(Secret account) POV-based fiction, contemporary, steamy-romance.

Please stay with me during this journey!

Disclaimer : Maid-Sama belongs to Fujiwara Hiro

Intentions —

1# - Twofold Encounter

"Each meeting occurs at the precise moment for which it was meant.
Usually, when it will have the greatest impact on our lives."
— N. Scrieva

— A. Misaki

I FIRST SAW HIM at the coffee shop I usually went to every Saturday morning.

It was a bright and open place with a touch of modernity, sparsely furnished with wood-like furniture that kept the display natural. A huge glazed window stretched across the entire front of the store, making the adjacent road visible from the inside. A few green interior plants were set along the window in several corners of the cafe, bathing in the sunlight.
It was the perfect place to spend an early summer morning in.

A quiet morning to work on different cases was my favorite time of the day. Unfortunately, a group of teenagers on the table beside me were squeaking a little louder than usual. Note the emphasis on the word 'little'.

"So handsomeee!" one of them squealed.
"Oh my goshhh, he just looked into my eyes..." a breathy voice whimpered.
"He was totally looking at me!" another one retorted.
"What? No! That wa—..."

God, how could they get so loud over some guy? I glared at them, hoping to calm their sudden zeal. But they glanced right through my scowl, as if I were a mere plant pot sitting on a table. I inhaled sharply. Frankly offended by their behavior, I frowned at them, before taking a look at their prey.


The word was clearly unfitting.

He was there, a couple tables away, looming over the front of the counter in his six foot and maybe a few inches tall figure. Sunlight was shining right onto him, making him even more dashingly noticeable than he could already be. The man wore a fitted white shirt, ends tucked in, and had his sleeves pulled back to his elbows in an athletic fashion. His hands were casually slipped into the front pockets of his dark jeans, and his hair was a golden mess, unruly falling onto his head. I'll be honest; every inch of his slender body screamed Attractive with capital letter A, and Utterly-Good-Looking with the three capitals letters. Nothing along the line of prey, I could tell for sure.

I think my eyes hurt a bit, looking at him for that long.

I just couldn't bear the sight any longer and darted my eyes to the fangirling table, seeing them all tomato red. Poor girls, I sighed. Getting manipulated by a guy's look. I guess even making girls uncomfortable was included in those irresponsible guys' DNA. Who could even trust them if they were meant to be, at birth, that troublesome? Disheartened, I set my eyes back on the bundle of printed sheets and newspapers in front of me, coping with the occasional whispers and giggles filling my surrounding as I read the newspaper's bold letters.


While many in the world can afford the help of professionals to get them back on their feet and attend to advised medication, the world's underdeveloped countries continue to fight against several pandemics that plague their homes. Where does the limited support for their lives come from?

The Red Cross, The Health Volunteers Overseas, as well as Oxfam and many other humanitarians organizations risk their lives in order to offer service and guidance to those who need it the most and whom are unable to provide for themselves. However, even with all the up-to-date generous contributors, resources are still acutely lacking.
And this is where You, the civilians, come into view. Will you turn a blind eye to the helpless or instead be willing to give a second of your time to think, think and realize how much society has carved us into people so engrossed with our own lives, that we walk right past through it? You may consider it a hassle, but in the least,
realize that what might be everyday to you is definitely contributing to the tomorrow of the 22,000 children that die each day due to poverty. Do something. Act now and share your concerns at...

Following the end of the article were diverse ways to contribute, communicate and get involved with the different organizations, whether it was to help directly or even donate to agencies. These kinds of features were some sort of satisfying to read as not many are published nowadays in prevailing newspapers. What was mostly refreshing was the standpoint of the author, nonetheless. That reporter was involved in what he believed was necessary in our time; assessment, awareness and realization of our unhealthy routine. And what I mean is not the strain of the physical aspect that was routine; but rather the way we were likely to think of everything indifferently now that we gradually became used to them. Almost like accepting the ugly and fitting into the mold.

I couldn't help but think that the reporter who wrote this probably wanted to change the world's views on what most of us were blind to: the helplessness of the people around us.

"Whoever you might be, Usui T., you must be quite the kind hearted soul," I whispered to myself.

My phone buzzed a few hours later. It was already around noon by then and I figured out I had to eat lunch sometime soon. Glancing at my smartphone's screen, I slid the call icon to answer to the call.

"Hello," I prompted.

"Misaki! Good afternoon to you!" Satsuki's loud voice resonated from the speaker. I smiled lightly at her enthusiastic tone.

"What is it Satsuki?" I inquired. She wouldn't call without any reason, would she? Satsuki was the former manager from my old part time job but I kept visiting them from time to time.

"There's a change of plans for tonight actually," she hummed, seemingly pleased with the way things were going. My brows knitted in confusion.

"What do you mean? Are we cancelling Erika's birthday party at Latte tonight?"

"Oh nonono," her voice was laced with laughter. "We're changing location! Come at Latte at 6pm tonight, we are going to go from there," she replied.

"Eh? What for? Just give me the location and I will be there on time."

"Nonono, you are coming to Latte beforehand, since Aoi has planned to dress us up tonight!" So that was why, I figured out. I sighed. Aoi and his crazy dresses... I wondered if I could skip tonight but it was Erika's birthday after all. But to try is to hope..

"Could I—..." I hesitantly started before getting cut off.

"Misa-chan, just no way! Come here at 6, I'll see you there!" And she hung off the phone on me without further discussion.

Oh well, what was done was done. I wrapped the papers into a pile and slid it into a folder before putting it into my briefcase. I could use some lunch now, I guessed, standing up and walking out of the cafe. Glad to know that tomorrow was Sunday, in case Satsuki had crazy ideas in mind for tonight. I exhaled, before pushing the door out to the sunny road.

— U. Takumi

I SAW HER as soon as I got into the crowded bar. Electronic music was blaring loudly into my ears as chatter and voices filled the room.

She sat there in the dark, surrounded by some women with whom she seemed to be comfortable enough to laugh carelessly, cheeks flushed pink as her dainty fingers brushed against the tip of her cocktail glass.

Lights were dancing in the room as she lifted her drink to her lips, tilting the glass upside down, her throat bobbing up and down with each sweet gulp. A dark chocolate strand of hair slid down from her ear and slightly curled along that delicate neck of hers. I swallowed. I could already picture my lips kiss her skin smooth neck, my hands running through her soft ravens curls while she would—...

"... —Takumi? So, what do you want?"

I quickly blinked my fantasy away as my gaze went back to the counter, next to my friend who had just yelled into my ears. He nodded towards the bartender who was waiting expectantly for me to order my drink. Faking my attention slip with a shrug, I cleared my voice before nonchalantly answering him.

"Scotch on the Rock," I swiftly replied as the barman nodded a curt "Yes sir," before taking off.

"What's up? You're frowning, mate," my friend and long time co-worker, Igarashi Tora, inquired. We were often paired up at work and quickly became well-acquainted through four years of partnership.

"Nothing much," I lied as my eyes casually scanned the crowd, hoping to steal another glimpse of my newfound muse.

I looked over to the table, only to find out that she had vanished from her seat, though her friends were still there. Mildly disappointed, I turned back to my friend, who seemed to be busy eye-fucking a busty red head.

"What did you order, Tora?" I curiously asked. His taste in alcohol seemed to change every single day.

"Dirty martini," he slowly grinned at me and carried on in a husky voice, "Tonight's my win Takumi," he stated before he resumed his previous activity with Red, who was definitely doing naughty things to the straw of her drink.

I chuckled at his bold confidence. Surely he did think of me as an opponent regarding casual flings. But when it came to women, I must admit that I had pretty much singular tastes. Was it the physical appearance? Nope. I believed that every woman was beautiful in her own way.

"Seems like someone is in high spirits tonight," I teased, as our orders were handed to us.

He glanced my way before he asked, "What are you up to tonight?" I smirked at his veiled demand.

"Don't worry about me, mate." Upon seeing the hesitation on his face, I insisted. "I can manage alone, no concerns needed."

He slightly relaxed as he off-handedly retorted, "That was not worry. More like... pity," he laughed. Pity? How could I be pitiful? He probably noticed my silent consternation because he hastily shook this feeling off.

"Kidding man.. It's more like.. —envy." he said as his eyes wandered into the crowd.

"See? Almost every chick has their eyes on you, mate. I'm so jealous." he taunted, faking his voice on the last sentence.

I eyed him suspiciously, and brought the glass to my lips, slowly sipping the liquor. Once again, he smirked his dirty grin before getting up.

"Very well, I'm off to finish my night then. See you around Takumi." He threw his head back, nodding to Red, who was sashaying leisurely between tables towards the back exit, her eyes set in Tora's direction. A shadow crossed Red and Tora on their way, catching my attention: a flash of amber eyes.

There you are again, beautiful.

"The night is only beginning." I slowly smiled to myself.

Author note: