

"Get off."


"Get off, black kitty!" suddenly, the girl began screaming as if someone was murdering her.


She huddled into a ball.

Oi, I thought you were nice...

I cursed that old man for telling her that black cats were bad luck.

... Good-bye then, little girl.

I jumped off her lap and walked away.

She greeted me yesterday, but that old man stopped her from seeing me. He stopped her from petting me.

I want her touch...

"Everyone! We have a new student!" The class died down, and a brunette entered, smiling sheepishly.

But the thing that amazed them more...

Was the cat right by her leg, seeming to glare at them all.

It was a black cat with red eyes.

It scared the crud out of some of them.

"My name is Mikan Sakura. I hope we can get along!" the girl chirped happily.

She walked down the aisle, conscious of all the stares.

She sat down in the back.

A blonde boy sat next to her, holding a bunny rabbit.

"That's a beautiful cat. He must be loyal to his master to have traveled with you," the boy smiled warmly.

"Eh? A cat?" She looked, but the cat hid just in time. She turned to the boy, "There's no cat."

"Uh... Right..."

The cat was avoiding her eyes?

The day went normal even with the new addition and mysterious cat roaming around, but it wasn't normal to Mikan.

After all, no one was talking to her!

Not even her best friend, Hotaru!

She never felt so alone...

The cat felt her loneliness and wanted to comfort her, but if he did, she would know he was there.

Luckily though, the boy with the rabbit was kind, and the cat thanked the boy for being her friend.

And for not pushing that the cat was there.

They seemed to be able to understand each other, and the cat was thankful for that.

But when the students were going to their dorms, the boy stopped the cat.

"Oi," he knelt down, "I'm Ruka. Ruka Nogi. Why don't you show her your presence?"

The cat scoffed in his mind.

This boy was talking as if the cat could respond.

But he guessed that the boy was just trying to be kind.


The boy cocked his head.

"Oh, now I get it. A black cat. She's scared, isn't she?"

The cat's eyes widened.

How did he know?!

"Nyaw~" the cat cried.

Finally, someone understood.

He loved the little girl- she was the first who had been happy to see him. She was pretty, too, comforting and kind.

But she was scared of him, because of that old man.

"Nyaw~" the cat whined.

"It's okay, there, there," the boy picked him up. "I'm sure she'll figure out eventually. And I'll help!"

The boy's voice was so kind and quiet.

The cat was so comforted by his kind words.

Maybe... just maybe...

The girl would understand someday.

Kuro Neko's P.O.V. again.

I jumped up on her bed when she was asleep and made myself comfortable next to her legs.

I purred as I rubbed my face against her.

I loved her so much.

Even after being denied and walking away, I wasn't able to stay away for long.

Three days. It took me three days before I couldn't stand it anymore.

From that moment, I've been with her ever since.

I couldn't stay away from her.

But now that cursed old man was out of our lives.

I glanced at the window and saw a shooting star.

Don't humans wish on that?

"Nya~" I wailed, wishing that my master, Mikan Sakura, could love me back.

And that we'd have a happy life.


Instead of that wish...

It seemed to mistake me wanting to become human...