I know I know I know! I'm starting yet another oneshot series but Roy/Wally...I-I can't resist xD these are also on my tumblr just in case you recognize them.
I own nothing

Please enjoy and review prompts one word or phrases please...

Their first kiss was needy, desperate and spontaneous. It all started with a fight over Wally's reckless behavior.

"Dammit Wally! I don't care about your speed healing!" Roy yelled at the redheaded boy that currently occupied the elder's couch, nursing a sprained ankle.

"Roy, relax. Everything worked out in the end. If there's something I can do to help a situation I'm going to do it." Wally responded standing up. Wally's calmness about the whole situation only infuriated Roy more.

"This whole self-sacrifice ideology you have is going to get you killed someday!" Roy continued to yell, trying to get his point across.

"If it's to protect my friends and family, then I'll gladly do whatever it takes."

Roy stalked forward inadvertently pushing Wally against the wall behind him. "Geez Wally! I get that your a hero, I really do but for once think of yourself!"

"Hello! Roy I do! I'm always thinking of the consequences and how much strain I put my body through."

Roy gritted his teeth, "That's not the point!"

Wally leaned forward and yelled back, utterly frustrated, "Then what is the point!?"

Roy grabbed his shoulders, and without thinking ahead of time, yelled "The point is I can't lose you!"

Silence overtook the room as the declaration shocked both boys. Their eyes widened simultaneously.
"Roy...?" Wally muttered, he felt his heart rate speed up and a blush heat up his face.

Roy attempted to amend what he said, "I...I mean...Wally I uhm..." he made a split second decision. It was now or never. He pushed Wally into the wall when he crashed their lips together.

"Mmhmm!" Wally's failed attempt to speak rang out as he slowly melted into the embrace. His shock and confusion turned into pure bliss.
Roy then heard a cross between a whimper and a moan. When they parted both were panting slightly from loss of air. Roy blushed when he took in Wally's appearance; the blushing face, bruised lips and panting was almost too much for the archer.

Wally tried to make sense of what had just happened, "Roy...you-"

"I'm sorry, Wally. I-I shouldn't have-" Wally's fingers cut Roy off as the young speedster looked up at him shyly.

"Me...?" Roy nodded, "You..."
Wally smiled sweetly and a loving look took over his eyes. Roy blushed harder at the expression and Wally pulled him closer to reconnect their lips in a more loving, soft and passionate kiss.