Yay for Spring Break! In the spirit of Spring Break I thought I would do some writing. Mind you I'm still working on homework (making my own Rube Goldburg machine) so I hope to finish this by the end of next week. I got this idea from bbcmusketeerskink but for the life of me can't find the person who asked for it. All I remember is Athos gets puppy d'Artagnan and Aramis and Porthos help him keep d'Artagnan out of trouble. If anyone know's of this prompt please let me know so I can add the link. Also, what name would I call Constance's husband?

Disclaimer: I do not own BBC Musketeers.

Warning: small animal cruelty

Of course, of all nights, it had to rain as he patrolled the streets of Paris. Of course of all nights he had to do patrol on his own as Aramis and Porthos got the lucky straw of going home. Athos wasn't exactly in a good mood and all he wanted to do was go home with a bottle of wine so he decided to step up his patrol a little, hoping to get done within the next thirty minutes and head back to the station and call it a night. He rounded the corner, looking everywhere as he went and stopped when he heard yip and then someone cussing coming from the ally up ahead. Pulling his gun out, he slowly made his way along the wall, ears out to see what was going on before going in.

"You dumb piece of shit! Don't know why I bother to keep you around." *WACK* "Always running off" *WACK* "I gave you a home and all you do is ruin it." *WACK WACK*

"Freeze!" Athos said, turning the corner, gun aimed and ready. He heard enough to know he had to stop whatever was happening and he was glad. There, standing before him was a large angry man, belt in one hand, and rope in another. Following the rope Athos saw red when he took in a small black puppy lying on the ground, bleeding from wounds and whining as the puppy tried to get out of the rope tight around its neck.

"Who the hell are you?" the man asked, spiting as he talked.

"I guess you can't see the badge from where you are but I am the police and I am going to tell you to drop the belt, drop the rope, and put your hands in the air."

"Piss off. I've done nothing wrong."

"Animal cruelty is worth two years in prison and $30,000 fine,"Athos said. (Sorry but I don't know the keys for the weird c with two lines through it so I just put in a dollar sign) "Now, I will tell you one last time, drop the belt and drop the rope then put your hands in the air."

The man glared at Athos before doing what he was told, but not before taking one last lash at the puppy. Putting his hands up in the air, the man turned around and felt the cop grab his arms and twist them behind his back before.

"What's your name?" Athos asked, handcuffing the man.


"Labarge, you are under arrest for animal cruelty." Once Labarge was handcuffed, Athos knelt down next to the puppy, who lifted its head and whined, trying to get away from him. "It's alright little guy. I'm not going to hurt you," he said, genteelly reaching for the rope around the puppy's neck and started to untie the knot. Once the rope was off the puppy, the puppy slowly stood up and shook, glade to be free.

"He's just a no good runt," Labarge spat. "Should've drowned him when I had the chance."

"Well, where you're going, you won't have to worry about him." Athos picked the puppy up. "What's his name?"

"d'Artagnan. My ex named and then left him."

Athos nodded and stood before grabbing Labarge by the arm and dragged him out of the ally. He was thankful that the station was only a block away so was great full that Labarge didn't cause any trouble for him.

Captain Treville was sitting in his office near the front when he looked up to see Athos walk in with a man in cuffs and a small puppy in his other arm. He stood up and walked out of his office when Athos set the puppy on the floor so he could fingerprint the man. "Trouble?"

"Animal cruelty," Athos said. "Beating the puppy in the ally round the corner."

Treville could hear the sharpness in his Lieutenant and knew Athos wanted to turn and punch the guy. Athos might not look like it, but he loves animals. "Why don't I take it from here, right up the report tomorrow, and you and this little..?" Treville stopped and looked down at the puppy that hadn't moved from his sitting position on the floor.


"Waste of space."

"You and this little guy can get out of here."

Athos nodded and without looking at Labarge picked the puppy up and walked out the door. Walking to his car he opened the passenger side and set d'Artagnan in before walking over to the driver side and got in. "Normally I would drop you off at the shelters so you can find a better home," he started out of the parking lot and headed towards his home, literally five blocks away, "but judging from the abuse I saw, this is an everyday thing for you so, therefor, you will be scared of large families wanting to take you in. I live on my own with just a handful of friends, mostly two annoying friends, and that's it."

Bark bark bark.

Athos gave a small laugh and slowly raised his hand to pet d'Artagnan but paused when the puppy whined and moved back a little. "Hey now. I'm not going to hurt you. You let me pick up back there and now you won't let me pet you?" He thought he saw d'Artagnan tilt his head a little like the puppy was actually thinking about what he said and the puppy then slowly crawled a little until his head was touching his hand. "See? Nothing to be afraid of." Athos started to rub d'Artagnan's head and pulled into his driveway.

It was a small one floor, basement, two bedroom, one bath, and small yard house he was renting from his close friend Constance Bonacieux. After his break up five years ago with his ex Milady, he needed to move far away from where they used to live and knew Constance's husband had leased houses for a fair price as long as you paid on time and took care of the houses. With the help of Aramis and Porthos, he had moved into this decent house within a few days and had lived there ever since. Opening the door, he stepped in and turned the lights on as he set his keys down and walked into the bathroom.

"Why don't we get you cleaned up? I'm no Aramis, but I do know how to treat minor wounds." He set the puppy in the sink; a sad smile when the puppy tried to get out but he held him firm but gentle. He turned the water on to warm and reached over to grab some soap and start cleaning. After three minutes, the water started to run red and d'Artagnan's fur was starting to get nice and soft. "I'm sorry I don't have any food for you but I promise to go out tomorrow morning and get you some dog food. Does that sound good?"

Bark bark.

Athos smiled and turned the water off, grabbing a towel off the rack and started petting d'Artagnan dry. He noticed there was still blood coming from some wounds so has fast as he could, went to the hall cupboard to grab some bandages, and came back in time to see d'Artagnan about to leap off the counter. "Oh no you don't." He pushed d'Artagnan back and unrolled the bandages before wrapping them around d'Artagnan's small body. "Aramis and Porthos will be over tomorrow so I can have Aramis look you over so this is going to have to do."

Once d'Artagnan was bandaged, he set him on the floor and walked into his bedroom, getting ready to turn in for the night. Once he changed and turned off all the lights, he got settled under the covers only to lift his head when he heard a small whine. Smirking, he sat up and looked over the bed to see d'Artagnan sitting there looking up at him. He reached down and scooped d'Artagnan up and set him on the bed.

"Looks like you are getting to like me now."

d'Artagnan just yawned and started circling around until he settled down by Athos side. For once in his life, feeling safe. So safe, that he closed his eyes and knew he could go to sleep without getting a beating.