Author's Note: Hey everyone. My name is TheSilverAlchemist and this is my Kamen Rider fic, Musician. This is also my first ever fanfiction. Before I continue on, I would like to thank "guncannon109" for the cover page and helping me out with Musician. He also writes fanfiction. So if you want to read an amazing Kamen Rider fic, you should check him out! Now, I hope you all enjoy it and read more! Now onto disclaimers. ^^

=== Musician ===

DISCLAMER: I do not own Kamen Rider! Toei Company does! ^_^

=== Red ===

*cue Episode Title: Gig.1: Beginnings: Take the Stage, Musician!

The city of Tokyo was in mass destruction that it had looked like the end of the world was upon them or Armageddon approached. Everyone was in panic as the revival and uprising of the Scream had been upon humanity.

"Haha," laughed the monster who was roaming the vacant streets. "I guess the humans are all weaklings, aren't they?"

He then suddenly heard crying, and it was nearby him too. "Oh, what could that cry be?" asked the monster who had a killer intent.

It scanned his surroundings and he quickly found the source of it. It was a child that was injured under a pile of small debris.

The monster cackled maliciously. "Oh, another human to slaughter…" He destroyed the pile of debris with a quick, but powerful slash. "Hehe, you're so cute I want to kill ya!"

"Back off!" A voice yelled. The monster instantly turned to see a man. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Kurogane Reppuu, the one who's going to kick your ass!" the man roared as he charged towards the monster in rage. It's funny; he didn't really know how he got into this mess. First he met this girl who gave him this belt and suddenly he was supposed to be the one to combat against some evil force. He was never going to be the same again…

- Yellow -

Two Days Ago…

The powerful, forceful waves crashed onto the shore at Shell Cave. The hot sun was practically beating down on the dull sand as the wind picked up. Inside of the cave, a woman was rushing through the cave, in search of something. She was a slim, petite young woman. She had light, wavy, green hair (which was ruffled from the big crash that had just happened) that reaches down to her shoulders with two strands that frame her face and reach down to her shoulders as well as a set of tufts that obscures the majority of her forehead, with the prominent tuft in the middle reaching down to the top of her nose. Her eyes are green and large with long eyelashes and her eyebrows are very thin. She was also wearing a white dress with a pleated skirt, with matching shoes and long white socialite gloves. At the age of eighteen, no one would think that Akane Inosaki, the daughter of the famous Inosaki family that is a family of advanced musicians, would be exploring some cave. Well the reason she was actually here at Shell Cave, where she had heard of a rumor.

As she climbed on a whole pile of rocks, Akane was walking on the second floor of the cave. Looking at all the fishes that occupied the small area, she didn't even expect to notice such a huge hole in the floor. She yelled as she fell down and landed on the ground. It was a big black hole surrounding her as she looked at what was going on around her.

"This is weird," she said. Out of nowhere, a bright light came down from the sky. Akane looked to see a dull, gray belt on a pedestal. Beside it was five colored spirits, with musical symbols on each of them.

"What the?" asked Akane.

"Hello there, miss," said the respecting red spirit, Aka-Aka, which was based off a Treble Clef sign but in the form of a Dragon. "It's kind of nice to see another visitor pop in. We need your help."

"What help?" asked Akane, curious.

"Yes…," said the yellow spirit, Ki-Ki which was based off an Bass clef sign but in the form of a Lion. "We really need your assistance…"

Akane looked at the two red and yellow musical spirits as they floated toward the gray-coated belt that stood on the pedestal. On the belt were colored music notes. On the right side were blue and black and on the left were pink and yellow and in the middle of the belt was a red music note.

"Well, what can I do to help you guys out?" asked Akane sincerely.

"We need you to find the successor of Musician that has the spirit, passions, and heart for music," said the blue spirit, Aoi-Aoi which was based off a Quarter note sign but in the form of a frog. "We believe that there's an evil force that is coming to destroy humanity."

"And it is important that we do so," said the pink spirit, Mo-Mo which was based off a beamed notes but in the form of a snake, "The world is at stake."

"What will happen to our world?" asked Akane.

"If our dear friend Aoi-Aoi's right," said Aka-Aka, "At approximately 12:30pm tomorrow night, a meteor will fall from space and to the ground. Evil beings will arise from that meteor and will want to conquer and destroy the planet. You have no time to waste. You must find us the successor to fend them off."

"A person that is the successor of… Musician?" asked Akane.

"Yes," said the black spirit, Kuro-Kuro which was based off an eighth note but in the form of a hawk, "Maybe all of us should go with you."

Suddenly, Kuro-Kuro started flying around toward Akane, perching itself on her head. But of course, Akane didn't feel anything considering they were spirits.

"I guess if Kuro-Kuro wants to go, I'll go along," said Aka-Aka.

Kuro-Kuro nodded as he turned toward Akane. Akane looked back. Suddenly, Aoi-Aoi and Ki-Ki ran over toward her. All five colored spirits nodded as they turned towards Akane.

"You all will be fine in my care," Akane said, "Let's go guys."

All of a sudden, flashes of red, yellow, green, black and blue colors appeared around them as they flew into the belt. Akane took the gray belt. The belt began to shine and in a flash, she disappeared back to Tokyo…

=== Blue ===

Our story switches from Akane and the five spirits to the crowded streets of Shibuya where a boy was walking. He was walking around near a train station, having a red Gibson guitar strapped on his back and his guitar case on the floor. "Ugh, I wonder how today is going to be today?"

He was wearing a red long-sleeved shirt with khaki jeans and red boots. He has short black spiky hair and ruby coloured eyes. Around his neck was a heart shaped locket. He was tall enough and he had pale skin. He wore a smile on his face as he stared into the sky with hope.

His name was Kurogane Reppuu. He was also the former guitarist of the famous rock band: The Nightwings. Well you might be wondering why he's on the streets of Tokyo, well there's a simple explanation for that (as Gosei would say). He had left the band without notice after he argued with the band about their horrible and repulsive music change after they had been signed by Gr8 Records. Their manager decided to kick him out of the band after their infighting went out of control. Ever since then, he was on the streets for a week now, playing his guitar for the people to make a decent living on the streets.

He took his guitar from his back and put it in front, reading to play his guitar. "Attention everyone, my name is Reppuu Kurogane, former member of the Nightwings and the song for today is… The Beginning,"

He strummed his guitar a couple of times to prepare his fingers. He then placed his nimble fingers on the strings of his guitar, beginning to strum it expertly.

"Just give me a reason, to keep my heart beating," Kurogane sang as he strummed his guitar, but people weren't really listening.

"To keep my heart beating, don't worry it's safe right here in my arms," Kurogane sang, "As the world falls apart around us, all we can do is hold on, hold on."

"Shut up!" One of the people said as they threw a shoe at him, but he quickly dodged it. Everyone started booing at him and shouting very inappropriate language at the young man.

"Tough crowd today, huh? Guess I'm not getting any money today," Kurogane sighed. He then felt something tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see two officers.

"Excuse me Mr. Reppuu, but this is our third time asking you to leave here," the first officer said.

Kurogane sighed, "But come on, I'm trying to make a living here on the streets by using my only talent: playing guitar and singing, is that so wrong?"

The second officer scowled angrily at him, "But the citizens have been complaining about the noise you are causing and we are just here to fix that."

Kurogane groaned, "Fine, whatever. Sorry my music is such an inconvenience for people."

=== Black ===

After Kurogane hesitantly left the train station, he was walking along the streets with his guitar strapped on his back. He began reflecting on his life. "My whole life I've always wanted to be a successful guitarist, but now everything's just going down the hill. My old band has changed its ways, everyone despises me… maybe Oto-san was right. I'm not cut out to be a musician."

As Kurogane walked along the sidewalk full of others, a certain girl bumped into him and the two fell down to the ground.

"What the hell?" Akane said. She then looked in front of herself to see Kurogane on the floor, rubbing his sore head.

"Iteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" said Kurogane while rubbing his hair.

She gasped and blushed as she looked at the boy, "Oh my god…. That's Kurogane Reppuu, he's so cute…" she thought to herself.

Kurogane, looked at Akane, smiling. He blushed and turned his head away as he looked at her face. She is so beautiful. He had to control his shy self at once. After clearing his throat, he began to spoke.

"Gomen ne, are you alright?" said Kurogane.

Akane chuckled sheepishly, "No, I'm alright. I should be asking that question actually?"

"No," said Kurogane, "My Otou-san always taught me to always make sure to respectful to a young lady and ask if she is okay first."

"Oh, no I'm alright, really," Akane said innocently. The two lifted themselves off the ground. "My name is Akane Inosaki, nice to meet you!"

"You too, the name's Kurogane Reppuu, also nice to meet you! Wait, aren't you the daughter of the famous Shinichi Inosaki and Sakura Inosaki!"

"Yeah, and you're Kurogane Reppuu, you're a part of that new band: The Nightwings, you guys are so awesome. I love your music and your style, it's so inspiring!"

Kurogane blushed, "I'm sorry to inform you, but I'm no longer a part of the Nightwings, I've left the band because of horrible changes within the group and infighting between us all. I've been on the streets since then and I've been doing… well" Kurogane lied, not wanting her to see him at his lowest.

Akane was surprised at the shocking news, "I'm sorry to hear that, just so you know, you were my favorite member of the band…"

"Yeah," Kurogane said.

Suddenly, Akane's pocket started to shine and then three colors flashed out of her pockets: red, yellow and black, namely Aka-Aka, Ki-Ki and Kuro-Kuro.

"Akane-chan, who is this young man," Aka-Aka asked.

"His name is Kurogane," Akane introduced.

"This man looks like a fair candidate for the Music Driver. Maybe you can try to get him to put it on and see if the belt's rust dissolves," Kuro-Kuro suggested.

"But won't that be weird if I just do it out of the blue?" Akane asked.

"Then ask him first," Ki-Ki replied.

"If you guys say so," said Akane. She then looked at Kurogane who was looking at her like she was a psycho.

She took the rusted belt out of her pocket and tossed it to Kurogane and he caught it with ease. Kurogane looked at it and turned to Akane, "What's this thing?"

Akane looked at him, "Well all I can tell you is that if you don't put on that belt and use its power that the whole world's doomed."

Kurogane eyed Akane, "Well that's really hard for me to believe. I know that things like that have been happening for a long time now, but I'm pretty sure that's stuff is over with."

"What if I tell you that, that belt holds five musical spirits?" asked Akane.

"Well, of course, I would say that you're a nutcase?" answered Kurogane. He then opened his guitar case and took out an orange flyer and gave it to Akane, "Um… I was wondering if you could come to the House of Players tonight,"

"What's the House of Players?" asked Akane, "Also where's it at?"

Kurogane smiled at her, "It's actually really simple, it's in the Chidoya-ki district and in a small house and I'll be performing there. You could come see me perform there if you'd like to that is. My friends are going to be there as well,"

"That's cool," Akane smiled, "Of course I'll be going. I have nothing else better to do anyway; my Kaa-san and Tou-san are in England, doing a tour."

Kurogane chuckled, tossing the gray belt into the air, "Can't wait to see you there, Akane."

=== Pink ===

Later that same night, Akane was at her mansion. After Kurogane had invited Akane to the House of Players, she decided to get all dressed up for the rock gig tonight. Akane was wearing her black jacket, with a yellow t-shirt and with white short and black boots. She had her hair in the form of a ponytail. Next to her was a guy that was wearing a black leather biker jacket, short black hair that was greased to the side, and a red under t-shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. He looked to be about twenty-three.

"So, why are we going to this place in these wretched clothes?" asked the man.

"I already told you, Tsubasa-san," said Akane, "We're going out to a rock gig and we have to be dressed appropriately for it.

"I wonder how it will be like to go to a rock gig?" asked Ki-Ki.

"Maybe it's full of people that could be fair candidates to be Musician!" Aoi-Aoi predicted.

"Let's just enjoy the rock gig, besides that Kurogane fellow is going to be there and that'll determine if he is the new heir to be Musician," Mo-Mo said, cheekily.

The musical spirits were having a grand ol' conversation with one another.

"Where's this rock gig at again?" Tsubasa asked.

"At the Player Hut," answered Akane.

Her butler groaned, "How about we take the RV instead of the limo to the place?"

"Sure, that sounds pretty good, don't wanna attract too much attention to me," Akane said as the two headed downstairs. They opened the door to see a shiny white RV.

"I see you cleaned it thoroughly," commented Akane.

"Well," began Tsubasa, "Well I had to clean it up since I did only buy it off someone while the attack of the Phantoms was going on, it was on sale."

Tsubasa looked over at Akane. Akane smiled as she went to the passenger's seat of the car and Tsubasa went into the driver's seat. The two slid on their seatbelts and Tsubasa inserted the RV keys into the cars and turned it. The engine roared to life. The garage door creaked open and the RV drove off.

"Make a quick right next street," said Akane.

Tsubasa obeyed, as he turned right at the next street they encountered. They were at a huge house with all different cars parked.

"I thought Kurogane said this place was small," said Akane.

Once the two parked the RV, they walked into the house and up the stairs where the main event was happening. Along the way they saw teenagers and adults either drunk, making out, talking, drinking or smoking.

"Wow… this place is… something," Akane smiled uneasily.

"Yeah," said Tsubasa, "I'm pretty sure Madam Inosaki would not want you here in the first place."

"I agree with you," commented Akane.

Tsubasa and Akane approached and opened the silver door entrances. The two walked inside to see a whole crowd of people cheering, clapping and jumping around as they say four people up on the stage. One of the four was Kurogane, who had his infamous red Gibson guitar, and beside him were the two friends he mentioned earlier: Ryuko and Koji. Ryuko was a brunette and her hair reached down to her back and aquamarine coloured eyes. She wore a black tank top and blue pants and black boots. She had two drumsticks in his hands. Beside her was Koji who had short black hair. He had a silver Jesus-on-the-cross necklace on his neck and garnet coloured eyes. He had a blue checkered, collared button up shirt with a blue under t-shirt. He also wore black jeans and black and white sneakers. Lastly, he stood behind the piano.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" cried the announcer. Everyone roared and clapped and yelled joyfully, almost busting Akane's eardrums. "It's time to introduce the newest band at the Players Hut called the Masked Riderz! The members of the band is the greatest guitarist and vocalist in the world, Kurogane Reppuu, Ryuko Hasuma, the fierce drummer with attitude of the band, and lastly, Koji Shinomaru, the baddest pianist in the entire universe!" said the announcer with enthusiasm. "Kurogane, the leader of the Masked Riderz was recently fired by their imbecile manager, who converted the old fun-loving and inspiring band into a heavy metal hand: METALLICA!"

"What's Metallica?" said Aka-Aka.

"What the hell is Metallica?" asked Kurogane to himself in anger.

"Metallica?" asked Ryuko.

"Metallica?" said Koji.

"Metallica?" repeated Akane.

"Metallica… that name has got to be the worst name for a band in all of music history," chuckled Tsubasa.

On the stage, three men came out of the back. One of the three had red Mohawk hair with black stubble. He had green eyes and a red vest jacket with a black shirt underneath, black jeans and black boots with a guitar around his back. Beside him on the left was a man with a black bass in his hands. He had black hair with purple highlights in his hair. His whole body was littered with tattoos, even his face and neck of skulls, swords and words. He wore black ripped jeans and black sneakers. His nails were painted black and he had black stripes on his bare arms. The last person wore a black Grim Reaper jacket with a flaming pitch-fork going through its eyes and mouth. He had black jeans and a belt with a silver buckle on. He also had black fingerless gloves. He had two black drumsticks in his hands.

"Introducing the members of Metallica are Akashi Kazumi, the bassist, Rin Kururugi, the leader and the new guitarist for Metallica, and lastly, Kyou Nihoji and these are the members of the (idiotic) band of Metallica!" the manager roared, making the audience scream and cheer for the Metallica band. The three friends, including Akane and Tsubasa, as the three prepared their individual instruments.

"Now, it's time to rock!" Rin screamed to the ends of the earth.

Akane and Tsubasa covered their ears as they saw Rin grab the microphone and scream. They all started playing very obnoxiously. The Masked Riderz quickly stuffed their ear plugs in as they began booming their heavy music.


Akane nearly passed out from the blaring noise, "THIS IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO ACTUAL MUSIC!"

After they stopped their mini-nightmare version of music, the Masked Riderz all began to play. Kurogane started off with his new guitar solo, shocking everyone, including Akane and Tsubasa. After that, Ryuko started playing the drums and Koji began to play the electric keyboard.

Tsubasa stared at the band in wonder as Kurogane began to sing, "The darkness overlapping the humanity's core. Despair is running across the world. But Riderz, we are the warriors who protect mankind! How could the villains be so blind! No matter what happens, we will use every inch of our strength, to make the bad-guys faint! Go Riderz, never give up!"

Suddenly, the five spirits appeared beside Kurogane as he sung.

"Oh yeah, play Kurogane," cheered Aoi-Aoi.

"Man this guy puts his heart and soul into his playing," said Ki-Ki.

"Humans have such great talents," complimented Mo-Mo.

"You could say that again," Kuro-Kuro said.

The crowd began to roar with happiness and cheer for the Riderz. The new heavy metal band stared at their old band member, Kurogane and the other Riderz.


Some of the people began leaving the House of Players. Rin quickly ceased the band's playing and yelled into the microphone angrily.


"Shut it, heavy metal sucks and is dumb, all it is about is dying, burning, killing and despair with this genre of music," one of the now sober teens said. Tsubasa nodded in agreement as Akane looked at Kurogane. Akashi eyed the two, "You guys leaving like the rest?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I would've stayed if I could hear Kurogane sing," commented Akane, before leaving House of Players with Tsubasa. Kurogane sighed heavily. "Dammit,"

"You can go dude," said Koji.

"Yeah, Kuro-kun," said Ryuko.

"Thanks guys," replied Kurogane as he unplugged his guitar from the speakers and ran off to the two before they left for home like the others. Kurogane ran outside to see Tsubasa and Akane running to their RV.

"Hey you guys," said Kurogane, "I have to ask you two a question,"

"What is it, Kurogane?" asked Akane innocently, while smiling at him.

"How did you like our performance today?" asked Kurogane.

"It sure enough was better than those damned metal weirdos," answered Tsubasa.

Kurogane looked at Tsubasa, "I haven't seen you before. The name's Kurogane Reppuu! Nice to meet you."

Tsubasa looked at him, "Oh, I'm Tsubasa Seijirou, and I'm Lady Akane's loyal butler."

Kurogane's eyes widened, "But you're young, aren't butlers supposed to be like sixty?"

Tsubasa scowled, "Not every butler is overage, okay?"

"Sorry," Kurogane sincerely apologized.

"Oh don't worry about him, you just struck a minor nerve in him," Akane said, "To answer your question, you and you're new band really sounded great today, unlike Metallica, you guys didn't make me want to tear my ears off my head."

Kurogane chuckled, "Thanks, you guys are really kind. My friends Ryuko and Koji like people like you guys."

"Is that so?" Tsubasa asked rhetorically.

Suddenly, Kurogane felt something move around in his pants pocket. Akane and Tsubasa eyes widened, including Kurogane. Just as Ryuko and Koji came outside after Kurogane was taking too long, they saw the gray rusted belt glowing. The five musical symbols on the belt were shining brightly, making Kurogane shield his eyes from the light.

In a few seconds, the gleaming light dispersed, the five saw the five colored spirits, now in chibi form, in front of their eyes.


"AHHHHHHH!" yelled everyone, except Akane, who was just merely shocked.

"What the hell?" asked Kurogane as he looked at the spirits, "Akane, why did ghosts come out of this belt?"

"Hey there buddy, we're not ghosts. We're musical spirits!" said Kuro-Kuro.

"Calm down Kuro-Kuro, they're just surprised by us," argued Mo-Mo.

"Would you two just be quiet?" asked Aoi-Aoi.

"Before we begin speaking and explaining to you five, I would like for you to remain silent. To begin, my name is Aka-Aka and these four are my comrades: Ki-Ki, Aoi-Aoi, Kuro-Kuro, and Mo-Mo. We are five musical spirits that are from Musictopia, a different world full of different musical spirits. We five are special as we are the five that are destined to aid a magnificent and graceful warrior of the dawn, Kamen Rider Musician and combat the enemy: Scream. Our master, which was the former Musician, fought bravely against the Scream, and won. But in a last effort, the Scream used their Escape Overload and escaped Musictopia, but not before killing half of our people and almost killing us, but our master sacrificed himself and died to protect us from death," explained Aka-Aka.

=== Musician ===

"Damn Scream!" The former Musician roared as he slashed a head banging monster across the chest with his red guitar, "Musictopia, let's take the battle to them!"

Currently, the great battle between Musician and Musictopia vs. the Scream was taking place at the moment. Musictopia was in flames as the Scream was practically destroying the planet. But, Kamen Rider Musician was fighting to protect them.

"Dammit, there is too many of them!" Aka-Aka said as he blasted a red energy blast at two Scream monsters, destroying them.

"We've been using up too much of our power. I don't think we'll last longer than a few more seconds," said Aoi-Aoi, slashing two Screams across the chest, throwing them into the wall.

"We have to stop them before our kind is killed!" Kuro-Kuro said barely dodging the attacks.

The Screams were beginning to surround the six completely. "We have to use our final resort!"

The five spirits nodded.

"Right!" said Aka-Aka.

"Right!" said Ki-Ki.

"Right!" said Aoi-Aoi.

"Right!" said Kuro-Kuro.

"Right!" said Mo-Mo.

"Alright guys!" Suddenly, the five spirits combined with Musician's armor transforming into a different form.

Musician quickly took out his microphone sword and clutched it. "HAAAAH!"

His sword charged up and slashed all of the Screams, killing them all with ease. He stood there victorious as the whole swarm of Scream had been dealt with.

"Game…Over!" Musician said as he had finished off the Scream. The five spirits detached from Musician's armor and Musician's original armor reappeared.

Musician stared around at the wasteland of Musictopia. Suddenly, he heard two voices. The six turned around to see who the two voices were.

"You've done well… Musician…" said one of the two mysterious figures. This one was shadowed out, so you guys couldn't see him until later.

"I'm surprised you managed to defeat our entire army from destroying this garbage dump of a planet!" cackled the other mysterious figure.

Ki-Ki's eyes twitched violently, "What the hell did you say? You bitch!"

The second figure laughed at the yellow spirit. "Wow, did your mother ever tell you to never disrespect women."

"Ki-Ki's a girl, if you didn't realize that," Aka-Aka said.

"Yeah, and you take back what you said about our homeland," shouted Mo-Mo angrily, shooting a pink energy blast at the second figure, but the first one easily blocked the attack with his hand, absorbing the energy. He quickly shot it back at Mo-Mo, but Musician jumped in front and blocked it with his guitar.

He chuckled, "You two are definitely going to pay for the pain you've caused for my friends and everyone that was killed and died because of you."

"I see you still have some fight left in you," the first said. "Then how about we see how much power you still have left?"

The two charged towards Musician.

"Let's go guys, this is the final battle!" Musician said as the five combined with his armor once again, transforming him into his final form. "Let's do this!"

Musician stood his ground as it unsheathed it's sword. The three clashed with each other as Musician managed to slash the second figure across the chest and block the first figure's roundhouse kick.

He kicked one of them in the chest, but the second figure delivered a nice punch to the face, sending him staggering back. Suddenly, he felt a blast come in contact with his body armor, creating sparks off his outfit and sending him to the ground.

When he looked up he saw the first figure in front of him, cackling ominously, "Come on Musician, I thought you said that you were going to make us pay!"

He kicked Musician in the stomach, grinding and crushing his ribcage with each second. "Ahhhhh, you bastard…I'll never let you live,"

"Come on, master, you can do it," said Mo-Mo.

"Yeah, don't let that bastard take you down," encouraged Aoi-Aoi.

"We'll all use our strength to stop them! So don't give up!" said Kuro-Kuro.

"Well said, family!" said Aka-Aka.

"Let's kick their asses!" roared Ki-Ki.

Musician chuckled between gasps of pain and agony, "You're… right guys… let's use our remaining strength… let's use our… ultimate Rider Kick!"

With that, Musician summoned enough strength and lifted the monster's foot off of him and threw with into the second figure, making the two collapses hard on the hard ground.

Musician barely stood up, but he shook off the horrible feeling he had in his chest. "Let's go guys! This is the final attack!"

He quickly drew a rainbow colored, containing the colors of the spirits: red, yellow, blue, black and pink. He strummed it across on the MusicDriver. He began to spin into the air, until he stopped at a certain point. He then extended his leg and held his hand out as he prepared to launch the kick right into the two.

"You bastards, this is your demise! Let's rock!" Musician flew down with grace and swiftness and crashed through the two figures, going right through their chests and sticking the landing. A huge explosion occurred behind Musician as he said his victorious words, "Game Over!"

The five spirits separated from Musician once again. The six looked around. "Guys… we've finally won the battle."

"YEAH!" Kuro-Kuro cried, "We actually won! I can't believe it,"

"I gotta admit, I'm kind of surprised we did it," said Aoi-Aoi.

"But at the cost of our families…" Ki-Ki said while sobbing lightly, choking on the words.

Aka-Aka went to comfort her, "It'll be alright, Ki-Ki. We'll focus on rebuilding Musictopia and producing more kind."

"…All of those innocent people…" said Mo-Mo.

Musician looked at the five spirits. Underneath his helmet, he was sad for them, "It's going to be just fine…"

Suddenly, the six heard the sound of a blast. They quickly whipped around to see a huge green blast approaching them at an alarming rate. It was the two figures, who were using their last resort: Escape Overload!

"…Before we leave… we're going to kill you all and those broken planet!" roared the first figure.

It was aimed at the five spirits. Musician saw this and quickly reacted on his own instinct, doing the only thing he could do…

He ran with his remaining speed and took the blast, protecting his five friends from dying. Once the blast was over, it had almost destroyed their entire planet and it left the five spirits stunned. They all stared at Musician, who had, unfortunately, taken the blast. Musician's helmet was torn off, revealing half of his face, which was bleeding. It also revealed he had silver hair. His entire body was broken and bleeding horribly. He turned weakly, to look at the five spirits. He smiled at them, "I'm sorry guys,"

He fell to the ground, hard. His breathing pattern was slowing down by the second.

The five spirits looked down at their dying master.

"…No…no...NO!" yelled Ki-Ki.

"WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THE HIT FOR US?!" yelled Kuro-Kuro angrily and sadly.

"Damn you two… Master, don't die, please!" yelled Mo-Mo.

"Master, dammit, I can't believe we got so careless," cried Aka-Aka, slamming his claws into the ground.

"…Master, we were… supposed to… rebuild…Musictopia together," Aoi-Aoi stated between sobs.

Musician smiled at them, "You guys have to… find… the next Musician… the Scream will be… returning in nine years… I won't you to seek someone… named Kuro…" He coughed up some blood as he knew he was about to pass. He had to hurry and say his last words.

"Dammit… I can't believe we got this far and… when we thought we were going… to win… they surprised us with their escape tactic… but… I'm really glad... my friends are alive," He said weakly.

"Don't leave us!" sobbed Ki-Ki with Aka-Aka hugging her tightly.

Aoi-Aoi was lost in despair.

Kuro-Kuro was in deep shock, "DAMMIT!

Mo-Mo hugged Kuro-Kuro tightly.

"Don't cry… you guys… hey, I'm going to have to… go soon. I just want you to know… that I'm… going to be in a… better place… just doing whatever you can… to defeat the Scream once… and for all… goodbye… my f-f-friends…" Musician coughed up a little more blood. He looked up into the bleak sky and took his last breath before he smiled widely. Right there, in front of his friends, he died with his eyes open and with a smile on his face.

Aka-Aka stared in disbelief at what had just conspired, "…Master…wake up… come on…"

"M-M-MASTER!" Aoi-Aoi cried into the air as rain began to pour down hard on the barren wasted planet.

"NO! NO! THOSE SCREAM ASSHOLES! NO! NO!" roared Kuro-Kuro as he started sobbing uncontrollably at the loss of their dearest friend.


All Aka-Aka could do was sit there in disbelief. He couldn't believe that they were so closed to winning, but then they had lost in just a second. It had happened so fast. His eyes welled up with tears as his head became dizzy. He had just lost all of his kind and his greatest friend, except for his other four friends. His home planet was destroyed. He knelt his head down into the ground as he began to sob violently as thunder struck loudly.

That's when he felt a hand touch his head. He looked up to see the spirit of Musician. "Don't cry, Aka-Aka. Don't forget my dying wish. I need you to pull yourself together as their leader and find the next candidate for the MusicDriver. Now take it off of my body and leave your planet and go to Earth. There is where you will find him,"

Aka-Aka was staring at the spirit in awe, "…But… at this moment… I don't think I can pull myself together as the leader… it's like my heart just got ripped out of my chest… I just don't know if I can do it…"

"I already told you. Take the Driver and go to Earth, but to do that you have to raise their spirits and make them happy. I know you can do it. My time that God gave me is up. See ya buddy, and tell the others I said hi."

With that, the spirit of Musician flew up into the bleak sky and disappeared into thin air, leaving shiny white feathers floating down. The sky turned sunny as the rain and thunder stopped.

Aka-Aka made his way to Musician's dead body and carefully took off the MusicDriver, which had now become rust since the user was now deceased.

He looked at the other four spirits, "Let's go… Musician gave us his dying wish… we must fulfill it before Scream's return."

Ki-Ki looked at Aka-Aka and found newfound hope somehow, "But where are we going?"

"Earth, of course,"

=== Red ===

"Master…" mourned Ki-Ki, remembering the tragic event that took place in the past.

"Those Scream scum, it'll be alright Ki-Ki," said Aoi-Aoi.

"This sounds like a loud of bullcrap," replied Ryuko. "Do you guys really believe this for one second?"

"Shut up, you just don't know what happened to us do you?" Kuro-Kuro yelled angrily.

Koji covered Ryuko's mouth, "I apologize for my friend's mouth. She has intendance to not believe certain things like this,"

"I'll admit this is hard to believe," Tsubasa said. "Not to offend you spirits,"

"No, no. We understand, this does sound like a quite far-fetched story," Aoi-Aoi admitted.

"Anyways, to finish up the story," began Aka-Aka, "Due to our previous master's death and Scream's escape, we have to find the next successor of Musician who will fight against the Scream once they are reawakened tomorrow… and we think it may be you, you Kurogane might just be our new partner," finished Aka-Aka.

"Yeah, you're basically like the old master," said Ki-Ki. "We think you'll be the right fit for it,"

Akane looked over at Kurogane. He was having a hard time taking in all of this sudden information about becoming some warrior and stopping evil from destroying mankind. It was all too much for him already.

"I can already tell you are going to be a great successor. I like you Kurogane, you have a really great voice and perfect guitar skills. I can't wait to battle alongside you," said Aoi-Aoi.

"Master… partner... Musician?" Kurogane said, looking at the spirits.

"Yes!" said Mo-Mo. "Master!"

Koji looked at Ki-Ki, "So you are a spirit!"

"Yeah," answered Ki-Ki.

Koji stared at her, "Just to be clear, what gender are you spirits? Are you like genderless like Pokémon or something else.

Ryuko stared at Koji, "Don't ask such questions? You sound like a pervert!"

"How?" asked Koji as he still checked out Ki-Ki. Aka-Aka saw this and jumped between Koji and Ki-Ki.

"How about you stop staring at my wife...?" asked Aka-Aka as he glared angrily at Koji, making him step back with fear.

"Sorry, I was just curious," Koji answered.

"Well curiosity killed the cat," Tsubasa shot back.

"Nice," said Ryuko. "Now anyways what else do you spirits have to tell us?"

Kurogane stared at the five spirits and then at Akane, "Akane, I swear, there definitely be a good explanation for what is happening here."

Aoi-Aoi answered to Kurogane, "We will explain on Akane's behalf. Our friend Ki-Ki here, has prophesized to us that a meteor will crash down on to Earth tonight. And terrible things could happen to your people like ours!"

"What kinds of things?" Akane asked.

"Something severely bad, like the other evil that struck Earth: Greeed, Imagin, Phantoms, Inves…" answered Mo-Mo.

"So, why are you five here?" asked Kurogane.

"Well, Kurogane, to answer your question," began Aki-Aki, "Akane summoned us from our Hall of the Musical Spirits, where she found us,"

"Hall of the Musical Spirits?" asked Tsubasa, alongside Kurogane, Koji and Ryuko. Tsubasa stared angrily at Akane, "What did Madam and Sir Inosaki tell you about going to these types of weird and mysterious places?"

"I'm deeply sorry, Tsubasa, but my parents aren't here, are they?" argued Akane.

Koji then turned once he heard the name 'Inosaki'. "Wait… you're… Akane Inosaki, famous piano player and daughter of musical prodigy Shinichi and Sakura…"

Akane deadpanned, "I'm not that big of a deal… am I?"

Koji ran up to Akane and started shaking her hands and kissing her knuckles. Tsubasa reacted on instinct and grabbed Koji away from Akane and put him in a strong headlock that no one could get out of.

Ryuko smiled at Tsubasa, "You're pretty strong, aren't you?"

Koji groaned as he looked up at Tsubasa, "Oh and you're Akane's young, strong and sturdy bodyguard and butler, Tsubasa Nozomi. You, young fellow, are a major legend in the bodyguard and butler business.

Tsubasa replied, "Thanks kid, I'm glad I have such a great fan. Akane, you alright?"

He got no reply.

He turned to look at her. She was pretty pissed at him, "Could you please let the boy go, you need to lighten up on your duties a little."

Tsubasa glared, "Well I can't just ignore my duties. I'm going to be held accountable if anything terrible happens to you on my watch and your parents will fire me in a matter of seconds. I can't risk that happening."

"Well just lighten a little, okay? And that's a direct order," Akane added.

Tsubasa huffed, "Sure, Lady Inosaki."

Kuro-Kuro jumped into the air, "So we finally found a great candidate to be Kamen Rider Musician!"

"KAMEN RIDER!" yelled everyone, except the spirits.

"Wait a second, are you telling me I stumbled upon spirits who chose me to seek out a Kamen Rider?" asked Akane. Tsubasa growled angrily at Akane, releasing Koji of the painful hold.

"That's not a good thing, you know, Akane?" roared Tsubasa. "You just got yourself, including all of us in something that could lead to our deaths."

"Don't talk to her like that, dude," Koji said, placing a hand on Tsubasa's shoulder. Tsubasa snapped around and twisted his hand. Koji cried in pain.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up, just don't hurt me," Koji said as he ran away from Tsubasa and hid behind Ryuko and Kurogane.

"Lead to our deaths?" asked Akane.

=== Blue ===

As Kurogane, Akane, Koji, Ryuko, Tsubasa and the other five musical spirits were talking, at around 12:25am, Rin, Akashi, and Kyou were all sitting in the vacant park on the grass, eating and drinking till they were drunk. Rin smashed the top off the bottle and chugged a bottle of Bud Light and munched on a turkey and cheese sandwich, "Those freaking bastards!"

"Yeah," said Kyou, "Dumbass Kurogane just had to leave the band and form another band with his other dumbass friends. The only reason they cheered for their band was because Kurogane had the former glory of the Nightwings, and those two other members from our band, those imbeciles!"

"The manager said they couldn't get there on time. Some family business or whatever," Akashi said dryly, "They should've just blown off their stupid plans and came to the gig like we did."

Out of nowhere, they saw something and looked up into the night sky. An unidentified silver thing came flying straight toward the trio. The Metallica members quickly dispersed and ran for safety from the object. Once the silver thing struck the Earth, a massive shockwave occurred. The three members yelled in pain as the shockwave shot through their body, changing their DNA and transforming their body structure.

Rin had transformed into a red metallic monster, with red armor and a metallic breastplate and red armored legs. There were spiked red bracelets on his wrists and on his back were two twin, blood-red swords. On his shoulders were black spikes and his eye colors were pitch black. His new name was Red Wrecker.

Kyou transformed into a black gorilla type monster with wires coming out of his back. On his stomach was a stereo and he had megaphone in his hand and headphones on his ears. His new name was Shocksounder.

Akashi transformed into a green metallic electrical robot with mechanical arms and legs and a body. He had an electrical glove on his right hand so he could deliver killer shock attacks. On his back was a built in jetpack. His new name was Electrod.

Once the shockwave hit them and changed their bodies, their brain was implanted in a message saying 'I, Arfoine, will be arriving on Earth in a few hours. If you didn't know, if you have been hit with the shockwave, your body has been transformed and you have gained imaginable power. I command you as your master to wreak havoc in Tokyo, and finally, make everyone face the power of heavy metal music. Our mission is to hunt and make people surrender to our music, resulting in them turning into Headbangers, leading to us creating a gigantic army to conquer all of Earth. Fulfill this mission without fail or else you will be severely punished.

"It seems we have gained powers…" said Red Wrecker as it drew its twin swords. "This is great. We will be able to destroy Kurogane and his dumb band, The Masked Riderz… this is going to be so great."

Red Wrecker laughed manically.

=== Pink ===

The next day, the danger began. People were relaxing while talking, when Red Wrecker, Shocksounder and Electrod attacked and began to attack innocent people, killing some of them. Shocksounder pressed a button on his stereo belly and activated a shrill and obnoxious sound that exploded some buildings and houses.

"What the hell is going on around here?" asked Kurogane as he came rushing outside of the Inosaki Mansion, with Ryuko and Koji. The rusted Music Driver came floating out of Kurogane's pants pocket. The five spirits appeared alongside the three bandmates.

"This is exactly what I predicted would happen," said Ki-Ki.

"So," said Kurogane.

"We need to get Akane," said Mo-Mo.

"She's asleep," answered Ryuko.

"I'll go get her," replied Aoi-Aoi.

Suddenly, the three turned around to see Red Wrecker look at him with a grin plastered on his face.

"So, Kurogane, what do you think about me now, huh?" Red Wrecker asked as he moved a step closer to them.

Red Wrecker took out his twin swords; he delivered a powerful air slash, throwing Kurogane into Ryuko and Koji into the mansion's fountain. Kurogane saw that he was on top of Ryuko. He saw this and lifted his face off, while blushing hard. "G-Gomen ne… I'm sorry, Ryuko,"

Ryuko blushed, "No, it's alright. But we have to focus on that freak over there."

Kurogane turned around and looked to see Red Wrecker slowly approaching them.

"This is what happens when you disrespect our band and betraying us!" Red Wrecker said.

"Betraying? Wait are you… Rin-san?" asked Kurogane.

Suddenly, a certain white RV rushed forward, smashing into Red Wrecker, knocking him into a nearby tree. The door slid open.

Akane reached out her hand so the three could get in. "Hurry!"

Kurogane nodded as the three ran inside and drove off.

"Dammit," growled Red Wrecker, "You bumbling fools!"

Shocksounder and Electrod appeared by Red Wrecker, "Let's chase down that RV."

=== Black ===

Meanwhile, the RV were driving on the crowded streets. Aka-Aka was floating around Kurogane's body as Tsubasa drove.

"Where is the belt again?" asked Akane.

"In my pocket," Kurogane answered, "What do you want me to do?"

"You are going to have to fight," answered Akane. Suddenly, they saw Red Wrecker appearing in front of the RV and throwing them into a tree. The airbags popped. In a few seconds, everyone slipped out of the car.

"Haha," said Red Wrecker, "It's nice to see all of you once again."

"Who are you?" asked Koji, "And what are you doing here?"

"We're Scream," answered Shocksounder, "That silver meteor that crashed gave us new powers and we were given a mission to destroy Musician and make everyone see the true, raw power of heavy metal music. Did I forget to mention our master Arfoine is also coming?"

Ki-Ki cringed at the name of 'Arfoine', "So it seems… Arfoine is returning so soon…"

"That bastard…" growled Aoi-Aoi.

"I can't wait to grind his face in with my claws," roared Kuro-Kuro.

Ryuko stood in front of her friends, "Oh really?"

Electrod looked at them, "Yes… wait… you're from Kurogane's new band aren't you?"

"Yeah," said Ryuko, "You guys were pretty stupid to drive away Kurogane."

"Learn to shut up," barked Red Wrecker. Red Wrecker rose his twin swords to try to strike Ryuko, but Kurogane jumped in and grabbed the blades and roundhouse kicked Red Wrecker, making him stagger back. Red Wrecker screeched at the pain in his stomach. Electrod went to attack and shot electric in their direction, but Tsubasa dodged and punched Electrod in the face and elbowed him in the chest. Electrod fell backwards.

"Shocksounder," said Red Wrecker, "Electrod, let's finish them."

Koji stood up, "I don't know you're doing this for, but you can't just go harming others for foolish reasons."

"Yeah," said Akane, "No matter what type of music, it shouldn't bring destruction, it should bring love and happiness."

"Guys, I don't think these guys would understand any of that," said Kurogane.

As Kurogane, Koji and Ryuko gave them a piece of their mind, the rusted rider belt came out of Kurogane's pocket and into his hand, gently.

"I think we've finally found a beyond worthy successor," Aka-Aka said.

"Yeah!" said Mo-Mo.

"It's time for you to go kick some Scream ass!" Kuro-Kuro said.

"Agreed," Aoi-Aoi said.

"We've fulfilled Master's dying wish," Ki-Ki said, happily.

Aka-Aka slithered around Kurogane, "Kurogane, follow my instructions clearly…place the belt on your waist."

Kurogane looked at the rusted rider belt and took a deep breath. "…Here goes nothing…"

Kurogane laid the belt on his waist, which expanded across like a belt. The gray rust on the belt broke off and played a harmonic tune. The belt was now revealed to be a red belt with black stripes, with a guitar circle and strings in the middle. On the belt were colored music notes. On the right side were blue and black and on the left were pink and yellow and in the middle of the belt was a red music note. On the right side of the MusicDriver, there were five colored guitarpicks in this order: pink, yellow, red, blue, and black. On the left side of the belt, there was a golden one that was used for Musician's Rider Kick and the last colored ones were used to access Weapons.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"That's awesome, I want one!" said Koji.

"Whoa!" Ryuko cheered.

"Wow," said Akane.

"I-I-I'm actually speechless…" Tsubasa said.

"Next, you grab the red guitarpick on the right side and strum a simple tune, rip it forward then backwards. Then say 'Henshin!'" explained Aka-Aka.

Kurogane said, "Let's Rock!" he then grabbed the red guitarpick from the right side and did what Aka-Aka said and strummed a harmonic tune and when he finished the simple, but graceful tune, drew it forward and backward again, like he originally started. He looked at the three enemies with a furious look in his eyes.



Kurogane's body began to be covered in armor. His armor was crimson red and he had his signature red Gibson guitar strapped to his back. His helmet visor had green bug-like eyes with a musical note on it, which was based on a Treble Clef. He had red boots with golden stripes and red gloves with golden rims. On the top of his helmet laid a silver, sleek X.

"It's time to rock out, wouldn't you say?" Kurogane said his catchphrase.

Everyone looked stunned at Kurogane. He had become Kamen Rider Musician.

"…A-A-A Kamen R-Rider," Koji stammered.

"Control yourself there," Akane laughed.

Tsubasa mouth gaped open, "I can't believe I'm actually seeing a Kamen Rider in person!"

Ryuko laughed, "Close your mouth, Tsubasa. Flies will get in your mouth."

Musician looked at his armor in shock and disbelief, "Wow… I'm really a Rider! Like the ones I see on TV!"

"Awesome!" Koji cried.

"Splendid, Kurogane!" Akane cried.

Red Wrecker looked at Musician, "Oh no… oh dammit… we can't let you survive Kurogane… even if you have the powers of a Rider!"

"Come and get some!" Kurogane taunted them.

Electrod started running as he started shooting lightning bolts at Musician, who quickly unsheathed his red Gibson guitar which blocked the blast. It had appeared his guitar had turned to hard steel in this form.

"This is sweet!" Musician swung his guitar down, slashing Electrod against his chest, creating sparks and throwing him to the ground, "Beat that!"

Suddenly, he was interrupted as Shocksounder blasted a huge blast from his stereo, nearly busting his eardrums out, including the others. The sound knocked Musician to the ground as people started running away, screaming in terror as they saw the fight going on.

"MONSTERS!" screamed a man as he ran for his life.

"RUN! AHH!" screamed an elderly woman.

Electrod heard this and went to cause terror, but Tsubasa jumped in front of him and punched him in the stomach. Electrod cried in pain.

"Back away from the people," scowled Tsubasa.

"Go Tsubasa-senpai, you are so awesome!" Koji cried out loud.

Tsubasa rolled his eyes.

Musician strummed a tune on his guitar and shouted, "Guitar Wave! Let's Rock!"

His guitar blasted an energy wave at Red Wrecker, blasting him backwards with ease. He then charged towards him, turning his guitar around and raising it into the air, then slashing it across Red Wrecker's chest, making sparks fly. He screamed at the contact. The two began to clash together with their weapons, trading hits on each other.

Tsubasa was talking care of Electrod at the moment. He jumped into the air and delivered a solid kick and sent him flying with ease. Electrod got up in seconds and started blasting electric attacks. He dodged them and came to punch him in the face, but Electrod dodged swiftly and made his wires wrap around him and throw him into a tree. Tsubasa groaned in pain. Akane looked worriedly.

"Dammit… what should I do?"

Shocksounder was the last to join in the battle and help out Red Wrecker. He started punching Musician in the chest with all his might, making Musician fall and double over on the ground.

Red Wrecker kicked him across the face and in the stomach. Musician struggled to get up.

"This is just too hilarious!" Red Wrecker laughed at the sight of the weak Musician. "I guess it's going to be quite easy to take care of you quickly!"

Suddenly, Red Wrecker felt a pole go right through his shoulder. He roared in pain as he stumbled back, clutching his bleeding shoulder. He turned to see who had done this. It was Akane.

"Two on one isn't fair, is it?" Akane chuckled.

"Why you little!" barked Red Wrecker. Before he could start walking, he heard someone say.

"Guitar Smash! Let's Rock!"

He turned around to see Musician about to slam the flaming guitar across his chest. Once it came in contact with Red's body, he screamed.

Red Wrecker lay weak on the ground. Musician chuckled.

Tsubasa had finally gotten free after slipping through the wires. As soon as he was free, he hit the ground running and punched Electrod in the face and kicked him. Lastly, he headbutted him, shocking him…

"This'll teach you not to mess with Tokyo, you Scream monsters!" Tsubasa did a successful screw kick and knocked Electrod to the ground.

"Ha," said Tsubasa, "We'll never bow down to your disgusting heavy metal!"

"Pitch Perfect!" roared Shocksounder, sending a piercing wave at Musician, who simply ran through its attack like it was nothing. He then punched him twice in the stomach, then slashed him with his guitar, sending him to the ground with the other two monsters. Somehow, Red Wrecker got off the ground.

"No, dammit, we just obtained these new powers and we've been defeated by our old friend. You know, you just entered the battle between our bands and Scream. Just know that we will have our revenge one day," said Red Wrecker weakly.

The three weak warriors disappeared without a trace. Kurogane sighed as he took off his MusicDriver and made his armor vanish, revealing his human self. He slid the MusicDriver into his pocket.

"That…was…amazing!" said Akane, "You really kicked butt for your first fight. Music power is so great!"

"Yeah," smiled Kurogane, looking at everyone, "Aka-Aka?"

He turned to see the red Dragon spirit floating beside him.

"Kurogane… you really outdid yourself," smiled Aka-Aka, "Great job…Master…"

Kurogane smiled sheepishly, "You know you don't have to call me Master. You can call me Kurogane, which I prefer."

"Sure, we'll call you Kurogane if you'd like," Aka-Aka laughed.

Everyone laughed.

Kurogane looked up into the sky, while holding his silver locket necklace, "Dad… I hope you see me… I'm evolving right before your eyes… aren't I…"

Akane looked at Kurogane, "Hey, Kurogane, are you alright?"

"…Oh… yeah, yeah, I was just thinking to myself. You know so much has happened and I'm supposed to be a Kamen Rider," Kurogane lied, laughing it off.

"Yeah," Akane smiled back. Of course, she knew something was wrong with him, but she would talk to him about it later, right now was a time for celebration.

=== Yellow ===

As Kurogane and the others were celebrating their first win, Red Wrecker, Shocksounder and Electrod were seen walking into a mountain area near Tokyo. They scanned the area. They looked to see a creature that was had a silver rock body and he was wearing a black robe. He had green cracks going through its body. He also had sharp claws.

"Glad to see you three got the memo?" smiled the creature.

"Are you Master?" asked Electrod.

"I'm the one that gave you your Scream bodies," he explained, "My name is Arfoine, your Master. I am the one who transformed your bodies into what they are now. I am your manager if you'd like to say instead of Master."

"Manager!" said the three in unison.

Arfione stood up from the ground; he could see the faces of Red Wrecker, Shocksounder and Electrod. He stared at them, "So, how did your first terror go? Did you wreak havoc in the name of metal?"

"Yes, Manager," answered Red Wrecker, "However, it was disturbed by our former band member who is now Kamen Rider Musician."

"Musician?! He's returned!" Arfione roared.

Shocksounder nodded, "Yeah…"

Arfione clenched his hands together, "To think that those pesky spirits have actually found a new candidate to become Musician… I swear I will defeat him and give him a slow, painful death. In the name of heavy metal! Yeah, together, we will destroy Earth and we will make Metallica number one in the world of music and people will bow to us as the rulers!"

=== Musician ===

(The last image becomes still as the screen is covered with five guitar picks. Then scene then shifts to show us the next episode)


Kurogane, not being used to his powers, has trashed Akane's room for him, highly upsetting her. To make it up to her, Koji and him get a job at an odd jobs company. But there, he finds an anti-social boy is making friends with a Scream monster and forming a fake bond so that he can claim him as a part of Arfione's army. How can he stop the monster without hurting the boy? Found out on the next episode of Kamen Rider Musician!