wasn't the same. I wanted someone for myself. Someone I could love who'd love me back. For a vampire that need, the desire to find someone to spend your eternity with is something we all have and something we're willing to die for, something we're willing to kill for. But it was something I wasn't able to find for a long time and it left me with this empty void that constantly needed to be filled." Edward gave a soft snort, "It got to the point where Carlisle decided to involve himself. Rosalie was injured and close to death when Carlisle found her, he decided to turn her hoping that I'd connect with her and make her my mate."

Jacob blinked, "What seriously?"

"Yes, unfortunately Rosalie and I never really connected the way he'd hoped. Though I think it all worked out for the best since she found Emmett a few years later… That night with Ephraim, I think he understood what I was feeling, maybe he felt sorry for me. I'll be honest, when he told me what the mark entailed, I didn't think he was serious. I thought he was joking."

"You and everyone else apparently."

Edward gave a snort, "If I knew he was serious I never would have agreed to it, but I'm glad I did. Ephraim was a wonderful man, I didn't realise how wonderful until I met you three days ago. If it wasn't for him, I might never have met you and I don't expect you to just fall into my arms and bow to my will just because we're bonded. But I'd like to have the opportunity to get to know you and maybe become friends."

Jacob wasn't sure how to respond, the shifter shook his head reaching out to start flipping through Edward's record collection, "Just friends?"

'You don't look at me like you wanna be friends'

Edward gave a wry smile, "Maybe more, but only if you wanted to. I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything you're not comfortable with. I can't stand the idea of hurting you."

Jacob paused to glance up at the vampire and had to quickly look away again, "You know you don't have to lay it on so thick. You already got me in your bed once."

Edward let out a startled laugh, Jacob couldn't help but smile despite himself.

"What do you wanna do now?" The shifter said walking across the room to sit on the bed with his arms braced beside him. Edward shrugged.

"We didn't get much time together at school. I just thought we could talk. I know it must be hard suddenly transferring to a new school in the middle of the year. Do you like Forks high?"

Jacob shrugged, "It's alright. It's only been the first day though."

"It must be a bit of a trip, driving back and forth between here and the reservation." Edward said moving over so he was sitting beside the shifter, "I could pick you up and drop you off if you'd like."

"Nah, its fine. I moved in with Charlie so it's not too bad."


"Oh right." Jacob rolled his eyes since he forgot to mention that, "Dad and I talked, we figured it would just make things easier if I moved up to Forks so I moved in with Charlie, like, yesterday."

"Oh." A strange look came over Edward's face, Jacob frowned.


"Nothing, its just." Edward turned towards the teen, "If you needed a place to stay Jacob then you would've been more than welcome here."

Jacob scoffed, "Yeah, I think it's a little early for us to be moving in together, don't you? Besides Charlie's nice. He's been on his own since he got divorced a while ago. I think his daughter was supposed to move in with him this year but she bailed on him the last minute." The shifter let out a soft sigh before shaking his head, "It's fine, I like Charlie so I don't mind."

"You like him." Edward said in a very flat tone somehow Jacob barely even noticed. "Yeah, he and my dad have been friends since middle school, I think. You must have met him by now. He's the police chief in Forks."

Edward's eyes filled with realisation and he almost seemed to let out a sigh of relief, "Right, Chief Swan."

"Yeah, Chief Swan, who did you think I was talking about?"

"No one." Edward suddenly got up, "You must be hungry by now. Esme's been dying to have you back so she could test out some new recipe."

"I thought you wanted to talk."

"We'll talk later, food first."

Jacob frowned but got up to follow the vampire out the door all the same. They went down to the living room. Eric seemed to let out a sigh of relief when Jacob slid into the seat beside him and Alice's attention immediately moved on to the shifter.

Almost as if on cue Esme walked in carrying lasagne.

The rest of the afternoon went relatively quiet, though Jacob caught Eric glancing around the table in confusion when they ate and Jacob knew the human had noticed that something was off. Edward insisted on driving Jacob home later that evening. Actually, Edward had wanted Jacob to stay a bit longer but Jacob didn't think it would be a good idea to start staying out on his second night at Charlie's.

The next day had gone more or less the same way, with a few minor exceptions.

"So, are you going to tell me how we ended up hanging out with the Cullen kids yesterday?" Eric asked just as Jacob slid into the seat beside him in biology. The shifter let out a sigh.

"I dunno, I met them before I transferred here." Jacob started with a shrug, "You don't like them?"

Eric let out a soft sigh, "They're O.K, a little weird I guess."

"Alice is a little overwhelming right?" Jacob asked with a smile and Eric shrugged.

"I guess." The human frowned, "They're really cold." He muttered and Jacob's eyes widened the slightest bit and he had to fight back against the urge to react too strongly as the human continued, "Hey have you ever seen any of them actually eat?"

Jacob couldn't help but tense, he let out a strained laugh, while he had an internal break down. "What?"

The human blinked before just shaking his head as he tugged his backpack up on top of the table, "Never mind, it's probably nothing. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Yeah?" Jacob asked grateful for the change in topic and the human paused to rake a hand through his hair, "I couldn't shake this feeling like, like someone was watching me you know. Probably losing it."

Jacob didn't say anything to that, still fully absorbed by the idea that Eric might have started to catch on so quickly.

Biology was a double period. Jacob was barely paying attention to his surroundings when he left the classroom when the scent of honey and lavender suddenly hit him square in the face and he found Edward leaning against the lockers beside Mr Banners class. Eric nudged the shifter in the ribs when he just suddenly paused and Jacob quickly shook himself from his haze.

"Dude, you O.K?"

"Yeah," Jacob quickly cleared his throat, "I'm fine."

"Well we have English next."

"Yeah, you go ahead I'll catch up." Eric arched a brow at him and looked up at Edward before he shrugged, "O.K. If you're sure."

The human turned and walked away and Jacob let out a sigh as he walked up to the telepath with a tilt of his head, "I thought we were meeting up for lunch."

"I felt like seeing you. Its not fair that we don't share any classes."

Jacob rolled his eyes, "Let me guess, you're seriously considering flunking just so we can be in the same grade next year."

Edward shrugged, "Something like that."

Jacob gave a snort as he started walking heading towards where he remembers Eric showing him was his English class, "Shut up."

"I was tempted to come see you last night." Edward said walking beside the shifter, said shifter frowned, "Why what happened?"

"Nothing happened, I just wanted to see you."

"Well I went to bed pretty early since I don't really have patrol these days, so you'd probably just end up watching me sleep if you came to see me at night."

"I don't mind."

Jacob paused to look up at the vampire, "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

Edward gave a wry smile, "Too weird?"

"Kind of creepy." Jacob then remembered what Eric told him before class started and looked up accusingly at the vampire, "You weren't watching Eric sleep last night were you?"

"No, why on earth-"

'The fact that you just admitted you don't mind watching me sleep'

Edward paused, "That's different."

"Sure it is." Jacob's lips twisted into a frown.

'Do you sleep?'

Edward looked away in thought, "No not really."

"What you just stay up all day and all night?"


"So, this whole watching me sleep thing. Its kind of a voyeuristic thing?"

"Kind of." The telepath said and Jacob gave him a look. Edward sighed, "Still creepy?"


Edward gave a soft snort, "At night it gets quiet, less noises, less thoughts to hear its easier to focus on just one thing. I thought it might be nice just listening to your heartbeat."

Jacob stopped and stared at the vampire in the middle of the hallway before letting out a sigh, "O.K. if I say you can come see me at night then you can't just come in whenever you want. I need to know that you're there first. That's the deal."

Edward nodded his head and smiled like an over eager puppy, "Yeah, sure of course."

'Why do I suddenly feel like I'm going to regret this?'

"You won't probably." The telepath stepped closer, "I promise I'll behave."

"Sure." Jacob said turning around to make the rest of his way to class.

It was mostly the same as the previous day.

He and Eric had lunch with Edward and his family, Alice insisted that they go over after school again and they went over to the Cullen house again, only this time they weren't alone.

"Who's that?"

Jacob asked as they drove up to the house.

Carlisle was standing outside with two unknown figures; Jacob's eyes went wide when they turned as they drove up to the house and he noticed to pairs of bright red eyes.

'The fuck-'

"Edward what-"

He paused when he saw how tense the vampire suddenly looked. "Edward?"

"Do you remember what I told you about the Volturi?"

"Yeah, why…" it suddenly clicked, "You mean they-"

"It's too late for us to turn back without looking suspicious." Edward said just as the car parked in front of the house, "Jacob I need you to promise you'll stay calm."


Edward turned off the engine and turned to the shifter looking him right in the eyes as he took off the seatbelt, "I need you to promise, you'll stay calm."

Jacob paused, "You're scared."

"Yes." The blunt reply caught Jacob off guard. He swallowed hard looking out through the windscreen to see the other vampires get out of the cars. He saw Alice help Eric out and drag him towards the house.

"Well I'm not-"

"Jacob." Edward hissed as he took hold of the shifter's arms, "The Volturi aren't like us. They aren't like any other vampire you've met. You have no idea what they're capable of. Behave."

Edward looked up at the windscreen, Alice looked at them just then and gave a nod.

"Go straight into the house. Don't stop no matter what."

Jacob opened his mouth to speak only for Edward to immediately open the door and get out. The shifter growled low in his throat. Thoroughly annoyed at having the vampire tell him what to do. He got out of the car all the same, slamming the door behind him as he walked out and followed Edward to the house. The telepath grabbed a hold of his hand to drag him on behind him. Jacob glared.

The air was tense. He didn't look up at the new vampires, not until-

"Edward, I see you have one as well."

Edward paused, "Excuse me?"

"Tell me boy,"

The leech was talking to him. He could feel those bleeding red eyes searing into the side of his head. Jacob could feel anger simmer just under his skin, hear his inner wold growl low in his chest. He had to stop.

Edward tensed, "Jacob-"

"I'm not your boy." Jacob growled the vampire smirked in amusement and Jacob felt his anger spike, the only thing holding him back was Edward's hand locked around his wrist.

"What are you doing so far away from your pack?"

Jacob tensed. How the hell does he know about-

"That's none of your business."

"I beg to differ." The vampire answered and Jacob was filled with the overwhelming urge to punch the smug bastard in the face. But before he could fully contemplate that action, he felt a new hand on his arm. He looked up and found Rosalie.

They haven't really had that much interaction with one another. The blonde seemed a bit bitchy but most of that seemed aimed at annoying him and Edward than anything else, so for the most part it was easy to brush off. Still he wasn't quite comfortable enough around the blonde for her to start touching him whenever she wanted.

"C'mon Jacob, I'm sure Esme must be so excited to see you."

He knew what she was doing. She was trying to draw him away from the confrontation, but Jacob was too annoyed to care.

"Let me go."

Jacob hissed, Rosalie tensed before her eyes narrowed into a glare, "Don't argue with me. Let's go."

Jacob wanted to resist, but he was suddenly reminded of her true nature as the subtle tug she gave moved him almost immediately. He suddenly realised that she could and probably would pick him up and drag him inside kicking and screaming just to avoid a fight. Asking him was only a courtesy.

Jacob was one part annoyed since the stupid leech had no right to try and drag him around like that and one part anxious as he wondered exactly how powerful the Volturi really was if the Cullens were really so scared of just two of them.

They went into the house. The door slammed behind him and Jacob wrenched his hand free of the blonde's grasp.

"Who the hell-"

Rosalie spun around to face him, a dark glare in her eyes as she hissed, "Who the hell do I think I am? What the fuck do you think you're doing letting yourself get baited by the Volturi?"


"Demetri was trying to set you off, you stupid dog. That's how the Volturi operates. They find an excuse, any excuse to attack and then they destroy everything and you almost played right into their hands." The blonde growled, "If you ever try something like that ever again, Edward be damned I will end you myself."

Emmett's eyes went wide, "Babe-"

"Rosalie enough!" Esme suddenly said appearing at Jacob's side, the usually motherly vampire had a glare of her own in her eyes, "Go upstairs and calm down. Right now."

Rosalie let out a hiss as she turned around and went up the stairs Emmett followed, a door slammed loudly and Jacob just stared on after her.

"What's going-"

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Alice said dragging Eric from the dining room up the stairs making sure to keep eye contact with the human as she did, "C'mon, I wanted to show you some sketches I made yesterday."

Jacob's hands clenched, he almost jumped when he felt an ice-cold hand on his arm and looked up. Esme gave him a soft smile.

"Don't take it personally. Rosalie's very protective of the family. The Volturi isn't to be trifled with." Jacob took in a deep breath, trying to force himself to relax as she continued, "With them here, we're all a little on edge."

"Why? I get that they're part of your vampire royalty or whatever its just two of them-"

Esme sighed and turned around to walk back to the kitchen, making a motion for Jacob to follow. She went around to the fridge while Jacob settled into one of the stools at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"The two that are here are Demetri and Felix. They're two of the most powerful vampires the Volturi has. Felix has unbelievable strength the likes of which could give even Emmett a run for his money and Demetri is a tracker."

"So one's strong and the other finds people."

"Demetri doesn't just find people, his ability is so strong that he can find anyone from anywhere across the world as long as he's had contact with them." Esme emerged from the fridge with her arms full and she set everything out on the table, "He's their eyes, the reason why no one can hide from the Volturi. Felix and Demetri are Volturi enforcers."

"Why are they here?"

"I'm not sure." Esme said with a shake of her head, "But it can't be anything good. The enforcers have a reputation." The woman then turned around to the bread bin and took out the bread and brought it to the table. "You see there used to be other werewolves a long time ago. Wolves that changed with the full moon, with bites poisonous enough to kill a vampire."

Jacob's eyes went wide, "No way."

Esme smiled, "Its true, you should ask Carlisle about them sometime. He was around during the extermination."


And then she sighed, "The Volturi is led by three vampires Aro, Caius and Marcus. Aro had a sister named Didyme who was bonded to Marcus. The stories say that Aro's sister was attacked and killed by a werewolf and so the Volturi carried out an attack on the werewolves, an extermination to rid vampires of the danger they presented. Thousands of wolves killed, an entire race wiped off the face of the earth. Of the vampires that carried out the extermination only three returned once the wolves were all killed, Caius, Demetri and Felix."

A shiver ran down his spine, "The two outside."

"So you understand why Rosalie's reaction to your behaviour. Why Edward doesn't want you to even look at them?" Esme stressed as she looked into Jacob's eyes, "We don't know how much they know about the Quileute's. We've managed to keep you a secret from the Volturi since the day we met with your great grandfather. We have no idea how they'll react to meeting a shape shifter or what would happen if Aro or Caius found out. It really isn't any fault of yours, but with the Volturi here we all just need to be more careful."

Jacob swallowed hard as he tried to take it all in, "Would it be safer for you if I left? I could take Eric with me."

Jacob didn't want to leave. After hearing all of what he heard, leaving Edward behind didn't sit well with him.

"No no, we need to be as calm as possible. Leaving would raise too much suspicion. Just try to relax, we should be alright." Esme said giving the shifter a small smile as she grabbed a knife from the drawer. "I thought I could make sandwiches for lunch. What would you like on it?"

"I'm not sure if I'm hungry."

"Jacob just try to relax. The Volturi usually doesn't like to leave Volterra, they'll probably be gone soon. Have faith in Carlisle, he's dealt with them before."

Jacob took a deep breath, tried to relax as he gave the woman a smile, "How about pickles, cheese, ham, tomato, lettuce and mayo?"

"Coming right up."

Then the vampire suddenly froze.

"Esme?" Jacob asked with a frown and the woman let out a shuddering sigh as she looked up at him. "They're coming inside. No matter, what stay calm."

Jacob's eyes went wide, resisting the urge to let the shock force him into a phase. He sat still and heard the front door open, heard the vampires walk inside. Edward is the only one that actually came to the kitchen though. He paused in the door.



Edward took a deep breath, "We thought it would be best if you were included in this conversation."

Jacob frowned, the vampire only stared back at him. He wished he could read Edwards mind like the telepath did with him.

'What's going on?'

"Edward?" Esme asked in concern, Edward shook his head.

"It's fine Esme they didn't come here to start a fight."

"Then why are they here?" Jacob asked and Edward sighed, "I think they'll be able to explain it better."

Jacob got up and followed vampire out of the room. Edward reached back to take his hand and gave it a brief squeeze.

'You're still scared'

"If I had it my way you wouldn't be anywhere near them." Edward whispered, he paused to lean in beside Jacob's ear, "For the moment, I don't think we have much of a choice."

Jacob remembered what Esme said and nodded, 'I'll behave'

Edward's lips quirked up into a smile, "Surprisingly enough, I think it would be better if you're just yourself."


"They aren't here to fight."

Edward then pressed a kiss against Jacob's temple, the shifter blinked, shocked at the sudden move. The telepath gave a wry smile.

"Sorry, couldn't resist."

Edward tugged on his hand and led him into the den where the vampires were sitting. Jasper was standing off by the wall, looking more than just a little confused. Carlisle sat on a one-seater while the Volturi sat on the couch to the right, Edward led them to the loveseat and he sat down. He looked up to find the brown-haired vampire watching him and he couldn't help but glare.


The vampire leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees. "Do you know what imprinting is?"

Jacob's eyes went wide and he tensed, "Do you?"

"To some degree, the Cullens tell me you could clarify the concept for me."

Jacob looked over from Jasper to Carlisle and then Edward.

"O.K what is happening right now?"

Jasper gave a snort and Carlisle let out a sigh, "Demetri and Felix have asked to join our family, here in Forks."

"They're staying here?!" Jacob almost gaped staring at the Volturi vampires in shock, "… why?"

"Demetri tells us that Aro sent him and Felix here to check in with us. They arrived yesterday and Demetri went onto the reservation."

Jacob froze, a shiver ran down his spine. Edward reached out to take his hand again. Carlisle continued.

"He says he saw the wolves and that one of them imprinted on him."

A silent pause.

"I'm sorry, one of the wolves what?"

"They imprinted on him."

Jacob almost reared back, he blinked in surprise and his mouth fell open in a gape. He looked over to the vampire Carlisle gestured to and scoffed.



"There's no way, how would he have even gotten passed-"

"Tell me boy-"

"I'm not your boy." Jacob growled with a glare, Demetri gave a snort, "Can you detect scents like we can?"


"You can't smell him on me?"

"Smell who?!"

Demetri just stared back at him Jacob let out a sigh of frustration. To be honest he hasn't been paying attention to any of the scents in the air. The Cullen house constantly reeked of vampire, he could tell some of the scents apart, isolate them to one of the vampires but he hadn't really had a reason to try when he was around them.

Jacob took a deep breath, feeling irritated when he caught that same scent of sickly-sweet bleach only to pause when he caught the smell of something… different.

The shifter frowned, sniffed the air again, moved closer to the vampire where that scent was the strongest. Jacob's eyes went wide when it suddenly clicked.

"Paul… what did you do?"

Demetri smirked, "Nothing he didn't want."

Jacob just stared at the vampire in horror.

"Jacob?" he heard Edward say somewhere beside him, "Jacob what's-"

"No… he couldn't have. It's impossible!"

"Apparently not." Demetri said leaning back in his seat.

Jacob felt like his brain was malfunctioning.


Demetri stared back, "I was hoping you could tell me that. I ran into him yesterday in the forest and I was suddenly overwhelmed with the most… confusing sensations. He told me that imprinting happens when a shapeshifter finds the other half of their soul, and if a shifter imprints, the imprint becomes the centre of the shifter's world; their reason for existing. And that an imprint can only be what the imprintee wants them to be."

Jacob froze, only a shifter would've been able to tell him that.

'Oh my God'

"Where is he?"

"Still on the reservation I assume." Demetri said with a slight frown pulling at his lips. Jacob suddenly got up off the couch.

"I need to go."

"Jacob, wait!" Edward said taking a hold of the shifters arm, "Where are you-"

"Edward just-" Jacob cut himself off, he took a deep breath and turned to face the vampire. There were so many things he was feeling right at that moment, so many things he was thinking.

He just… he needs to know.

Edward stared at him in concern, those bright gold eyes searching for answers, Jacob took another deep breath. "I-I promise I'll come back later, but I need to go right now. Please let me go."

Edward's lips pursed together and he nodded, "Alright."

Jacob immediately spun around and headed straight for the front door. He was barely off the porch before he gave into the warring emotions inside of him, and he leaped to phase mid air before rushing right into the forest heading straight for the reservation.

No one else was phased. Jacob wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. On the one hand he'd be able to find Paul faster, on the other he wasn't sure exactly how much the pack knew. The large russet wolf bounced off boulders and leaped off fallen logs, making a beeline for the patch of woods behind Paul's house and he didn't slow down until he went skidding into the large open area behind the older teen's house. He let out two loud barks and a yelp. A few moments later the door opened and Paul stepped outside wear a pair of sweats and a t-shirt the older teen frowned.


Jacob let out another bark and nodded his large head back towards the trees. Paul walked off the porch and followed the wolf into the woods, Jacob phased just as Paul caught up to him.

"What're you doing here?"

"Is it true?"

Paul blinked, "Is what true?"

Jacob stepped forward and took in a deep breath of his pack brother's scent not caring that he was naked, Paul gave a snort even as he frowned at Jacob's behaviour.

"Did you forget your cut offs before phasing or something?" Paul gave him a fond smile, "You're such a spaz sometimes."

Jacob suddenly froze before he pulled back to stare at Paul with wide eyes.

"It's true."

"What's true? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Demetri."

Paul's eyes went wide and he took an involuntary step back, Jacob's arms went limp at his sides when he realised that it really was true.

"Its true, you imprinted in him. You imprinted on a vampire."

Paul's jaw clenched, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't know what I'm talking about? Then maybe you can explain why he's at the Cullen house right now telling them that you imprinted on him."

"How the hell should I know what the parasite's problem is? You're the leech whisperer here not me." Paul turned around to walk away. Jacob grabbed his arm to turn him back.

"He smells like you and you reek of his scent."

"Back off Jacob." Paul growled a he wrenched his arm free from Jacob's hold and Jacob growled back, "Look you can lie to me all you want, but we both know what'll happen the second Sam comes near you. He'll smell the leech all over you and if you phase, he'll be able to feel the imprint. Everyone will feel it, what're you gonna do then huh?"

Paul said nothing and Jacob sighed, "Paul, just tell me what happened."

The older teen looked away, off into the trees. "I don't know what happened alright?! I ran into him in the woods, something went wrong by the time I realized what happened it was over."

"But… how?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know why it happened Jacob?! Huh? Am I supposed to know? Do you know why it happened cause if you do, I'd love to know because I don't have a fucking clue!"

"Alright I'm sorry I just…" Jacob dragged a hand over his face in frustration, "This so confusing."

"What the hell is he doing with the Cullens anyway?"

Jacob shook his head, "The – your vampire isn't like other vampires."

"What he's special?" Paul scoffed and Jacob looked up he almost frowned since he could hear and see the glow of curiosity in the shifter's eyes.

"The coven he comes from… he's dangerous."

"They're all dangerous."

"I mean they're so dangerous even the Cullens are scared of them."

Paul paused, "Why?"

Jacob paused as well, unsure of how much he was should say. But Paul will find out about it sooner or later right? How fair is it for Jacob to keep it from him?

"Esme said that they used to have real werewolves at some point, the kind that transformed cause of the full moon."

"Used to?"

"They were exterminated."

"By the coven he comes from?"

"By Demetri and two other vampires from the coven he comes from."

Paul's eyes went wide and Jacob sighed again, "You need to tell Sam and the council-"


"He's going to find out you need to tell him."

"Tell Sam what, that I imprinted on a wolf killing parasite?" Paul shook his head, "No way. It doesn't make sense for this to be happening anyway. He'll probably be gone before it matters-"

"He went to the Cullens cause he asked to join their coven."

"Wait – what?!"

"Because of you." Jacob said stressing the words as he took a step forward, "He's staying cause you imprinted on him."

Paul's eyes went even wider than before he kept stepping back, "No."


"Fuck off Jacob!"

"You can't avoid this forever-"

"I said fuck-"

"PAUL!" Jacob's voice came out in a rough inhuman snarl, a loud booming voice that made Paul freeze as his eyes went wide and the shifter suddenly resisted the urge to sink into himself.

Jacob's eyes went wide when he realized what he just did and he almost started to panic. He hates it when that happens, he's been trying so hard to make sure it didn't happen. He doesn't want it. He's never wanted it. Jacob took in a deep shuddering breath and moved forward to put a hand on Paul's shoulder.

"Paul I'm, I'm sorry I didn't mean-" Jacob swallowed hard, shaking his head as he looked down at the ground, "I just don't understand… Why didn't I imprint on him?"

Paul blinked and frowned at him, "What?"

"I thought we couldn't imprint on vampires." Jacob said hand clenching on Paul's shoulder, "I'm bonded to a fucking leech and I'm feeling… things for him but I didn't imprint. It would make sense if I imprinted, but I didn't… I thought we couldn't do that but now…" Jacob then looked up at his pack brother, "Why didn't I imprint on Edward? Why did it work for you but not for me?"

Paul could do nothing more than stare back at him, "Imprinting on a leech – a vampire isn't as…fun as it might seem. You're not missing out on much."

Jacob shook his head, "You don't get it."

"Jacob-" Paul started as he reached out to the younger teen only to stop himself short.

"Just, tell Sam, O.K? If the Cullens agree to let Demetri join them you know they'll need to meet with Sam." Jacob said with a soft sigh as he pulled away, "You want the vampires be the ones to tell him instead of you?"

Paul let out a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck."

Jacob turned back, "I should go… I promised Edward I'd go back."

Paul frowned, "Are you sure you didn't imprint on him?"

Jacob rolled his eyes, "Tell Sam."

Jacob turned around and phased leaping into the forest as he made his way back to the Cullen house. He took his time trying to think through his thoughts before he got back but he didn't make much headway.

Edward was waiting for him outside the house when he did, Jacob didn't immediately phase back. The telepath stepped off the porch and walked over to the shifter.

"Paul, that's the name of the shifter that imprinted on Demetri?" Edward asked and Jacob nodded his large head.

'He smells just like him, Paul says they ran into each other in the woods and it just happened'

Edward nodded as he stopped at the shifter's side, "You're upset."

Jacob blinked and looked away from the vampire, trying to keep his thoughts under control.

'Yeah its stupid right? It's not like one of my pack brothers imprinted on a vampire'

Edward gave a wry smile, "I didn't mean it like that. You have every right to be upset. Believe me, none of us are particularly pleased by this. But if it is true and Paul imprinted in Demetri then he does have a reason to stay. Carlisle wants to avoid a confrontation with the Volturi and Demetri and Felix have agreed to… play nice provided that we let them join us."

Jacob huffed, 'Why do they have to stay with you guys anyway? Why can't they live somewhere else?'

"Demetri's aware of our somewhat peaceful arrangement with your people." Edward explained with a soft sigh, "He thought joining us would allow him access so he could examine his connection with Paul without causing too much friction."


"It might not be so bad." The telepath said reaching out and placing his hand on Jacob's large head, "At least they didn't come to start a fight and this way we can keep an eye on them."

Jacob paused, for a second surprised at the contact since the vampire had never touched him in his wolf form, but he didn't tense or pull away. It felt nice having that ice-cold hand running through his fur letting the cool touch sink into his skin. He shut his eyes and leaned his head into Edward a little more.

'What about the rest of the Volturi?'

"From what we can tell, they don't know what Felix and Demetri are doing. They're walking a very dangerous path." Edward said smiling softly as the wolf leaned into him a bit more, "For now, Carlisle thinks playing along is the safest option. We'll deal with everything else as it comes up. He's also contacted Sam to set up a meeting."

Jacob's eyes snapped open. He expected this.


"Tonight, our situation with you is delicate enough. Carlisle doesn't want to make it seem like we're trying to hide anything from the council. Alice is going to be taking Eric home soon." The vampire paused, "I can take you back to chief Swan's if you like."

'No, I'll just call Charlie and tell him I'll be late'

Edward nodded, "Need some clothes? I noticed that you phased in a hurry earlier."

Jacob felt himself flush, his clothes totally got ripped apart. He really needs to learn to think ahead.


They looked up at the house at the same time and at the same time almost froze when they noticed Demetri standing in the open doorway, watching them. Jacob growled, Demetri's head gave a tilt.

"So close, tell me boy, did you imprint on Edward as well?"

Jacob almost tensed, instead he let out a snarl, hackles raised and sharp teeth gleaming in the light.

"Did I touch a nerve? How interesting." The vampire then turning around to walk back into the house.

The wolf was still snarling when he felt Edward's hand in his fur again, "Jacob, don't let him get under your skin." Jacob looked up at the telepath and felt himself falter at the soft smile he found there, he looked away let out a huff.

'I know, I should probably get dressed'

"I'll go get you some clothes." Edward said with a nod. Jacob let out a sigh when the vampire's hand left him.

He never wanted this. He never wanted to be bound to a vampire. But somehow it seemed like a cruel joke that he could be bound to a vampire but not imprint on him. He could see Edward as his imprint, he could accept the vampire as the centre of his universe, the other half of his soul. It would be so much easier. If Edward was his imprint then Jacob could fall as fast and as hard as he wanted to for the telepath and he wouldn't have to explain anything. He wouldn't even need to think about it. These things that he's been feeling for Edward would be self-explanatory. It wouldn't matter that they were coming too fast, it wouldn't matter that they didn't make sense.

But that's not what they were. They were brought together by a blood bond. It didn't make sense. He shouldn't be feeling like this so quickly.

But why?

Why didn't he imprint on Edward?


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