This is actually my first Merthur Fanfiction. I just re-watch the show and since I write other Fanfiction stories I thought why not writing about Merthur. Here it goes and maybe tell me what you think.

Arthur stands at the window of his flat, watching the night falls over Camelot. The Dinner party was already in full swing; Gwen was busy in the kitchen while Lancelot and his sister Morgana were chatting in the living room. A secret smile played around Arthur's lips, thinking of the one person who was a little bit late to join them – Merlin.

The sound of his phone brings Arthur back from his thoughts, "Arthur Pendragon?", the voice over the phone asked when he picked up.

"Yes that's me. Who is this?" Arthur asked confused.

"It's Police Sergeant Percival. I'm a few streets away from your address and I'm sorry to inform you but Mr. Emrys was in an accident-"

"What?" Arthur cut him off. "No, no, no. Where is he?" His voice rose and the pain in it were clearly noticeable. "Is he-," his voice broke. He couldn't even imagine his life without him in it. "Is he alive?"

"I don't know Mr. Pendragon, I saw him only for a moment but if he is alive, he won't be for long. I'm sorry Mr. Pendragon."


Arthur screamed and threw his phone against the wall and time seemed to stop at that moment. Everything was in slow motion and he was unable to move, unable to do anything. He could hear nervous muttering, and Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot looking worried and afraid at him. Despite the heaviness in the air and paralyzed muscles, Arthur pushed himself to move. If Merlin was still alive but dying slowly the last he could do is say goodbye to him, but if he's dead already he could say goodbye to his lifeless body, wishing his soul would find peace and happiness wherever it was going to. Arthur never believed in God and Heaven but he prayed that Merlin would be in a happier place.

"Don't bury him yet. He's not dead, Merlin can't be dead."

Time finally started ticking again and Arthur was able to move. He jumped up and ran off to Merlin, leaving a worried Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot behind.

He got there faster than he expected, which was probably because he ran faster than ever in his life, and there was quite the scene unfolding. Arthur saw two cabs, one its front side smashed and the other flipped over, windows crushed, metal was bent and it was almost unrecognizable. Arthur's heart broke; he knew Merlin's cab must have turned a couple of times before stopping and he knew he was fragile and even if he was strong, he wasn't that strong. Arthur also saw a stretcher with a black bag being pulled to the mortuary van. But it wasn't until he saw a raven black hair strand in that body bag that he completely lost it.

"No! Please No!" Arthur pushed past the police but they caught him and tried to stop him from going to the mortuary van.

"Sir you are not allowed back here-"

"Let go of me! I have to-, let me say goodbye to him! Please just-, " Arthur yelled, his voice feral.

"Please I need to see him. I have to tell him something." But the hands holding him back, didn't release him.


He realized the policemen aren't going to let go of him, so he just screamed to him, for him. He hoped Merlin would hear him.

"He is dead," he thought, "of course he can't hear you."

Tears rolled down Arthur's cheeks. "I love you so much; I will always love you, Merlin. I will never forget you, never." Arthur whispered and brushed off the police men's hands and walked away.

Arthur's vision was blurred because of the tears in his eyes and he almost had an accident himself as he walked home. When he finally were at his flat, Arthur fell on the floor, not caring that Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot were still worried what has happened. He started crying again, this time the screams were present.

"Arthur-," Morgana crouched down and put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's gone. I couldn't save him. Merlin's gone. I have so much to say to him. I need him. I can't take this pain, I just can't."

"Arthur, what are you talking about?" Just as Morgana asked him, there was a knock and the door opened.

Gwaine rushed over to Arthur when he saw him on the floor screaming and crying. "Hey man, are you okay? I was just there." Gwaine helped him up and Arthur heavily breathes in.

"I couldn't save him, when I came there it was already too late. I couldn't save him, I'm sorry. I should have told him how I felt about him."

"What are you talking about?" Gwaine stepped back and looked at Arthur confused. "Merlin's not dead. He is pretty banged up, and he was dead for a few seconds, but now he's alive and in hospital."

"Wha- What? Don't mess with me Gwaine. He's dead. I saw him, I saw him in a freaking body bag!"

"No Arthur, Merlin is alive. You most likely saw the passenger of the other cab, he's the only one dead. Merlin is alive! I would never joke about something like this."

Arthur felt the weight of the world lifted off of his shoulders and he let out the breath he was probably holding since he saw the raven black hair strand in a body bag. He was never as grateful for anything in his life as he was grateful now, that the love of his life was alive.

"Now that you are finally ready to accept your feelings, go and tell Merlin how you feel. Tell Merlin how you felt when you thought he was dead. Tell him everything." His sister Morgana suggested with a nod towards Arthur.

"I will, trust me. I will." Arthur smiled wiped away the tears and made his way to the hospital.

Merlin was there, lying in the hospital bed with bruises and cuts on his face. A small and weak smile playing on his lips as he saw Arthur enter the room. He was there, hurt and bruised but he was alive. That's all that mattered.

"Never do this to me again Merlin!" Arthur walked over and nuzzles his head in the crook of his neck, "Never!" Arthur held him close while he told Merlin everything he was feeling towards him.

"I love you. I truly love you, Merlin."

"I love you too, Arthur."