Lemons (I just can't get enough LOL)

I woke up just before dawn. I snuggled closer to Chizuru, trying not to wake her. Somehow we had managed to stay connected as we slept. I groaned quietly as I moved her leg off mine and pulled out of her. She moaned when I did this and snuggled closer to me. I held her, watching her sleep.

About two weeks later, I noticed that she was getting sick. She had tried to hide it from me but it was usually after meals, she would run off, when she returned she was pale and sweat rolled off her forehead. She also started to become distant from me again whenever I asked if she was ok.

"Chizuru," I began one night after she had come back. "What's wrong? You have been acting distant and you look pale." I said gently, afraid that she would withdraw more and hide from me.

She looked at me, her eyes were sad and she looked scared. "Have I done something to frighten you?" I asked her quietly. She then fell to her knees and started to cry. I was up and at her side faster than a human could blink afraid that she was hurt.

I took her in my arms, not exactly sure what to do. "Talk to me, I'm afraid I have done something to you, what's the matter?" I asked. "I'm pregnant" she said in between sobs. "I'm scared Kazama, I'm afraid you will leave me. I'm afraid you don't want me anymore." I stiffened rather shocked at the news, then tightened my grip on her a bit more holding her close to me. I was happy at the news she was carrying my child.

"Why would I leave you?" I asked her really confused at her comment about that. "I told you I would never leave you, more so now that you're with child. As for me not wanting you, you should know by now that I have and will forever want you to be with me." I held her close to me and let her cry. She ended up crying herself to sleep. I picked her up and took her to the futon, laying her down I laid next to her, holding her.

She was now 5 months along and showing quite a bit, she had, had mood swings for some time, and they were starting to grate on my nerves a bit. One minuet she was happy, the next she wanted to kills something, or someone. It was driving me insane so I send a messenger to O-Sen; I needed a woman's advice on how to deal with it.

Sen showed up a few hours after I had sent the messenger. "You called for me Kazama; to what do I owe the pleasure?" She said rather sarcastically

"I need… Ummmm…. Womanly advice" I managed to mumble out, not exactly sure how to ask Sen about Chizuru's rapid mood swings. She laughed and I turned my head frustrated. "Womanly advice huh?" she said as she then frowned slightly, "Does this have to do with Chizuru's condition?" she asked.

"Yeah," I stated bluntly. "I'm not sure how to handle her mood swings, one minuet she's happy, the next it seems like she wants to kill me, then almost instantly she's crying in the corner. I try to judge her mood before I approach her but I never seem to get it right."

Sen smirked at me after I explained things, she was clearly amused." Is that all that is on your mind" she asked. "I never thought that you of all people would slink away from a woman, considering all that you have been through and have done." She laughed, and I grumbled. "The solution is easy," she said producing a small medicine packet and instructions from her sleeve. "Mix this in her tea; it's a calming herb mix. My family has used it for generations. This will help balance out her hormones. Call me when it is time for the baby to be born and I will be here to help with its delivery."

I took the packet and thanked Sen. She bowed and left.

That day I took the instructions and gathered the required herbs to mix the medicine myself and made a few extra packets. That night I mixed it in Chizuru's tea and it had an almost immediate effect. Her eyes became bright again and she finally smiled.

After not holding her for so long, I moved behind her and pulled her to me. She snuggled close to me and shifted so her side was against me. I gently put my hand on her rounded stomach, rubbing it, finally being able to enjoy the feeling of knowing our baby was safe.

I could feel the desire rising in me and grew hard. She noticed and wiggled against me. I stood up and picked her up, gently laying her on the futon, I laid down next to her. I slowly removed her Kimono; she blushed hard and tried to hide herself in the blanket. I smirked as I removed my Yukata and snuggled down next to her again. "Don't hide yourself" I said as I pulled her close to me," You have nothing to be ashamed of."

I gave her a deep kiss and let my hand wander over her body. I broke the kiss and started kissing down her neck, to her swollen breasts. I was careful not to put a lot of weight on her. I moved from each breast to her stomach. Rubbing it and kissing it gently, releasing a deep purr from my throat. I moved back up and moved her to face me again. Kissing her I moved to that her tummy was between us I entered her. I moved slowly and shallow as I feared going any deeper would hurt the baby. She groaned.

She surprised me when she moved her hands to my chest pushing me; I pulled out of her and rolled over onto my back. She straddled my hips and leaned over kissing me deeply. I moved my hands to her breasts then her stomach as she lowered herself on my length. I groaned and leaned my head back enjoying the sensation. "Are you sure that it's ok to take me so deep" I asked in between groans. She groaned and replied "I'm sure that it's alright." She lowered herself fully onto me and started to move. I knew I wasn't going to last long. I moved my hands to her hips in a vain attempt to keep her from taking me too deep.

After a very short time I felt her tighten around me. I followed her over the cliff and released with her. She collapsed on top of me, spent; I held her close and kissed the top of her head. I pulled out of her and rolled us both onto our sides. We slept peacefully that night wrapped in each other's arms.

~Four months passed~

Chizuru was sitting under the large Sakura tree in the yard; I had returned from home after a short meeting with the other clan leaders and now was sitting on the porch smoking my pipe watching her.

As I watched her face went from being peaceful to shock and frightened. "Chizuru," I asked thinking something was amidst I rested my hand on the hilt of my sword.

She looked up at me almost in tears. "M-my water…just broke…." She said scared. My hand dropped from my sword and I rushed over to her. Just as I reached her a contraction hit, sending her into pain. I winced as she cried out. I very gently picked her up and carried her to our room. Yelling for a messenger as I went.

Once of the female messengers appeared, she looked rather shocked to see Chizuru in my arms and in pain. "Go Find Sen… NOW!" I shouted at her, pulling her from her shocked state. "Y-yes sir" she stammered and then ran off.

Sen showed up a couple hours later, followed closely by the messenger who was out of breath. "About time" I said to her sharply. "I came as fast as I could" she snapped back, she then forced me out of the room. I paced listening to Chizuru's screams of pain.

Her labor lasted for about twelve hours. I had left for a while so I wouldn't break down the door and barge into the room. I left the messenger there to come get me if things changed. I needed to calm myself.

"Push!" I heard Sen Yell when I had returned. I glared at the messenger "It just started sir" she stammered and ran off. I paced as I hear Sen yelling for Chizuru to push and Chizuru's cries of pain. All of a sudden everything went quiet. It seemed to be that way for what felt like hours. I heard a high pitched cry. I then had released the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Sen Came through the door, she was wiping blood off her hands. "Momma and baby are fine, you may go in now." She said. I slowly entered the room to see a pale Chizuru propped up with a small bundle in her arms. She smiled weakly to me as I moved next to her.

"Meet your daughter Kazama." Sen said as she moved up next to me. "What are you planning on naming her?" she asked throwing me off a bit as I hadn't thought of any names.

Sen whacked me with her fan. "Don't tell me you haven't thought of any names!" With this Chizuru giggled. "Her name is Harumi, Meaning Spring Beauty." I nodded my approval of the name, considering it was spring and the baby was beautiful.

When Chizuru mentioned her name Harumi opened her eyes and wiggled. She had dirty blonde hair and Maroon colored eyes, she was absolutely stunning.

Sen Giggled "Well her hair and her eyes are neither her mother's nor her fathers. They are a wonderful combination of both! Congratulations Kazama and Chizuru."

"Thank you," I stated. "Anytime Kazama, I would do anything for Chizuru." She then bowed and took her leave, leaving us alone to cherish Harumi.

A/N: This may take a bit to update again so I'm going to put it on Hiatus, I need to come up with some more Ideas for it. Something that also involves Harumi. When I come up with some I will take it off Hiatus, and I promise I won't forget about it I love this pairing a lot. I am open to Ideas, just let me know. While I'm thinking I may do short One-shots for the rest of the guys.