Yes, a new story. But a story co-written with the amazing author, EndlessPaine. No worries, I'm still working on "A Bounty's Price" but this will be updated as well while I work on the next chapter for that. I'm posting this here while EndlessPaine is posting it on AO3.

A sort of crossover. While we put the characters of OUAT into the world of Dragon Age we don't really think characters of the video game will be making an appearance. But we don't want to claim that we came up with this world of magic and dragons. That goes to Bioware. So, we own nothing from OUAT or Dragon Age but we do own this idea.

A big thanks to EndlessPaine and her beta for looking over this for us. I'm excited for y'all to read this! Let us know what you think!

The dagger with a serrated edge was removed from the pale man's body, droplets of blood falling from the tip. His right hand flinched, either in an attempt to lift it up to defend himself or to summon some of his magical talent. However, it was futile as he had lost too much blood, both from wielding it against his attacker and from his own wounds. It didn't matter anyways as the woman above him plunged a matching dagger in her opposite hand down into his chest, straight through his heart. The scent of smoke from the burning wood of his hideout began to leave his senses as he felt his soul making for the Fade. "Maker…have pity on your soul," he croaked out just before the woman ripped the dagger from his chest allowing him to bleed out.

Returning her daggers back to her leather belt without even cleaning them, the woman pushed back her grey hood revealing long wavy blonde hair. "Haven't you figured it out yet?" she snipped, knowing it would fall on deaf ears since the mage was already dead, "There is no Maker. Only the Fade and demons await you, apostate."

Emma Swan was a deadly and dangerous rogue, who was feared by many mages, apostates mostly. She was well known for carrying the blood of magic wielders on her hands. There were those who gained gracious titles within the world of Thedas, such as the Hero of Ferelden or the Champion of Kirkwall, but Emma managed to obtain one of the most fearsome of titles; the Executioner of Magic. While she only slayed apostates, Emma despised and hated all mages. After what magic and apostates had done to her as a child, she would have killed every last one of them if the Circle had allowed her to. It wasn't just mages that feared Swan, though. She also took down anyone who dared to stand in her path to an apostate target, and most people who knew she was after one usually steered clear of the deadly blonde. However, Emma did not work as any type of savior to the ones that apostates harmed. The Executioner functioned for her own revenge, and only a lucky few, those she trusted, knew exactly what that revenge was. Now, with war waging between the Templars and the Mages, Emma had been looking forward to fulfilling her own self-appointed duty.

She had been about half-way between Lothering and the Circle Tower of Ferelden when she caught wind from a passing merchant that a blood mage had been hiding out in the woods nearby. The information had led the rogue to where she was standing now. Emma walked nonchalantly out of the small log cabin as the structure began to collapse. Once the blonde had made clear of the mage's hideout, the cabin fell in on itself, the flames rising high up behind Emma, who continued walking on, empty of remorse.

A man awaited Emma just a ways down the trail she walked. He had short brown hair, a scruffy beard, and blue eyes. His face carried a softer expression than the blonde's. Black leather armor adorned his body and two long matching daggers were strapped to his back. Sometimes, he wondered why Swan didn't wear her daggers like every other rogue. August had been at Emma's side ever since they were children and he had seen the horrors that mages inflicted upon her. Yet, he did not carry the same amount of hatred in his heart towards them and he let Emma know that from time to time. He was probably the only person she did not strike down when he stood in her way.

"Was that really necessary?" he questioned her, having been the only person brave enough to do so. Sure, August carried his own reservations towards apostates, but he wasn't all Hell bent on killing every last one of them. There were only a handful of times where he had managed to stop the woman he considered his sister from slaying a wanted mage.

Emma gave her brother a scathing glare and let out a low growl. "He wasn't just an apostate," she seethed, "He was a blood mage and he tried to kill me."

An exasperated sigh escaped the man's lips as he rubbed his eyes in frustration. August shook his head and said, "You know, what if one day you ended up meeting someone that you fell in love with and he…or she…whatever you're into these days, revealed to you that they were a mage," he explained, once again trying to reason with Emma.

The Executioner just stood there in silence for a moment, staring at her brother like he had just admitted to being an apostate. Emma's green eyes fluttered open and shut a few times before she doubled over in laughter. It was as if she had just heard the funniest joke ever told in history. Once she came up for breath, she looked at August, who was examining her in disbelief. "You know my reputation, August," she began, "As does everyone else in this cursed land. Now, what would a mage be doing pining over me?"

August crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "You never know, Emma. And stop laughing. You're scaring the wildlife more than usual."

Emma snorted and started walking, passing her brother with a punch on his shoulder. "Don't get your hopes up, brother dear," she said. "My reputation precedes me, as you know. Anyone that even considered falling in love with me would have nightmares for months."

"But you aren't a blood-thirsty killer all the time," he argued as he followed her. "At least not around your friends." He paused. "The very few friends that you have."

"Exactly," she said with a nod. "The few who have gotten close enough to see the 'real me' are not in love with me. That should be enough evidence for you."

"You just haven't met the right person yet!" August exclaimed. "They could be out there, lonely, heartbroken, and sad. All they need is you and your beautiful soul…"

"That is darkened by blood and anger." Emma sighed. "Let it go, August. Falling in love is not in my future. Your bard's heart and mind are running away with you."

August narrowed his eyes at her and slapped her in the back of her head. She growled and spun around, throwing a wild punch at his face, which he quickly dodged.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"You are so negative!" he yelled. "Your broodiness and grumpy face bore me to tears. I need you to let some sunshine into your life."

"I have you, don't I?" she quipped back before turning around and continuing on the way again.

"For what it's worth," he muttered.

"You two could have taken a little longer. I do not think my ass has rooted itself to the earth quite yet."

Emma smirked at the Dalish elf sitting on a rock just outside the gates of the Circle Tower. Her long blonde hair was in a braid, her ears on full display for all to see. Her face bore the tattoo of Andruil, letting all know that she followed the goddess of the hunt. An ornate bow and quiver sat on her back, ready for use if trouble arose.

"Always the charmer, huh, Tink?" Emma asked.

"Of course," the elf said, gracefully standing up and stretching. "That would explain the many lovers I have left in my wake, all heart broken by my sudden departure."

August snorted.

Tink's eyes settled on him in a heartbeat. "What say you, brother of the Executioner? Do you doubt my powers of love?" A smirk was threatening to break through the elf's stoic mask.

August cleared his throat. "Not at all, my lady." He gave a swift bow. "I am merely jealous that I have not had the joy of your company in such a manner."

Tink lost her mask as that thought entered her head. Her face screwed up in disgust. "Please stop, August. That thought makes me slightly ill."

Emma chuckled at the hurt look August suddenly developed.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really," Tink answered. "You and Emma are like my siblings. I have known you for almost five years now. You both helped me when my clan kicked me out. You are my family now. I do not want to sleep with either of you." She paused and looked him up and down. "Especially you." She shuddered and turned back to Emma. "So, your message said to meet you here. I'll have you know I was enjoying the fair I was at very much."

"Be honest, Tink," Emma stated. "You were enjoying the mead at the fair."

"Yes, true," the elf answered. "But it was at the fair so I was, in fact, enjoying the fair." She looked behind her at the Tower and back at Emma. "Why here?"

"We received a message asking us to come," Emma said, pulling out a scroll and handing it over to the elf.

Tink took it and read it with raised eyebrows. "Asking for all of us specifically? Not just you. How odd."

"I thought so as well," August stated. "Emma is very well known. We are just side thoughts in her story."

Tink nodded while Emma just rolled her eyes. The attention her deeds brought her irritated the human woman. Her goal was to merely stop other people from going through what she did.

Tink rolled up the scroll and handed it back to Emma. "I guess we will never find out if we continue to stand out here."

Gasps and whispers erupted through the main hall of the Circle as mage eyes fell on upon one of their greatest fears. Lucky for them, no one within the tower was an apostate. None dared to make eye contact with the blonde human female.

The elf nudged Emma's side with her elbow and leaned in to whisper, "I think you're the life of the party." She received an unamused expression from her rogue friend.

August gave a few small smiles and tip of the head to some passing by magi, trying to show that they were not here for trouble.

Several male Templars broke from their conversation and turned to face their visitors. Their leader had been highlighted by the maroon flowing cape that hung from his armor. Knight-Captain Phillip gave a bright smile and held one hand out towards the Executioner. "Ah, Emma Swan," he began, "Or shall I call you Executioner?"

"Emma is fine," she answered. That was her preferred title anyways. She hadn't come up with the legendary one.

"Right, Emma," Phillip continued, "Welcome to the Circle of Ferelden. I am Knight Templar Captain Phillip. It is an honor to meet you. We've been awaiting your presence. First, I want to thank you for coming in our time of need."

Emma held a hand up to stop him, a smirk on her lips. "Let me stop you right there," she interrupted, "I'm not here to please you. I do not consider the Templars my friends. I am here for me. Your message mentioned a nice amount of coin as a reward. That's all I'm here for. So, let's skip the pleasantries and get right down to it, shall we?"

A few of Phillip's men snickered behind him to which they were given a glare. The captain turned back to Emma with a fake smile. "O-of course, Emma," he stuttered, "As you may know, there is growing unrest between the Templar Order and the Circle of Magi."

"Yeah, the whole world is going to the Fade in a hand basket," Tink interjected sarcastically as she crossed her arms, "We got that much already."

Phillip nodded and clasped his metal-covered hands together with a slight clank. "Right. We are a bit worried about one of the smaller Circles that recently fell. There's a very powerful mage there and while she has been with the Circle her entire life, we worry that she might fall into some…influence." He averted his gaze during his pause, but then looked back to Emma and her friends.

"So you need us to take her out," August assumed, rocking back and forth on his heels impatiently.

"No," Phillip answered, shaking his head, "Well…only if you have to. We would prefer that she be brought here alive. If we could bring her to our side of this war, we might be able to end it more quickly and with less bloodshed."

Emma narrowed her eyes and stepped closer to the man before her, staring him down with a scary look. "Why would the Templars hire me, someone who has killed countless magi, for a simple mission like this?" she asked, searching Phillip's face for answers. "That's a lot of coin for just one mage, dead or alive."

The blonde elf scoffed, placing a hand on Emma's shoulder, pulling her back for a brief moment. "Who cares? Easy coin is easy coin."

August apparently caught a whiff of bullshit just as his sister did. "No, there's more to it, Tink," he explained, "They just don't want to spit it out."

"And if he doesn't spill it, I'll spill his innards," Emma threatened, her eyes darting down between her body and the Templar's.

Phillip glanced down to realize that at some point, the rogue had drawn her dagger and placed it up against his armor. He didn't know how strong she was or if she could penetrate his armor, but he didn't want to find out. Phillip's hands rose up defensively and he sputtered out, "Th-there's no need for bloodshed here Sera Swan." Suddenly, he felt like being extremely formal. "This mage we need is Senior Enchantress Regina Mills," he admitted, "She's the daughter of-…"

"First Enchantress Cora Mills," August finished for him, "Shoulda known this was some political game."

"So the Templars want me to do their dirty work for them," Emma chided as she pulled her dagger bag, allowing Phillip to relax. "Now was that so hard? I just needed to know what I was getting myself into. Fine, we have a deal. I don't care about your war or its pawns, but if she tries to kill me, I doubt you'll have a pawn."

The Templar captain gave a shaky nod, still quivering in his boots. A small bead of sweat travelled down the side of his face. Now he knew why the magi feared this woman so much. "Thank you, Sera Swan. This particular Circle is in a small village called Storybrooke," he said, handing over a piece of rolled up parchment paper, "Here's a map to the village."

"Oh, I've been there before," August chimed in, "It's a nice little place, but not on most maps, and pretty secluded. I'm surprised it didn't manage to avoid all this turmoil."

A sly grin crept up on Emma's lips as she took the map from Phillip. "Don't mind my brother. He seems to think every mission is a vacation."

"It's not my fault that someone could use one," August muttered beneath his breath.

"I heard that," Emma shot back.

The trek to the village took about three weeks. They would have been there in two if August hadn't insisted on them taking their time.

"She's not going anywhere, Emma," he argued.

Tink had backed him up, her blue eyes becoming wide and watery. Emma had scoffed at the two of them but relented, knowing they were right. Besides, they were fun company.

Tink was very inventive and could repair almost anything that was broken and August was a bard, one of the best in Emma's opinion, and would entertain them at night with tales. They were her family and the only ones that were allowed to see her smile.

The village was small and, like August said, pretty secluded from most anything else. The road leading to the village was free of bandits but also of other travelers. In fact, they didn't run into a single traveler the entire trip until about half a league from the village. They could see the village gates but also a single covered wagon heading towards them with a horse pulling it and a single man walking beside the animal. As the wagon drew nearer, the man lifted his hand and smiled.

"Hello, there!" he said, his voice friendly and inviting.

"Hello," August answered while Emma just narrowed her eyes and Tink stared.

"Name's Archie," the man said coming to a stop in front of the group. "You heading to Storybrooke?"

"Yes," August said with a nod. "Are you from there?"

"Sure am," Archie stated. "I'm the town merchant. I'm a little low on goods so I'm having to travel to resupply my shop."

"You don't have someone to do that for you?"

Archie smiled. "I like to travel. Keeps me young. I have my apprentice running the shop for me while I'm gone. You planning on staying in town long?"

"No," Emma said flatly. "We're just passing through."

Archie seemed taken back by her tone but continued smiling. "Well, enjoy the town. We have a fair starting tomorrow."

"A fair?" Tink asked, her eyes lighting up.

Archie studied her, his eyes landing on her ears for a split second before he nodded. "The Miner's Day Festival. We have a good number of dwarves in our town that help supply our lyrium for the mages. So, we decided that was a good reason for a festival."

"I agree," Tink stated with a nod. "I love fairs."

"You love anything that invovles drink," August amended.

"Yes," was all Tink said.

Archie grinned and started on his way again. "Enjoy it then. Our town welcomes visitors. "The inn is right at the front gates and run by Granny. Tell her I sent you. She'll give you a good price. And she has the best pie this side of the mountains."

"Pie?" August asked with excitement.

"Let's hurry," Tink said, nearly bouncing on her toes. "I am hungry."

"We just ate," Emma groaned as she rolled her eyes.

Tink shrugged and grabbed Emma's upper arm. "We had dry meat and hard biscuits. With warm water. I would like to enjoy a meal for once. Maybe have some mead and soup. And pie. I would really love some pie."

"Same here," August stated. "I know we are on a mission and it's all serious and such. But I'm tired of boring food. Let's get a room and eat and then we can visit the Circle. Is that okay with you, Emma?"

The rogue sighed and nodded. "Fine," she said. "But let's make it fast. I would like to meet this mage before nightfall."

The inn was very easy to find. Archie was right about it being right at the gates. The Wolf's Head Inn featured a sign with a howling wolf's head on it. The inside was homey and warm, making the travelers feel welcome right away.

"Need a room?" the young woman at the counter asked with a grin. Her long brown hair hung down her back and her shirt left little to the imagination.

August grinned back and leaned against the counter. Tink nudged Emma with a grin. Emma just rolled her eyes.

"We do indeed need a room," August said. "And who might you be?"

"Ruby," the woman provided. "And you?"

"August. And this is my sister, Emma, and our best friend, Tink."

Ruby's eyes settled on the two blondes, her eyes widening slightly at Tink's ears before moving back to August. Emma gave a small sigh of relief at not being recognized. Maybe Storybrooke was secluded enough that no one had heard of her.

"You here for the festival?" Ruby asked, her eyes landing on each of them to include them all in the question.

"Partially," August answered. "We ran into Archie on the road. He told us to tell Granny that he sent us here."

Ruby grinned and gave a nod. "You get a discount for being friends of Archie. He and Granny go way back."

"Stop yammering, girl and sign them in!"

An older lady came out from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. "I'm sure they're tired."

"I'm hungry," Tink stated.

The older woman's mouth twitched into a small grin. "Not often we see an elf in these parts," she said bluntly.

"I could see why," Tink said. "It takes forever to get here."

"I'm Granny," the woman offered, her eyes softening. "Go ahead and sit down. I'll bring out three of today's special."

August gave a whoop of delight while running toward the tables. Tink shoved him as he ran past her, causing him to stumble into a chair.

"Tink!" he exclaimed with a red face.

"Act your age," she demanded.

"Stop acting all high and mighty and I'll think about it."

"If both of you don't shut up, I'll make sure we finish our business here before nightfall and make you leave early," Emma growled.

Both the elf and human quickly shut up and sat down at a table. August's cheeks still red and the tip of Tink's ears showing the beginnings of the color as well.

"I apologize for my companions," Emma said softly. "They don't know how to act around other people."

Ruby laughed and shook her head while Granny just chuckled and went back into the kitchen to prepare their meals.

"Ruby," Emma started. "We have some business with the Circle here. Could you direct me?"

"Of course," the tavern girl said. "It's right in the middle of the village. Hard to miss really. After you eat, you should be able to catch them just after their evening meal."

"Perfect," Emma said with a nod.

The evening meal was boring. Yet again.

But then again, everything was boring.

Her life.

Her "job".


"Senior Enchantress?"

Regina looked up from her nearly full plate, a bored look covering her face. "What is it, Belle?"

"There are some people here to see you," the mage said, her eyes barely meeting Regina's.

The older mage sighed and put down her fork. "Did they say what they wanted?"

"No, ma'am," Belle answered. "It's two humans, a man and a woman, and an elf."

"An elf? How odd."

Belle nodded. "I sent them to your office."

"Very well," Regina said, standing up. "Would you please make sure the leftover food gets sent to the orphanage? Sister Astrid told me earlier that their supplies are low."

"Of course, Senior Enchantress."

Regina closed her eyes at the title but gave a small smile at the other woman. "Thank you, Belle. And please tell Ruby 'hello' when you see her tonight."

Belle's face flared up in a blush but she nodded anyway before scurrying off.

Upon opening the door to her office, Regina witnessed a blonde woman propped up on the desk. She would have stared in awe at the woman, who appeared to be sharpening a dagger at the moment, but she was overwhelmed with annoyance at such rude manners her visitors had. She glanced over to see a Dalish elf poking around at her many belongings, seeming to be amused at some sort of artifacts she'd never seen before. The human male had apparently taken it upon himself to try one of the apples she had in a basket on a table.

Regina coughed slightly to clear her throat as well as to catch the attention of the three beings currently invading her office. She rested her hands on both hips, a brow quirked. August flinched, dropping the second apple in his other hand before he struggled to swallow what he had already chewed. Tink nearly leapt from her skin, spinning around on a heel, trying her best to look completely innocent. Emma was the only one who did not completely lose her cool. She merely stopped her sharpening and looked up to lock eyes with the mage.

"How can I help you…?" Regina queried, gesturing for a name.

"The name's Emma Swan, mage," the blonde rogue said in response as she placed the blade to her side.

Regina took a step back, her hand going to her chest. Her eyebrows rose up in a bit of shock. "Y-you're the Executioner," she whispered with a worried expression. Regina was a higher ranking mage within the Circle, so of course the name Swan had come across her desk from time to time. However, she never expected the legendary killer of her kind to show up in such a place as Storybrooke. It could only mean one thing seeing as how her Circle had pretty much fallen apart. Regina had done what she could to keep her fellow magi from taking off to fight this foolish war, but she only managed to retain a few, including Belle. That was thanks to Ruby of course.

"Hi," Emma said with a grin, shrugging her shoulders. There was her reputation again, following her even to the most secluded of places. Wait, why did she care? This was just another mage and one she might have to kill. However, Executioner or not, Emma could not deny the beauty of the woman before her.

"What are you doing here?" Regina snapped, her brows furrowing. She had remained within the laws of the Circle, so there should be no reason for someone who murdered magi on a regular basis to show up on her doorstep.

Noting the raven-haired mage's tone, Emma pushed her body from the desk to begin towards Regina with a scowl. Thankfully, August stepped in with a gentle smile.

"We have been sent to gather you and take you to a more stable Circle, Senior Enchantress," he explained softly and politely, only telling a small lie.

Regina shook her head, staring down at the white and black marble floor of her office with a look of dismay. "Be honest at least," she said quietly, a certain amount of sadness in her voice. "They sent you to dismantle what's left of my Circle here in Storybrooke." She let out a long held sigh before lifting her face, brushing back some dark locks of hair from her face.

"What? No," Tink responded in astonishment. "We are here to in fact take you to the Templars, but we haven't come to kill any magi who remain in the Circle," she said, turning to her sister with a pleading expression, "Right, Emma?"

Emma walked closer to the mage, staring into her chocolate eyes, trying very hard not to get caught in their storm. She succeeded in snapping herself out of it and reminding herself that she hated magic wielders with a passion. "Depends," she drawled, "Any apostates in this town I should know about?"

Regina's face scrunched up into a snarl, baring her teeth. "How dare you come into my Circle and make such allegations," she snapped, the volume of her voice going up a notch, "You may think you're a mercenary, rogue, but you're nothing more than the Templars' puppet."

"It was just a question, mage," Emma spat back, turning her back to Regina as she locked her hand together behind her back, standing up straight. "Getting so defensive…I believe you have something you're hiding."

August knew what that tone from his sister meant. Emma had just caught Regina in a lie and that meant it was time for the mage to fess up. "Unfortunately, it's no use," August told Regina, shaking his head, "She knows when pretty much anyone is lying. You should probably tell her the truth. She hates liars just as much as she hates mages."

"Yeah, it might be good for your health," Tink agreed, noticing Emma losing her patience as her fingers tapped the handle of one dagger.

The Senior Enchantress swallowed thickly as her hands began to tremble. "Th-there is one apostate," she hesitated, but lunged forward towards the blonde when she spun around as if she were ready to go and kill this unlawful mage. Regina's arms were outreached, prepared to put up a fight with the Executioner herself if need be. "No!" she shouted, "He is but a child!"

"You're the Senior mage here, Mills," Emma stated, backing off when the woman's words fell on her ears. "Why hasn't this boy been sent to the Circle by now?"

"He's an orphan and he's only started to show signs of magic just a few days ago," Regina replied, "And with our Circle falling apart, we lack the resources and manpower to take in and train a young mage."

"And why not send him elsewhere?"

"He is ten, Sera Swan!" Regina argued, her usual stoic mask falling over her face. "If you want to send a ten year old out into this gods forsaken world on his own, that is your business. But I refuse to do so. And he would need a mage to accompany him, which I do not have to spare. I will not have the blood of a child on my hands, no matter the law."

Emma scowled but gave a short nod. "Be that as it may, you are coming with us. The Templars have requested your appearance."

"I can't leave what few mages I still have," Regina sighed. She slowly made her way around her desk and sat down, her shoulders slumped and head down. She had known this day was coming. But she had hoped she would have had some sort of warning.

"Once you are settled at the Tower Circle, the Templars will send for the rest of your mages."

Regina flinched, knowing that the moment she left, the moment she walked out of Storybrooke, would be the moment her remaining mages would leave the Circle. Even Belle. But she would probably end up talking Ruby into leaving with her. And not only would the Templars be after them but so would Granny.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath.

Tink's eyes widened at the language while Emma just raised an eyebrow. August took a bite of his apple.

"The Templars expect me to just drop everything and leave," Regina stated, looking back up and into green eyes. "They know nothing. Please, Sera Swan, what is this really about? I sense a much larger story here."

Emma just looked at her.

"They want me because of my mother." It was a statement not a question. Regina knew. Her mother was one of the main instigators of the rebellion brewing within the Circle. And the Templars wanted Regina close just in case. "Are they even aware that I haven't had contact with my mother in almost fifteen years? The moment she sent me here with no regard to my feelings or needs, the moment she told me that power was everything and love was nothing was the moment I realized that my mother wanted nothing else to do with me. The moment she realized that I would forever refuse to do any sort of blood magic was the moment she realized she wanted nothing to do with me."

"That changes nothing," Emma said, her face expressionless. "I have a job to do."

"Yes, of course," Regina sneered. "A job to deliver me into the hands of my executioners."

"They don't intend to kill you," Tink began but was cut off by a bitter laugh from the mage.

"You must not spend much time around Templars," Regina bit out. "They are very much like my mother; cold, ruthless, and willing to kill anyone to gain the upper hand. I feel that I will just be a pawn in their power game. And the moment they realize that my mother does not care about me, I will die. No matter the fact that I have always remained loyal to the Circle. No matter that I have never harbored an apostate, until recently with Henry of course. I had hoped, all those years ago when my mother made me leave my home Circle to come here, that I would be free of such political bullshit."

August chuckled. "One can never be free of political bullshit, no matter how secluded you are."

"Quite," Regina mumbled. She sighed and resisted the urge to bang her head on her desk. "I shall go with you, sera." She noticed Emma relax slightly. The mage gave a sardonic grin. "So, your blade shall remain thirsty for mage blood today. You will not be the one to kill me. But I have no doubts that I shall be dead before the year is out. If you could give me two days to set my affairs in order, I would greatly appreciate it."

"Great," Tink exclaimed. "We can see the festival!"

Regina felt a small smile cross her face at the elf's enthusiasm. "Of course, please enjoy the festival tomorrow. I will be ready to leave the next day."

"How do I know you won't run?" Emma asked, her eyes searching the mage's face for any deception.

"I would never leave my fellow mages in such a state to save my own life," Regina snarled, anger and hurt in her eyes. "I may have accepted my fate in the matter but I refuse to allow my friends and what family I have to fall to the blood-thirsty ravings of angry and hurt Templars. If I just suddenly leave, this Circle will crumble. No one will be around to lead."

"The Chantry…" August supplied.

"Is full of fools," Regina supplied with a wave of her hand. "And not just the one here in Storybrooke."

"That we can agree on," Emma replied.

Regina raised an eyebrow and gave a small nod. "I will be ready to depart the day after tomorrow."

Emma nodded and turned to leave. "Then I shall see you then, Senior Enchantress."

"It was a pleasure meeting you," August said politely with a small bow.

"I wish I could say the same," Regina said, her voice sounding defeated and sad.

Emma felt her heart drop at the sad tone in the mage's voice but ignored it. No time for sympathy for a mage who could very well turn on them and become an apostate at the drop of a hat. She will need to keep her guard up.

To be continued…

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