After a week of lying in each other arms, the couple boarded a plane back to America. Matthew sat in Francis's arms, shaking as he thought about the reaction from his father when he told him he was moving to France to be a housewife, not a Hockey player for America. Francis held him tightly, kissing his head softly as they watched a movie.

"Francis… my heat starts tomorrow American time." Matthew whispered, burying his head in Francis's neck.

"What? You should have told me sooner."

"I thought you'd let me stay with you, then I'd go through my heat and it'll be fine. I'm sorry." Francis held him tighter, thinking things over. "Are we still going to bond?"

"Just… puts me under a lot of pressure to have to fuck you through your heat in your father's house… Don't you share a room?"

"Alfred will be with which ever girl or guy he's messing around with. Besides, he won't want to be around you, you're stronger. It will just make him angry anyway. I wanted to make a nest at your house, where we'll be living with the baby." Francis pulled away to look at Matthew, who was grinning. "I like Madeline for a girl."

"You're really excited about this, aren't you?"

"Yeah… aren't you?" Francis beamed from ear to ear, pressing a kiss to Matthew's forehead.

"Madeline Bonnefoy. It's nice, I like it." Matthew grinned, cuddling up to him again. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now shh, this is my favourite part." Francis laughed, kissing Matthew's head again before settling down to watch some cartoon.

"This is unacceptable!" Matthew's father, William Jones, screamed. He was a tall man, with ash blond hair and a face like Matthew's and his brother. "You told me you went to France on a school trip, I didn't ask questions, I let you go because I trusted you, and you bring back a man who you've been talking to for a year ONLINE and now you're bonding with him!?"

"You would have never let me go if I had told you why…" Matthew said, looking at the floor. Francis stood next to Matthew, letting them battle it out before he would say anything.

"I forbid it! I apologise Mr Bonnefoy, my wife is a fan of yours, but Matthew you are 19 years old and I have worked hard to get you onto the programmes."

"Dad I don't want that!"

"I raised you better than this!"

"YOU DIDN'T RAISE ME AT ALL!" Francis took Matthew's hand in his, squeezing it knowing the boy was going to be in tears. "You left my mum, in Canada to come back here to Alfred and Marigold. You left her after bonding with her, my mother was beautiful but money and your job were more important! You promised to be there for her, and 15 years she raised me on her own, dying every day because she wasn't with you. She lasted 15 years on her own, being yelled at on the street with me in her arms and you never came! She told me such great stories about you, then I got here and you're nothing but a jerk!"

"Matthew, don't upset yourself." Francis whispered, pressing a kiss to Matthew's head.

"She needed you… I won't go through what she went through. I'm bonding with Francis when my heat sets in… There is nothing you can do."

"Matthew, let me speak with your father. Why don't you sort yourself out, take a long bath and start sorting out a nest for yourself. I'll be up soon with a cup of coffee, though how do you America's make hot drinks without Kettles?" Matthew chuckled, kissing Francis before rushing up stairs, ignoring his father. "Mr Jones, I apologise. If I had known Matthew had no permission to come to Paris, I would have insisted to phone you immediately."

"Well too late now."

"But I love your son Mr Jones. I love Matthieu with all my heart, and I will protect him. I promise you that I will make sure he is looked after, I will be the perfect mate to him. I will make sure to bring him, and the baby Matthew wants to conceive to visit often. I have the money to keep them both comfortable. Matthew is going into heat tomorrow, which is why I came with him. I wanted your permission." William sat down at the breakfast bar, rubbing his temple.

"I… I regret leaving his mother. When I met her, she was young. A dancer. She went into heat soon after we met, and Matthew was conceived. I kept coming back to Quebec to look after her, and when Matthew was born… He was a pretty baby. But, Marigold threatened to go to the police. And Isabella, she didn't want me when she found out. I did promise to go back to her… 15 years later I saw her eyes in him at my door."

"I understand that. I lost my first love when I was 19. Her name was Joan, and she helped me through a difficult time in my life, she was a painter, and taught me. We were ready to be bonded and she was hit by a car. Broke my heart. I couldn't love, until I met your son. I love him with all my heart." William nodded, handing a cup of coffee to Francis. "Thank you."

"Just… look after him. If he comes back here crying, I will fly out to that country and end you." Francis nodded, smiling as he went upstairs, finding Matthew's room with easy. Matthew was stood across the room from his brother, who was almost identical to the Canadian.

"Alfred just tell dad." Matthew hissed, trying to keep his voice down.

"No, it doesn't even matter. Me and Arthur are going to a hotel for a few days whilst we sort everything out, okay he needs me right now." Alfred replied, shoving clothing into a bag. Matthew turned to see Francis, who raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh… Hi. Francis right?"

"Bonjour and oui. Is everything alright?"

"Don't tell him Mattie."

"Alfred got Arthur Kirkland pregnant. Dad and Mr Kirkland are great friends they'll be thrilled."

"Yes because a baby out of wedlock looks great on a family record. We're going to sort it."

"How? You haven't got a job, you're in college Alfred. You need Dad's support to raise the baby, and you don't even have the money to stay in a hotel. Tell Dad. He'll shout, but your mom will be thrilled."

"Maybe a few days for both of them to calm down and think would be good." Francis added, making both boys look stunned. Francis smiled, digging out his wallet and holding out some money. "I have $200 here, is that enough? Use it to take him to dinner"

"Dude, seriously? Me and Arthur have about $200 between us… wow, seriously?"

"We'll be family soon. You're Omega will be scared, he will need you. Look after him." Alfred grinned, thanking the Frenchman before rushing out, yelling about owing him or something. Matthew looked at Francis dumbstruck. "You're father said yes." Matthew leapt into Francis's arms, kissing him.

"That's great… I haven't finished sort out my bed, I need to wash the sheets."

"They're going to be soiled."

"I like them clean to start with. It's my nest Francis, so help me change the sheets." Francis chuckled to himself, removing the sheets. Matthew and Francis would smile at each other when they caught sight of each other, neither saying anything but just looking down and grinning at the floor. "It's tomorrow…"

"Actually, it is still today." Matthew threw a pillow at the Alpha, who laughed and caught it. "But yes, you're heat begins tomorrow." Matthew walked over to wrap his arms around the Frenchman, smiling. "Sure you want me?"

"Very sure. Why wouldn't a fantastic, artistic, romantic, kind and caring, handsome Frenchman with an 8 inch cock to look after me and pander to my every need?" They kissed softly, smiling under the kisses. "I love you Francis." Matthew whispered, pressing his cheek to the Frenchman's as they embraced. "I am so excited to spend my life with you."

"I'm excited to have you forever, I love you so much Mattie."

"Francis… after this… do you want to go for a walk. I want to show you around the area a bit, I mean, I know we're moving away, but it might be nice."

"Well, I'll be here for the next few months, because we're not leaving until you graduate, I should learn the place. I'm hiring a car as well so I'll be able to come and pick you up after classes. I don't want you walking around too much once you're pregnant."

"I really hope I fall pregnant."

"I will do my best to ensure you do."

After a long walk around the neighbourhood, Francis and Matthew sat down to dinner with the Jones, Matthew's step-mother going on and on about how much she admired Francis's work and how she would love some for her office whilst he was here, as well as how jealous all of her friends will be when they find out 'her little Matthew' was going to be married to one of Frances finest painters. Francis was exceptionally polite, even going as far as cleaning up after dinner.

Francis slept downstairs on the sofa, which caused a lot of fuss from Matthew who wanted him there as soon as he went into heat. Francis explained he might rape Matthew whilst he slept if he shared a bed with him, as the pheromones might drive him insane, and Mr Jones agreed. Kissing Matthew outside his door, he held onto the Canadian tightly.

"I will see you tomorrow." Francis whispered.

"Okay… Francis I'm really nervous. My other heats I just cuddled and… umm masturbated with your jacket, but you're actually going to be here and…"

"Think of it as our nights in Paris. Just another night. I will bring you breakfast tomorrow, don't want you mating on an empty stomach. Now Goodnight my darling."

"Goodnight." They kissed again, before Matthew went in and locked his bedroom door, as instructed to by his father. Francis smiled, walking downstairs to lie on the large, soft sofa, closing his eyes and sleeping with a grin on his face.