This is my first attempt so please let me know what you think! It's based off this tumblr post.
Disclaimer: I obviously do not own these characters. They belong to Rick Riordan
"William? Any comments?"
"Huh?" Will had zoned out. Again.
"Focus Mr Solace." The teacher said eyebrow raised. Will nodded, clearing his head. This was probably the most boring lesson he had ever had. It was bad enough that he had sit through Physics first thing in the morning (damn compulsory subjects) but they had a cover teacher who was completely clueless. He was called Mr Tantalus and he seemed to have a literal stick up his ass. He turned to his left to exchange an exasperated look with his neighbour - only to find a snoozing Nico Di Angelo. Are you freaking kidding me?! Tiny emo guy Di Angelo just gets to sleep away and I get called out for a tiny bit of daydreaming? Not cool. Teacher's probably scared Nico'd scratch his face off if he was woken. Wouldn't be the first time.
Will decided to express his boredom in a more tangible way when he slowly leaned over Nico's shoulder and doodled a teeny daisy in the margin of the paper in front of the sleeping boy who puffed a little air out of his nose and shuffled to get more comfortable now with his adorable face right in Will's eye line. Changing pens from the dull blue to a bright pink gel pen his sister Kayla had "accidently" placed in his pencil case, Will scribbled another tiny flower, a rose this time, beside the first. Suddenly, Nico flinched hitting Will's arm which he rapidly retracted - not quickly enough though that the raven-haired teen next to him missed where it had come from. He looked over confused and still in a state of confusion from his snap wake-up.
"Whuh's - Solace?" His expression immediately became more neutral - collected. "What are you doing?" He asked his dark, chocolate brown eyes confused. Then he looked at his paper and his whole demeanour changed. He turned back to Will, one eyebrow raised and his lips pressed together, repressing a grin. "Never thought you were the flowery type, Solace." Will felt his cheeks flush.
"Well, Di Angelo -" He bit back his retort as Mr Tantalus scowled in his direction. "Is that man a freaking dolphin?" Nico's look of consternation caused Will to elaborate. "They have really brilliant hearing. Vision too, actually. And they can use echolocation. It's actually really fascinating -"
"Solace, I couldn't care less about your nerdy dolphin facts. What have we been looking at? I've been asleep for the last 30 minutes." Nico interrupted. Will shrugged helplessly and the other boy turned away, sighing exasperatedly. "Grace!" He whisper-shouted. A boy a few seats to Nico's left with blond hair and glasses twisted around at the sound and grinned. "What has Mr T been rambling about? I was asleep and Solace here hasn't been paying any attention. Too busy drawing, apparently." Jason Grace, the object of Nico's attention smiled sympathetically at Will as he first chastised, and then explained the work to, the dark-haired teen who had addressed him previously.
When Nico settled back down next to Will he scowled before muttering, "Bet you need me to explain the work to you now don't you, asshole."
"That'd be nice." Will replied, grinning awkwardly. Honestly, the smaller boy had always scared him slightly.
Anyway, the work was explained and completed - Nico was actually scribbling non-stop, seeming to have a lot of ideas about oscillation and the application of Harmonic Motion.
Before he knew it, the last half-hour of the lesson had passed and Will was packing away, mentally preparing himself for Maths next period. Nico was still sitting there, scribbling away on his paper. Will leaned over and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Physics is finished, Di Angelo." The other student turned his head whilst hurriedly covered his page with his left forearm but Will still had time to see the multi-coloured meadow which had been doodled across at least a quarter of the page originating from the two miniscule flowers that Will himself had drawn before.
"Wow." Will smirked, hiding the stupidly massive grin that was trying to break though because NICO DI ANGELO. THE HOT ITALIAN BOY I SIT NEXT TO IN PHYSICS NOTICED A THING THAT I DID. "Never thought you were the flowery type, Di Angelo." he said instead. The dark-eyed boy flushed, "I - I don't - Shut up, Solace!" he said, violently stuffing the paper into his bag and heading towards the door.
"See you in English!" Will yelled at the fleeing teen, his smirk stretching into a grin.
He couldn't see the blushing Italian boy's smiling face as he exited the classroom, greatly looking forward to his English lesson.
Thanks for reading. This was really fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment etc.
Martha xx