Hey, YullenStarDust here! I hope that the previous chapter wasn't too short, since it felt like that to me.
Anyways, I can't believe that I'm at the final chapter. This'll be the first fanfiction I have completed in the long list of ones I have created and abandoned /bricked
Hope you like! ^ u ^
It is now two months after since Chiui and Ling shared their excitement of their new life together...making it 9 months.
Chiui's stomach was a tad larger than it was those said months ago, and it was now September 15th of 1920. Chiui was having less morning sickness, but Ling and the others noticed that she was craving food off and on, and had to stop her. It would be bad for the babies.
"So how long will it be until Chiui hits the end of her term?" Ling questioned the doctor during their visit.
The Xingese doctor, who happened to be a female, sighed. "Well, Chiui has already hit the end of her term already, Emperor Ling. How long have you been waiting to see if it is Chiui's time to go into labor?"
"A few days." Ling replied. "The fifth of January marks the day we spent our honeymoon and...well..."
"I know, I know." The doctor chuckled. "I have a husband myself. There's no need to be flustered." she then looked at her clipboard, adjusting her glasses. "Well...since it is the 15th of September, Chiui will mostly like give birth on the 16th or 17th, approximately. It might occur later than that."
"I see." Ling and Chiui both said at the same time, and didn't even catch it. Chiui was starting to become a little worried, and Ling could tell.
"Ling...this is going to be a struggle for me." Chiui sighed nervously, resting a hand on her forehead. "I've never been pregnant before, but I've gotten used to it since I've been carrying our babies in there for 9 months. I wonder what it will be like to give birth...it must be painful."
"Trust me, it is." The doctor muttered, and Ling and Chiui heard it.
Chiui hugged Ling, who hugged her in return. Chiui had moved her arms down to Ling's middle part of his waist when they pulled back. Ling rested his hand softly on his lover's cheeks.
"It'll be alright, Chiui." The dark-haired Emperor reassured his wife. "You'll get through it, I know you can. Even though you might yell curse words and say things you don't really mean...you'll be alright."
Ling then gave her a kiss on the forehead, which made Chiui feel a little better.
"I suggest that you get a lot of rest to relieve any stress that you're feeling, your Majesty." The doctor bowed, and waved to the royal couple as they were making their way out of the building. "Good luck!"
Chiui and Ling thanked the doctor for the compliment, and then were out of the doctor's sight as they headed back to the Empire.
Yosung and Lan Fan were taking a break from sparring when the two arrived, and were having some green tea. Lan Fan seemed a bit flustered in what Yosung was saying, and Yosung laughed, thinking that Lan Fan's expression was adorable.
"Hey, guys," Chiui spoke up, waving to them. The dark-haired couple looked up, and waved back to her and Ling. "We're back!"
"Awesome!" Her little brother grinned, and stuck out his arms. "So what did the doctor say about your pregnancy?"
Ling and Chiui looked each other for a brief moment, nodded with knowing smiles on their lips, then looked back at Yosung and Lan Fan.
"Well, the doctor said that the babies will be coming either tommorow or the day after." Chiui announced. "She added that it depends; the babies might come later than that."
Yosung and Lan Fan grinned at the same time, happy to hear the news! Yosung hugged Chiui and Ling both, and so did Lan Fan.
"We're so proud for you and Chiui, young Lord." Lan Fan congratulated her Emperor. "You'll have a new Prince or Princess of Xing!"
"I know." Ling smiled. "I can't wait!" he then rested a hand on Chiui's stomach, and Chiui giggled.
"Yeah, I can't wait, either." Chiui agreed, and let out an exhale of happiness.
The four were silent for a few minutes until Yosung remembered something. When he snapped his fingers, Chiui and the other two Xingese adults jumped.
"Oh, and if you guys are hungry, we can go to a restaurant." Yosung grinned. "I have something I would like to tell you guys!"
Chiui smirked, knowing how her little brother is when he has to tell some good news. "Oh, I wonder what it's about, brother."
"You'll see." Yosung grinned once more.
Yosung and Lan Fan had decided on a ramen restaurant to go to. Chiui wasn't really that hungry, since she ate a few hours ago. Ling, despite eating a few hours ago as well, didn't mind getting a few bowls of ramen and wolfing them down. Yosung and Lan Fan just ordered one bowl of ramen.
Once the four of them were finished, and the waiter had come to take the money for the food, Yosung clapped his hands to get Lan Fan, Chiui, and Ling's attention. It worked, except that Yosung belched afterwards.
Blushing massively out of embarrassment, the dark-haired 18 year old covered his mouth, his blue eyes widened.
The two ladies couldn't help but giggle, but Ling gave Yosung a high five. "Nice one, man!"
Yosung exhaled. "...Thanks...but sorry about that," he added a nervous laugh to that sentence. "But, if I don't get interrupted by belching again while I speak, I will make my announcement now."
Chiui, Ling, and Lan Fan waited patiently for his announcement.
"So..." Yosung started, "I am happy to be the new bodyguard of Ling, alongside Lan Fan. But ever since Lan Fan and I got engaged...uh...I was planning to start a family with her in the future."
If Lan Fan had a drink beside her, she would've spitted it on out in total shock. Chiui's jaw dropped. Ling just stared at Yosung, shocked.
"Get out of here!" His older sister said jokingly, then added with true astonishment, "Are you serious?!"
Yosung nodded. "Of course. Since Lan Fan and I will be your childrens' uncle and aunt, even after we marry, I'm sure that you'll love being an aunt if Lan Fan and I decide to have any kids." He then glanced over at Lan Fan to see what she thought, and blinked in confusion.
Lan Fan was blushing massively, which reached to her ears. She had her face hidden with her hands. She was speechless, not to mention completely embarrassed that Yosung had just made that announcement out loud. Thank God nobody else heard him besides Chiui and Ling.
"Yosung, that was kind of straight out..." Lan Fan said at last, and gasped softly when Yosung took a hold of one of her hands.
"But I mean it, Lan Fan." Her dark-haired fiancee told her. "When I first met you, I've always thought of you as a beautiful woman, and you're so cute with your shyness! I can see why you had the hots for Ling in the past, since he is handsome." He knew Lan Fan thought that Yosung was handsome, but not as handsome as Ling Yao. "But...starting a family will be a miracle for the both of us! We might get to teach our kids about Xingese martial arts or alkahestry with Mei, if they're interested in that!"
Lan Fan thought over what Yosung just said, and smiled warmly. "Well, I'll think about it, Yosung." She had to admit that she was starting to like the idea of being a mother.
"Is that all the announcements you have, little brother?" Chiui smiled, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
Yosung nodded. "Yep. I don't really have anything else more to say."
So with that, the four made their way back to the empire.
It was now September 18th, 1920. Chiui had expected to give birth yesterday, but that didn't seem to be the right date.
Chiui had just finished eating breakfast, and thanked the servant that offered to pick up her, Ling, Yosung, and Lan Fan's plate. Chiui still felt hungry after her meal, but resisted it.
She was now in the bathroom, checking her appearance in the mirror. She takes off her purple eyeshadow and lipstick when she goes to bed or takes a bath, since she is worried about it harming the water or the bed sheets. She was fixing up her mascara, making her eyelashes slightly longer than usual. She thought that would be fine for today.
Chiui then felt the babies kicking inside of her stomach, and chuckled.
"They must be excited today." Chiui remarked, due to how much the babies were kicking. She then heard something unusual, and looked down. "What the hell...?"
She saw that there was a stain on the floor, or so she thought at first. "I just went to the restroom earlier. Why did that-" her eyes widen with complete shock as she felt her knees give in as she felt pain in her stomach.
Chiui's yell echoed across the Empire, causing Ling to nearly fall off of his chair that he was using at his desk. Yosung and Lan Fan heard it as well when they were sparring, and dashed into the Empire.
They followed Ling as he made his way to the bathroom.
Chiui's breath had become altered by the time they got there. She could feel the babies inside kicking more than usual.
"Oh god..." Yosung exclaimed. "Chiui, are you in labor?"
"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?" she snapped, causing Yosung and the other two to step back. "...Sorry." Chiui added. "It just...hurts..."
"Hang in there, Chiui!" Ling told her as he helped her get to the nearest hospital. Lan Fan had a hand rested on Chiui's shoulder for comfort. "We'll get there in time!"
"...So how's Chiui doing, doctor?" Yosung asked in concern as Chiui was going through labor in the hospital room. Ling had his eyes covered, waiting next to Yosung. Lan Fan just had her arms crossed, with one of her hands under her chin. She was thinking about Chiui, worried since Chiui was cussing while giving birth.
"She's doing alright, Yosung." The doctor assured him. The doctor wasn't the one Chiui and Ling were talking to two days ago. This one is a male. "Doctor Tumaki is trying his best to calm her down. Giving birth to twins, I'm sure, is a true pain."
"How's Chiui? Is she alright? Are the babies alright?" Ling questioned anxiously, his patience broken. He then walked over to the window to the room to see how Chiui was doing, and it was too late for the doctor and the other couple to stop him.
Yosung saw Ling's color drain from his face as he fainted, and ran over to him. Lan Fan joined him.
"Young Lord!" Lan Fan exclaimed, in which her words were mixed in with Yosung's, "Ling!". "Are you alright? What did you see?"
"I saw something...that is not part of my language of this country..." Ling said weakly. "Okay, bye bye now..." he then closed his eyes.
The doors then opened as Doctor Tumaki stepped out. Thankfully, Ling regained his consciousness just in time for Yosung and Lan Fan to help him up.
"You're free to see for yourselves." Doctor Tumaki smiled, with a nervous hint to it, since he had to clean up the blood that got on his hands during Chiui's labor moment.
Ling, Lan Fan, and Yosung exhaled in shock, and their eyes beamed. Ling went first, and ran over to Chiui.
He saw that she...well, looked very tired, and had slightly dark circles underneath her eyes. But she wore a calm and relieved smile. He then looked down at what she was holding in her arms, and his dark eyes widened.
"It's alright...Ling..." Chiui told him with a weak tone, adding a laugh in the same manner. "They're...finally here..."
In her arms was two newborn babies...the twins that they were expecting. The boy was obviously the one being kept warm in a tiny, blue blanket, and the girl was the one with the pink blanket.
The babies were crying like crazy, and were looking around...even though their eyes have not yet opened.
Ling carefully took their baby boy in his arms, while Chiui held onto their baby girl. He cradled the baby boy in his arms, with a warm smile on his face.
Yosung and Lan Fan were at the door, seeing what had happened. They decided to join in on the precious moment. They got to hold the baby twins in their arms.
Chiui and Ling were crying tears of joy.
"So...what do you want to name them?" Chiui asked once her tone went back to its normal state. "It's alright if you don't want to decide now, we can wait later."
"Well," Ling spoke up in between talking like a dork to the baby boy in his arms, "I'll leave that to you."
Chiui smiled, and sighed, thinking. "...The baby boy's name should be...Rai Jr., in memory of my grandmother, Rai. And..." she said, looking at her baby girl in her arms. She then noticed that she was stumped on what the girl's name should be.
"What about Rei?" Ling suggested.
"Oh, that's a wonderful idea." Chiui smiled. "You've always wanted to have a Princess with that name...even if you didn't expect to have one." she chuckled.
"Yeah, that's true." Ling laughed with her, then sighed as well.
This began their new story together, as a family...and they were prepared for what life had to bring for the next generation.