A/N: First thing before I'd like to say before my responses to the reviews is that I am so, so, so sorry about not being able to get this chapter up earlier like I said. I was going through intense writer's block for the past few months. Until today, where I suddenly found the "Drive" (see what I did there? XD) to continue onwards to finish this chapter. Unfortunately, considering the length that was chapter was going to result in, I decided to finally my ass back in "Top Gear" (man, I'm on fire today, aren't I? LOL) and finally get this chapter out for you guys, who have been waiting ever so patiently. So now that that's over with, let's get to those reviews.

Gadget: I was thinking of asking a friend for an idea for a secondary Rider, but this actually looks pretty promising. I truly unique idea that I wouldn't have come up with at all. Now if you just made an account or something, then we'd be able to talk more about this secondary Rider, that'd be really great. I'd like for that idea to go somewhere. ^_^

Son of Whitebeard: Thanks for that nice comment! You rock!

Now lastly! Before we dive into this chapter, just to let you all know, there will not be action in this chapter. It's more of a set-up chapter for the second parter. Now, I'm not making any promises of when I'm getting the second part up, but I'll try my hardest to have it up soon.

The fame. The fortune. The fans. The flashing lights.

Those four things mattered to some, if not most, celebrities except for one, popular teen idol, Kamiya Akira…

The episode opens up with the enormous cries and shouts that you hear at a basketball game whenever someone dunks or when the running back scores a last minute touchdown to win the game. The fans were screaming the words at the top of their lungs: "Kamiya Akira! Kamiya Akira!"

On the heavily designed concert stage was the one-and-only Kamiya Akira. She wore a simple yet somewhat sensual-type dress. She appeared to be seventeen years of age. She had emerald-colored mid-length hair. Her dress was frost white and she had a corsage placed neatly in her wavy hair. Lastly, in her hand was a white-colored microphone.

She raised the microphone to her mouth and shouted cutely, "People of Liverpool, Europe! I, Akira, have had a nice night with you all! But it's time to wrap up the show~"

The guys in the audience swooned and nearly erupted over Akira's cuteness. One guy cried out, "I LOVE YOU, AKIRA!"

Akira winked at the boy innocently and whipped him a smile, resulting in him falling to the ground, going unconscious.

"To finish off our lovely concert, we're all going to sing to my new number #1 hit! Iku ze Hime Hime Sunshine, the opening for the new anime, Hime Hime Sunshine! I hope you all enjoy it!" Akira cried as the guitarist of her band began playing and the drummer tapped the drum lightly, beginning the song.

" … Hime! Hime! Sunshine, the warrior of love! " Akira sung in a joyous, happy tone as she clapped her hands together while her millions of fans sung along, " She's the warrior of love! HIME! "

" Love and peace is what she seeks. Living in a world that is totally bleak. But… now she's gonna rise… HIME HIME SUNSHINE! With the power of love, here she comes. Burning everlasting, heart pounding action! Here she comes… HIME HIME SHININGGGGG! " Akira sung with all of her might, holding the "ING!" at the end.

The fans squealed in joy, "We love you, Akira Kamiya!"

Akira blew them all air kisses and waved to all of her screaming, wonderful, fun-loving fans, "I love you all, but sadly I have to depart! My next tour is going to be in Japan, so make sure to buy tickets and come see me there live! Until then, ciao!"

With that, Akira skipped off the stage, ending the concert. Once she got backstage, the first person she saw was her manager. He had his arms wide open for her entry and she accepted it, embracing him.

"That was yet another fantastic concert, Akira! You really nailed it and went all-out for your last concert in Europe," The manager praised her as he let go of his client. He appeared to be twenty-five years old and a light stubble on his chin and very smooth, lean hair. He was wearing a black suit and a red tie as he was a professional.

Akira smiled at him, "Thanks Finn-san… but I don't what, but I felt like my voice was struggling in almost every one of my songs…"

Finn frowned, "Dammit… is your bronchitis and vocal cord polyps coming back…?"

Akira gasped. It couldn't be… it couldn't have returned that quickly. She was still living out her most prized dream…

- *cue Opening #1: 200 Miles by Jang Geun Suk* -

Gig.2: Idol in Distress Part I

" … Hime! Hime! Sunshine, the warrior of love! " Akira sung in a joyous, happy tone as she clapped her hands together while her millions of fans sung along, " She's the warrior of love! HIME! "

" Love and peace is what she seeks. Living in a world that is totally bleak. But… now she's gonna rise… HIME HIME SUNSHINE! With the power of love, here she comes. Burning everlasting, heart pounding action! Here she comes… HIME HIME SHININGGGGG! " Akira sung with all of her might, holding the "ING!" at the end.

The fans squealed in joy, "We love you, Akira Kamiya!"

Akira blew them all air kisses and waved to all of her screaming, wonderful, fun-loving fans, "I love you all, but sadly I have to depart! My next tour is going to be in Japan, so make sure to buy tickets and come see me there live! Until then, ciao!"

"Oh… my… god, she is so pretty!" A familiar voice cried out. The voice seemed to be coming from the one and only Inosaki Manor, where Koji was sitting on one of the two double decker couches the Inosaki family owned. The Inosaki Manor contained a gigantic sparkling chandelier in the living room, a glowing scarlet carpet and master class art hanging on the wall that only Da Vinci could've made. The walls were glistening gold and painted portraits that showed a young Akane and her parents, who appeared to be youthful-looking in the pictures. There was a coffee table with moon rocks and cinnamon-scented candles standing in front of the couches in the living room, still in perfect condition. Lastly, on the wall was a gigantic flat screen TV and below the TV was a fireplace, giving off warmth and comfort.

Koji was currently wearing a blue robe with a blue t-shirt under it, with black sweatpants on, watching a previously recorded live concert shown on an unknown television channel. As he stared at the television screen, drool was seen dripping from his mouth. He was obviously love-struck.

Suddenly, someone walked in front of the television, blocking the view. Koji suddenly snapped out of his love trance and looked up to see Ryuko. Koji snarled at her, "Get outta the way Ryuko!"

Ryuko turned around to look at Koji and responded sarcastically, "Oops, am I blocking your view of Akira?"

Koji nodded and smiled fakingly in response, "Move it or else!"

Ryuko rolled her eyes as she stumbled into the kitchen, which was practically like an entire apartment on it's one. As Ryuko made her way to the fridge to grab a Strawberry Ramune drink, she noticed Tsubasa preparing breakfast for the gang and Akane and Kurogane sitting at the table talking with the spirits.

Tsubasa turned around after hearing Ryuko's feet shuffle into the kitchen, "Good morning Ryuko. Grab a seat, breakfast is nearly done. Oh and tell Koji to come to."

Ryuko nodded as she turned to look into the living room where Koji was still centered at, "Koji! Breakfast is almost ready. Get to the table!"

Koji groaned, "Ugh… fi…"

Koji stopped mid-sentence as he stopped immediately and looked at the television screen with widened eyes. He immediately grabbed the remote and held it in front of the television, pressing a button to increase the volume on the TV. "Wait! It's Patricia from Flashing Lights speaking!" On the television screen was a tanned woman with short brown hair. She was wearing a dark blue dress, which revealed a small portion of her cleavage. Her eyes were the color of aquamarine blue and she wore black, laced heels on her feet and numerous jewelry and bracelets on her hands and two hoop earrings in her ears. Lastly, her nose was pierced.

The woman in the blue dress smiled widely as she walked towards the camera screen, "The fantastic Kamiya Akira performed and completed her world tour in Liverpool, Europe last night, just in time to release her very first CD album, "Sunset Stardom. I caught up with the teen pop idol at her album release party in Europe."

Koji began to ogle and drool as the screen switched to a video of Akira talking with Patricia at the album release party. "First off I'd like to say is, to all of my wonderful, sweet and loving fans out there, thank you all for listening to my songs, coming to my concerts and supporting me through my musical journey. You all are the reason why I love what I do today. You all are the best fans in the world and I couldn't ask for more! Thank you."

Koji sighed happily, "Gosh… Akira is such an amazing person and a babe at that too."

Ryuko glared daggers at the young pianist, "He's such a perverted pig…"

Ki-Ki nodded, "I can agree with you. I've never met someone with such a lewd mind."

Akane smiled, finally speaking, "Hey, don't be so harsh on him. Nothing wrong with a male liking another female. Besides, don't you and Tsubasa have something going on?"

Ryuko and Tsubasa both stopped immediately and snapped around to look at Akane. The two shouted in unison, "Dammit! I don't have a crush on Tsubasa/Ryuko!"

Kurogane grinned childishly as he rested both of his arms down on the table, "Why are you two fiercely denying your relationship?"


Kurogane held the back of his head in pain with his hands while glaring at Ryuko, "Dangit Ryuko! You didn't have to get so serious about it, geez!" Tsubasa growled as he finally finished putting the final touches on the breakfast, "You can't blame her…"

Suddenly, Koji stumbled into the room and took his seat next to Kurogane. "I think I'm in love…"

Kurogane chuckled, "Is there ever a time when you're not?"

Koji ignored Kurogane, "I seriously need to go to that concert tomorrow!"

"What concert, Koji?" Aoi-Aoi asked. "Kamiya Akira's concert here in Japan! It's going to be her first time performing in Japan and I really wanted to actually go to her concert… but I don't think I'd be lucky enough to snag tickets. They sell incredibly fast and are at least over one hundred dollars! Ugh…"

Koji slumped in his chair, depressed and saddened that he would not be able to see his precious, beloved idol perform live for the first time in the very area he lived in. That's when a miracle occurred. Akane smiled brightly, "You said you want tickets, but they sell out fast?"

The pianist nodded in reply. Akane giggled as she pulled out her phone, unlocking it and opened her contacts. She then held it out in front of Koji's face.

"Wow… you have a lot of contacts Akane," Mo-Mo said as she slithered onto the table.

"I guess I do know a lot of people," Akane replied. Koji's eye lit up as he saw what Akane was trying to show him, "Y-Y-You… you have Kamiya Akira's phone number?!"

She nodded in response, "Yep. I've had her number since me and my parents met her at first concert. Ever since, we've been friends. And since we're friends, I'm sure she wouldn't mind sparing some special VIP tickets, especially for a hardcore fan such as you."

Koji suddenly sat up and wiggled around in his seat. "Omigod! I would become your servant for eternity if you can get me tickets to the Shibuya concert!"

"I don't know about that, but I'll see what I can do."

While this was happening, something was taking place at the Scream HQ in the mountains.

"So, Shocksounder," said Electrod, plucking an electric guitar, "What's on the agenda for today?"

"Simple," started Shocksounder, "Attack the citizens and make them listen to our music, but this time mentally."

"Right," said Red Wrecker. He walked toward where Arfione was sitting. Arfione looked at Red Wrecker as he leaned on the chair.

"Get off my chair," said Arfione, "I just had one of my Headbangers wash and wax it."

"Oh," said Red Wrecker, "Listen. I actually came up with a much better plan. There's this popular, rising in stardom, pop idol named Kamiya Akira who…" Arfione interrupted him. "I don't give a shit about some dumb pop idol."

"But Manager, you didn't even let me finish. I heard news about Kamiya Akira coming to Shibuya tomorrow to perform a concert. If we can create a monster that can affect Akira's singing and convert her style into heavy metal, it'll be the result of millions of Headbangers. We'd accomplish our goal just like that and heavy metal would reign supreme!"

Arfione sat silently in his make-shift throne for a few moments, but finally replied. "Alright… execute the plan."

Shocksounder walked toward the stage and hopped onto it. The monster-making machine was now beside Shocksounder, on the stage, instead of in its usual place. He pulled out his guitar. "Okay, C-Minor, Minor Third," said Shocksounder, and then he said, "Voice."

Shocksounder commenced to play the chords that he mentioned. Once he was finished, instantly, the lights of the machine began flashing as a new monster was born. The monster that appeared out of the machine was a humanoid rainbow-multi-colored parrot with golden earrings. The female monster wore a black outfit with two faces on her shoulders and her chest. Her hands were incredibly nimble, yet sharp and her hair was wavy.

"Voice Scream," Shocksounder said, "This Scream monster can sing out the precious music of heavy metal for miles ahead and make people go insane and drop down to heavy metal."

"Voice, I am holding high expectations for you right now, don't disappoint me," said Arfione, "When tomorrow comes, I want you to head to this Akira-whatever concert in Shibuya and spread heavy metal through her to her millions of fans who will all be at the concert."

"Understood," she spoke.

"I'm… so… bored…" Akira huffed as she slumped in her chair. Finn, Akira's manager, turned his head to look at the young idol. "There's much to do at the library, so you don't have to be bored."

Akira looked up at him, "Are you kidding me, Finn-san? Do you honestly think I'm going to play with the toys and read the books in the children's play area?"

"It's better than sitting around for hours waiting to be called, am I right?" Finn countered.

Akira couldn't argue with that. She got up from her seat and made her way to the corner of the small, yet nearly empty room, where the children's area was. Once she arrived, she sat on a green and yellow plastic kiddie table, which was littered with torn and ripped children's books and toys. She breathed at seeing the sight of the children's books. She hated not many things, but going to the doctor's was definitely on her most hated places list and she rarely visited the doctor's because of this.

"God… why did this have to happen to me again…?" Akira muttered to herself. She couldn't be more stressed out knowing that there was a high chance that her bronchitis and vocal cord polyps might be coming back. She knew that if this was proven to be true, it could be the end of her singing career. And she wouldn't be able to sing anymore.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She whipped around quickly to see Finn. She frowned, "You scared me Finn-san! What do you want?"

Finn pointed at an African American woman, who was standing by a door, holding it open for Finn and Akira. The female looked to be thirty-seven and had wavy black hair that reached down to her back. She wore a standard white lab coat and blue pants. Around her neck was a stethoscope and lastly, she wore bifocals. Akira sighed as she got up from the kiddie table and walked towards the woman.

The woman smiled, "Follow me." The doctor made his way towards a room that was located all the way at the end of a hallway, with the two following him. Once they arrived, the doctor shut the door behind them and placed a folder full of files on his desk and turned around to look at Akira, who sat at the generic blue exam table in the room while Finn stood, leaned against the door.

The doctor looked at the teen pop idol, his arms folded crossed and a serious face laced upon his face. "So… one can only assume why you've scheduled an appointment with me…?"

Akira frowned as she looked down towards the ground, not wanting to look her doctor in the face, "Y-Y-Yes… my manager believes my bronchitis and vocal cord polyps has returned…" The doctor nodded his head, expecting her answer. "I have your file here, let's check when our last appointment was."

"Two years ago, I think."

"Ah, that's right," said the doctor. "Haven't had a relapse since then, eh? Well if you don't mind, let's take a listen at your breathing."

Akira nodded as the female doctor advanced towards her. A few moments later, after completing a quick and simple (but somewhat painful) process, the doctor left the room to bring up the results. Meanwhile, the air in the room was tense and quiet. Akira had a depressed, gloomy look on her face while Finn just stared at her. He felt bad for her.

Finn was the first one to break the silence. "Hey… Akira… cheer up. I'm sure that you're going to be alright."

Akira was silent.

"Come on Akira…" Finn said, walking over to her and placing his right hand on her head, "Look… after the test results, I promise that we can go get some ice cream and we can marathon Sailor Moon Crystal together until we're ready to crash. Sound like fun?"

Akira looked up at her manager and pushed his hand off of her head with her hand, her face still the same, "I don't think I'd be up for that tonight…"

Finn sighed. If marathoning Sailor Moon Crystal, Akira's favorite anime ever and one that she has been trying to get him to watch alongside her, wasn't enough to get her to snap out of her depressed state, then he didn't know what would…

A few minutes passed since the manager and the idol had talked, when the door opened, revealing the doctor from before. Akira turned to like at the doctor's face. The doctor cringed a little at Akira's face. She didn't want to disappoint her with the bad news…

"I'm sorry… to inform you that your worries have been confirmed. Your bronchitis and laryngitis have returned. In the scans, your vocal chords are severely inflamed… there might be a chance that you could lose your voice." Just as the doctor predicted, Akira's eyes widened as a single tear escaped her eye, followed by a stream of tears…

Outside of the hospital, Akira and Finn made their way towards a coal black limousine that stood in front of the doctor's place, the limousine's engine humming a little as the limo driver turned on the vehicle. Finn made his way towards the back door and opened it for Akira. He turned around to look at her, "Akira… come on."

Akira looked at Finn, wiping her puffy eyes, "I think I'll take a walk to the hotel… I want to catch some fresh here and cool off…"

Finn frowned, "I understand you're really distraught about… that. But I won't let you just walk the streets alone when you could be easily kidnapped or harmed. And plus, I promised your father and mother that I would protect you at all costs!"

"Please, Finn. The hotel is literally a twenty to twenty five minute walk. I'll be there in no time, so stop worrying about me… I'm not a defenseless little girl you know…" With that, Akira began walking away from Finn and towards the hotel she was staying at for the night. Finn sighed as he saw Akira slowly disappear from his sight, "Kami… why did this have to happen…?"


The sound echoed from an empty can on the street as it rolled down the sidewalk. Akira, out of anger, kicked the can. Tears were falling down her face and her hands were tightened to the point where they started to turn red. She couldn't believe that at this crucial point of her career, it had returned to haunt her. But she knew she could only blame herself. She was the one that always performed with no restrictions during her concert, giving it 110% every single time. This however, took a heavy toll on her voice and now, because of herself, she was at risk of losing her voice and losing her career. All because of herself…

Meanwhile, from a good distance away, watched a familiar creature. There she is… it's the Target, Voice Scream thought aloud. Before the Scream monster moved in to confront the girl, she heard something rather intriguing to her. "Why… why didn't I listen to my mother and father? They told me after the first time that I needed to take care of my voice and not push myself… now my bronchitis and laryngitis is back and in full force."

Voice Scream's eyes widened, "This is… this is perfect. Instead of just getting this job done for Master Arfione… how about I have a little fun…?" Before Voice Scream could move in towards her Target, there was a loud ringing noise that came from Akira's phone, which made Voice Scream stop.

Meanwhile, Akira dug into her coat pocket and pulled out her pink-colored phone, which was plastered with Chibi panda pictures. The young idol flipped opens the phone to see the caller ID, which read: "Inosaki Akane." Akira smiled and answered the phone call, pressing the phone to her ear.


"-Hey Akira, it's me, Akane. How are you?-"

"Oh, hello Akane! I'm doing… fine!" Akira lied to Akane with a false attitude, "What's up?"

"-Well I called to check on you and ask about something.-"

"Oh, for the most part… I've been good, especially since I just finished my "Warrior of Love" Europe tour and I am on the way to do a couple of concerts in Tokyo."

"-Well what a coincidence. I was calling to ask if you could help a friend out with about five tickets to the pre-concert event and tickets and V.I.P. backstage passes for your actual concert in Tokyo tomorrow.-"

"Sure. I can hook you up with tickets, but sadly, I only have four of each left. Is that a problem?" Akira asked, when suddenly she heard girlish-like squealing in the background of Akane's line.

"-Stop squealing Koji and shush! Sorry about that Akira. Anyways, yep, four tickets will be alright.-"

"Okay. I'll send you the tickets through email once I sign into the hotel I'm staying at tonight. See you tomorrow?"

"-You know it and thanks for the tickets, I really appreciate it. Good luck on your concert, but I bet you won't even need it.-" With that, Akane ended the call, leaving Akira in silence.

"Yeah… there's nothing for me to worry about…"

As Akira kept on her way towards the hotel, she could feel the wind starting to pick up, whisking away leaves that lay on the sidewalks of Liverpool. That's when, suddenly, something jumped in front of her. Upon seeing the figure, she fell to the floor and screamed. "AHHH!"

The figure that stood in front of Akira was none other than Voice Scream. "Hello there… Kamiya Akira. My name is Voice Scream. I have appeared before you to offer you a proposition."

Akira stopped screaming and stared at the creature with a nervous look, "W-W-Who are you?!"

Voice Scream grunted, "I just told you Target… my name is Kamiya Akira. And again, I have quite the proposition for you."

"W-What's your proposition?" Akira asked, lifting herself up from the ground with her feet. Voice Scream smiled as she took a step towards Akira, "I know about your terrible predicament you're going through… and I thought… why not help you out."

Akira eyed the Scream, "Why would you want to help me out…? What's the catch…?"

Voice Scream shook her head, "Why does there always have to be a catch with people? I want to help you out because I don't want to see my beautiful Target depressed. I was thinking that during your concert tomorrow, you could lip-sync while I sing for you, so you don't have to strain your voice any longer. That way, you rise to the top while not losing your voice. Sound like a deal?"

Akira thought about it. She couldn't lie, it sounded like a good proposition to her. But she didn't want to lie to all of her fans… but she didn't want to disappoint them as well. Finally, she came to a decision.

"F-Fine… it's a deal…"

"Are… are you serious Akane?!" Koji gawked. He could hardly believe what he was hearing.

"Yep. Thanks to my parents' connections with Akira and her family, I was able to score us all front-row tickets to her first concert here in Shibuya and VIP Backstage Passes," Akane replied with a smile. Koji jumped up and down, giddy as a schoolgirl before hugging Akane tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Koji cried, "I promise I'll wash all the dishes tonight as thanks. Oh! But first I have to think about what I am going to wear tomorrow. Gotta look my absolute best for Akira-sama!" Koji squealed before running off to prepare for tomorrow's concert.

"So we're going to see some concert tomorrow?" Mo-Mo said, "Sounds exciting!"

"I'd rather stay back at the mansion and study some more chemistry and biology. Probably continue on my progress on developing a brand new element," Aoi-Aoi spoke. Aka-Aka replied, "Come on brother, you should join us all. It'll be fun and you'll enjoy yourself, trust me."

"Suit yourself pal," Kurogane replied. "Guess we're going to have to put this song on hold for right now. Hopefully tomorrow, Scream doesn't decide to put a damper on our plans…"

"There hasn't been any Scream activity for two days now, so I'm sure we'll be fine… for now," Kuro-Kuro replied.

Bang, bang!

Tsubasa bashed two pans together loudly, getting their attention, "Alright, that's enough. You all can talk about this concert later on but right now, I need you to eat your breakfast. After all, it is the most important meal of the day, right?"

Kurogane, Akane and Ryuko immediately sat down and began gobbling up their breakfast, Tsubasa smiling widely in response, "Thank you."

As the clock struck midnight, Voice Scream leapt onto the high peak of the mountain and making her way into Scream Mountain. Upon entering, she was met by Arfione, who was laying on an old beat up, stained couch in his civilian form. It almost appeared ancient.

"Voice Scream. How is your mission going?"

Voice Scream giggled as she sashayed over towards human Arfione, "Of course Master. I have the Target in my grasp. I'm sure I'll be able to convert her into a Scream within a day."

Arfione nodded his head, smiling a little, "Good, good. I expect you won't disappoint me like the others. Remember our goal is to convert Targets into Scream, so that new Scream can be born."

Voice Scream giggled evilly. "I surely won't, Master Arfione." With that, Voice Scream disappeared, off into the starry night…

Since the event between her and Voice Scream, Akira had been kind of baffled and confused on the appearance of the monster and why in the world would she want to help her out with her… illness? And why did she call her a "Target"? Since she couldn't wrap her finger around it, she decided to watch a little TV to get her mind off of the subject.

Currently, Akira was in the living room, lying on the yellow sofa as she flipped through the channels, looking for something interesting to watch. However, nothing seemed to grab her interest as all she could think about was the monster and her promise.

"…I wonder if it will really help me…" Her thoughts were soon interrupted when Finn walked into the living room with a towel with a design of blooming Sakura tree petals floating around, draped on his right shoulder.

"Hey Akira, your bath is prepared," Finn stated, not sure of how his client was feeling after the devastating news she was given earlier on in the evening.

Akira forced a fake smile upon her face, "Thank you very much, Finn-san."

Akira made her way towards her hotel room's bathroom, taking the towel that Finn had for her. Once she was inside of the bathroom, she locked it. She then opened the curtain to the bathtub, revealing a sparkling white tub with a smooth rubber purple mat inside. She ignored the fancy detail of the tub and moved towards the knob and twisted it towards the left and let the water run as she began to strip nude. That's when…

"Well, hello Target…" Akira silently screamed when she saw Voice Scream (in her civilian form) sitting on top of the sink, next to her with a grin plastered on her face. The young pop idol pressed her back against the wall, fear beginning to swell up in her eyes. The girl in front of Akira hopped off the bathroom sink and walked towards Akira.

"Calm down Akira, it's just me, Voice Scream," spoke the young lady, now known as Voice Scream. In her civilian form, she wore a black dress with black stockings and flats. Her eye colour was black and she wore a black hoodie over the black dress. Lastly, she wore two earrings, which had the design of skull and bones and an eye patch on her right eye.

Akira calmed down a little once the girl announced her true name to her, "Oh, it's just you… please refrain from scaring me like that again."

Voice Scream giggled again, "I apologize. That wasn't my attention at all. I just wanted to stop by and inform you about the concert tomorrow."

"What about it?" Akira asked.

"Well, I want you to meet me before the pre-concert event takes place. Oh and lastly, I need to give you these." Voice Scream pulled out a pair of high-tech earpieces, "You'll need these to… communicate with me."

Akira frowned at the slight pause in the strange woman's words but she let it slide and accepted the earpieces she was given, "Okay. Sounds like a plan. Is that all?"

Before Voice Scream could reply, the two heard banging at the door. "Akira! Are you alright?! I heard screaming coming from inside!"

Akira replied quickly, "Yes, I'm alright Finn-san! I just saw a… saw a bug. That's all."

Voice Scream giggled as she saw it was time to take her leave, "Well I've overstayed my welcome. Until then, my precious Target…" Voice Scream suddenly transformed back into her monster form and disappeared, leaving Akira.

"Wake up, Kurogane…" a voice soothing called. Whose voice is that? Kurogane asked himself as groggily opened his eyes. What he saw next made him leap out of bed at full speed. "AHHHH!"


Kurogane fell to the floor, falling on the carpet with a thud. After a few moments of wiping his eyes to make sure he was sure of what he saw, he picked himself up and looked at who was in front of him. "Koji… what the hell are you wearing?"

In front of the leader of the Riderz was Koji, who was wearing a blue t-shirt with Akira's face plastered on the front of it. On the back of the shirt, it read: "Akira Kamiya, coming right at ya~!" Next, he wore a blue cap with another picture of Akira in a blue sparkling dress, singing into a microphone. He wore several wristbands with designs of Akira's hands forming a heart on each of them. Lastly, he wore a gigantic blue foam hand with a photo of the pop idol in a swimsuit tapped on it. He was completely decked out on Kamiya Akira merchandise.

"Come on Kurogane. Don't hate on my Kamiya Akira stuff? Do I hate on your obsession with The Beatles and Aerosmith?" Koji frowned playfully.

"I could care less if you hate on my obsession. But anyways, let's get back to you. Why are you even wearing a giant foam hand? We aren't even going to a baseball game."

"Does it matter?" Koji replied as he crossed his arms together. Kurogane sighed as he knew that he wasn't going to win against his other best friend, "I guess it doesn't. I should start getting ready for the pre-concert event…"

Koji nodded, "Yes, you should. Now onward to the bath with you! We must not waste time any longer!" Kurogane chuckled as he grabbed his towel from their closet, He sure is hyped for today.

Shibuya 109 was practically packed with thousands- no, millions- of Akira Kamiya fans. Shibuya 109 was a department store located in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. Kurogane and the gang were all gathered in a long line, waiting to get inside of the store to attend Akira Kamiya's pre-concert album-signing session. Currently, the whole gang wore in different clothes.

Tsubasa wore black jeans and a regular white t-shirt under his usual black leather jacket. His hair was now greased upwards, making it appear as if it was spiky. On his wrist were a burgundy leather watch and pair of white sneakers and black socks.

Ryuko wore black baggy and wore a yellow t-shirt with the number 21 on the back in white. On her wrists were yellow wrist bands. Lastly, she wore a pair of white sneakers with black stripes.

Akane wore golden earrings in both of her ears with her green hair tied behind her back in a ponytail. She was currently wearing a pink spaghetti strap tank top with black shorts. On her wrists were golden bracelets.

Lastly, Kurogane now wore a red t-shirt, which had the emblem of a flying phoenix. Over the red shirt was a red hoodie. He wore blue denim jeans and a pair of black and white Converses. In his pocket was the MusicDriver, which housed the Musical Spirits.

Koji still wore his Akira Kamiya merchandise. Koji's face had a grin plastered on it. He couldn't believe he was about to meet his number one idol and crush in the world! He was practically bouncing in anticipation, "This is so surreal! I never thought it'd be a day when I'd get to attend a Kamiya concert! An actual Akira-!"

His fast rambling was quickly interrupted by Tsubasa, who slapped his hand on Koji's mouth. "Of course a pervert like you are excited."

Akane frowned, "Don't be so rude, Tsubasa. Let Koji have his moment. He has been awaiting this for as long as he's been a fan."

Mo-Mo appeared beside Koji, "Pfft, who wouldn't want to jump for joy upon meeting such a female?"

"Me," Tsubasa dryly responded, finally lifting his hand off of Koji's mouth.

"Sorry, but I'd have to agree with Tsubasa on this one," Kuro-Kuro spoke, "The girl's nothing special. From what I've heard of her 'Hime Hime Doki Doki Shine Shine' song…"

"Hime Hime Shining!" corrected Koji.

Kuro-Kuro rolled his eyes, "Fine, whatever. From what I've heard of that 'Hime Hime Shining' song, I don't think she's all that good. Annoying if I do say so myself."

Kurogane grinned as he crossed his arms, "Ever heard of 'to each their own'?"

"He does have a fair point," Ryuko responded.

"Maybe," Ki-Ki spoke appearing next to Ryuko, "But she doesn't seem have bad. I mean, I'm sure she has other really enjoyable songs."

"Thank you Ki-Ki, for being the only sensible one around here!" Koji cried as he knelt down to hug the yellow lioness but passed right through her. He then started hugging the air, trying to find the spirit, only earning weird stares from the other fans waiting in line to get into the department store.

While Kurogane and the gang were waiting outside for the album signing event to commence, there was something going on the lady's room. Akira was currently standing in front of the mirror, appearing to be waiting for someone. Suddenly, Voice Scream, in her human form, appeared next to Akira, making the young idol jump to the side in surprise.

"Don't scare me like that!" Akira cried out as she caught her breath, "You nearly made me pass out!"

Voice Scream huffed at her, "Shh, if you're loud, that manager of yours will interrupt us."

Akira nodded, agreeing, "Right. So… is the operation still a-go? Or not?"

Voice Scream nodded with a wide smile as she handed over a black earpiece. Akira accepted it, but stared down at it in confusion.

"Why are you giving me this? I already have an earpiece to use," Akira explained as she pointed at the pink earpiece on her left ear. Voice Scream shook her head as she reached over to Akira and took off the pink earpiece, "No, no. This earpiece won't do. Only this one if you want the plan to result in success."

Upon taking the pink earpiece, she sung lowly, an ominous ebb and flow going through her voice. This caused the earpiece to react and explode, shattering it into a few pieces. Voice Scream tossed the pieces onto the floor and looked back towards Akira, "Now that that's out of the way…"

Voice Scream placed the black earpiece onto Akira's left eye, where the now-destroyed earpiece was last placed, and stepped back to get a good luck at Akira. Akira's new black earpiece complimented her outfit that she wore now. She wore her hair to the side with a black butterfly bow. She wore a black and white dress with black flat heels. To complete her appearance, she wore black stockings.

"Well don't you look fetching?" Voice Scream spoke with a grin. Suddenly, there was banging at the door. Voice Scream groaned, knowing it was Finn. "Goddamn that human…" Voice Scream muttered before changing into her Scream form, "I guess that's my cue to leave. But before I leave, make sure whenever you're about to sing, to tap the earpiece twice. Let's just call it our little… signal," Before Akira could respond, Voice Scream was already nowhere to be found.

"Akira, are you ready to start?" Finn asked from behind the door. There was a hint of sadness dripping from his voice. He didn't know how Akira felt about this whole entire concert. That night when he and Akira had gotten back to the hotel, they discussed the concert. When he decided to call off the entire concert so Akira's voice could recover, she surprisingly rejected his offer. Ever since then, he thought maybe she was pushing herself despite her vocal issues, which worried him to no end.

Akira breathed in and out before replying with a cheery, "Yep, Finn-san! I'm ready!" As Akira made her way towards the door, she suddenly saw her earpiece gleam a vibrant purple. It made her feel uneasy, but she ignored it and kept walking…

Outside of Shibuya 109, Aka-Aka suddenly appeared out of the MusicDriver, floating around Kurogane. Kurogane could tell by the look on his face, something was amiss. He easily guessed.

"So you felt it to?" Aoi-Aoi said, a concerned atmosphere starting to arise around the gang. Aka-Aka frowned, "It was very faint, but I felt Scream activity coming from… inside of this store…"

- *cue Ending #1: 7 Seven by Flow x Granrodeo* -

(The last image becomes still as the screen is covered with five guitar picks. Scene then shifts to show us the next episode)


Akira Kamiya's first ever concert in Japan has finally started!

"Are you all ready, fans of Japan?!"

However, it doesn't go off without a hitch.

"Oh no… she's corrupting everyone with heavy metal!"

Will Musician be able to save Akira and everyone from Voice?

"I've gotta stop her!"

Or will Voice Scream succeed in creating a whole army of Scream?

"Yes! Bow to heavy metal! Akira!"

Find out on the next episode of Kamen Rider Musician!