Omigosh! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to update so late! As you guys can tell from last chapter, thunderstorms got in the way of my writing and I had yet another tornado, so I was on a bit of a hiatus. Sorry! Also, my friend had a seizure so I had to be there for in another words, I was extremely busy, but for good reasons.

Thanks to -


Moonlight Luna (and yes! You should get a profile!)




Atami no Tsuki

Grace . Fct

Marisay - chan


RobotGirl 2 . 0



Witch Priestess


prideshippingqueen (Love your username!)

sakura . kinamoto . 520

Because I - Don't - Care



for following, favoriting, or reviewing my story. I appreciate each and every one of you and am very pleased you guys like my story! I'm sorry for not updating, so as a little apology this chapter is over 5,00 words longer than my chapters usually are. Thanks for sticking with me, guys!


Seto? Where are you?

I tried turning around to see if you were there, but the only thing that met my eyes was darkness. I tried to move away from it, frightened by its presence, but it seemed to be coming closer. It won't leave me alone! Is it alive? Where am I?!

Evil laughter echoes in my ears, and I quickly look upwards towards what I assume to be the sky, but since it's so dark everything looks the same. I can see a man's face. He has long silver hair and one of his eyes are covered.

I know this man...


I call out to him, asking him over and over again what he's done to me. But he only chuckles and mocks my situation, acting as if everything is alright and this is but a joke. A prank. A nonsensical matter.

But it isn't.

Suddenly, his laughter heightens in pitch. My eyes widen as a large, demonic looking sword swings through the air as if held by some sort of ghost. I try to run away, I really do. But my legs can't move. They're stuck, as if held by some invisible glue. And I think I know the name of that invisible glue.


The invisible being wielding the sword asks me if I'm ready to meet my fate. I tell it no, saying I need to find my loved one before it's too late. He only laughs and mocks me, as just Pegasus had done. All of a sudden, a bright light surrounds myself and the sword, and it turns out that Pegasus was the invisible being holding the sword.

He takes a few menacing steps towards me, and I urge my legs - no, beg them, to move, but they stay in their place and fail me once again. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see it coming in order to calm my mind. Then, I hear Pegasus's voice. He wants me to open my eyes?

I do so without hesitation, wondering if it was all one of his sick games. To my utter horror, it is no longer Pegasus wielding the sword. It's someone I hoped I'd never have to face on the battlefield, and I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Seto, why have you betrayed me?" I ask him sadly, trying not to let the tears fall. He laughs heartily, not bothering to answer my question with words.

But his laugh is enough.

I hear the malice in it; the cold, unwanting tone gives it all away. He doesn't love me. He never will. These words flood my mind as the blade rises into the air. I look up at him, pleadingly, begging him without words to stop; to remember the times we spent together. But he doesn't see my tear streaked cheeks, or my angry yet distraught eyes.

All he sees is a disgusting fly who gets in his way. The way of becoming something he was always destined to be. Maybe he's right. Perhaps I do get in his way, and perhaps I am ruining his future.

I've been so selfish. Only thinking of my own future, and allowing him to suffer by convincing myself he loved me. There's no point in holding onto a false hope, is there. So I close my eyes once more, slowly, allowing the situation to sink in. I know this is the end. But who cares?

If he doesn't love me, what point is there? What dreams do I hold now?

Atemu can guide Yugi; he's fully capable of doing so. Neither of them need me. I just tried to tell myself they did, so I'd feel better. So I'd feel like I was wanted and loved. But I can hear their laughter ringing in my ears, although I can't see them, and I know they agree with Seto.

I would say goodbye, but who would listen? Who would hear? Who would say, "I'll miss you?"

No one.

Because no one will miss me.

Pegasus grinned at the withering youth on the screen in front of him. Yami was obviously in the middle of a nightmare, judging by his frantic pants. He was also mumbling the word 'no' over and over again, trying to fight the nightmare. Pegasus glanced down at Seto.

For once, he looked surprised and caught off guard. The fact that Pegasus was using a screen to show him Yami had surprised him slightly, but he hadn't been prepared for this. His mouth was hanging open in slight shock, and his blue eyes widened even further when he heard Yami say his name desperately, as if he was his last and only hope.

"Seems Yami-boy really likes you, doesn't he?" Pegasus remarked, breaking Seto's thoughts. He eyed the brunette curiously. "Do you return his feelings? Because I believe that's what his nightmare is telling him the opposite of. That you hate him."

"I don't hate him..." Seto mumbled under his breath, his heart sinking when Yami began falling into the mantra of saying 'no' once again. "...but I don't know if it's something more than friendship."

"It obviously is." Pegasus stated cheerily, though his tone was still somewhat dark. "Just think about it. Do you think you would've gone through all of this, just so you could save him? You weren't exactly bright and bubbly before. Now, you seem 'kinder', I suppose. And you have Yami-boy to thank."

Though Seto gave no verbal response, he did ponder Pegasus's words. It was true. After he'd met Yami, he'd opened up a bit more. The slightly younger youth wasn't exactly like his little brother, Yugi, in terms of personality, but he was certainly more open than Seto had been previously.

Maybe...Pegasus was right, for once. Maybe he did like Yami. It would explain a lot. His worry over him after he'd been kidnapped, the relief he felt when he'd attempted to save him and Atemu..

He could've sworn he liked women. His father said for it to be so. Seto didn't really care what his father said, though. In his mind the man was far too demanding and degrading to be given any respect aside from out in public.

"So, why don't I visit Yami-boy and tell him your feelings?" When Seto glared at him coldly, Pegasus chuckled. "I can't let you go. Who knows what havoc you might cause. You're rather feisty, after all. So, I think it's best I go alone, don't you?"

"I swear, if you touch him.."

Pegasus grinned at Seto's threat. "How about we strike a deal? I'll leave the camera to Yami-boy's room on, so you can see what I'm 'doing', alright?"

The brunette gave no answer, so Pegasus took it as a yes and exited the room, leaving Seto his thoughts. The youth turned his face towards the screen once again and studied Yami, wondering if he had any wounds or had been given a drug that was causing him to have these nightmares.

He looked fine, although very pale (though his skin wasn't usually on the fair side anyway). His bangs were askew and covered his eyes, which gave him the appearance that he was suffering from a fever. His chest was rising and falling normally, which sent waves of relief through Seto. His nightmare must've ended.

Pegasus walked into the room, wielding an item Seto couldn't recognize. He silently prayed it had nothing to do with sex or torture and glared at the man through the screen, but Pegasus just grinned back. Pegasus walked closer to the bed and tapped Yami on the chest, asking him to wake up. The latter slowly rose, his eyes fluttering open sleepily, glad his nightmare was over.

Or had it just begun?

Atemu had announced he wished to speak with his father privately, so Sayaka had agreed politely and informed Yugi that he could play with her while the two older ones spoke. He'd agreed, and soon, the hospital room held only father and son, a solemn silence hanging in the air.

"So, father..." Atem eyed his father hesitantly and offered a wary smile. " have you been?"

"Not very well." The man replied with a sigh, placing a hand on his temple and bowing his head. He didn't want his son to see the tears sparkling in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Atemu." He added quietly.

The tanned youth said nothing for a moment, allowing the 3 words to sink in before frowning. "Why did you do such a thing, father? Why would you turn against us?"

"I didn't want to do it!" Yoshito quickly lowered his tone when Atem raised an eyebrow. "I didn't want to do it whatsoever."

"Were you blackmailed?" asked the crimson eyed teen, letting out a long, exhausted sigh. He didn't feel tired physically. He felt tired mentally. All of the chaos caused had been due to his own father. Partly, at least.

"In a way, yes." The man answered, grimacing. "Pegasus told me if I didn' know, that he'd target Yugi instead. Before your mother died, she said I need to watch Yugi because she wouldn't be there to bring up her youngest son, and I just broke down. I didn't know what to do."

Atemu noted the way his father was choking on his own words, and his heart filled with sympathy. "I didn't think you'd do something like this on your own. But, you could've just told Yami and I. We could've helped you."

"I was too flustered at the time to think of it." Yoshito admitted sadly, running a hand through his graying hair. "I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I was afraid the news would get out and Pegasus might try to...kill you all. And I couldn't have that happen."

"I don't mean to sound selfish, father," Atem bit his lip and paused before continuing, "but we're also your sons. I understand Yugi is the youngest, but would you really sacrifice two for one on your own?! We could've helped you, and none of this would've happened!"


Atem's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to speak in order to calm his father down, but Yoshito cut him off.

"You think I'm just some bastard! You think I'm the bad guy! I only did what I felt was right and yet you come at me like I'm some douche bag who hates his kids!"

"Father, I didn't mean it like -"

"Well, if you hate me so much, why don't you just wallow in your self pity by yourself then?!"

And with that, Yoshito stood up and slammed the door, stomping down the hallway. It took Atemu a few moments before he realized what had just happened. His eyes clouded over with confused tears.

What had he done? Or was it, what had his father done?

Yoshito's actions at the end was inspired by my own father. He often says the stuff that Yoshito says (albeit without the curse words). Heh. Just gave you guys a reason to like him one moment, and then the next, he's hateable again. Lmao, sorry Yoshito. xD

Anyways, this chapter sucked so much...but I can't really help it because I have all of my other stories to focus on. Please don't get pissed at me!

Please review! I'm a little saddened by the lack of reviews and would appreciate it if you took the time to tell me about my story. Keep this in mind: I'm only 12, and my native language isn't English; it's French, so forgive the spelling mistakes, grammar, etc, please. Thank you, and goodbye!